One Night Bride

Chapter 118

It was late at night, and the pirates' vulgar ditty had completely disappeared

Hua Rong sat on the bed. Although she was nervous, she couldn't resist sleepiness after all. Leaning against the head of the bed, her eyelids were too tired to open, but she couldn't sleep soundly. In a daze, she just felt a strange sound outside the door

She started up and dared not go out. She listened quietly for a while, and there was no sound at the door

After a while, the tension eased, and she closed her clothes and lay down again There was no sound at the door

In the eastern sky, the star has risen, and King Qin stood outside the door, breathing fast

Looking at him nervously on Friday, "Your Majesty?"

"Get back now."


He retreated to one side on Friday and was very worried. He had to take good care of Hua Rong's safety with Lin sirang on Zhou Qi. However, how could he dare to disobey King Qin when he came?

He couldn't help but whispered, "king, do you want to see Miss Huarong? Let me wake her up?"


The woman who sleeps in it is the wife who worships herself and crosses the room. However, she is also a woman who has nothing to do with herself!

"I only like Yue Pengju. I only marry him. Get out of here. I hate seeing you!"

Why can a man have no wife? Why must she?

Damn girl, since she is so heartless, why do you want to come to the door?

With a sneer, his resentment grew stronger and stronger. He could hardly wait to rush in and grab her and severely humiliate her However, he put his hand on the door, and after a while, he didn't open it after all, and strode away

Catch up on Friday: "Your Majesty, I'll bring her to see you tomorrow morning?"

"I'm not free."

It was not easy to wait until dawn, and Hua Rong jumped out of bed

Standing at the door on Friday, she hurriedly said, "where is king Qin?"

On Friday, he was also anxious: "King Qin said he was not free today."

"Well, what should we do? When will he be free?"

"He said he would call you when he was free."

She knew that King Qin was intentional, but there was nothing she could do. She thought, "I'll find him."

"King Qin has a bad temper. You'd better not annoy him..."

She knew this better than Friday, and couldn't help touching her hair, as if the pain of being pulled through her hair spread all over her body

However, if Jin Jun catches up with the emperor and his party after staying here, what should he do?

She rushed into King Qin's room without fear

At the door, two pirates stopped her: "what are you doing?"

"I want to see King Qin."

"Don't intrude unless summoned by the king."

"I have something urgent..."

"What's your emergency?"

After the voice came to her, she suddenly turned around. King Qin put his arm around a woman. They hung on him like water snakes and kept kissing him

These three people seemed to kiss all the time Hua Rong felt sick and frowned slightly

King Qin was happy, but his eyes were full of blood He glanced at her and saw that her eyes were dark, bloodshot, and her hair was messy. She was no longer as exquisite as before

"King Qin, talk to me. Any condition is OK..."

"I'm going to take two beauties to play today. I'm not free."

"King Qin, I have something important..."

"What can be more important than my pleasure? Hahahaha..."

Hua Rong watched helplessly as he hugged left and right and leaned against the door, totally helpless

By noon, she ran to King Qin's "bedroom". The door was quiet and seemed to be empty

The guard's Little Pirate rolled his eyes and ignored her

"Where is king Qin?"


"Where is he?"

"In the Happy Valley"

Happy Valley?

She suddenly heard bursts of music on her left, all obscene words and songs, and immediately followed the sound, but she saw a colorful room, full of autumn flowers outside, a powder fragrance all the way, and bursts of charming laughter and flattering words inside

She walked over and pushed open the open door. In it, a dozen prostitutes played, sang and danced. King Qin sat in the middle with a large table of delicious food in front of him. He was naked and drank a glass of wine in one gulp. The two prostitutes Hua Rong had seen were lying on him to please him

I don't know who found her first, Jiao shouted, "king, someone is looking for you..."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to her, and King Qin laughed, "Hua Rong, will you also come to serve the king?"

Hua Rong, flushed with fear, immediately backed out and ran a long way before he breathed out a long breath In his ear, there was king Qin's laughter, so tyrannical, like a crazy tiger She reluctantly leaned against a tree and found that her legs were soft

King Qin is king Qin and will not change at all

She felt afraid. For a while, she was no longer afraid of him. At this time, all the terrible memories of the old island came up, and her body trembled slightly

I hurried over on Friday, "girl, I'm looking for you."


On Friday, he lowered his voice: "there are many brothers on the island, this... They have no scruples. I'm afraid they will do something bad. Girl, you'd better not walk easily."

This was a reminder to her on Friday that she was afraid that some pirates would take advantage of the opportunity

She nodded and reluctantly said, "thank you. I think we'd better go back."

"Don't wait for the news of King Qin?"

"Wait, he won't help."

Although he was reluctant on Friday, he was afraid that she would be more unpredictable if she stayed, and hurriedly said, "well, I'll say goodbye to the king. Do you want to go with me?"

"No, I'll wait for you right here."

"OK, wait, I'll leave as soon as I come out."


Because of this interruption just now, King Qin simply had no thought at all, and casually drank a mouthful of wine: "shit, it's disappointing."

The two grabbed his neck and kissed him, saying coquettishly, "king, what other music do you want to listen to?"

"Don't want to hear."

At the door, walking in on Friday, King Qin frowned, "what's the matter with you on Friday?"

"Come and say goodbye to the king on Friday."

"Oh, are you leaving?"

"Yes. The villain is about to return with Miss Huarong. I've come to inform the king..."

