One Night Bride

Chapter 115

The merchant ship fled quickly, and there was no way around. Zhao Deji stood on the third floor cabin and looked, and the pursuers behind him became more and more urgent Lin Zhijie was well-informed and kept calm in his panic. He looked at the sky: "we are sailing along the West. There are many islands in front of us, so we can avoid it."

At this time, Zhao Deji was desperate and completely obedient to Lin Zhijie Hua Rong and Xu Caizhi had no sailing experience, so they had to rely on him

For five or six days, Jin Jun failed to catch up, but remained in sight Lin Zhijie ordered that the ship's speed should not be reduced at all. Fortunately, there was enough water on the ship and it was safe for the time being

However, such drifting is not the way. Although he gradually got rid of the pursuit of the Jin army, he drifted away for more than a month and stopped walking, but he couldn't find a place to land

That evening, the sky suddenly darkened, and groups of seabirds, with their suppressed cries, flitted across the sea, groups of groups, I do not know where they are going

The captain rushed up: "master, it's bad. It's going to rain."

Lin Zhijie stamped his feet and sighed, "speed up, don't stop."

"But it's too dangerous. It's getting dark again. You must find a place to stop."

There were heavy pursuers behind. Stopping was a dead end. Lin Zhijie resolutely said, "keep moving."


The sky was as dark as ink, and soon there was a heavy rainstorm The merchant ship was bumping on the sea and under the rough waves. At this time, it was completely like a grain of dust in the desert and would be destroyed at any time

Zhao Deji sat in the inner cabin and looked at the huge waves outside hitting the window layer by layer Hua Rong and Xu Caizhi stood beside him, and were bumped to pieces. Hua Rong, in particular, was almost unstable

Lin Zhijie hurried in with a strange dress in his hand: "Your Majesty, this is the 'life jacket' that Chen brought back from a small western country when he was on a long voyage. Put it on."

Zhao Deji himself also couldn't sit steadily. With the chair leaning around, he just grabbed the armrest firmly with his hand and said miserably, "If heaven is going to kill me, how can a small dress be saved? Lin Aiqing, put it on yourself."

"Your Majesty, the dragon body matters."

Zhao Deji saw that he was loyal to the Lord and took the life jacket. Suddenly, he saw Hua Rong leaning sideways, with messy hair and dark face. With a long sigh, he handed her the life jacket: "rong'er, put it on."

Hua Rong was so bumped that he almost vomited out, and quickly shook his head: "official family, you don't care about me, your dragon body is important."

Seeing that Hua Rong resolutely refused, Zhao Deji stopped persuading him, so he put on his life jacket and looked at the huge waves outside: "if God has an eye to escape this disaster, I will be able to turn bad into good."

Unable to comfort him, Lin Zhijie hurried down and discussed with the captain

The ship had begun to enter the water. In the boundless night, I didn't know how long it had been blowing. The captain was about to order to cut off the mast, and the storm suddenly stopped

The planks were full of people who fell staggering. One by one, they described it in disorder. They thought there was no way to reincarnation, but they saw the storm suddenly stop and jumped up with joy

Zhao Deji was covered with water, his life jacket was wet on his body, and Hua Rong reluctantly leaned against the door of the cabin. He collapsed and couldn't stand steadily

Xu Caizhi was barely awake and came forward to hold Zhao Deji. He saw Lin Zhijie hurry up: "Your Majesty, the storm has stopped."

Zhao Deji completely collapsed in a chair and muttered, "Taizu bless."

Lin Zhijie had many risks in going to sea in his life, but he had never seen such a big storm. What's more strange is that the storm still stopped by itself. He was even more awed by Zhao Deji: "Your Majesty, the real dragon and the son of heaven, blessed by the Taizu, my little minister should do his best to escort."

"I can get rid of this great difficulty, and loving Qing is a great feat."

"Thank you, your majesty."

