One Night Bride

Chapter 114

The old man looked at the jade pendant in the light of the fire and nodded reluctantly

Zhao Deji and Xu Caizhi, father-in-law Kang had been on the boat, and Hua Rong was reluctant to give up the one in ten thousand "kinsys", but the boat could not carry the horse, so she ignored the pain and hit the horse hard, "kinsys, you can escape yourself." Then, immediately rushed up and got on the boat

As soon as they got on the boat, she and Xu Caizhi hurried to help the old man row Seeing this, Zhao Deji also rowed with him The old man was very surprised and wondered why these people worked harder than themselves

As soon as the boat reached the middle of the river, Jin Bing had chased the bank, raised a torch and shouted, "Zhao Deji, it's on that boat..."

"Chase, chase, don't let him go..."

"Go and find a boat."


However, Jin Jun could only shout in vain after all. There was only one boat here. They didn't know the nature of water, so they had to scold angrily and watched the ship go away with their eyes open

When Jin Wushu arrived, the boat had already been out of sight He looked for a long time and stood still

Suddenly someone shouted, "Kinsey, it's Kinsey."

He whistled, and Kinsey heard the old master's order and ran over from the beach Jin Wushu took the reins, and the flowers dissolved. He gave up his horse and crossed the river with Zhao Deji

He asked urgently, "what river is this?"

Han Chang, a Han General in his army, replied, "report to the fourth prince that the river is the current of the raging sea, and entering around the river is the sea. Zhao Deji has only a small boat. If he doesn't want to die in the storm of the sea, he must dock nearby."

"Well, immediately send troops to guard the major berths along the way. This time, it's called Zhao Deji unable to fly!"


When the crowd dispersed, he stood silently by the river for a while, looking at the dim moonlight in the distance, and sighed: "Hua Rong, is it worth it for you to sacrifice your life to save a shameless and cowardly faint king?"

Suddenly, she remembered that day, under the battle of life and death, she was merciful to herself. It was that hesitation. At such a critical moment, she could hesitate - and her heart was very excited

Kinsys neighed again. He was very angry and slapped it heavily: "you traitor, unexpectedly saw Hua Rong and went with her. Is she better to you than the crown prince?"

The horse didn't know whether he understood people's words or not. It was another neighing, which sounded very pathetic at night

The boat rowed faster and farther away from the shore Jin Jun's scolding and shouting were not heard at all

The old man with dim eyes guessed who these people were at this time, but he never thought it was the son of heaven

When the boat reached the middle of the river, he saw that the torches were all hidden, and then he said, "where are you going?"

Hua Rong and Xu Caizhi looked at Zhao Deji. His face was blank, and he obviously didn't know where to go

This river bank line is very long. If you go further, you will join the vast sea. Along the way, there are gold troops who are in pursuit of you, and the so-called "King Qin army" will all retreat and collapse thousands of miles!

Zhao Deji was so confused that he didn't know what to do

The boatman asked again, "where are you going?"

Under the boundless night, Hua Rong looked at the retreating mountains on both sides of the river center, looked at Zhao Deji, and lowered his voice: "you say, where to go?"

"Ronger! I don't know!"

Hua Rong was shocked. Hearing that he was so depressed for the first time, he seemed to have no hope for the future She put down the oars, glanced at the boatman who asked, and slowly said, "boatman, where is the front?"

Hearing her clear voice, the boatman was kind and liked her very much. He hurried to say, "this is a branch, and there is going to be a sea ahead. Girl, why don't I stop and dock, and you have a rest first?"


Xu Caizhi saw that she had made a decision and breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Deji still pillowed his head under the moonlight, as if in a state of meditation

There was water on the boat. Hua Rong took a bowl and brought it to him. He took a drink and shook his hand. Most of the water was splashed on the side of the boat. Suddenly, he hugged Hua Rong and began to cry

Hua Rong knew his mood at this time and didn't push him away. After a while, he slowly raised his head and let go of her

At this time, the sky was already dim, and he saw that the jade pendant he had attached to the boatman was the one he had rewarded Hua Rong to marry. His heart was even more bitter: "rong'er, thank you..."

