One Night Bride

Chapter 120

The fire has long been extinguished

The people next to him were covered with a thick layer of sand, as if they had been buried

He tore his heart and lungs in the wind and rain: "girl, girl..."

With a desperate push of both hands, she was pulled up, and her body in her arms was almost frozen

He rushed into the house with her in his arms in the wind and rain: "come on, come on, get clean clothes, cook ginger soup, come on..."

He didn't know who handed her the clothes, but casually took off her wet clothes, wiped her desperately with a big towel, and casually stuffed her into the quilt

Her body was still cold, her forehead was hot, and her eyes were tightly closed, as if she could no longer open them

His voice was almost hoarse. He took off his clothes carelessly, threw them on the ground, wiped them a little, jumped into bed, and hugged her tightly. Her limbs were still cold

"Girl, don't die, girl, don't die... As long as you don't die, everything depends on you... Girl, I don't hate you, I don't hate you..."

When the ginger soup came, he tried his best to fan it with his hand. As soon as it cooled a little, he broke open her mouth and poured it in mouth by mouth

A large bowl of ginger soup poured down, and she still closed her eyes tightly, and the high heat went from her forehead to her whole body, like a piece of red charcoal

A pirate with some medical skills was ordered to come. King Qin didn't say anything about the difference between men and women. He took her hand out of the quilt and handed it to him: "Leng Da, please see if she will die?"

Leng Da felt her pulse for a while and rolled over her eyelids: "Your Majesty, she is too frightened, too tired, and in the rain. The situation is very serious, so she must be taken care of."

"Will you die?"

"If the high fever subsides before tomorrow morning, it's OK; if it doesn't subside, it's a little dangerous..."

King Qin was extremely anxious: "you said she was still going to die?"

"It's not that serious. Just be careful tonight."

"Hurry, hurry to boil herbs and bring cold water..."

Two minions came in to wait on her and kept changing cold towels. Qin Da took it and put it on her forehead. He changed it again after half a column of incense Fear and worry had already made him forget his fatigue, so he just hugged her tightly and said to himself, "this time, I killed the girl... Girl, I didn't want to hurt you again... Girl... Wake up..."

However, she did not wake up, but lay quietly in his arms and did not move

He touched her still hot forehead and said, "girl, what can I do?"

A minion said, "king, give her another bowl of herbal medicine."

"Good, good."

Another bowl of herbal medicine was poured down, and he didn't know whether it was effective or not. Suddenly, he shouted, "hurry, go and get that ginseng, that is, the Millennium ginseng, and take it to boil soup..."

"Well, people say that Millennium ginseng can prolong life..."

"What are you talking about? Hurry to boil ginseng soup..."

The two minions went out for a while, and lengda, who knew a little about medicine, came in again. King Qin didn't look up: "is the ginseng soup ready?"

"Ginseng soup?"

Leng was surprised. He was in charge of the drugs on the island. The ginseng was robbed and was extremely precious. King Qin himself was reluctant to take it. He was afraid that it would be used to prolong his life in case of serious injury and great pain. Now he took it to the woman without hesitation Who is this woman?

"Your Majesty, ginseng soup can't be taken casually. In her case, she's afraid that if she takes it, her condition will worsen."

King Qin couldn't hear ginseng, and was even more afraid: "so, she's hopeless?"

Leng Da felt her pulse again: "don't panic, your majesty, it's not so serious."

"Will she be well?"

"She'll be fine after the fever subsides. Don't worry."

"But I haven't returned it yet... No, I have to use ginseng."

"Use herbs first, and then give her a big bowl in the morning. She just has a fever, so she doesn't need ginseng at all."

"Can ginseng prolong life?"

"She doesn't need to renew her life at all..." Leng xiaoxinyi said, "Your Majesty, you'd better stay..."

"Well, when she's ready, cook it for her tomorrow."

Cold and speechless, so I had to go out

King Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the pale face in his arms, and touched her dry and weak hands, feeling extremely angry, He said to himself, "bad girl, why don't you show off? Aren't you proud? Don't you like to threaten me? Don't you ignore me with Yue Pengju? Every time, you pretend to be dead to scare me, and every time you make me so miserable that I give in... Alas, poor girl, you get better quickly, as long as you are good, I will depend on you..."

However, I felt relieved that the sour joy, the warmth of the person in my arms, was his addictive poison, and the memory of many years ago was completely back

He lowered his head and stared at her pale lips. His body began to heat again, like looking at a fragrant flower After all, I couldn't help kissing her warmly

She closed her eyes and couldn't feel it at all

After kissing for a long time, he stopped and sighed, "girl, if you don't kiss me, I'll kiss you."

He ordered to take two thick quilts and cover her tightly. After a while, he covered her with sweat He held her sweating body. Although he was stuffy and hot, he didn't dare to remove the quilt. He knew that she would be better tomorrow if she was sweating like this

Tossing until dawn, he also fell into a half confused, but suddenly he obviously felt the body in his arms move, and then there was a sad cry: "no, don't... you spare me..."

He opened his eyes and rejoiced: "girl, girl, are you awake?"

The man in his arms still closed his eyes tightly, and two bean sized tears flowed from the corner of one eye

"Girl, have you had a nightmare?"

