One Night Bride

Chapter 137

Get up at five o'clock the next day

After finishing everything, Zhang Xian came with a bodyguard named Liu Qi Liu Qi is Zhang Xian's hometown and the best in Kung Fu among the bodyguards. He is deep Yue Peng picked carefully and asked them to follow Hua Rong

After delivering the three people to sanhezi, Yue Pengju stopped and handed a package to Zhang Xian. He smiled very mysteriously, "take it well, maybe you need it."

Hua Rong was surprised and said, "what is this?"

You'll know when you arrive. You don't need to open it on the way

Hua Rong saw his mysterious appearance and said with a smile, "well, I'll see it when I arrive. Peng Ju, you don't have to send us."

Yue Peng raised it again and again and warned, "be careful in everything."

"Yes, it will."

Hua Rong took a dozen horses and turned around and left Yue Peng raised his head and watched the three men disappear completely before returning. He immediately began to deploy Unlike Hua Rong, he didn't hold a too optimistic attitude, for fear that in case of any accident, fortunately, he was here, and everything was OK

Sanhezi post station

Only then did Hua Rong find out that the number of the delegation to the kingdom of Jin was huge

Led by Yu wenxuzhong, a scholar of the University, a group of nearly 100 people brought a large number of gifts like silver, silk, pearls, tea, ceramics and so on

Yu wenxuzhong and others met Hua Rong for the first time, but seeing her in men's clothes, petite and mixed in the crowd, she looked inconspicuous

Hua Rong stepped forward: "Lord Yuwen, I'm sorry to have waited so long."

Yu Wen thought of the emperor's instructions before leaving, but he didn't dare to neglect it, and said, "Mrs. Yue has worked hard."

Hua rongdan was very happy when she heard this "Mrs. Yue", as if she had received some praise, and arched her hands with joy: "Sir, can we start?"

"Yes, let's go."

Yu Wenxu answered this, but seeing her smile, her face was radiant, and she vaguely understood why the emperor must appoint her to the kingdom of Jin

The huge team set out for another half day, and had already stepped into the territory of the kingdom of Jin

Hua Rong rode on his horse and took a distant look at the ice and snow in the north. It was so bitter and cold that it was very different from the Central Plains I suddenly think of Jin Wushu in my mind. I came to the kingdom of Jin. Can I avoid him?

The fear of forcibly suppressing rose again. This trip seemed like the fate of the Song Dynasty. It was really unpredictable whether it was good or bad Along the way, she carefully observed Yu wenxuzhong's behavior Yu wenxuzhong is 49 years old this year and was born as a Jinshi Hua Rong but felt that he was dealing with the situation. He was more than literate and less rigid. Suddenly, he remembered that Su Wu shepherd was really going to be detained by the Jin man. Could he be disciplined?

Thinking about it like this, she was even more worried. Anyway, the core goal of the emperor's peace negotiation was to bring back his mother, and the rest could be postponed. In this way, she also had a spectrum in her heart. She didn't hang "welcoming back the two saints" everywhere like Yu wenxuzhong. She just thought that it didn't matter if those two confused monarchs didn't come back

People in the Jin Dynasty had heard of the arrival of the envoys of the Song Dynasty, but they were unimpeded along the way However, as soon as we arrived at the southwest of Yanjing City, we were stopped by local officials

The official level was not high, but his attitude was very arrogant. He only ordered everyone to enter the post house to have a rest, and he was not allowed to call or walk any further

Yu wenxuzhong didn't dare to say more, and immediately ordered everyone to stay in the post house

That night, Jin people did not host a banquet for everyone, only a group of envoys scattered to see this distinctive exotic style

Hua Rong lived alone in a simple room. It was said to be a room, but it was actually just a canopy wall, which was transformed from the original palace of the Liao state

She took out the large package that Yue Peng held up before leaving. When she opened it, she laughed. There were three sets of golden man clothes, as well as some fake beards, masks and other disguise supplies inside. I really don't know where he found it

She was overjoyed, called Zhang Xian and Liu Qi, changed their clothes, made a little explanation, and took them out in the twilight Unlike the Central Plains, the city of Jin is not very prosperous. In the evening, there are not many pedestrians on the street, and the clothes are strange. Both men and women are topless

Along the way, Hua Rong taught them some simple Jurchen language. They knew that this trip was important and studied hard. Although they spoke poorly, they could understand some local languages slightly

In front of it was a small shop selling "fried fruit". The three people walked in and Hua Rong said, "let's have three."

The shopkeeper was the local "han'er" - Jin Guo called the local Han people "han'er". Although the boss saw that the three people behaved a little strange, he saw that they were all dressed up as Jin people in the dark, wearing only the local thick leather hats. He didn't care, so he ran around and brought fried fruit

While the three were eating, he chatted enthusiastically in half Jurchen and half Chinese: "it seems that the three are also in business? Selling tea or horses?"

Hua Rong casually said, "tea."

"Haha, brother, you're going to be rich..."

Because Hua Rong is also a half Nvzhen language and a half Chinese language, he thought they were also far and near "han'er", and became kind at once: "brother, you really can choose the time..."


"Three days later, it will be the 'shooting willow Festival', and warriors from all over the kingdom of Jin will come here to compete in Archery..."