Hua Rong smiled: "Grandpa Kang and Lord Xu are still with you. I'll go to see if there is anything and get you a fresh fish soup..."

He nodded and saw Hua Rong quickly walk onto the bow. At this time, he was in a state of confusion, and he was in need of a stable person around him. Hua Rong's face did not change, and he was extremely calm. Suddenly, he remembered that he had seen her for the first time. The girl who fell into the water was dying, as if he could never live again. Now, after a few years in a hurry, the weak girl has become a strong and mature woman But myself, on the contrary, because of the collapse of the country and the death of my family, I live a fearful life of being chased and killed all day, and become panicked all day long

The boatman was nodding in the bow. The flowers melted away and saluted, "old man, can you get something to eat on this boat?"

The boatman opened his eyes, looked at the light, and hurriedly said, "yes."

He stood up and casually picked up the jade pendant that Huarong gave him. He couldn't see it clearly last night. Now he can see clearly that the dragon and tiger patterns on it are unexpectedly the property of the son of heaven

This surprise was no small matter. He walked a few steps into the cabin and fell on his knees with a plop: "I don't know it's the emperor. Please atone for it."

"Please get up, old man."

"This is the property of the emperor. The grass people dare not covet it. Now return it to the emperor."

Zhao Deji is now alone, leaving only this reward Hua Rong, and he can't keep it. He sighs, looks at Hua Rong, and Hua Rong smiles: "old man, the official family has been rescued by you, and you can't repay it. Please take it."

Ji San, the boatman, could not refuse, and received the Jade Pendant: "the grass people will go to get something to eat for the emperor immediately."

"Thank you, old man."

Ji San went to the bow of the ship to start a fire. He emptied all the storage on the ship and soon got a dish of peanuts, a dish of pickled fish, a pot of fresh fish soup and a big pot of rice

The four of them ran away for a night and ate it without hesitation, but Jue had never eaten such a delicious thing in his life

After the four people finished eating, the boatman cleared the table and said, "there is a big ship ahead, which is run by Lin Daguan, the owner of the grass people. Lin Daguan is the owner of this river. He has millions of wealth and is forthright and righteous. If the emperor doesn't abandon him, the grass people will take the emperor and others there immediately."

Zhao Deji hesitated a little. He was frightened and inevitably had doubts in his heart. Xu Caizhi dared not be careless to ensure the safety of the officials at this end of the road

Hua Rong looked at Ji San and suddenly said, "thank you, old man."

She turned to Zhao Deji and whispered, "the soldiers and civilians in the south must have known that the officials are here. They might as well get on the boat and meet the local big families."

Zhao Deji listened reasonably, thought a little, there was really no other way out, and immediately agreed

The boat sailed across the river and into the sea ahead

The sea was very calm. Looking from a distance, there were many small boats parked in the port in front

The boatman whistled and went to a big ship ahead

The big ship is up to three stories high and very imposing. It is a business ship used by local rich businessmen to go to sea

Zhao Deji took a few steps, feeling uneasy. Hua Rong held a bow in one hand and a knife in the waist in the other hand. He and one of Xu Cai protected him left and right

"Your Majesty, this is the merchant ship of senior official Lin. senior official Lin has helped the people and accepted people from all directions over the years, which is known as Xiao Meng. His ancestors used to be the navy of the imperial court, and by his generation, he has specialized in maritime business..."

The two sailors recognized Ji San, put down the spiral ladder, and the boatman shouted, "is senior official Lin here? I have something important to find him."

The sailors saw that the people on his ship were beautiful and did not dare to underestimate them, so they immediately went in to inform him

After a while, an old man over 50 came out with several people The old man said, "Ji San, what's important?"

Ji San said, "there is a visitor surnamed Zhao."

