One Night Bride

Chapter 136

She was relieved. At this time, she needed to discuss with Yue Peng Zhao Deji sat upright and nodded, "tell him to come in."

When she opened the door, Yue Pengju came in and saluted the Emperor: "Peng Ju, don't be polite. Today, let's gossip freely."

Yue Peng listened to Hua Rong briefly tell Zhao Deji what he meant. Zhao Deji looked at him and felt a little nervous He also didn't know what the reason was. Since ancient times, monarchs and ministers had to die. However, in front of this couple who had saved their lives many times, he always couldn't afford the emperor's airs and prestige. For fear that Yue Peng would not allow the flowers to dissolve, what should he do?

Sure enough, Yue Peng raised his frown and made a deep salute: "Your Majesty, it was a good thing to negotiate peace with the golden man and welcome the Empress Dowager back. However, my wife can't dissolve a weak woman, and the prisoners have no sense of propriety, righteousness and shame. I'm afraid that this time, it will be more or less bad, and it's difficult to protect himself, so it's not enough to complete the task..."

Naturally, what he is worried about is Jin Wu Shu Jin Wushu has always been unfaithful to the thief of Hua Rong, and the two people have broken off their friendship in the first war on the sea. If Hua Rong went to the Jin Kingdom this time, wouldn't he be caught by him?

Zhao Deji naturally knew his thoughts and hurriedly said, "this time, there is a university scholar Yuwen Xuzhong leading the team, and there is also military protection. The two countries will not hurt the envoys in the confrontation, not to mention the exchange of visits, which is not too dangerous. Moreover, I have been reported that the old wolf Lord of the kingdom of Jin died of illness, and now his brother has succeeded him. The main contact of this peace talk is Zonghan, not Jin Wushu..."

Hua Rong shuddered at the thought of Zonghan's ferocity Yue Peng held up slowly and said, "Your Majesty, Hua Rong is really not enough to undertake this great task. The young general is not talented. I am willing to recommend myself to take her place as an envoy, and I will die forever..."

Yue Pengju defeated Jin Ren, which was a thorn in the flesh of the Jin Kingdom. Seeing that he would rather take risks by himself than his wife, Zhao Deji was in a hurry and suddenly said, "I really need the help of rong'er. Peng Ju, if you are really worried about the safety of rong'er, escort him at any time..."

Both of them were stunned

Zhao Deji's words are tantamount to excellent suggestions. If the generals on the border are secretly changed, Yue Pengju will lead the troops to station. On the one hand, peace talks will be held, and on the other hand, the deployment will be strengthened. In the name of Yue Pengju, it will also suppress the Jin people, which is not too rampant

Zhao Deji was delighted when he saw the two people's hearts. He took out a token and gave it to Yue Pengju: "well, it's so decided. Peng Ju, I order you to lead the army to the northeast of Huaihe River, so it's convenient to engage in..."

"Thank you for your grace."

In this way, Xiangyang's backbone battlefield against Jin was pushed to the forefront of war preparation with Jin This was also Yue Pengju's ideal to fight with Jin and recover the two rivers

At this time, the two people can't continue to refuse. Hua Rong looks at Yue Pengju, and the two exchange glances. Hua Rong salutes: "Hua Rong must do his best."

Seeing that they finally agreed, Zhao Deji was very happy. He laughed and drank a cup of tea in his hand: "I'm a little hungry, rong'er. I'll have a meal with you this noon, and I'll try rong'er's Craft..."

The two of them remembered that they had not eaten yet and hurriedly settled down for dinner

Because the food was not enough, Hua Rong temporarily added a few more dishes and ordered the kitchen to send some preserved meat and sliced beef and pork, which filled the table

Zhao Deji sat in the middle, but when he saw these ordinary dishes, although they were not as delicate as those carved in the Imperial Palace, he felt unique

When he saw Hua Rong carefully serving rice and handing it to Yue Pengju, he said and acted so gently and quietly, and then casually glanced at Yue Pengju with a rice bowl, he realized that rong'er was really Yue Pengju's wife!

He had his first concubine since he was 14 years old. Since then, he has been married to three wives and four concubines, and has never lived such a monogamous life. However, when he saw the two people face to face, the silent communication and casual smile seemed to be silent

Raise your eyebrows, is that what you're talking about?

Suddenly I think of many beautiful women and concubines in my palace. They are intriguing and jealous all day. More inadvertently, I think of the obstacles in my bedroom. Where can I eat this meal?

He hurriedly put down his job and stood up. Yue Pengju and Hua Rong were very surprised: "Your Majesty, this food is not to your taste..."

He shook his head and hurriedly said, "I suddenly feel unwell and want to go back immediately..."

Naturally, they did not dare to ask the emperor about his future. He said he would leave, and Xu Caizhi and others immediately prepared a horse for him Outside, there is a selected guard of his, and in front of him, there is a guard of 5000 people

When the two sent him out, Zhao Deji looked very reluctantly, with a bit of pain: "rong'er, you must be careful this trip, and Yuwen Xuzhong will try his best to help you."

"Ronger must fulfill his mission."

He just smiled, turned around and left

After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and saw Yue Pengju and Hua Rong still standing in place. At this time, it was snowy again. Hua Rong tightly held Yue Pengju's hand and snuggled up to him with his petite body Such a look is even more eye-catching - when did Yue Pengju, the child in those days, become so heroic and arrogant? So strong and upright, like a steel skeleton

Even, Huarong's charming face and watery eyebrows moistened by rain and dew!

rain and dew!

