One Night Bride

Chapter 142

In the kingdom of Jin, there are indeed not so many ethical factors. Even, "brother dies and brother inherits" - that is, when his brother dies, his brother can take all his wives and concubines for granted. Therefore, many nobles in the kingdom of Jin even have oneortwo hundred wives and concubines

She sneered, "I forgot that your golden man was originally a land of animals and did not understand ethics..."

"Hua Rong!"

She shut up

The two men looked at each other for a moment in the moonlight. Everyone's eyes were burning flames, like two great enemies of life and death

After a while, Jin Wushu suddenly laughed

With such a smile, the rough color on his face turned into a handsome young man of the Southern Dynasty. Yang Yiyang's Hu Jia: "Hua Rong, we can actually make a deal..."

"What deal?"

"Let you get rid of Zonghan's poisonous hand..."

Her eyes brightened: "can you let the Empress Dowager return to song?"

"It depends on the result of the negotiation, I don't guarantee! I only guarantee that you won't be poisoned by Zonghan..." he looked after himself and sat down on a thick wooden stake. Seeing that she was still riding on the back of her horse, he suddenly waved and pointed to the wooden stake in front of him, "you too..."

She hesitated for a moment, but got off her horse and sat down on another stake opposite him

Between the two people, three or four feet apart, you can touch them as soon as you reach out

He was suddenly happy and said, "we have discussed the fate of your 'two saints' and the Empress Dowager for many times. My second brother advocated the release of the two faint kings and Webster..." he laughed at himself, "You may not know that my second brother married Princess Maud, the first beautiful princess of the Song Dynasty, as his concubine. My second brother has more than 100 women, but he dotes on Princess Maud most and can't stand her daily pleading. Therefore, if Zhao Deji agrees to cede the land around the two rivers to Da Jin, it is not impossible to release the prisoners of war..."

Princess maode was the poor princess who was tricked to Jinying by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty and sent to zongwang's bed curtain. She had already married, but was given to Jinren by her cowardly father and brother. She was tossed into zongwang's hands. Because of her outstanding appearance and deliberate flattery, she was deeply favored by zongwang

Hua Rong listened to him carefully, and Jin Wushu said, "... The fate and retention of prisoners of war have been divided into two factions in the court, my second brother Lord Fang and Zonghan Lord Liu..."

No wonder Zonghan Association took the lead in the song and Jin peace talks. Is there any other attempt?

"To be honest, the state of Jin is in chaos now. Zonghan is known as the Prime Minister of the state, controls the government of the court, and the wolf Lord is newly enthroned. He wants to lead the negotiation with the state of song this time, and he doesn't even pay attention to the orders of the wolf Lord. Hua Rong, you can tell Yu wenxuzhong that only cooperating with us is the best way out..."

Who to cooperate with, in fact, is to seek the skin of a tiger, but after careful consideration, does this Han have the intention of "being alone"? And Jin Wushu's move is to completely cut off Zonghan's future?

This is definitely a good thing for the state of song

Hua Rong looked at Jin Wushu with vigilance. He was so frank. Was it possible that he could not return to Song Dynasty?

She was very uneasy, but when she thought that Yue Pengju had already entered the border, she was a little relieved and said, "how can we cooperate with you?"

"Tell me all the intentions of Zonghan and you!"

She thought for a while, but didn't answer immediately

"Hua Rong, you must cooperate with me, and you can only cooperate with me! In this way, you can ensure your own safety."


Seeing that she actually agreed, he whistled happily: "Hua Rong, tomorrow is our 'shooting willow Festival', you must go to the ceremony. You don't have to hide your identity anymore, just appear as a messenger of the Song Dynasty, and Zonghan will be afraid of three points..."

The delegation of the state of song has been invited and is supposed to go Hua Rong originally wanted to take advantage of this chaos to visit empress dowager Wei. Seeing Jin Wushu's invitation, he couldn't refuse, but said, "OK, I'll go."

She suddenly remembered something and said, "Jin Wushu, tomorrow is your wedding day, and I'll give you a gift..."

Jin Wushu seemed to be punched by someone and said coldly, "no need." After saying that, he said with hatred, "Hua Rong, you are as hypocritical as those Nanman!"

"No, I really congratulate you..."

He punched on the tree next to him and angrily said, "han'er is duplicity, hypocritical..."

"Aren't you mean and shameless? I'm kind enough to give you gifts and scold me, unkind..."

Prisoner, han'er - the two glared at each other, like scolding market shreds

Hua Rong stopped talking, stood up angrily, got on his horse and left

Jin Wushu saw that she beat her horse and left abruptly. The resentment that had just disappeared in her heart ran back, and her mind was full of twists and turns. She just thought, how can there be such a hateful woman in this world?

Damn Nanman! Actually scold yourself!

He angrily returned home, only to see the mansion decorated with colorful, resplendent, decorated with a somewhat festive atmosphere Wu Qimai hurried forward: "fourth prince, you are back..."

"Are you here to take the blame?"

"Damn the villain."

"Hahaha, Wu Qimai, you are innocent. Go down."

Wu Qimai was afraid that he would be "punished for both crimes". Seeing that Jin Wushu was like this, he was overjoyed: "the fourth prince, is it really Huarong?"

"It's really her! Wu Qimai, your task this time is to ensure her safety in the kingdom of gold."

"Ah? Fourth prince, since she delivered it to the door by herself, shall we take revenge?"

