One Night Bride

Chapter 135

Kang Gonggong had a "secret love" for King Qin, and received a generous gift from him. After returning, he kept thinking about him. He was very excited to learn that he had arrived in Lin'an at this time, and immediately came out to see him

Just as he sat down, King Qin took out a box and opened it in front of him

When Kang Gonggong looked, he saw a few ingots of gold inside He was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "how dare you ask for another gift from the king?"

"It doesn't matter. Just take it."

Kang Gonggong accepted it happily, and the two talked for a while. After all, Kang Gonggong couldn't help but gossip: "Hua Rong has been stationed in Xiangyang with Yue Peng..."

At this time, he had already known the past of King Qin and Hua Rong. As soon as he said this, he saw that King Qin's face was as heavy as iron, and carefully said, "Yue Pengju, this shameless man, is really damn..."

King Qin clenched his fist and Yue Peng died. But how can he die?

Father Kang whispered, "we have a plan to discipline Yue Peng. He will never return..."

"Oh, what's the plan?"

"Now the song and Jin Dynasties are talking about peace, and they want to send envoys to welcome the Empress Dowager back to song. Our family proposed to the officials that Hua Rong go to the state of Jin with the messenger group. In this way, we can separate the two of them..."

King Qin shouted angrily, "how can you suggest that she go to Jinying? Isn't this a sheep in a tiger's mouth?"

Kang Gonggong wanted to please him, but he was furious. He hurried to say, "calm down, your majesty. This peace negotiation emissary group is escorted by the army, and the accompanying senior officials..." seeing that King Qin's face improved slightly, he continued: "as soon as Hua Rong left, he could separate the two of them. At least, he couldn't let them be romantic and happy together..."


Those two are having fun!

At this time, the magic sound of "entering the bridal chamber" came to my ears and almost jumped

"Your Majesty, you have a way to discipline Yue Pengju to death..."

He said so and so, and King Qin was noncommittal. At the moment, he didn't feel much else in his heart, but he felt hate, hate, incomparable hate, and I didn't know whether he hated Yue Pengju or Hua Rong. His fingers clung to the back of the chair tightly, and even grabbed a piece of hard wood

After offering advice, Duke Kang turned around and went out to the door. He remembered to please King Qin and greeted the procuress: "quickly find two of your best and hottest girls to accompany uncle Qin..."


The procuress's face showed embarrassment. The top prostitute in the brothel had been wrapped up by a senior official in the court to spend the night together. How dare you shout out easily? However, how dare she not listen to Grandpa Kang's orders? Immediately said: "wait for my family to find a way to call the girl..."

Poor that famous prostitute and that official were having sex. Just when they got to the key, they heard the procuress's panic urging How can officials give up when they can't get up and down? Tightly pressed the prostitute, he had to rush out. At this time, the door was kicked open, and the official was furious. He was about to drink and scold, but he saw that it was father-in-law Kang, the number one Eunuch in front of the emperor, who was more effective than the prime minister. How dare he get angry and flaccid down? He said nervously, "senior official Kang..."

Kang Gonggong's skin laughed and his flesh didn't smile: "my Lord, I've offended..."


The poor prostitute was pulled up, washed in a hurry and sent to King Qin's room

At this time, King Qin was about to go to bed, and when he heard the sweet voice outside, it turned out that the procuress came with the number one He flew into a rage: "I didn't ask anyone to serve!"

The procuress's joy waiting for the reward turned into embarrassment, laughing, "it was ordered by senior official Kang..."

"Get out! Get out now!"

The two fled, and King Qin kicked the door heavily, remembering the poisonous oath he had made, biting his heart like a poisonous snake:

Yue Pengju, dead girl, you two deserve to die!

Love days, always feel that time flies

Such a lingering life, seven days of annual leave soon left two days, two days later, the army will leave, directly to Xiangyang

That morning, Yue Pengju went on patrol in the army. Hua Rong picked up a few small dishes at home. Seeing that it was noon, he put them into the pot and fried them. He only had dinner when Yue Pengju came back

The last dish was served, and she thought Yue Peng was coming back. She went to the door and looked, but she saw several people in thick fur coming here

These people were wearing hats and could not recognize who they were for the moment. She looked more and found that these people were coming to her house

She was a little surprised. She saw that the visitor was close. She took off her high hat and shouted, "dissolve."

It turned out to be the emperor, Duke Kang, Xu Caizhi and others

Hua Rong was surprised and quickly saluted, letting Zhao Deji and others in

"Where is Yue Pengju?"

"He went on patrol, and I immediately sent someone to find him back..."

"Ronger, don't worry, wait until he comes back by himself."

Hua Rong stood aside with his hands down. Zhao Deji sat down and looked around. There was a small stove in the room, which was very warm. Several dishes of cooked food on the table, although simple, looked delicious

After Hua Rong married Yue Pengju, there was no Weng Gu at the top and no children at the bottom, and there was no housework in the military camp. Therefore, although Yue Pengju was the new "Xuanfu envoy", there were no servant girls in the temporary small home Temporary sewing and mending or porridge dishes are all automatic. They are just you and me, and they don't want to be disturbed by a third party

Hua Rong stood aside, thinking of the cold weather, and hurried to pour hot tea for everyone His actions were also a little flustered, and he was always unsure why the emperor suddenly came to this place

