One Night Bride

Chapter 126

When King Qin returned to the bow, he saw Hua Rong coming out of Zhao Deji's cabin He naturally understood what she was doing

He was so angry that he almost jumped up and hit the iron railing with a hard punch

Hua Rong didn't seem to see his angry behavior. He went out and sat down beside him. His legs stretched out from the iron railing and hung in the air, shaking slightly

King Qin gasped heavily and stretched out his big palm. He really wanted to slap her in the face

Her voice is dry, but very soft, as if in a whisper: "I'm hungry with you, isn't it good?"

King Qin was stunned

"Sit down. Look, how nice the moonlight is tonight."

She looked up at the round and big moon in the sky and pointed, "qinshangcheng, have you ever seen such a good moon?"

He had a very strange feeling in his heart, stuffy: "what's the beauty of the moon?"

"Look! Pay attention, and you will find that the moon is actually very beautiful."

He had to sit down beside her and looked up to "enjoy" the so-called moonlight. He couldn't see anything famous. He spat and hated: "girl, why do you give him this one? I can't bear the last one..."

She looked up at him. Seeing that his face was so smelly, she couldn't help laughing. This was war, this was disaster. At this moment, Xiaoxiong, like King Qin, would also haggle over a small fruit

However, now King Qin, she realized that she was somewhat human and no longer a fierce demon

"Thank you."

He listened to her thoughtless thanks, and saw her upturned face. Under the moonlight, it looked as if it was sprinkled with a layer of jade like brilliance. It looked so gentle, pure and beautiful, as if it was an elf that fell down somewhere



"If I can find a way to survive, I will pick many fruits for you to eat in the future."


He suddenly thought of a very important question: "girl, do you still hate me?"

After asking, he felt strange again and said to himself, "you don't have to answer, I don't want to hear."

She looked at the moon and then at him, smiling, "no! I don't hate you anymore."

His heart was so hot that he almost jumped up, but he still sat silently, completely unaware of what to say, and looked up at the moon like her. Gradually, he saw the shadow of cinnamon trees in the moon, Wu Gang cutting, and even Chang'e holding Rabbits

For a long time, he looked back and found that Hua Rong leaned against the iron railing, closed his eyes and had fallen asleep

It was chilly outside, but he didn't want to go into the cabin to listen to the snoring of a group of pirates. He just gently held her in his arms, took her leg up below, took off his clothes, covered her, snuggled up to her, and fell asleep

Jin Wushu used Han Chang's trick and worked at one stroke. He thought Zhao Deji was easy to catch, but unexpectedly, he ran away Wang Erqi's fleet joined Han Changyi and saw that his main battle ship had been shattered and routed

Jin Wushu held the second military conference on board

Wang Erqi knelt down at the sight of Jin Wushu: "the young general is guilty and ashamed of his love for the fourth prince."

Jin Wushu helped him up with his own hands: "General Wang has made great contributions, what is the crime?" He waved, Wu Qimai took several enchanting women, and Jin Wushu said, "give general Wang 500 gold and 3 Meiji. In addition, everyone, etc., will be rewarded..."

The Han generals and the Han Army in the navy have long been fed up with the imperial court's withholding. The general's unkindness and lack of gratitude. Seeing that they had lost the war, there was also a reward. Jin Wushu's move was originally to touch their minds. Sure enough, they were grateful one by one. Wang Erqi said loudly, "the young general must stick to this sea area, and be sure to capture Zhao Deji and give it to the fourth prince."

"The prince is waiting for the good news from General Wang."

The generals offered advice and suggestions: "Zhao Deji has escaped into the dead corner in front of him. There is a volcanic island. He can neither land nor move forward. He can't last long..."

"As long as we stay here, when they are extremely hungry to counterattack, they will have no escape..."

"You might as well catch turtles in a jar..."

