One Night Bride

Chapter 140

One of the important items of the "shooting willow Festival" is the archery of the match between the two armies. In order to dampen Zonghan's spirit in tomorrow's "shooting willow Festival", Jin Wushu temporarily called together his elite soldiers and strong generals to practice again to ensure that nothing is wrong

But after several shouts, Wu Qimai did not appear He said angrily, "where is Wu Qimai?"

At this time, I heard the panting voice at the door. It was Wu Jimai's voice: "the fourth Prince..."

He said angrily, "where have you been spending your time?"

Since returning from the sea, he has also been very open to his subordinates. He feels that life and death are fleeting, and he doesn't know what will happen next. He can have fun in time and in time. Therefore, Wu Qimai and others often go to brothels for fun

Wu Qimai saw the fourth Prince's face full of anger today and whispered, "report to the fourth prince that the villain saw a person in the laundry yard today, so familiar..."

Jin Wushu said impatiently, "which acquaintance did you see again?"

"Hua Rong..."

Jin Wushu was surprised: "what did you say?"

"I saw a man's back like a flower dissolving..."

Jin Wushu, however, smelled that he was full of alcohol, and said, "a man is like a flower melt", and was furious: "damn thing, in order to avoid punishment, you dare to fabricate such a bad excuse..."

"The fourth Prince calmed down. Miss Hua Rong, the young general is very familiar with and will never recognize the wrong person. At that time, she was with a soldier named Zha he. When she saw the young general, she turned and ran away. She didn't dare to meet the young general at all..."

"How did Hua Rong come to the kingdom of gold?"


Jin Wushu suddenly thought of the emissary group of the state of song, moved in his heart, and immediately said, "you said you still have three song envoys who haven't seen?"


"You should investigate carefully again immediately. No one should miss it. If you can find a clue, you will be allowed to atone for your crimes. If you fail, you will be punished for both crimes..."


Hua Rong got the Empress Dowager's whereabouts and dared not let Zha he follow. In order not to make him suspicious, she rushed back to the shop with him. Zhang Xian and Liu Qi were looking nervously

At this time, the shop was bustling with people coming and going because of tomorrow's "shooting willow Festival". The two pretended to be businessmen, selling some low-grade group tea. Seeing the flowers melt back, Liu Qi stayed to see the "stall", and Zhang Xian immediately followed her into the inner room

Hua Rongjin said, "the Empress Dowager has fallen..."

"Where is it?"

Hua Rong once promised to hide all the scandals of her mother for Zhao Deji, and did not say that she was married, only that she was in a tent in the north of the city Zhang Xian was rigorous and didn't ask much, but said, "what should we do next?"

Hua Rong whispered, "I think the golden man's attitude is arrogant, and the possibility of successful negotiation is too small. If only we could help the Empress Dowager escape..."

For a time, she thought that Zhao Deji's fear was only that his mother was in the hands of Jin Ren. As for other royal families of the Song family, she did not pay attention to it She doesn't despise Zhao Deji's selfishness. Those two young and old people are confused. What good is it to welcome back in addition to fighting for power and profit? Therefore, unlike Yu wenxuzhong, she didn't care about the whereabouts of the "two saints". She just thought that if she could successfully take the Empress Dowager or princess Xing to leave together, it would be a success

But how easy is it to escape secretly? The current situation is to find the Empress Dowager first and plan together

She said, "I'll see the queen mother again in the evening."

"I'll go with you."

"Well, we have to dress up again without showing any flaws."

These two days, the three people collected a lot of Jin people's costumes in the local area, even the kind of beard of Jin people, especially Zhang Xian and Liu Qi are tall. Such a dress, as long as they don't speak, is almost exactly the same as Jin people

The two of them discussed and went out to wink at Liu Qi, but they saw two people coming in a hurry opposite. Hua Rong saw clearly that it was Wu Qimai and so on

She was surprised. What did Wu Qimai do in the post house twice in succession?

She was afraid that Wu Qimai would find her trace and dodged aside. Seeing Wu Qimai, she hurried into the post house

She said to Zhang Xian, "wait, I'll go and have a look."

Zhang Xian understood, and she immediately entered the door and disguised again Zhang Xian and others also completely changed their costumes

Yu wenxuzhong was tasting a kind of group tea of the local people. Seeing Wu Qimai coming again, he hurriedly said, "what's the order of the fourth prince? Can you tell me the whereabouts of the Supreme Master's family..."

Wu Qimai looked around impatiently and said straight to the point, "Lord Yuwen, I want to meet your three followers who have never met..."

Yu Wen was surprised: "what's important?"

"It's all right, just look around."

Yu Wenxu saw that he was so rude, but he was timid and under the eaves of others. He didn't dare to refute at all, but Hua Rong and others were not in the post house, but where did he call people?

Wu Qimai impatiently urged, "what about the three?"

There was only a frightened voice behind him: "Lord Yuwen..."