Hua Rong is leaving. Doesn't the damned girl continue to beg for herself?

He was flustered, and he didn't know why

Hua Rong is leaving? How can I let her go?

If she stays here, she can still see her and know that she is beside her. However, if she leaves - if she leaves this time, she may be buried at the bottom of the sea Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will never see it again in this life

"Your Majesty, I'm leaving."

He subconsciously drank, "don't go!"

I was surprised on Friday: "Your Majesty?"

"Tell Hua Rong to wait, and I'll talk to her about it in the evening."

On Friday, he said happily, "Your Majesty, is this a promise?"

"We'll talk about it then. On Friday, you tell her to wait. If she leaves, I'll skin you."


Hua Rong saw that she came out with a happy face on Friday and said all the way, "girl, King Qin said to see you in the evening."


"He said to talk to you in the evening. It seems that he will agree."

Why should we talk at night? Is it not king Qin?

She was uneasy, and even dared not stay. She hurriedly said, "forget it..."

"Don't wait?"

"Wait, we'll leave right away." In a hurry, she turned and left

Catching up on Friday, I saw her almost trotting all the way

There was a roar behind him: "stop..."

Standing blankly on Friday, King Qin didn't look at him, but stared at Hua Rong's back. The woman had to run away again, every time

"What? Hua Rong, you don't dare to negotiate with me?"

She hurriedly turned around and saw King Qin surrounded by a tiger skin, like a savage, staring at herself with bloody eyes

She was even more frightened: "this... No need..."

He gnashed his teeth. "If you want to save your bird emperor, you can wait until evening, and I may promise you."

On Friday, he whispered, "then wait. If you can't, I'll see you off tomorrow morning."

She leaned silently against the big tree beside the road, and there was no other way, so she had to acquiesce

King Qin didn't look at her much, so he turned and left

Go back to the room full of all kinds of strange smells and sit down. After noon, only some meals were delivered on Friday. They were all rough fish meat and large chunks of fat meat that pirates liked. I don't know what kind of animal it was. There were a few green onions floating on it. It was full of grease. Hua Rong felt sick for a while and couldn't eat it at all. He reluctantly ate half a bowl of rice dizzy

In the evening, there was a fire in place last night, and the pirates gathered to eat and drink, singing and dancing

Hua Rong watched the passage of time and decided to get a result today anyway. If not, he could leave tomorrow

As usual, King Qin hugged the beauty to drink

Hua Rong came forward and said politely, "King Qin, please pass by Haidao."

King Qin was slightly drunk: "how difficult is it to borrow seaway?"

Hua Rong looked at him confused. Did he agree so easily?

At this time, the woman on the left of King Qin took another mouthful of wine, facing his head, cherry lips opened, and spent it in his mouth

King Qin opened his mouth, sprayed the wine on her * * chest, and laughed, "Hua Rong, come and do this once, and I'll let you go."

Huarong stood in place, his head buzzing, his legs and feet numb

A group of minions had laughed and shouted, "come on, that chick, go and kiss the boss... Go and feed the boss a drink..."

The flower dissolved in the banter around, stood still, pale, and only lowered her head

Every time King Qin saw her, he either resisted with open arms and claws, or scolded and mocked. He had never seen her at the moment - docile - that kind of hopeless and sad docility, as if he had accidentally broken into a lamb of wolves. Because of excessive panic, he even forgot his grief

"I only like Yue Pengju and will only marry him. King Qin, give up your heart. I never liked you at all!"

The snake like voice hissed in the heart, and the slightly softer mind immediately became hard

He saw her standing still and said with a smile, "Hua Rong, do you beg me with this attitude?"

Her voice was dry: "how do you want me to beg you?"

"You can't beg?"

She stepped forward and bowed deeply: "King Qin, please be accommodating."

"Ha, are you begging? In a word, I have to give you face? Hua Rong, who do you think you are?"

Hua Rong left in a hurry empty handed. She didn't bring any pearl treasures, and she didn't know whether there were rich jewelry for gifts on Lin Zhijie's ship

She stood stunned, and her voice was very hollow: "after staying here, I'll try to send a supplementary gift, OK?"

"Is it OK?"—— Her voice was so bleak, standing by the fire, a gust of wind blew, and her thin body seemed to sway gently

King Qin took a gulp of wine and laughed again, "that bird emperor, I don't know if he can escape this disaster. Why should you cheat me in empty words?"

She was speechless

Indeed, if you can't pass this level and fall into the encirclement of the Jin army at any time, how can you repay his favor?

She looked up and saw that he was staring at her, his eyes full of ridicule and ridicule, which she had never seen in her life Then I found that I was short of chips for trading. At this critical moment, how can I expect King Qin to give me a favor?

Who is he from King Qin? It's just one of the playthings he robbed before, just like the woman in his arms!

And women are exactly what he needs most

To beg him by oneself is to humiliate oneself

But what else can we do without asking him?

She closed her eyes. This time, this time, if she could help the emperor through the crisis, she would be able to completely repay his saving grace. From then on, she could leave without distractions, and never owe each other Let him be rich and dignified, he only left with Yue Pengju

However, she found herself unable to do even this

"King Qin, I......"

"Hua Rong, I have a way."

"What can I do?"

"You give yourself to me as a gift!"

The two women in King Qin's arms have been impatient for a long time. With the intuition and sensitivity of women, it has been found that King Qin has a deep relationship with this woman. Otherwise, with King Qin's irritability, how can you talk to her endlessly?

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