The news of King Erqi's reuse by Jin Wushu had already spread through the Jin army along the way, and even before the war, he deliberately spread the news that King Qin had been annihilated All forces on the sea respected King Qin and were ready to move when they saw his decline

On this day, the old God of Jin Wushu stood on the top of the warship and looked at the endless sea. He was a little relaxed and happy. For the first time in his life, he had a taste of such a marine scenery, but he felt that the bustling place of the Central Plains, the paradise of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the marine scene were essentially different from the bitter and cold Dajin grassland desert How can Zhao Deji deserve to own this colorful world?

Wu Qimai asked him, "fourth prince, how long do we have to wait?"

"Haha, Wu Qimai, still can't stand the sight of the sea?"

Although Wu Qimai has improved in the past two days, he is still better than galloping freely on the grassland and land, shaking his head: "I can't stand it."

"The crown prince is used to it. Don't worry, we will catch Zhao Deji in a few days."

"Zhao Deji is really cunning. He is so lucky that he escapes every time..."

"Don't worry, this time, his luck is no longer good. The crown prince has laid a snare to see how long the sea breeze he can blow on the sea."

As Jin Wushu expected, Zhao Deji and his party really couldn't stay at sea

That evening, everyone gathered in the cabin, hungry and thirsty, which almost wiped out their fighting spirit Where to go, 21 pairs of eyes, staring at Zhao Deji

Zhao Deji didn't close his eyes for days and nights, and he was too haggard to be human. King Qin saw that he couldn't make a decision, so he stood up and shouted, "for today's plan, hiding is not the way. It's better to fight through all the difficulties, return and break a way out."

Lin Zhijie was worried: "how can the Jin army rush out with heavy checks?"

King Qin has been thinking for a long time: "I have a plan. I might as well turn around tonight. I will send signals along the way and call on the nearby pirates to rescue. In this way, there is still a glimmer of vitality..."

"What if others don't help?"

"Then leave it to fate!"

At this moment, there was no better way for everyone. Zhao Deji, who had been silent, suddenly stood up and said, "well, according to King Qin, whether to die or live, let heaven decide."

"In that case, return immediately and catch some raw fish in front. Everyone ate and prepared for the battle."


More than a hundred miles out of the boat, there were fish and shrimp. They were already very hungry. As soon as they caught the raw fish, they ate like water and blood, and rushed to eat and chew Zhao Deji forcibly suppressed the disgusting feeling, covered his nose and swallowed the raw fish like poison

Hua Rong also held a beautiful fish in her hand, but she almost vomited King Qin simply grabbed the fish and knocked it on the side of the boat. The fish's tail soon stopped struggling and was full of blood

"Girl, eat quickly. This kind of fish can quench thirst."

Hua Rong also stubbornly swallowed, and her tears almost fell due to the smell

King Qin stared at her: "I was chased and escaped once. I even ate scorpions. It's good to have fish to eat."

Hua Rong didn't answer, and King Qin didn't say any more. Turning around, the warship immediately turned around and drove back in the dark Everyone took their last breath, holding all the weapons they could

Lin Zhijie and Xu Caizhi and others were even more absorbed and protected Zhao Deji

Driving out of dozens of nautical miles, King Qin suddenly released a strange fireworks, which scattered in the air and made a loud noise

This loud noise, like a bomb, fell on Zhao Deji's head - whether it could attract the deployment of King Qin is unknown, but it is inevitable to disturb the Jin army Life or death, in this fight, the country, from now on, will be at whose feet?

At this time, Han Chang and Wang Erqi also hurried up and were about to repay Jin Wushu, but they saw a gorgeous fireworks in the distant night sky and said, "no, this is king Qin calling the old department."

"The old headquarters of King Qin have arrived?"

Wang Erqi added, "the pirate forces along the way don't care, but king Qin himself has a direct force, about more than 2000 people, which can't be underestimated..."