At this time, it was mid March, the North was cold, and the South was "spring wind in February was like scissors", but until this time, the willows here did not send out the first bud

"Shooting willows Festival" was originally a traditional festival in the kingdom of Jin. Every year, the flower Dynasty festival in March, the Double Ninth Festival in May, the Zhongyuan festival in July and the Double Ninth Festival in September all enjoy shooting willows and hitting balls In fact, this custom was not native to the Jin State, but learned from the Liao state. After the Jin people destroyed the Liao and attacked the Song Dynasty, they learned many customs from these two countries, especially festivals in entertainment and pleasure, as well as some blowing, playing, singing, playing football, etc., which soon became popular in the army and spread to the civilian public

The flower festival in the Jin Kingdom is a little different from that in the Central Plains. It is based on their favorite local flower blooming time. It is these days

Hua Rong and others naturally didn't know these customs. They just heard the shopkeeper gush: "this' shooting willow Festival 'is not the same. I heard that the fourth prince will be engaged here. He is the daughter of the Deputy Prime Minister of the state of Jin. The tribe of the Deputy Prime Minister is here, and there are people from all over the country to congratulate him. Think about it, little brother, how lively it will be at that time, and your tea will sell at a good price..."

Isn't the fourth Prince just Jin Wushu?

Jin Wushu is going to be engaged?

Do Jin people also engage in marriage? What is the difference between engagement and marriage in the kingdom of Jin?

Hua Rong was curious and slightly happy Originally, what she worried about all the way was that if she met Jin Wushu, she really didn't know what to do. Now that he was going to get married, he also had a heart attack He is newly married, and it's too late to be happy. How can he bother himself again?

Hua Rong was very happy to get this useful information. He bought some fried fruits and returned to the post house with Zhang Xian and others As soon as he got back, he saw Yu wenxuzhong pacing at the door, looking uneasy. Seeing Hua Rong and others coming back, he didn't recognize them for a moment. Hua Rong quietly shook his hand. Yu wenxuzhong woke up. They hurried into the room and closed the door

Hua Rong first asked him, "what's your news?"

"The officer learned that the eldest prince Zonghan will come to the south of Yanjing city these days..."

Yu wenxuzhong was old and prudent. He came to a foreign land and didn't dare to walk around. He only secretly sent someone to bribe several local Jin people. He learned that a large number of important people from the kingdom of Jin would come here these days, so he told them not to act at will

Hua Rong was not surprised, but whispered, "has the Empress Dowager heard anything?"

Yu wenxuzhong didn't seem to dare to answer. After a while, he whispered, "those gold men are low-level officials. They said that they had seen the Empress Dowager in the 'laundry Bureau'..."

What's the matter with Hua Rong's feelings? I don't ask much. I ponder a little, and I don't know whether this "shooting willow Festival" is an opportunity or a disaster

Before leaving, Yu Wenxu suddenly said, "Madam Yue, before leaving, I have to pay attention to your safety. You are a woman after all, so it's best not to act easily..."

Hua Rong heard that he was accusing him of going out today, smiled and bowed: "thank you for your warning. Hua Rong will be careful in the future and will not reveal his identity."

Yu wenxuzhong saw her disguised well when she came back. At this time, someone who knows Nvzhen language also needs to go out to inquire. He only sighed helplessly, "Mrs. Yue, anyway, you should be careful. This is not better than other places. You should always be careful."

"Thank you for your concern."


The residence of the fourth prince

What was lit in the room was not the common horse lamp of the Jin people, nor the heavily smoked oil lamp of the local kind, but a fragrant candle

Such candles were one of the spoils looted from the court of the Song Dynasty. At that time, generals were busy searching for gold and silver treasures and beauties. Few people could see such candles and books everywhere

Only he likes it, more than treasure

These things have now become the spoils of Jin Wu Shu's study

This huge study is different from the study of common taxis in the Southern Dynasty. There is no screen, only a birch desk with a white case, and the opposite is the 18th class weapons, swords and halberds, all complete

He held a book, sat down on the table and took a look at the fragrant candle In the past, when I was in Liujia temple, I always lit eight sticks in one night; But now, there is only one box left, and I don't know how long it will last

He liked things from the Southern Dynasties, so he began to use them sparingly

There was a knock at the door, three times, which was Wu Qimai's habit

"Come in."

Wu Qimai hurried in: "report to the fourth prince that the emissary of the state of song has arrived in the south of Yanjing city. Led by Shi Yuwen Xuzhong of the state of song University, the party has a total of more than 100 people and brought a lot of property..."

"What's the news from the eldest prince?"

"The eldest prince has asked them to stay in place. Moreover, the villain also received a message that the eldest prince has sent someone to invite song Huizong's father, son, wives and concubines who live in Yanshou temple to enjoy the performance of the 'shooting willow Festival' together."

Jin Wushu walked to the window, looked at the vast night, and pondered for a while, which was very unexpected

"The fourth prince, this' shooting willow Festival 'is also your wedding day. The eldest prince arranges this, and I don't know if he has any intention..."

"Continue to inquire, don't pay too much attention to the movements of the eldest prince, and pay attention to who is in the emissary group of the lower Song Dynasty. It's best to find out everyone's identity and status."


After Wu Qi stepped out, Jin Wushu returned to his desk and sat down. He sneered in his heart. What trick did Zonghan want to play? His engagement was specially made for him. If he didn't see it, wouldn't it be a pity?

He regarded engagement as a show, but, unexpectedly, his mind still came up with that familiar face, especially when he lit the candles of the Southern Dynasty and held the thread bound book of the Southern Dynasty

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