One Night Bride

Chapter 125

The crowd rushed over. Xu Caizhi and Lin sirang held Zhao Deji from left to right and jumped out of the boat. Lin Zhijie was also supported by his son-in-law to follow. As soon as the boat started, King Qin grabbed Hua Rong and jumped down quickly. As soon as the boat swayed, several sharp arrows fell into the water

The battleship was operated by the two brothers on Friday. Hua Rong and Yue Pengju stole this kind of drive ship suitable for water warfare when they escaped. However, this ship is at least 10 times larger than the ship that escaped in those years

At this time, it was getting dark and the wind was blowing

The crowd also ignored the danger and accelerated desperately. Behind them, Jin Jun had caught up

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the boat gradually couldn't control its direction. A wave hit, and the boat almost overturned. Zhao Deji and others were so shocked that they were completely soaked

Zhou Qi and Friday desperately drove the ship, and I don't know how far it went. Although the Jin Jun warship disappeared, its own side has also lost its way

Although the pursuers disappeared, King Qin did not dare to relax at all. He fled in such a disorderly manner and had already left the scheduled sea port. This boat alone was not enough to support for too long

Everyone went to the deck and looked at the vast sea at night, dead, like a huge prison

Hua Rong suddenly said, "there is an island ahead..."

King Qin said, "it's a volcanic island. There's no grass at all. You can't land. Moreover, once you go up, if you're afraid of the Golden Army catching up, you'll catch a turtle in a jar."

After this fierce battle, he has undoubtedly become the backbone of everyone Everyone looked at him, and when it came to escaping at sea, there was no one here who was more experienced than him

Hua Rong was tired, hungry and afraid on this hard day, and his voice was very dry: "King Qin, what should we do?"

The question she wants to ask is also what everyone wants to ask

King Qin pondered for a long time: "fortunately, the storm has stopped. There is still some water and food on the ship, which can support two days. Now, you can only walk and watch."

Zhao Deji leaned back in the cabin, and everyone was even more at a loss. Rao was as calm as Lin Zhijie, and he could no longer say anything to comfort him

"God is going to kill me!"

Xu Caizhi heard his voice sad, full of despair, knelt down and cried, "the officials must not be discouraged."

He said not to be discouraged, but he cried first. Lin Zhijie, Lin sirang and others couldn't help crying. Suddenly, there was a cry on the ship, and in the night, it was even more sad at the end of the road

Hua Rong leaned against the side of the ship, stared at the calm sea, watched the moonlight poke out his head and sprinkle layers of ripples, and suddenly remembered that he would never see Yue Pengju again after that, and would die on the vast sea, and couldn't help crying

Seeing the cry, King Qin was impatient and shouted, "what are you doing? Good, it's not that you're going to die right away. What do you look like?"

After all, Zhao Deji was the emperor. When he roared like this, he was shocked and immediately wiped away his tears: "well, King Qin said well, since we escaped, it is God's blessing and ancestors' blessing. Everyone Aiqing, we must work together to escape from heaven. As long as we go out of the sea, there will be the Royal Navy to meet..."

Everyone knelt down in unison: "I'll obey you."

But king Qin stood aside, like an iron tower, and personally controlled the direction of the boat When he saw the crowd stop crying, he said, "on Friday, you give everyone dry food and water."


There are not many dry food reserves, and a total of 22 people escaped. No matter how economical, they can't last for two days

There are two small cabins on the ship, one of which has a small bed. King Qin shouted, "girl, go and have a rest first."

When the emperor was here, King Qin asked Hua Rong to have a rest. Everyone felt strange, but no one dared to speak

Hua Rong hurriedly said, "official family, go and have a rest."

Desperation made Zhao Deji more depressed than the others on the ship, and he was tired. At this time, he couldn't be polite. He was helped in by Xu Caizhi to have a rest

King Qin was very unhappy: "girl, you go to another room to have a rest."

Hua Rong saw old Mr. Lin on one side and shook his head, "old Sir, you'd better go."

How dare Lin Zhijie and others go when they see that King Qin doesn't even pay attention to Zhao Deji? Immediately said, "girl, you'd better go."

"No, you go. It doesn't matter to me."

She said and turned to the bow. Lin Zhijie was old and exhausted, so she had to go in and have a rest

King Qin was extremely anxious, and he couldn't care about these little things any more. He just looked up at the sky from time to time to distinguish the wind direction and weather, for fear that there would be another storm, and everyone would really die

He paced outside, but he saw Hua Rong sitting cross legged in the bow of the boat, holding the fixed iron fence with one hand, and his shoulders shaking slightly

He was very depressed and angrily said, "girl, I asked you to have a rest. If you don't go, it's easy to blow the cold wind here?"

She didn't answer

He saw her face full of tears in the moonlight

"Girl, are you afraid?"

She remained silent I knew in my heart that I would never see Yue Pengju again

King Qin sighed, took off his clothes and put them on her: "girl, go and stay in the cabin. It's too cold outside."

She was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "we have no way out in front of us, and there are pursuers behind us. What should we do?"

"Jin Wushu and others must be stationed on that coast. We have to be surprised to escape."

How to be surprised?

