One Night Bride

Chapter 119

The two of them have received a lot of rewards from King Qin these days. Relying on the favor of King Qin, they wrapped their arms around his neck one by one unscrupulously and said in a charming voice, "king, you have promised to marry our sisters, how can you find someone else?"

"Haha, how can I forget you two little beauties? Don't worry, you two are big. If she wants to, she will be a little three and serve you two..."

"Well, it's good to have a junior to serve our sisters."

Hua Rong couldn't help but step back

He waved: "Hua Rong, come here and lie in my arms, like them..."

Everyone laughed, and even the two women shouted together, "come, come to the king's arms..."

Hua Rong took another step back

Her behavior angered him. King Qin said coldly, "ha, Hua Rong, you are reluctant to sacrifice this for your loyal master?"

Her voice was very low: "King Qin, I can thank you in other ways."

"In what way?"

Her voice was very weak: "high officials, gold and silver jewelry... As long as you accommodate this time, I will ask your majesty to be satisfied with you..."

"High officials and rich salaries are not as happy as Laozi, the thief king; as for gold, silver and jewelry, Laozi has at least more than your Zhaoguan family now. Hua Rong, these are useless to Laozi. What Laozi wants most now is that you lie in my arms and serve me with these two beauties, will you?"

She fought back her tears and took another step back

He pressed step by step, "Hua Rong, you accompany me one night, and I will escort you away in person tomorrow morning. Do you promise?"

She shook her head

He shouted angrily, "get out of here and don't get in my eyes."

Hua Rong didn't make a sound, but just stood in place and watched the campfire crackle A small amount of green bamboo was added to the campfire, which would make a loud noise every hour. Originally, it was to guard against beasts. Later, they went to the island for a long time, and the beasts were scared away, which became a habit and entertainment

King Qin was impatient when he saw that she had been silent for a long time. "Hua Rong, if you agree to this condition, stay. If you don't agree, get out immediately. Don't hinder me from drinking."

Seeing Hua Rong still standing there, the two women in his arms said in a charming voice, "Your Majesty, it's annoying for her to look like this..."

"King, tell her to go, it's annoying..."

"Hua Rong, did you hear that? Do you want to suffer if you stop my beloved beauty from drinking and don't leave again?"

A little pirate had been itching for a long time. Seeing that King Qin was indifferent to the goods delivered to the door, he couldn't help jumping up: "king, this girl will reward the little..."

A jar of wine flew by, and he couldn't dodge. He fell to the ground and got soaked. All the pirates laughed King Qin also laughed: "Wang Xixi, if you catch her, it's yours."

Wang Xixi happily turned over from the ground and got up, and ran to Hua Rong. Hua Rong stepped back a few steps, drew out his bow and arrow and aimed at him: "step back!"

He continued to approach: "little beauty, don't be so fierce, uncle will make you very happy..."

Hua Rong held the arrow and casually looked at King Qin. He was kissing with two beauties At this time, I fully understand that a man who has completely turned over is more terrible than the enemy She was in a trance. She used to think that at least he would not humiliate herself so much, but now he has indulged his brothers to come up - insulting like any robbed woman

Her heart was completely cold. "Whoosh" with an arrow, Wang Xixi stepped back a few steps, and watched with horror as his hat fell to the ground in two, with a small arrow on it Knowing that if she had not been merciful, the arrow would not be a hat, but on her throat

"Good, good arrow..."

There was a roar of applause from the crowd Another joke: "Wang Xixi, you're useless. Hahaha..."

King Qin glanced sideways and saw her withdraw her arrow and turn sideways. He didn't know whether it was fire or his eyes were dazzled. He saw a drop of tears fall from her eyes

His heart tightened, and he could not help but quietly loosen the woman in his arms

On Friday, I brought Hua Rong. I thought she was an old king Qin. However, after two consecutive nights, I obviously felt something wrong and hurried, "girl, you'd better go back."

Seeing that it was the woman he brought and that he had learned from Wang Xixi's hat, they dared not act rashly any more. Seeing her on Friday, they still didn't move. For fear of King Qin's strange tricks, they whispered, "girl, you go."

Hua Rong suddenly stepped forward and looked straight at King Qin. King Qin somehow didn't dare to look at her, looked away and coughed gently

Her voice was still very gentle, but slightly trembling: "King Qin, I beg you, let us pass, OK?"

Hearing her gentle voice, King Qin's heart jumped again. He scolded himself for being unpromising. When he was about to get up, he pushed her away or slapped her in the face. Suddenly, he remembered the drop of tears she had fallen. Somehow, he couldn't help it

He took another sip of wine: "OK! It's OK to go through the aisle. I have two very simple conditions, but it's just a small effort. You can choose one of them..."

"What conditions?"

"First, come and kiss me immediately; second, kneel down and beg me. Which one do you choose?"