The old man saw clearly and hurriedly asked him to put down a small boat and meet him in person

As soon as Zhao Deji got ashore, he stood back from the crowd. Ji San was familiar with the world and immediately followed him to take Zhao Deji and others into the cabin

When the people went in, the door closed, and the old man immediately led the people to kneel to the ground: "little minister Lin Zhijie, see your majesty, the escort is late, and I hope to apologize."

Four people are surprised and suspicious. Ji San has not been introduced yet. How did Lin Zhijie know?

At this time, Zhao Deji did not hide his identity, and helped him up with his own hands: "Mr. Lin, exemption."

Lin Zhijie stood up and knelt down in front of a memorial tablet next to him. Zhao Deji couldn't help kneeling down when he saw it. His feelings were mixed. On the memorial tablet was his ancestor song Taizu, and next to it was his portrait

His appearance is cool. No wonder Lin Zhijie recognized him at a glance

Listening to Lin Zhijie, it was his ancestors who followed song Taizu to fight north and South and made great contributions Later, Taizu "drank wine to release the military power", gave more Liangtian jewelry, and let all the ministers go back to their hometown to be rich Weng. Lin Zhijie's ancestor ran a maritime business and became a very rich man Although there are no more officials in the family, they still retain the hereditary last rank When he heard of the pursuit of Jin Jun, he heard that "a guest surnamed Zhao came to visit", and then compared with the usual portrait of Taizu, he immediately understood the identity of Zhao Deji and others, so he still called them "ministers"

Zhao Deji was in danger. He didn't expect to meet the old minister of Taizu here. He called for the blessing of his ancestors. Mixed feelings, he took his hand and wept unceasingly

The king and his ministers wept relatively. For a moment, Lin Zhijie persuaded him. At this time, a servant had already sent clean clothes and tea

Lin Zhijie introduced several people around him, including his son Shiro and his son-in-law Zhang Shiwu

This cabin is very large and is arranged like a luxurious living room on land As soon as Zhao Deji and others sat down, they saw autumn fresh fruits and vegetables, delicious food and wine on the table

Lin Zhijie said, "what's your Majesty's plan?"

Zhao Deji did not answer, but heard the hurried steps outside the cabin, and two sailors ran in, stunned: "no, the golden soldiers are coming."

Zhao Deji suddenly stood up and went out, and Lin Zhijie followed him out. On the opposite shore, countless ships suddenly started. Thousands of golden soldiers poured into the shore, shooting like arrows. Once the boatman fell into the water, the golden army went to rob the ship

Everyone could see clearly that Lin Zhijie shouted "sail", and the ship set sail and went to the sea

Zhao Deji and Hua Rong, who had been frightened all night, stood on the cabin and watched the Jin army raging and the ships chasing after them. They had mixed feelings. They didn't know what to do tomorrow after today

Jin junbing was divided into three routes, one led by deputy commander Gu Shen and the other led by yeluma into Zhenjiang, while Jin Wushu, under the guidance of Han General Han Chang, led people to copy the route and followed the river with 500 Jingqi. Be sure to catch Zhao Deji

Hearing the attack of the Jin army, men and women inside and outside the city rushed to the river in an attempt to escape

There were too few boats and too many people. The owner took the opportunity to ask for a high price, 10 gold degrees a person. It was so crowded that he scrambled to get on the boat. If he was not careful, he fell into the water

However, there are still the vast majority of people who cannot get on the ship and run away with gold and silver Jin Wushu and others rushed to the river, and men and women were surrounded as animals and driven to the east port

At this time, in the scattered ships, we can see a huge merchant ship heading for the sea

"Come on, Zhao Deji must be on this ship."


Jin Jun shot and killed. Han Chang knew the nature of water, and was ready to buy a small group of sailors. Soon, he organized a fleet of more than 20 speedboats to pursue them rapidly

Jin Wushu took the lead in boarding a five tooth warship and set sail to catch up with the ship

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