One Night Bride

Chapter 141

At dusk, the mountains are far away

In the middle of spring with white mountains and black waters, green fluffy carpets have grown on the grass, densely covering the vast black land, dotted with many unknown trees A grassy path divides the grassland into two halves. Cattle and sheep, occasional herdsmen, and silent mountains all rest in the spring sun The sky is blue, and the white clouds are as white as pearls In the distance, the hidden mountain is covered with snow, and the snow has not been reduced because of the arrival of spring. On the opposite side, a small river gurgles. After the ice is thawed, the water turns black as ink because of the surrounding grass green

Hua Rongle Ma, tight clothes, a person in such a white mountain and black water, so spacious, completely different from the scene of the Central Plains In the north of Yanjing City, it is no longer a completely nomadic tent, but reinforced with earth and trees, which has become a half house. It can be seen that it is deeply affected by the Central Plains

Look back, there is a road leading to the tent in front On the road, there are scattered children picking up cow dung for burning and heating

The flower dissolved and stood under a willow tree with its treetops cut off. It stood motionless and upright. The afterglow of the sunset shone on it, and the texture on it could be seen in circles There was a breeze blowing and it was chilly. She looked at the place where the wind sounded, tied the horse in the dense forest in front, and then walked out slowly like a local

In the distance, a tinkling sound came from a carriage

This kind of simple carriage is very different from that in the Central Plains. It is mainly used for transporting materials, and many herdsmen have it at home The driver was a 40 - or 50 - year-old female man, who was tough and rude

Hua Rong leaned to one side, and the carriage was about to pass, when he saw a curtain suddenly lifted - because the pink curtain had a bit of the smell of the Southern Dynasty. Hua Rong couldn't help looking more, and saw a hand stretched out first, and then a haggard woman's face, wearing a thick ermine jacket and braided hair

Hua Rong was shocked to find that it was Princess Wei Xian, now the Empress Dowager and the biological mother of the emperor of the Song Dynasty

She held her breath, didn't let herself cry out, and just casually followed forward

At dusk, the carriage stopped in front of a tent house

Zha he didn't lie. This is where he brought flowers

The queen mother married a retired female Centurion!

Then the curtain was lifted, and the woman in the carriage came down slowly, with some difficulty

At this time, the sun shines on her black ermine jacket, and her face is a little flustered

Hua Rong was shocked by the blow of this moment and completely lost his thinking

This woman, with a big stomach, turned out to be pregnant!

The queen mother is pregnant, and it seems that she is at least six months pregnant

She was stunned

At this time, the man shouted something. The woman took a basket of cow dung in his hand and entered the room In the distance, she looked at the woman's figure disappear completely, neither dare to go forward, nor dare to leave

She stood still, thinking of her haggard face and her legs as if numb

How can we live up to our great trust and cover up the humiliation history of the Empress Dowager in the kingdom of Jin?

Can this be covered up?

Put aside these first, how can the Queen Mother escape with a pregnant woman when she is pregnant?

Moreover, how will a pregnant empress dowager return to the Song Dynasty?

She looked blankly at this exotic sky. God was really not lenient. He even set such a terrible shackle on women - a criminal evidence of iron humiliation that could not escape

The sins of men are often borne by innocent women and children in the end

What an evil war!

Hua Rong just felt her heart trembling and blood rushing - she didn't know how to face it at all!

