One Night Bride

Chapter 143

South of Yanjing city

At this time, this vast and flat land has been arranged into a huge stadium, surrounded by a sea of people

Surrounded by patches of willow trees, with yellow new leaves drooping, different from the weeping willows of the Southern Dynasty, the willow branches in the north are a little less feminine and a little more vigorous, but their ornamental ability is not strong

The whole stadium is divided into four areas Sitting in the south are the nobles of the Jin State. Except for the current wolf owners, almost all other important nobles arrived. Without exception, they all took their favorite concubines kidnapped from the song state Zonghan sat in the middle, looking very proud. Eight Meiji stood aside and served him carefully On both sides of him are zongwang, Gaitian Da, Wang Zongxian, Jin Wushu, Gu Shen and other Marshal level nobles

To the East are the former Khitan generals and Han generals, also with their families, very noisy

The most eye-catching is a group of people in the North - a man with shaved hair and braided hair, a woman with braided hair, wearing colorful left Lapel sheep fur, a man with narrow clothes, and a woman with fat clothes This group of people turned out to be the "two saints" of the song state and a group of imperial concubines and princesses

The seats of the diplomatic corps of the great Song Dynasty are arranged in the west, facing the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty at a distance

It turned out that this seat was also carefully planned to see how the "two saints" became slaves in the North during the Song Dynasty

Yu Wenxu was an old minister. After understanding this meaning, his old face turned red. A golden official who had been monitoring the messenger group waved his hand. He was allowed to lead several dignitaries to salute the old lord, ran over immediately, knelt on the ground, and burst into tears: "Chen Yuwen Xu knocked on the supreme official, official..."

At this time, song Huizong, from 28 years of great wealth to now a prisoner, had thin gray hair and a numb expression, and raised Yu Wen Xuzhong: "you don't have to be polite, old and clumsy, and you don't dare to be called an official..."

Everyone knelt down and saluted. At this time, the prisoner Da song understood that the arrival of the diplomatic corps, himself and others, finally had the hope of returning to the south

Hua Rong stayed with a group of low-level attendants and mixed in the bustling crowd, not wanting to perform this "two tears" drama of monarchs and ministers She even felt very strange. Looking around, the maidservants and concubines who snuggled up in the arms of the Jin man carrying tea and pouring water, were either the wives and concubines of the "two saints" or their daughters, sisters, nieces and clans... How could these "two saints" watch helplessly and remain indifferent? Why don't you even have the courage to commit suicide?

If it weren't for them, how could those women be today?

Suddenly, she felt her eyes burning behind her. Suddenly, she turned around and saw Jin Wushu, dressed in new clothes, walking slowly on Wu Zhui's horse. As soon as she saw her eyes, she immediately looked away indifferently

Behind him, Wu Qimai led a horse - kinses!


Jin Wushu was dressed in a brand-new horse suit, and his black hair like a horse tail was tied with a golden crown. He was very impressive and walked around the field for a week The folk custom of Jin was fierce, which immediately caused a burst of cheers from the women around

Hua Rong looked at his complacent appearance coldly and thought, this man is really showing off At another glance, he was even more surprised. He saw several women dismounting in the face of Jin Wushu. Two of them were unexpectedly Wang Junhua, the wife of Princess Tianwei and Qin Hui

In this way, the hatred of Jin Wu Shu has increased a little. This is not the "shooting willow Festival", but the "demonstration Festival" that humiliates the great song Junchen!

She looked at the "two saints" in the north again. Sure enough, they didn't look here at all. They were only concerned about "the king and his subjects talking", and their expressions were very numb

She suddenly remembered the word "walking dead". Isn't this group of people walking dead?

But, obviously, all the humiliation has just begun

When the Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty and his ministers saw the ceremony, they looked up and saw a woman with a big belly staggering behind her, followed by a tall old woman and a real soldier

The woman's left Lapel curled her hair, and her face was haggard and ashamed

Song Huizong was stunned, and his concubines were also stunned

Webster knelt down with tears on his face: "slaves should die if they see the official family..."


The concubine of "Hun De Gong" and Empress Dowager Wei, the biological mother of the emperor of the Song Dynasty, unexpectedly went to greet the "emperor's ex husband" with the bones and blood of a Jin man

Webster knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, but he didn't dare to cry loudly, just sobbed and shrugged his shoulders

Then numb, a group of song captives also moved their eyes, unable to bear to look again

Song Huizong hurriedly lifted her up with his own hands and burst into tears: "Lady Wei doesn't have to be polite. It's Lao Zhuo who is ashamed of you... Lao Zhuo who is ashamed of you..."

Standing on one side, Jin Jun veterans proudly said, "you said to leave after seeing each other. Now you see it, it's time to go..."

In fact, Webster didn't come by himself, but was forcibly pulled by him. Now he was humiliated in public, and he couldn't help crying

The veteran snorted coldly, pulled Webster and left

The crowd stared at the scene dumbfounded, and for a moment, they couldn't say anything

Hua Rong sat aside, trembling with anger. In a blink of an eye, he saw the smiling face of Jin Wushu above, that kind of complacency, the wanton rampancy of the winner - humiliation!

He arranged all this!

It was he who arranged it with that group of despicable golden men, which had been arranged long ago!