Wu Qimai turned around and saw three men standing in front of him, two of whom were tall and dark faced; The shorter man is the "man" he met in the laundry house a few days ago Along the way, Hua Rong was dressed like this, and even Yuwen Xuzhong had never seen her true face

Face to face, where does this person have the slightest shadow of flower melting? In particular, the voice is also so rough and unpleasant, completely a man's voice

Wu Qimai looked at the two men in a twinkling of an eye, and they were men to the letter

He suddenly pointed to Hua Rong, "take a few steps."


Hua Rong turned around and took a few steps

Now, Wu Qimai saw clearly, and her walking posture was also very strange, which was by no means the back of Hua Rong

He was so disappointed that he thought, did he drink too much and lose his eyes before? Afraid of being punished by Jin Wushu, he turned bitterly and left

Yu Wenxu breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Hua Rong again, she also felt that she looked very strange today

Hua Rong smiled bitterly and hurried out of the side door, replacing the thick padding on her body It turned out that she was afraid that Wu Qimai would recognize her figure and voice. After a lot of hard work, she was able to muddle through

If the identity is revealed, others don't say first, at least Jin Wushu can definitely guess the purpose of his coming, because the empress dowager, so, I really don't know how he will obstruct

When she came to the kingdom of Jin, Jin Wushu was one of the last things she wanted to face. Even the man who turned against him was fundamentally different from King Qin. After all, King Qin had experienced life and death together many times and knew that he would not harm himself

Women, for men who like themselves, always have an instinctive intuition. Hua Rong also feels strange. Even with such a terrible nightmare, she never thought that King Qin would kill herself!

But what about Jin Wu Shu? Who knows what will happen to Jin Wu Shu?

He gave the order to "kill" himself without blinking an eye

Wu Qimai went to investigate. Jin Wushu trained for a while, but he couldn't sit still. Seeing that it was almost dusk, he ordered everyone to stand by tomorrow. After thinking about it, he also went to the post house

Instead of being rash, he changed his casual clothes and passed by like a passer-by

On the street opposite the post house, three men rushed in He moved in his heart and drew closer. At this time, he could see the person in front of him more clearly. He looked yellow and walked in a hurry. He was not Huarong at all

He sat quietly in a small shop opposite and asked for a plate of fried tea fruits. After a while, Wu Qimai came out in a hurry and turned around and left He was not in a hurry to follow up, and still sat where he was, with his back to the post house

After a while, he turned around again and saw two tall men come out at the gate of the post house, but the little man disappeared

He was a little disappointed. He was about to get up, but he heard the voice of a golden man across from him: "brother, I scalded your horse * * wine..."

"Thank you. I'll drink it when I get back in the evening."

The sound was so rustling, but it sounded strange and familiar in my ears He suddenly stood up and saw that a jujube horse had gone out of the corner and soon disappeared

He casually walked up to the shopkeeper and saw a young Jin Jun drinking with a big bowl This Jin Jun was just getting drunk. At this time, Jin Wushu asked him, "who was that man just now?"

"It's a peddler in the group tea business. Do you want to buy tea?"


"Well, when he comes back, you can come to him. He lives in our store. He is a generous and heroic man..."

"Han Er is so treacherous, how can he be so good?"

Zha he was anxious and said loudly, "no, this man is really different. He is a good man, a good man..."

Jin Wushu was very curious. The Han people in the Jin State had a very low status, but the Jin youth at the lower level seemed to have a very good impression on that "Han Er"

He became interested and sat down: "why don't you say, 'he'?"

"He is very generous and honest. Unlike other men, he took bad tea to deceive us into paying a high price; his inferior tea was sold at an extremely low price. If he didn't say it himself, we couldn't tell..."

"Oh? How long has he been here?"

"Three days."

Jin Wushu calculated that it was the day when the emissary of the state of song arrived. In this way, he had another layer of assurance in his heart

Zha he saw that he kept asking questions and stared at him, "you wait to buy his tea. You won't deceive you..."

"I'll come back tomorrow."

At this time, Jin Wushu's heart was already like a sea of turbulence. He couldn't sit down any longer. He turned and chased in the direction that Hua Rong had just left

When we reached the corner, we had lost her

He stopped decadent and couldn't help touching his left shoulder. With hidden pain, he shot into his shoulder blade so accurately

In the battle of life and death, there is no mercy for each other

With such deep hatred, now she finally falls into her own hands again?

If you fall into your own hands, how should you treat her?

Torture her severely or humiliate her heavily?

His heart beat almost out of his chest

If "he" is really flower dissolving!


At this time, he had completely forgotten tomorrow's "shooting willow Festival", and his whole cheek was flushed with excitement because of such a sudden discovery

Is it true that Huarong is in the Golden State?

It's a pity. Is it to send her to the door to make amends for herself and compensate for her near death experience at sea?

He said to himself, "Hua Rong, if you are really Hua Rong, even if you dig three feet, the crown prince will find you!"

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