I don't know how I can accomplish my mission this time

She found that she couldn't even find a chance to meet the Empress Dowager

I can't do it today, so I have to look for another chance

Hua Rong rode back slowly

Willows along the way have sprouted. In the twilight, it is impossible to tell whether it is north or south of the city

Overhead is a blue ocean without a trace of cloud. The moon is rising gracefully, unobstructed, and a full moon It first rose from behind the white mountain, crossed the top of the mountain, and rose higher and higher. Its eyes always seemed to look up, eager to reach the deeper and farther, dark zenith like midnight

A few sparse stars dotted beside it, so lonely

In front of me, a burst of hooves blew, with a unique desolation of the night - although the moon was like water and bright as day

Unknown wild flowers on both sides of the road also appeared at the end of spring, emitting a strange fragrance, faint, and forming an interesting contrast with Hu Jia

This Hu Jia is also very strange, as if it had been heard. Suddenly, it turned into another sound, which was actually an improved song of the Southern Dynasty, mixed with Hu Jia, sometimes graceful, sometimes powerful

Ziquan palace locks the haze,

I want to take Wucheng as the emperor's home

The jade seal is not destined to return to the corner of the sun,

Jinfan should reach the end of the world

Now there is no firefly in the rotten grass,

There are evening crows on the weeping poplar all the time

If you meet the queen Chen,

Why ask the backyard flower again?


Who can play such a tune in this white mountain and black water?

Empress Chen ruled the subjugation of the state, and the state of song fainted the monarch and subjugated the state. However, how can this simply "why should we ask the backyard flower again" cancel the war between the two countries? Hun Jun is naturally hateful and damned, but isn't Huaiyang's terrible massacre as shameful and ferocious as Hun Jun?

She was suddenly indignant. Was it because the monarchs and ministers of the song state were ignorant and shameless? Could people of different nationalities wantonly kill thousands of innocent people of the song state?

What exactly does the person who plays the song want to explain?

The tune changed again. If the previous time also brought vigor, this time it turned into a complete lingering, but it was a song "qingpingle":

The spring breeze remains the same Suidi willow in Italy Rub the goose until it turns yellow The weather is clear and bright Last year, Zimo Qingmen At present, the soul of rain and cloud If you lose your life, you can spend a few evenings


At such a moment, such a person, such a song! Hua Rong suddenly felt a great uneasiness in her heart, as if the noise of someone was blown to her

She was about to leave with her horse between her legs when she suddenly heard a voice:

"Hua Rong!"

She reined in her horse. Since she was found, she was not in a hurry to flee, but stood still

The moonlight spilled over the exotic land, spreading bit by bit from the old trees and new vines in front, and crawling layer by layer with a bright desolation

In his sight, a man slowly came out from behind a big tree with a Hu Jia in his hand


A golden man's dress, but not the kind of shirtless bare chest of the lower golden man, but a tight beard, with a demonic black hair tied into a ponytail, gives people a rough and uninhibited feeling

The air instantly quieted down

He looked at the woman on the horse opposite. She was also dressed as a golden man. The man dressed as if he could not bear the cold. He was wearing a thick coat and a big hat on his head. Under the moonlight, she could even see such a jaundice like disguise on her face

But he saw at a glance that it was her!

Disguise can only confuse unfamiliar people How could he not recognize her when he was so face to face?

He held Hu Zhen in his hand and looked at her in a daze. For a moment, he didn't know what to say

Even if there are thousands of words in my heart, I forget it completely

The tongue seems to have lost the function of language

Hua Rong whipped again. He suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of her, blocking her way

"Hua Rong!"

She said faintly, "Jin Wushu, you..."

He interrupted her, eager, full of resentment and grievances: "you shoot me! You shoot me yourself, you want to kill me!"

She was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the first sentence they met would be like this

His tone was full of grievances. He had been on the battlefield for many years, and injuries were common. However, being shot by the enemy and being shot by her were different, absolutely different

"I never thought that you would really attack me!"

She said faintly, "when you ordered to kill me, you were not polite!"

He hurried: "no! I just want to kill Zhao Deji! I never want to kill you! Even if I order to kill you, you can't revenge me! You can never kill me..."


"Because I like you!!!"

As soon as he spoke, he realized that all kinds of gratitude and resentment were caused by war

If there is no war, just like now, stand face to face——

Why did the hatred in my heart go away?

"Hua Rong, I really don't want to kill you. At that time, I had to... Really... Do you hate me for this?"

She shook her head

"War! We are enemies. You should kill me!"

