One Night Bride

Chapter 116

I also saw that there was a woman with bright eyes and bright teeth, all secretly looking at them Hua Rong didn't care either, just observing the terrain all the way

That night, they lit a bonfire on the shore and stayed all night. Because they didn't know whether Jin Jun was coming, they finally didn't dare to sleep soundly that night. They took turns on duty and spent the night in panic

Besides, he sent a signal on Monday morning, led only two minions, drove an express water boat, and arrived at the middle island overnight. By this time, it was already dawn

He went ashore, and several pirates met him: "brother Zhou Qi, what's the matter?"

"I want to see King Qin. It's urgent."

Seeing that he was in a hurry and dared not delay, the pirate immediately took him to a huge wooden house on the island

Moreover, since King Qin was resolutely refused by Hua Rong, and saw the two "get married", he knew there was nothing he could do. Yue Peng held it by his side, but he couldn't take Hua Rong away. In anger, he had a fight and was injured Seeing that Hua Rong was indifferent to his injury, he avoided himself as much as he saw cockroaches and mice, for fear of being touched by a little bit, and he had no friendship with himself He thought of finding his wife all the way, and the subordinates he followed died. He also narrowly escaped death and rescued her from the golden camp. He had expected to hold his wife home, but he ended up with such an end. He vomited blood angrily, didn't stay at the moment, and rushed back to his nest

After returning to the sea and taking a rest, he began to take over all the surrounding small islands. Zhou Qi, a small pirate, was also one of them. People took him as the leader and joined hands to do "business". His territory was expanding day by day and he was free to be a sea overlord

That day, he was working with a group of minions to study how to subdue a big island that had always been unable to attack and refused to surrender. He was discussing the fierce place, and the little minion on on duty came in a hurry: "Your Majesty, it's coming on Sunday."

"Call him in."

On the seventh day of the week, he hurried in and looked happy: "Your Majesty, there is a big deal coming."

"What big deal?"

"A big businessman surnamed Lin came to us and said he wanted to pass by."

"Oh? If you want to go, just stay and buy money. What's the big deal? What's valuable on his merchant ship?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know..." Zhou Qi lowered his voice and looked around. King Qin understood and held back. "What's the matter?"

"The merchant surnamed Lin's ship is not gold and silver, but it is better than gold and silver. It's a rare commodity to live in. That person seems to be the emperor of the Zhao family, who was chased to the sea by the gold Army... Brother, think about it, if we escort meritorious, we can get fame and titles..."

Lin Silang, in accordance with the express implication of Lin Silang and Zhang Shiwu, gave Zhou Qixu a high official and high salary. He was born as a robber. The ideal outcome is to be recruited. Now Zhou Qi has been personally promised by the son of heaven, thinking that King Qin will naturally be moved

After King Qin returned to the sea, although he did not ask for foreign affairs and blindly attacked and occupied his sphere of influence, the Jin army chased all the way from the mountains to Yangzhou. Such a noisy event will naturally be repaid to him However, Zhao Deji was chased to the sea, and such a long distance was really beyond his surprise

My heart suddenly jumped wildly. Since Zhao Deji was chased here, will Hua Rong be with him?

He calmed down: "is there a woman in Zhao Deji's line?"

Zhou Qi was puzzled: "who is Zhao Deji?"

He didn't know the name of the emperor of the Zhao family. King Qin waved, "is there a woman in that group?"

"Little brother, I can only see Lin Silang and Zhang Shiwu. It's too late to see others. King, do you want a woman?"

"I have plenty of women. Nothing, just ask. I'm afraid I'll fall into their trap."

"There are not many bodyguards in their entourage, and there is a great disparity in strength. I can't see that it's possible to cause harm to us before they are allowed to dock. Because it's important, they don't dare to make decisions, so I'm here to ask brother."