Jin Wushu said proudly, "I don't want her to die, nor do I want her to work for Zhao Deji..."

"What about that?"

"I don't know."

Back to the shop, it was late at night

Under the dim lantern, the Kang heated by burning cow dung was full of gamblers, all of whom were low-level people in the golden man, smelling of sweat, horse milk, sheep... The whole room was steaming and miasma

Zha Hezheng gambled happily. Tonight, he won a lot of money. He looked up and saw the flowers melt in. He was very happy: "brother, where have you been? Why did you come back so late? Tomorrow is the shooting willow Festival, I'm afraid you won't go? Tomorrow you go with me..."

He didn't gamble immediately, but was held by the people who lost money. He smiled and pushed back a pile of money: "I have something to do tonight, and I'll play tomorrow..."

Then, he happily pulled the flowers and dissolved them into the room Pointing to a big plate on the short table, he said mysteriously, "brother, I'll wait for you to come back and eat good food..."

Seeing his strange behavior, Hua Rong hurriedly asked, "what's good?"

Zha happily opened the lid and saw a large plate of fat pork with several green onions on it This fat pork dish is one of the famous dishes of the Jurchen nationality and is used to entertain distinguished guests

Tie together like a treasure: "this is what I won, waiting for you to eat..."

Hua Rong looked at the large plate of fat pork, which was greasy and disgusting. Where could he eat it? Zhaha couldn't help but say, holding a piece in his dark hand, he handed it to her: "little brother..."

Hua Rong couldn't refuse. Take a bite. After suffering from the wind and cold in the sea, she would vomit at the smell of too greasy and fishy. If she ate it, she couldn't help but retch

Zahe was so angry that he grabbed her collar and said, "how dare you dislike our meat?"

She shook her head, unable to distinguish, and vomited again

Zha he saw her face was blue and blue, and he was stunned. He let go of her and said unhappily, "if you don't like it, forget it..."

She smiled and said, "it's not that I'm unhappy, it's that I suffered from the cold..."

Zahe turned his anger into joy, opened the pork plate, and breathed a sigh of relief: "brother, I thought you despised me."

"How can it be! I treat you as a friend."

"Hehe, I didn't make friends with Han Er, but you are different."

Hua Rong took out another piece of silver: "Zhaha, do something for me..."

Zha he saw that she begged for help, threw the silver in her hand, and returned it to her. He said happily, "brother, I won a lot of money today, and I don't want your money. Hahaha, I've been in luck since I met you..."

Hua Rong saw that he refused, knowing that it was not a fake, and no longer insisted. When the two reached a quiet place, Hua Rong whispered, "Zhaha, do you want to get married?"

He frustrated his hand in embarrassment: "I don't have money for the bride price..."

"I'll prepare all the betrothal gifts for you. You just wait to be the groom."

Zha he couldn't believe such a good thing. Rao was simple and asked, "who am I marrying?"

"Marry queen Xing of the laundry..."

Since seeing the tragic experience of the former Princess Xing and today's Queen Xing, Hua Rong still tried to get her out of the demon cave first, although she couldn't immediately save her from the fire

Marrying a low-level Jin man is one of the means by which the Jin Man insults the women of the song state. Even an old man who makes iron can exchange 10 liang of silver for eight wives and concubines, and his identity is Qianjin, the former Princess of the Zhao family

At present, if Zha he can marry queen Xing first and take him out of the laundry, it will be easier

Zha he actually has no interest in empress Xing, only out of human instinct. When he is old and wants to start a family and business, he hears that Hua Rong is willing to take the initiative to help him get a wife and pinch his hands: "brother, you treat me so well, I really don't know how to thank you..."

Hua Rong patted him on the shoulder: "no! Haha, who told me to fall in love with you."

Zha he was even more excited: "well, well, after the 'shooting willow Festival', I'll take money to the laundry to redeem queen Xing as my wife. Hahaha, it's good to marry the queen of Zhao Deji. Thank you, brother. I'll call you tomorrow..."


After arranging everything, Hua Rong returned to the post house. In the shadow, Zhang Xian and Liu Qi followed behind, left and right

She nodded knowingly, stopped at the door, and the three entered the post house together

As soon as I entered, I saw Yu Wenxu coming up with anxiety on his face and whispered, "where have you been? The eldest prince just sent someone to visit the sheliu festival tomorrow..."

She nodded, thinking of Jin Wushu's "cooperation plan", and said, "Lord Yuwen, in addition to inviting you to watch the ceremony, is there any other arrangement for Jin Guo?"

Yu Wenxu shook his head, "there's nothing else."

She carefully observed Yu wenxuzhong's face, and unexpectedly found that a trace of embarrassment and hesitation had quietly passed away. She was very cold in her heart, and knew that Yu wenxuzhong must not have told herself the truth

Yu wenxuzhong is the representative head of this trip. Everything is up to him. Hua Rong doesn't dare to ask too much. At this moment, he can't help worrying about Zhao Deji's eyes——

Why is it that those who are important and have high hopes are always people who can't bear heavy responsibilities?

Or maybe there are few officials with integrity in both song Zhiyong, or can't find them at all?

She didn't dare to ask again. She was about to leave, but she heard Yu Wenxu say in a low voice, "Mrs. Yue, tomorrow you..."

She immediately said, "I also appear as I am."

Yu Wenxu was surprised. Hua Rong had his own plan and didn't tell him more. They went back to the room to have a rest

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