"Not the enemy, Zhao Deji is the enemy! Yue Pengju is the enemy! You are not..."

Yue Pengju is his enemy, how can he not be?

Even if it was an enemy, King Qin would not kill himself

Although Jin Wushu doesn't want to kill himself, he should also take the overall situation into consideration!

This is the difference between Jin Wushu and King Qin

She didn't know why she thought of King Qin at this time. She was at a loss and didn't speak for a long time

Jin Wushu stared at her in the Moonlight: "Hua Rong, you hate me! So you hate me too! You hate my order to kill you..."

He suddenly felt happy

Hate is also a good thing, just as I have been disappointed

She smiled and looked at his eager face and burning eyes in the moonlight

He is no longer the handsome young master in Han suit in the golden camp of Liujia temple; His ponytail, his big black eyes, his straight high nose, even his rough face and wolf like eyes!

Like a wolf on the grassland, like a fierce tiger in white mountains and black waters!

I can eat my prey!

How can prey eat hunters?

The hunter is always in control of his prey, but one day, he suddenly found that the order was reversed, and his regret and sadness can be imagined

She said nothing and did not distinguish, which made him even more frightened and anxious, as if to seize the opportunity He also didn't know why he was gradually at a disadvantage in front of her

Is it because of the arrow she shot herself?

Is it because of the sweeping momentum of Yue Pengju at sea?

It is surrounded by the smell of nascent Achnatherum splendens, and the stem of burdock is firmly swept on the instep; It was the bright moonlight that caused trouble. It was clear that her eyelashes were drooping, and even the jade clear capillaries on the back of her hand holding the reins

No matter how disguised, you can't disguise your eyes

"Hua Rong, why did you come to the kingdom of gold?"


"You came for Empress Dowager Wei!"


"I really can't think of anything other than empress dowager Wei that will make Zhao Deji travel thousands of miles and let you go!"


"Hehe, I'm wrong. In fact, she is not the Queen Mother anymore, but the wife of our retired Centurion Daikin..." he said sarcastically, "does Zhao Deji know that he wants another brother with golden blood?"

Angry blood surged in her body again, but her voice was still faint: "Jin Wushu, is this what you came to me to say?"

"Of course not!"

"What else do you want to say..."

"See you! I want to see you!"

"Hua Rong!"

"Jin Wushu, it's too late. I'm going back..."

"Where are you going back?"

"Now that you know the purpose of my mission, you should naturally know that I will return to the post house!"

"No, you can't go back."


"You will be caught by Zonghan as soon as you go back!"

Before leaving, she and Yue Pengju had worried that the envoys of the state of song who had been sent to the state of Jin for these years were almost one group, and one group was detained; Su Wu, who has never been a shepherd, has many more Han generals who surrender gold

To be frugal, in fact, is not so easy

Jin Wushu's voice was so urgent: "Zonghan is about to start, and Yu wenxuzhong can't return to the Song Dynasty anymore. Moreover, I don't think he is the Lord who can do his best..."

Hua Rong knew that what he said was true, which was once expected, but he didn't expect it to come so soon

She was at a loss for a moment, turning her mind. What should she do? Take the Empress Dowager and run away immediately?

Jin Wushu saw her eyes turning under the moonlight. What was she doing? Are you afraid?

He said, "if you don't want to fall into Zonghan's hands, there is only one way!"

"What can I do?"

"Marry me!"

She laughed and said, "I've already married Yue Pengju!"

He disapproved: "there are so many princesses and concubines married to Jin people in the Song Dynasty, many of whom are married. This does not prevent them from becoming Jin people's wives again, does it?"

Remarried princess, pregnant queen mother!

The complacent tone of the invaders!

Chastity and ethics, which restrict ordinary people, are completely worthless to the victor

The blood rushed to the upper Pang again, Hua Rong whipped up and angrily pointed at him, "Jin Wushu, you're really inferior!"

He was stunned!

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