Hua Rong's hand holds the bow, his joints are blue, and his face is pale

"Just kiss. Once, I'll let you leave! I promise I won't embarrass you or mention any other conditions."

The crowd burst into laughter


"Just a moment..."

"Kiss the king quickly..."

Hua Rong stood motionless

She was silent for too long

Is it so difficult to kiss? King Qin almost jumped up, "Hua Rong, do you agree?"


King Qin got up and hugged a woman with one hand and left: "shit, it's really unlucky. It's disappointing for me. Hua Rong, even if you promise to serve me, I'm not interested. Go away, I don't want to see you anymore."

Hua Rong watched helplessly as he took his second daughter into the wooden house in front of him, and then slammed the door

A crowd of Pirates rushed up, surrounded Huarong, and shouted on Friday, "what do you want to do?"

"The woman the king doesn't want, naturally, will give us Lele."

"Do you want to be skinned by the king?"

Seeing that he was aggressive, the crowd looked at the bow and arrow in Hua Rong's hand and dispersed in a crowd: "shit, it's boring, go to bed..."

There was a chill at the edge of the fire

Hua Rong slumped on the ground and watched the clouds gather one by one over the dark clouds

Look around anxiously on Friday: "girl, come back with me."

"I'll wait. Don't worry about me. Go and have a rest first."

"Girl, it's dangerous for you to be here alone. You're afraid of rain at night."

"It doesn't matter. You go to have a rest first."

Helpless on Friday, at this time, a familiar pirate came to ask him to drink, and he went with him

There was only one person left by the fire

She sat on the ground, watching the weaker and weaker residual fire, watching the sand on her boots, and fled here, only to find that she was so painful and weak, and was filled with fear and confusion every day. At this moment, she really sat down and meditated

She didn't know what she was staying for. King Qin was obviously the object of no help Now that he has broken up with himself, it's a miracle that he didn't make his men continue to insult him. So, what are you doing here?

She couldn't say it at all, but felt very tired. As soon as she sat down, she seemed unable to stand up again

She simply lay down, the seaside at the turn of late autumn and early winter has become cold, especially when the wind blows, she tried to get close to the fire, put her hand behind her head, and quietly looked at the night sky in the sky

The night sky is very dark, with only a few stars. Only then do I know my missing. I miss Yue Peng endlessly

For many years, people around him have come and gone, wandering and fleeing all over the world. Except for the days around him, they are all hurt

Said like people, so many, no harm, always only he

She couldn't help smiling: "Peng Ju, if I can escape this disaster, I'll come to you, and I won't be separated from you. No matter who threatens me, no matter who makes any excuses, I'll never leave you. Besides you, who else will treat me well!"

She felt at ease, and a burst of fatigue hit her. She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep

The wind gradually blew, and the fire in the fire became smaller bit by bit. Then, slowly, there were some coals left Then, the rain wrapped in the wind, from small to large, bit by bit, hit on the head, body, like a small stone

She still lay motionless on the sand. The sand was rolled up by the wind and rain, whistling and falling again, as if to bury her alive

She reluctantly opened her eyes and wanted to get up. She moved her limbs a few times, but she was completely weak, and she didn't know where to go. She just lay on the ground vaguely, feeling neither pain nor cold. Instead, she felt safe. She simply closed her eyes again, and finally could have a sweet sleep

King Qin was lying on the wide bed, and the hands of two beautiful women swam around his body with the temptation of touching, and their petal like mouths almost swam all over his body

The pleasure of the senses generally covered him. Occasionally, when he came back, he heard a gust of wind and rain outside

He sat up, a beautiful woman fell on his body, and said in a charming voice, "king, don't..."

He lay down again, happy, and let him forget the wind and rain outside

He couldn't help laughing, and suddenly felt happy, extremely happy

Since she has married Yue Pengju, what does her life and death have to do with herself?

There are so many women in the world, why do I want her?

The more he thought, the happier he was. The second daughter didn't know what he was laughing at, and said angrily, "Your Majesty..."

He suddenly said, "it's raining..."

"King, what do you care about it? What's so strange about rain?"

"It's really raining!"

The two said in a charming voice, "Your Majesty, since it's raining, tonight, we'll serve you until dawn."

"No, I never sleep with women until dawn, which will bring bad luck."

"Your Majesty, such a heavy rain..."

"Go, you go."

Seeing that he stared and dared not be spoiled any more, they had to hug him hard and kiss him

There was another sound of wind and rain, as if demons were raging and roaring across the island. Such storms are common on the island

It suddenly purrs in the wind and rain, like someone crying

He gasped heavily: "sing, sing a song for me..."

They didn't know why he mentioned this at this time, but they had to sing a beautiful song according to him

It was obviously a song, but it turned into that kind of purring sound, as if there was an irresistible magic, which penetrated into the ears and hearts, and became more and more sad

He suddenly turned over, pushed them out of bed and rushed out: "girl..."

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