After the storm, the sea calmed down in the middle of the night, and the sky was covered with mountains. Looking at it, it was boundless, as if the whole world had fallen asleep

Looking back, Jin Jun's ship had long disappeared, and I didn't know where the sea was. Everyone had completely lost their way in the sea

Zhao Deji said, "old man, where should I go next?"

"Return to your majesty, wait until it is clear, identify the direction, and then make a decision. Now, everyone had better take a rest first."

"That's it,"

All the people who fought with the storm in the middle of the night collapsed on the deck one by one Lin Zhijie went to open a huge sealed box, took out clean clothes and gave them to everyone

Hua Rong felt cold and hot at this time, but she was afraid of everyone's worry. Without revealing a word, she silently went to a cabin and changed her clothes. When she came back, she saw that father-in-law Kang was serving Zhao Deji and had fallen asleep on the bed in the cabin Xu Caizhi sleeps beside him with his sword

Hua Rong withdrew silently, stood on the deck, found a slightly dry place, and looked at the mountains on the sea in the night, as ethereal as fairyland She touched her hot forehead and leaned against the side of the ship. Vaguely, she suddenly saw Yue Pengju and shouted "Pengju" in surprise. Her head was empty and she almost touched the cold deck. She suddenly woke up and found that the sky was already bright

A fiery red sun rises from the sea, which is very different from the sun seen on land Vaguely, there are continuous islands in front, and I don't know how big or how many

After a short rest, Lin Zhijie accompanied Zhao Deji to the cabin on the third floor and looked at the sky in the distance Zhao Deji said, "where is this?"

Lin Zhijie said, "Xiao Chen is also very strange. He is not familiar with this area. It is obvious that he lost his way last night."

He called his son, "Siro, you have run this sea area these years. Are you familiar with this place?"

Lin sirang looked for a long time and shook his head. His brother-in-law Zhang Shiwu suddenly said, "this is a desert island. The villain once ventured here, and a group of Pirates live on the island..."


Hua Rong on one side suddenly thought of King Qin. When he looked at this sea area, he had no impression at all, and he didn't know whether it was king Qin's sea area

Zhao Deji had several months of experience in garrisoning at the seaside, but it was basically fleeting, and he had no real experience in driving. He ran around for days and ran away. The sea was not as fast as the land, and it changed rapidly. From a distance, he didn't know where the faint Island was

"When the villain was a teenager, he went to sea and met pirates with my father, so he was very impressed. If you bypass the islands and detour eastward, you can go out."

Lin Zhijie said, "do you have to go around here?"

"Yes, there is an exit to the sea, otherwise, the ship will enter the ocean and disappear from there."

Lin Zhijie turned to look at Zhao Deji. Zhao Deji looked at the sailors on his ship. These people are also good at war, because to protect goods, they are all bodyguards

"Old man, are you sure about fighting the bandit leader?"

Lin Zhijie shook his head. "Although I'm not sure, the grass people have a plan."

Zhao Deji hurriedly said, "old man, but it doesn't matter."

"Your Majesty's Royal grace is vast. It's better to recruit this gang of bandits and promise high officials and rich salaries. They must wash their hands and work for the imperial court. In the future, they will also be granted wives and sons."

"OK, that's it. But who will be sent to persuade?"

"Shiro, the son of Cao min, can go."

He shouted, and Lin Silang immediately came forward. Lin Silang was 35 or 16 years old, medium build, dark faced, very strong. He walked on the sea all year round and had been to many small countries along the coast to do business

Seeing that he was willing to take such a big risk, Zhao Deji sighed, "the old man is loyal. If I can escape this disaster, I will reward your father and son heavily."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Lin Shiwu said, "my father bribed the pirates and was able to escape. Their pirate leader's surname was Zhou, and I still knew him. He was generous, but I don't know if he was still this person."

"Well, you and Shiro should go to inquire first. Moreover, the ship must dock and make some repairs. Plus, the water on the ship is not enough to make up for it in a hurry. It's best to get some water."