He bowed his head and gently kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes. He didn't know whether it was happy or sad. He looked at the increasingly bright sky outside the window and breathed out a long breath

In the early morning, she was still awake, but the high fever on her forehead gradually subsided

King Qin got up and opened the window. After a night of wind and rain, a fresh sea breeze came in with a fishy smell, but it was chilly. The island was also gradually entering winter

He walked to the door and said to the minion on duty, "don't bother me today."


As soon as I turned around, I saw Friday standing furtively at the door, full of anxiety

"Your Majesty, Miss Hua Rong?"

"I'll take care of her. What are you worried about? When she's ready, I'll agree to your conditions."

On Friday, I was not sure whether he was sincere or fake, but I didn't dare to say more, so I had to quit

King Qin slammed the door and walked back to the bed. He saw that she was still asleep After a night of tossing and turning, he also felt very tired, as if after leaving her that day, he had been suffering every night. Even if he had fun, his heart had never really been relaxed and happy for a moment He went back to bed and lay down with her in his arms again At this moment, I was able to hold her in my arms again, as if I had returned to the night of my wedding. That wonderful, ecstatic taste - I don't want to miss it anymore

Tired all night, now I closed my blood red eyes and fell asleep

In a daze, he suddenly heard a burst of crying, which was very sad. He opened his eyes and saw the person in his arms, close to his chest, crying sadly, with intermittent voices

"Girl, girl, what's the matter with you?"

He hurriedly sat up and hugged her, only to find that she was talking in a dream

In a coma, why do you cry so heartbreaking?

He held her head to his chest, touched her messy hair, and whispered, "girl, don't cry, I'll depend on you for everything in the future."

After leaving on Friday, I was very nervous

A pirate sneered, "on Friday, you can go back to life."

"Your Majesty hasn't agreed yet."

"How could your majesty disagree?" The pirate lowered his voice, "the king took out the treasure of the island, our millennium ginseng, and cooked soup for her to drink. How can he disagree?"

Friday's big joy: "really?"

"If you don't believe it, ask Leng da."

In fact, on Friday, I gradually realized that King Qin was by no means ordinary to Hua Rong, because people familiar with King Qin knew that he would never spend the whole night with any woman, and the woman was sick. She not only stayed in his room all night last night, but also had to take care of him all night, and even now, he has been staying by her side

It's really incredible for people like King Qin to take care of a woman all day and all night

He was surprised, and one of the pirates suddenly said, "is that woman the king's wife?"


"King Qin went out to search for his wife last winter. Was it not that woman?"

"It must be, otherwise, how can the king treat her so well? The Millennium ginseng, but the king himself can't bear it."


Hearing these comments on Friday, he was surprised and delighted, and patted his thigh: "now, everyone is expected to seal their wives and children."

They didn't know that they were going to rescue the emperor of the Zhao family. They looked at him suspiciously and thought he was having a nervous breakdown Just then, a small minion came over: "on Friday, the king asked you to go back first and inform Zhou Qi to settle people on the island first to ensure their safety."

"Where's the flower dissolving girl?"

"When she gets better, King Qin will bring her in person."

"Thank you, king."

It is dusk when Hua Rong wakes up

Open your eyes and lie in a wide chest, burning like a soldering iron And myself, I don't wear inch clothes She was so frightened that she almost screamed. She was about to sit up, but he held her shoulder in his big hand and couldn't sit up at all

King Qin was awakened, immediately touched her forehead and said happily, "girl, the fever is gone, how are you?"

"Let go of me."

She shouted loudly, but found her voice hoarse. She couldn't make any sound at all. She just got up and jumped down

King Qin hugged her and said softly, "girl, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, not at all."

"Clothes, my clothes..."

He sat up and took a soft SILK PAJAMA next to him: "girl, you got wet last night and had a fever. I took off your clothes for you... Others, nothing..."

As he spoke, he dressed her. Finally, he clumsily tied the butterfly shaped cloth button on her

For a moment, she looked at him in confusion, as if she could not recognize him The face in front of me is not terrible, nor is it a demon in my memory, but a strange one, as if it were a strong strange one after being extremely tired

"Girl, are you hungry? I'll ask someone to bring you something to eat."

She didn't say anything

His mind was in a mess, and he was too soft to have any strength

For a while, I suddenly remembered my purpose, and there was another scream, but the sound came to my throat, but it was gurgling, like some kind of parrot who is not good at speaking, and can't make a complete sentence

He looked at her confused eyes and completely understood what she meant: "girl, I have ordered Zhou Wu to go back first and connect Zhao Deji and others to the island."

She closed her eyes, and the corners of her eyes, somehow, shed two more tears

Even many years ago on the island, when she was a little girl who had just been plundered to the island, King Qin had never seen her so sad and painful. He stretched out his big palm to wipe her tears, touched her messy hair, and said softly, "girl, it's all my fault. As long as you don't agree, I won't force you in the future. Don't be afraid."

She suddenly opened her eyes and hesitated, "thank you, King Qin!"

In my memory, the two had such a calm conversation for the first time

King Qin was surprised and delighted, and hugged her tightly: "girl, as long as you are good, I am willing to do anything for you."

She slowly sat up in his arms and whispered, "I want to get up."

Knowing that she was worried about Zhao Deji and his party, he immediately said, "girl, you are weak. Just rest for another day. The bird emperor is in no danger for the time being. When you are well, I will see them off myself."

"Well, thank you."

She knew that she could only follow his wishes at this time. Although she was anxious, she had to agree

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