Why can't I rain and dew?

When I thought about it like this, I felt a great sense of pain and humiliation. Suddenly, I felt hot under my body. I couldn't help feeling the pain anymore, so I hit the horse and ran away

Xu Caizhi and others did not know why the officials were suddenly anxious, and immediately chased out

Immediately, Yue Pengju, in accordance with the emperor's will, led a light cavalry to secretly bypass the north and secretly exchange with the local garrison generals

All the way north, at this time, it is the beginning of spring in the south, but the north is still a land of ice and snow

The troops stationed at the border reined in Ma, and the flowers were almost stiff

Yue Pengju dismounted first, hugged her and took her off the horse's back. She smiled in his arms and said, "Peng Ju, I can do it myself."

"But when I'm by your side, I'll try my best to take care of you."

Hearing this, she suddenly felt sad and didn't say anything I don't know good or bad luck when I go to the kingdom of Jin. Although the husband and wife have been together, I don't know why, she is more worried about him than about herself My heart is always vaguely uneasy, as if Yue Pengju came here with an unspeakable sense of bad luck

The town of the garrison is called elong town. It is sparsely populated and the border has been bitter cold for a long time. The veterans stationed there are 50 or 60 years old and cannot return home, and the beacon tower has long been in disrepair and desolate

The general got the token and was naturally overjoyed when he saw someone exchange it. That night, he packed up his simple luggage and left with the guard

"Mansion" is just a stone house, very simple. The middle room is burning coals, and above it is an earth Kang commonly used by local people

Hua Rong and Yue Pengju have never stayed on the Kang. Now in this bitter cold land, they have a simple meal, remove the small table on the Kang, and find that the Kang is very warm

Both of them felt strange. The scalding warmth dispelled the cold of the foreign land and snuggled together, letting the north wind roar outside

For a long time, Yue Peng raised his talent and said, "tomorrow I'll send you to sanhezi to meet with Lord Yuwen and his party."


Yu wenxuzhong and others led a team to set out from the capital first. Before leaving, they had sent someone to inform sanhezi on the border of the kingdom of Jin to meet Yesterday, Yue Pengju had received the news that Yu wenxuzhong and his party had arrived and only waited for the flowers to dissolve

"Sister, I'll send Zhang Xian with you tomorrow."

She hesitated: "Zhang Xian is your left and right arms. At present, the border is no better than Xiangyang. You also need competent people around you, and I'm in the messenger group. I'm sure Jin Ren won't have any excessive measures."

Yue Peng shook his head, feeling a little heavy: "those people may not be reliable. Zhang Xian adapts to circumstances, and there will always be some ways, and you can inform me in time."

When she was in danger several times, Yue Pengju left Zhang Xian to take care of her This time, Zhang Xian's wife and two daughters stayed in Xiangyang and did not come together

When she saw Yue Peng holding on, she didn't refuse, and laughed, "to tell the truth, I'm really a little uneasy in my heart. It's better to have Zhang Xian."

He hugged her tightly. At this moment, his heart suddenly sighed: "when I was a small soldier, I always hoped to be a general. Now I have become a propaganda envoy. After becoming the commander-in-chief of the party, Fang Jue people sometimes shoulder heavy responsibilities and can't help it..."

She recognized the sadness in his voice and said with a smile, "what's the matter? Peng Ju?"

"Just like now, I don't want you to go to the golden Kingdom at all, but there's no way... I don't want to separate from you, not at all..."

Heroes are short-lived and have long relationships with children. He doesn't know why. Suddenly, he strongly wants to put everything down, even if it's not galloping, unifying the army, or making contributions. He's just an ordinary person, just an ordinary farmer, who works at sunrise and rests at sunset, and lives a simple life with his wife

She smiled and snuggled in his arms: "I won't separate! Peng Ju, you know? If this time it wasn't you coming with me, I would really resist!"

Selfish, who is not selfish!

Even for the sake of "Empress Dowager's dignity", she was unwilling to leave her husband

And he would not allow his wife to take risks if he could not "Chen Bing frontier"

The two held hands tightly, and Hua Rong laughed again: "Alas, people say that loyal ministers, filial sons, Peng Ju, are we not loyal enough?"

He shook his head and didn't know how to define the word! But don't loyal ministers need to care for their wives at all?

"If I have to choose between a loyal minister and his wife, I'll choose you!"

She looked at him in surprise, suddenly angry, buried in his chest, giggled

Her warm cheeks pressed against his chest, and her body was as hot as her heart, making her chest seem to crack He smiled, eagerly and gently took off her underwear. At this time, under the dim oil lamp, her body turned into a glittering pink because of the heat of the Kang, so beautiful

He looked at her carefully and never appreciated her so seriously. Then, his fingers slowly rubbed her smooth legs and slowly went up

She blushed and lost her mind for a moment. A woman has such fun, but in the future, if she can't see Peng Ju at a distance, won't she delay such happiness for a long time?

He gently hugged her and said softly, "as soon as tomorrow goes, don't be afraid of anything. I'm here."

"Well, not afraid." Seeing his worried eyes, she suddenly said, "Peng Ju, you can't just miss me. This is the border, and there may be accidents at any time. You have to be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, I've already arranged it."

Hua Rong was really relieved and rested on his arm. This night, although they were both in a foreign land for the first time, because they were together, as long as they were together, everywhere was home. They didn't feel the slightest unaccustomed and fell asleep

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