The poor Zhao family also repeatedly told themselves to hide the Empress Dowager's "scandal" - how can this be concealed?

This is not so much the disgrace of the Empress Dowager as the disgrace of the two tyrants, Zhao Deji himself, and thousands of men in the Song Dynasty!

Four hundred thousand people were disarmed, not to mention a husband

Hua Rong closes her eyes and can't look anymore

Standing next to her, Zha saw her hands clenched, clucking, and said strangely, "little brother..."

Hua Rong forced a smile: "it's all right..."

In fact, Zhaha has been strange today. Today's "little brother" is too different from yesterday. Although she is still dressed vigorously, her face is no longer jaundiced, as if she washed her face and took off a layer of "skin"

Along the way, almost from the first side, Zha has been secretly observing her. She always feels that this "little brother" is very wrong. Her eyes are too bright, her lips are too ruddy, her eyebrows are too beautiful, and her hands are too soft... How can there be a man like this?

The weather was fine this day. Zhaha looked secretly at this time, and saw the spring sunshine shining on her face, with a kind of crystal clear white It's rude and simple, and I also think this "han'er man" is strange

He was very upset, not because she was sitting at the end of the delegation of the state of song, but because of her appearance and behavior - are all men in han'er like this? But why are the other Han people in the mission not like this?

Therefore, he never walked away and followed her all the time. He didn't know what he wanted to understand or found Carefully, he subconsciously wanted to please the "han'er" for some reason, and eagerly said, "are you uncomfortable? What do you want? I'll get it for you..."

"Nothing is needed."

How can Hua Rong pay attention to his expression? Just looking at Zhang Xian and Liu Qi around, I don't know what else is going on at this event, waiting for a bunch of Song people

At this time, Zonghan and others had lined up and took their seats in order. After a burst of really noisy music, they saluted as usual It was nothing for the diplomatic corps to salute according to the etiquette, but then came the salute of captives such as song Huizong, kneeling on the ground one by one: "minister Zhao Ji thanked the eldest prince, the second prince, and the fourth Prince for their grace..."

Flowers melt in the back, looking at the kneeling "two saints"!

How many people with lofty ideals and how many hot-blooded men in the central plains are fighting hard, preparing a warm slogan "welcome back to the two saints"!

What should such two people do to welcome back!

She remembered that her parents and the people who died miserably were all thanks to this stupid king. Not only her flower family, but also his entire Zhao clan was "implicated" by him because of his stupidity!

Karma, this is the cycle of heaven?

However, why is it the turn of the alien to be so insulted?

Why is it Huaiyang's turn for millions of people to accompany them?

She stood aside and never faced the "two saints" from beginning to end. She didn't even want to say a word to them On this point, she fully and unreservedly supports Zhao Deji - we must not let these two despots go back to fight for power and profit

After the salute, a group of Jurchen women came out to sing and dance, and then the "shooting willows" competition was about to begin

Forty willow branches were planted on both sides of the court, each three or four feet long Every willow branch has several inches of bark cut off, exposing white stems; Tie a colorful handkerchief under the white pole According to the rules of shooting willows, those who can shoot off willow branches and white stems and use them are the best; Those who shoot off but cannot catch are in the middle; Shoot but cannot break the branch, or shoot and break the green branch In the past, the prize was very simple. The winner had a toast, followed by a cup of honey water, and the loser was fined a cup of water But this time, it's different. The winner can not only get a beautiful woman of Song Dynasty, but also need song Huizong to toast in person

At this time, the auspicious hour has arrived Only two teams of Nvzhen Knights appeared separately Forty one Jurchen knights, led by Jin Wushu, were heavily armoured, wearing heavy iron hooded helmets, only showing their eyes, and riding war horses A knight held a black flag embroidered with white triangles as the leader, and the other 40 people walked slowly around the field with a bow in one hand and a hairless crescent arrow in the other hand

When all the etiquette is done, zongwang, who is in a high position, plays the drum himself, and Jin Wushu is the first flying horse to circle the field He wanted to show off, saw a willow branch tied with a purple handkerchief, bent his bow and shot, and the arrow cluster immediately cut off the white pole of the willow branch He galloped forward, caught the falling willow branch with his hand, and then slowed down Wu Zhui's horse. In front of the audience, he took off his helmet and danced the willow branch with his hand; Immediately won a deafening applause

On the side of song prisoner, song Huizong stood up in person and applauded, but he couldn't see much joy on his face. What else could he do about such a demonstrative performance except to forcibly suppress fear?

Jin Wushu had been riding slowly with willow branches. Along the way, many women of Nuzhen nationality threw the picked weak willows and wild flowers on him and fell on his face

He stopped at the seat of the diplomatic corps of the state of song. Yu Wenxu held a glass of wine and saluted, "the fourth Prince is very brave."

He smiled indifferently, but stared at Hua Rong. She didn't look at herself, but she was talking to Zha he and didn't know what she was talking about He was very angry, deliberately, she was deliberately, deliberately disapproved

She pretended not to see whether she was successful or not

He walked angrily to her, and she still said something to Zha he, who was a down and out female soldier, bent slightly and cared very carefully, as if what she said was what she only listened to, extremely careful

He remembered Zhahe's words: "he is a hero, different from other men..."

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