As soon as the fireworks were sent out, sure enough, dozens of water wheel driven warships were flying, chasing after them in the dark, all of them belonging to King Qin Although the pirates were brave and good at fighting, they had never experienced such a large-scale group battle, and lacked the immediate command of King Qin. They were rushed by Han Chang's navy, and soon scattered in chaos, unable to rescue, and countless deaths and injuries

King Qin looked at the flames on the sea from a distance, anxious and helpless

Zhao Deji also stood in the bow and suddenly shouted, "success or failure is in this one fell swoop. If you can rush out, the country will share with you!"

For a moment, the crowd was so excited that King Qin didn't hear what he was saying at all, and shouted, "get down quickly, the golden army is attacking..."

Sure enough, the arrow on the opposite side came like a dark cloud. Several people leaned down a little slowly and fell into the sea with a scream

King Qin grabbed Hua Rong, jumped into the sea, grabbed a mast firmly, and avoided the sharp arrow Hua Rong's legs were submerged in the sea, cold and biting, and he hurried, "where's the emperor?"

"Where can you control the bird emperor?"

King Qin dragged her up: "girl, how long can you support?"

"Don't worry about me. Go and see the emperor."

King Qin spat angrily: "girl, Zhao Deji is estimated to have fallen into the water to feed Wang ba..."

Hua Rong was even more nervous. When he looked around, he did not see Zhao Deji's shadow, even Lin Zhijie and others At this surprise, she could hardly help crying. With a flash of fire in front of her, a rocket came and exploded in the water in front of her. In a flash, she heard Xu Caizhi's exclamation. It turned out that they were hiding on the other side of the boat

King Qin pulled her and swam over from the flank. Sure enough, seven or eight people surrounded Zhao Deji, firmly clinging to the handrail of the ship He didn't know well. If it went on like this, Jin Jun would be in pain. If he supported it for a while, he would either fall into the sea or be shot to death. Moreover, Jin Jun's fleet was breaking through the obstruction of the pirate fleet and pushing closer

One of the battleships came quickly. It was Wang Erqi who drove it himself. Jin Wushu, Han Chang and others were on it. Fifty crossbowmen, full of bows and arrows, aimed at the small boat that was on fire in the night

Jin Wushu's voice was full of anger: "Zhao Deji, your doomsday is coming, surrender quickly, and the crown prince can let you live!"

"Zhao Deji, you surrender. Your father was made unconscious, and your eldest brother gave you a 'refugee Marquis' for the heavy unconscious marquis. What do you think?"

"Zhao Deji, the crown prince counted to three times. If you didn't surrender yourself, you ordered to shoot the arrow. One, two, three..."

A flurry of arrows came, and King Qin shouted, "come on, swim to the big boat in front..."

Zhou Qi said, "Your Majesty, the ship has broken down..."

"Put it to death and later live. Only then can it be invisible. It can't be hidden here, and it will be shot to death by random arrows..."

The crowd had no choice but to take advantage of the night to swim forward. Zhao Deji was soaked in the sea and almost collapsed

"Official family..."

"Your Majesty..."

He laughed miserably, "God is going to kill me."

They could no longer comfort him, but took him and hid in the shadow of the ship with their last breath Zhao Deji was held by the three people, and his body sank. The last trace of confidence and strength had almost disappeared

The tattered ship was surrounded far away

Jin Wushu stood on the top of the warship, and dozens of bodyguards around him were holding shields to protect him

Seeing Zhao Deji and others fleeing in confusion, like a cat catching a mouse, he burst out laughing: "King Qin, you don't have to help Zhao Deji this stupid King anymore, surrender quickly, and the crown prince will make you a Navy General..."

King Qin said "bah", knowing that the target would be exposed as soon as he answered, he simply kept silent

"Hua Rong, and you! The crown prince has seen you. Surrender quickly, or hand over Zhao Deji in person, and the crown prince can spare you from death..."

Hua Rong suddenly thought of the refugees ordered by Jin Wushu to loot by the river. Thinking of today's situation, she was angry and regretful. If she hadn't been soft hearted twice, how could Jin Wushu be arrogant here?

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