At present, Lin Zhijie selected several tough sailors. Hua Rong had been on King qin island for several months and was familiar with some of the styles of pirates. He said, "Uncle Lin, I'll go with you."

Lin Zhijie hurriedly said, "girl, the bandit leader is ruthless. It's too dangerous."

Zhao Deji was left with only Xu Caizhi and Hua Rong, who didn't want her to take risks. He shook his head: "rong'er, you are a female after all. It's inconvenient. Let's wait and see."


Another day, towards evening, the ship was near the continuous islands Looking around, I don't know how wide and how long the trees on the island are, but in Huarong's consciousness, this is not king Qin's Island

She didn't know if she was relieved. She just watched silently as the sea breeze in the evening blew the fine white sand up

The ship had not yet landed, and several warnings had sounded, apparently from pirate surveillance

Zhang Shiwu was ready and shouted a few slogans. The pirates hesitated, as if they acquiesced in the ship's far shore

Lin Silang and the others took some gifts from the ship and put down a small clam board to go ashore

As soon as the boat docked, several pirates rushed up. Zhang fifteen said a few jargon and asked, "is brother Zhou here?"

This group of people were King Zhou's minions. Seeing that they had brought rich gifts, they were very happy: "who are you? I'll take you to see brother Zhou immediately."

Brother Zhou, who claims to be Zhou Qi, is drinking and having fun. When he sees Zhang fifteen coming with a cage, he points to him, "you boy, you look familiar."

Zhang fifteen saluted: "villain Zhang fifteen, I've seen the seventh master once."

Zhou Qi laughed: "remember, your father gave me a gift, boy, what are you doing this time? Are you in trouble? Or were you robbed by other pirates?"

Zhang fifteen saluted respectfully and lowered his voice: "I have something important to report."

Zhou Qiping retreated around. After listening to Zhang fifteen, his face changed greatly. After a long time, he suddenly said, "brother Zhang, you gave me a wealth for nothing, but I dare not worship it easily. To be honest, this island has been subordinated to my king a few days ago, and I have to ask his opinion."

"It's easy to say."

"I'll send my brothers to greet you. Brother Zhang, go back and wait first. I'll inform you as soon as I have news."

"Thank you, master Zhou."

The ship temporarily docked on the shore, and the crowd anxiously waited for the crowd to return It was not until the afternoon that I saw the clamboard coming back

Zhao Deji was always anxious, but when he saw that Lin sirang looked happy, he breathed a sigh of relief: "sirang, but have you got eyebrows?"

Shiro saluted: "return to your majesty, the Bandit on the island is called Zhou Qi, who is called the seventh Lord. But he said that his island was subdued by another gang of bandit leaders not long ago. He said that he could not decide by himself, and he had to ask the master to repay his majesty. At present, he allowed us to dock temporarily."

"Who is the leader of the thief?"

"He wouldn't reveal it, but said his surname was Qin."

Hua Rong's heart clicked. She was already nervous. This angry sea was close to King Qin's sea area, but because it was not this island, she kept taking chances, thinking, maybe not Now, hearing the surname "Qin", my heart is half cold If you were King Qin, how could you accept the invitation and reward?

Zhao Deji also defended in this area, but for one thing, the time was short and the foundation was insufficient. For another, he never met King Qin face to face and didn't recognize him at all. Therefore, even if he had heard of "King Qin" for a long time, he didn't know who he was

Hua Rong knows something bad, but she can't say anything Lin Silang continued, "Zhou Qi is very moved. He has left to report to the leader. He said there would be news by tomorrow morning at the latest."

Pirates have their own special contact methods, but at the moment, everyone is hiding on the edge of this isolated island, and Jin Jun will catch up at any time, and staying there is no way at all We had to dock temporarily

A group of patrolling pirates didn't know it was the son of heaven, but after hearing Zhou Qifen's instructions, they didn't dare to neglect it, only looking at the fleeing people curiously

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