"Well, I'll go and have a look." After thinking for a while, he suddenly said, "forget it. No, Zhao Deji is not a good thing. It has nothing to do with Lao Tzu to be caught by bird gold man. Anyway, his family is unstable. Reply to them and ask them to bypass..."

Zhou Qi hesitated for a moment. If he was really the son of heaven and didn't rescue, wouldn't it be a capital crime in the future?

"Do you want to detain them? Just don't do it at all..."

"No need. Don't make any difficulties without help. Also, return all the gifts they gave you. If necessary, you can help them with some water."


Zhou Qi was very disappointed, but king Qin stared: "leave Zhao Deji and attract Jin Jun. although Jin Ren doesn't learn water warfare, there will be endless trouble after all. Moreover, accompanying a king like accompanying a tiger, if he is careless, he will turn his face and disown people in the future, and our heads will have to move. Except for your island, no other islands are allowed to disclose to him, lest he escape and settle accounts in the autumn."

Zhou Qi didn't dare to disobey orders. Although he was eager to perform meritorious deeds and "escort", he saw that the son of heaven was not a dignified person in a peaceful and prosperous age, but a few people who fled. He thought there was little money to make, and he stopped persuading King Qin and hurried back to reply

When King Qin saw Zhou Qi going out, he wanted to stop him, but thinking about it, Hua Rong had no friendship with him, and he asked her what she did?

Despite the heavy rain and wind, her death at sea had nothing to do with herself Besides, she may not be there yet

Half a day later than expected, they waited anxiously until the afternoon before seeing Zhou Qi and his subordinates hurry For the sake of safety, Zhao Deji and Lin Zhijie were protected by Xu Caizhi and others and got on the ship. Only Lin sirang and others were left to negotiate, and Hua Rong also stayed

Zhou Tong thought of King Qin's words and glanced in the crowd. Sure enough, he saw a woman, but he saw that she was wearing a military uniform and had beautiful eyebrows. He didn't know whether King Qin mentioned her

Because he was ordered to refuse, he did not dare to ask more, but turned to Zhang Shiwu and so on

Lin Silang first saluted, "Xianggong Zhou, did your leader ever promise?"

Zhou Qi was a pirate, but he called it "Xianggong" with the honorary title of this dynasty. Zhou Qi received their generous gifts, but he didn't get things done. He was a little embarrassed: "sorry, the leader didn't agree. Return all your gifts."

"This is a small gift for Duke Zhou, and you don't have to return it."

Lin sirang was very disappointed. He begged again several times, but Zhou Qi still refused, and his tone became impatient: "find another way to live. If necessary, I can also offer some clean water grain."

The crowd had no choice but to pack some water. Lin Silang insisted on leaving all the gifts. Sorry, but he ordered them to take a lot of dry food on Saturday

Hua Rong kept silent and fell behind. At this time, he suddenly opened his mouth: "Duke Zhou, is your leader King Qin?"

Zhou Qi was surprised when she asked, "exactly."

"Can you tell him that I want to talk to him? My name is Hua Rong."

Zhou Qi saw her elegant appearance and gentle conversation. Although he was a rude pirate, he couldn't help being polite: "the boss has said that he won't talk to you about any conditions."

"Tell him my name is Hua Rong. Maybe he will meet me."

Hearing King Qin's special question on July 7, he knew that King Qin must have a relationship with her, and his attitude was more respectful: "girl, please forgive me. The boss refused to meet any of you."

Hearing his words, Hua Rong was more sure that it was Qin Shangcheng. There was no doubt that there would never be a second king Qin in this world

Hua Rong was very disappointed. She was silent for a while and said, "let's wait another two days. Please tell him that Hua Rong has something to ask him."


"Just bother Mr. Zhou for the last time. If he really doesn't see us, we can leave immediately. We don't dare to disturb him any more."

Lin Silang and Zhang Shiwu also took the opportunity to intercede one after another: "thank you for your kindness, Prime Minister Zhou. Please pass it on."