King Qin's voice was very low: "it's a pity that this area is too far away from my nest. Otherwise, call the brothers and fight the Jin Army..."

Hua Rong knew that in order to preserve his strength, he did not send out the legitimate Pirates of the camp

"I didn't expect Jin Jun to be so powerful. However, before I left, I sent someone back to dispatch people..."

She suddenly had a little spirit. It turned out that King Qin still had strange soldiers?

"I don't know whether they can pass the blockade of Jin Wu Shu. Han Chang is very powerful, and Wang Erqi is familiar with the terrain. Besides, they still have four days to arrive. We have to ask God's blessing to stay on the ship for four days..."

In despair, he always yearns for miracles Hua Rong couldn't help but say, "Alas, if only Peng Ju came. Peng Ju is also proficient in water warfare. He once exterminated water pirates. If he could join other Qin Wang armies..."

King Qin heard her mention Yue Pengju at this time and angrily said, "how can that little rabbit come? He doesn't have three heads and six arms!"

Hua Rong didn't want to argue with him, got up silently, returned to the cabin, leaned against a row of positions, and reluctantly closed his eyes Seeing this, King Qin couldn't say anything more, but angrily went to the cab to discuss with Zhou Qi and others

Fortunately, it was a calm night. At dawn, people found that the ship had docked, but the island - under the early morning sun, it was completely a rocky barren land

A sailor couldn't help jumping down. As soon as his feet fell to the ground, he immediately screamed. He was still wearing boots, as if the soles of his boots had been melted. He jumped up, and another person pulled him for a while before he got on the boat: "it's too hot to go down..."

"This is a volcanic island, with no grass."

Sure enough, not to mention seeing a trace of green, there were no animals, even in the surrounding sea water, not even fish, shrimp, algae and so on

Zhao Deji was even more desperate. He seemed to lose his will and became extremely thin all the way

"Is innocence going to kill me?"

Lin Zhijie burst into tears: "don't lose heart, your majesty, you will certainly turn bad luck into good."

He shook his head and returned to the cabin. He never left the cabin again this day

The boat couldn't move forward or retreat. Fortunately, King Qin said that there would not be too much storm these days, so the boat reluctantly stopped by the island

Although the dry food and water were saved again and again, they were all used up the next day On the third day, even a little dry food saved by Xu Caizhi and others for Zhao Deji was finished In the evening, Zhao Deji was the son of heaven. He didn't eat two meals and was hungry He didn't go out of the hatch, lying in his narrow bed all day, waiting for the last bad luck

At this time, the huge empire and the court's literary ministers and military generals were like floating clouds Alone - he thought he was completely alone

The moon spilled over the sea, calm as a smooth mirror

Zhao Deji looked at the moonlight outside from the small open window. On this day, he hardly opened his mouth No matter how you want to cheer up, you really can't fight under the threat of hunger

Seeing that it was late at night, Xu Caizhi whispered, "official family, have a rest."

He picked up a small water bag on the table beside the simple bed by the moonlight. The bag was already dry. He dropped the last drop of water on his lips and greedily pursed his tongue. He understood that when this bag of water was over, he was over

From then on, the ninety-five emperor, the king of song, was also a wandering soul on the sea

The night is already deep, and the moonlight drizzles coldly. Hunger makes these people drowsy, as if only sleeping can relieve the pain a little

In the cabin, snoring was like thunder

King Qin walked out of the hatch and saw Hua Rong sitting cross legged on the side of the ship, leaning against the railing, as before. He didn't know whether he was awake or asleep

She has not eaten or drunk for a whole day

King Qin quietly sat down beside her, slowly took her hand and handed her something She grabbed it and was surprised that it was a fruit I don't know when he hid it in his arms

"Girl, you ate."

His voice was so low that he could almost whisper. Under the moonlight, he could even see the dry cracks on his lips

King Qin, how many times have you become such a petty man? A small fruit should also be furtive She smiled slightly, her eyes a little moist

She quietly put the fruit on his mouth: "eat it, I'm not hungry."

Her hand was on her lips, and he couldn't help kissing suddenly

She quickly withdrew her hand

His voice was lower and full of joy: "girl, I can support, you eat. I will find a way out, and we will all live..."


"King, look at the wind..."

When the cry sounded on Friday, King Qin immediately got up and walked to the cabin, and closed the door casually, as if he didn't want people to find her stealing food

Hua Rong heard his footsteps go away, then got up and quietly opened the door and walked into the cabin. She gently knocked on Zhao Deji's door. Naturally, the door was unlocked. She pushed it and went in

Zhao Deji sat up from the simple bed, and Xu Caizhi held his sword beside him

The bright moonlight came in from the window, like day

Zhao Deji had lost his spirit, not only because of hunger, but also because of despair. He was more haggard than anyone on the ship. His face was like a ghost, and his voice was dull: "what's up, rong'er?"

She quietly stretched out her hand and handed him the fruit: "official, here you are."

Zhao Deji's eyes lit up for a moment, as if his hunger was relieved instantly: "dissolve..."

She shook her head, said nothing, just handed the fruit to him, turned and went out

Zhao Deji held this half of the dried fruit in his hands, tears splashing down, sobbing, and gulping

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