Looking at Huarong again, I saw that she was dressed in civilian clothes at home, and her hair had been combed into a married woman's bun. It was estimated that it was because she had just been busy, and her white and red face was covered with a layer of blush. She was no longer brave in military clothes, but became completely charming Look at her flowing eyes and the posture when she turned to pour tea and walked——

Zhao Deji read countless women. At a glance, he knew that this was the kind of watery tenderness that women would appear only when they were moistened by rain and dew He had never seen this kind of tenderness in Hua Rong before, but now he found that such a special style belonging to a mature woman was more attractive than her beautiful appearance when she was a girl

At this look, the throat somehow began to tighten, and angry, very lost, as if a red apple had been placed in front of him, and he could pick it as soon as he stretched out his hand, but someone was one step ahead The cooked duck also flew This anger made me feel hot and flushed

Kang Gonggong and others thought it was just because of the stove, and Hua Rong didn't notice such a change. He only served him tea and respectfully said, "why did the officials dress up?"

Her gentle voice rang in her ear, and Zhao Deji suddenly remembered the days on the sea. The anger in his heart faded, stared at her, sighed and suddenly saluted

Since I met Zhao Deji, first the ninth Lord and then the emperor, my status has been extremely respected Hua Rong was surprised to see that the emperor saluted him today, and hurriedly said, "what's the matter with the official family?"

Zhao Deji sighed heavily, "to tell you the truth, rong'er, this time I came here in micro clothes. I really have something important to ask."

Hua Rong was even more surprised. What important thing needs the emperor to do in person? Doesn't one edict solve the problem? Moreover, is it for yourself or for Yue Pengju?

She said cautiously, "Peng Ju will be back soon..."

"No, ronger, I'm actually begging you!"

Beg for yourself!?

Hua Rong is even more uneasy

Zhao Deji took a sip of tea, which was fried by Huarong himself and put on the stove. It was very light. Although it was not the best, it had a warm and quiet fragrance

"Rong'er, these days, song and Jin negotiated peace, and the Jin State sent an emissary delegation to negotiate peace for the first time..."

After Jin Wushu was defeated and fled at sea, he joined the army and returned to the kingdom of Jin At this time, the old wolf master of the kingdom of gold was critically ill and later died The old wolf insisted that his sons had made great achievements in the war. For fear of fighting for the throne, he ordered his brother to succeed to the throne before his death, known as king Taizong The princes were very dissatisfied, especially Zonghan, who had a deep contradiction with this uncle. Now, seeing him succeed to the throne, he immediately supported the army Kim Tae Chung was not yet full-fledged and did not dare to start easily, so he vigorously supported Zong Wang and Jin Wushu brothers to fight against Zonghan

As the chief contributor of the southern expedition, Zonghan naturally has a great say. The so-called Marshal's house envoy refers to Zonghan's envoy Years ago, Zonghan sent important personnel such as marshal's house councilors, Anzhou regiment training envoys, and doctor Yinqing Guanglu to the south of the song state This is the arrival of the first official envoys of the state of Jin since the song and Jin wars Zhao Deji naturally welcomed the outcome of the discussion, which was nothing more than the territorial boundaries and tributary issues of both sides; And the return of the Empress Dowager

It was rude to come but not to go, and the state of song immediately decided to send a high-level seasonal visit, with Yu wenxuzhong, a scholar of zizhengdian University, as the head of the Da Jin mission

Hua Rong listened for a long time and looked at Zhao Deji suspiciously. Under the current situation, there are obviously positive factors for the exchanges and friendly peace talks between the two countries, but what does this have to do with him?


Zhao Deji glanced around, and Xu Caizhi and Kang Gonggong retreated with great tact

Hua Rong was even more puzzled: "official family, this matter?"

Zhao Deji didn't say anything, but he burst into tears: "I'm unfilial, let my mother wander into the kingdom of Jin, and was humiliated by the prisoners..."

Hua Rong's heart was cold. Thinking of the words that Jin Wushu humiliated Zhao Deji at sea, she realized that Zhao Deji had come to "beg" himself to follow the messenger and go to the kingdom of Jin to pick up his mother!

Sure enough, Zhao Deji wiped his tears and said in a deep voice, "I dare not let anyone know what happened to the Empress Dowager in the kingdom of Jin. Even though Yu wenxuzhong is sophisticated, it is inconvenient for men and women after all. I'm afraid that the Empress Dowager has difficulties in dealing with things and must have the help of a capable woman. Rong'er, I want to recall that you are the only person suitable in this world, so I come to ask you for help..."

The newly married Yan'er and Yue Pengju get together less and leave more. Emotionally, Hua Rong is not willing to leave Yue Pengju and go to a strange Daijin as an envoy. However, the emperor came in person, and how can he refuse?

Zhao Deji was embarrassed to see her face, Even worse: "Rong'er, I rely on you to sacrifice my life and rescue in order to return to the palace safely. Originally, I would not disturb you any more. However, this is not a trivial matter, which concerns my mother. No matter how unworthy I am, how can I have the heart to let my mother suffer in a foreign country and live an inhuman life? However, since Jingkang, all my parents, brothers and sisters have been captured by captives, and there is no one close to and trusted around me. After thinking about it, I can't find a more suitable person than you Rong'er, please... "

Hua Rong didn't know how to answer at all, but saluted vigorously: "Hua Rong will do his best..."

However, it is impossible to say how to "make every effort" in the end

Originally, if the emperor wanted to "order" himself, it was extremely easy, but he did not order, but asked earnestly in such words

Stunned, she suddenly heard a notice outside the door saying that Yue Peng had come back

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