On the seventh day of the week, he received their big gift. He didn't get paid for his useless work. He also saw that Hua Rong was calm and had a good impression. He had to say, "OK, I'll ask later."

"Thanks a lot, we'll wait here."

On July 1st, Lin Si Lang turned around and whispered, "girl, do you know King Qin?"


He and Zhang Shiwu looked at each other, overjoyed: "so, it's really great."

Hua Rong shook his head. "Not necessarily. I only met King Qin once. I'm even an enemy. In order to avoid accidents, you two had better get on the ship and escort. You'd better not wait for me."

The two people looked at each other, so, isn't it an empty joy?

Hua Rong saw that they were terrified and said, "don't worry, you just need to wait for me on the ship. If there is any accident, start the ship immediately and don't worry about me."

"How can this work? We have to accompany you, and then there will be care."


They didn't know what trouble she had with King Qin, but up to now, they had to treat the dead horse as a live horse doctor and take a chance. Although they were nervous, they could only wait for Zhou Qi to come back

Zhou Qi returned to the nest and prepared the boat. As soon as the signal was sent, he saw a sailboat parked in the secret passage. On the bow, King Qin turned his back to him and looked at the vast sea. Two other subordinates drove the boat to dock, as if they had just arrived

He said unexpectedly, "Your Majesty, I was just going to find you. Why did you come in person?"

King Qin didn't answer, but asked, "why do you ask me?"

"Among the people, there is a woman who insists on seeing you. By the way, she says her name is Hua Rong!"

Hua Rong!

Sure enough, it was her

King Qin said lightly, "well, bring her to me. Remember, she is only allowed to come alone."


"She's on the beach ahead. I'll send for her right away."

"No, take her to the island where I live temporarily."


"What's the news about Jin Jun now?"

"There is no news at present. A few days ago, there was a storm, and Jin Ren didn't learn water warfare. It's estimated that he won't catch up for the moment."

"Well, we must strengthen our defense these days. You stay and help them. Just ask a reliable brother of yours to bring Hua Rong to me."


Hua Rong leaned against a coconut tree and was closing his eyes to rest. On Saturday, he said all the way, "girl, my boss, please."

Hua Rong was startled: "is king Qin on the island?"

"No, he just sent someone to see you."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Lin Silang and Zhang Shiwu immediately said, "we'll go with you."

But Zhou Qi said, "you two stay. The king sees this girl alone." With a wave of his hand, a deputy leader next to him came over on Friday. He ordered, "on Friday, you send this girl to see King Qin."


Lin sirang felt a little bad. Would there be any danger for the mysterious pirate leader to see Hua Rong alone? He was about to stop it. Hua RongChong shook his head and whispered, "it's OK. Go back to the emperor first and tell them not to worry."

Zhou Qi was not sure, and whispered to Friday, "you must try your best to send someone away to ensure her safety. This is the emperor's official family."


Hua Rong had left on Friday. Finally, Lin Silang felt that things were dangerous. He immediately got on the boat and saw Zhao Deji. He immediately said, "Your Majesty, Miss Hua Rong is gone..."

Zhao Deji was stunned: "where have you been?"

"Zhou Qi said that their leader was king Qin. Miss Hua Rong said she knew this person, so she went to talk with him."

Lin Zhijie said, "why don't you follow?"

"King Qin pointed out that as long as she met alone, he sent someone to see her off on Sunday."

Zhao Deji suddenly remembered that many years ago, Hua Rong had fallen into the hands of pirates, and his heart was cold: "no, Rong Er will fall into the thief's cave again."

Xu Caizhi also knew the matter, and hurriedly said, "Miss Hua has a sense of propriety. Since she dares to go, she will not be rash."

Zhao Deji was worried at last, shook his head, and was even more frustrated. Looking at the green island in front of him, he sighed in his heart that it was even more difficult for me to be an ordinary person, not to mention the son of the Taiping emperor

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