One Night Bride

Chapter 153

Jin Wushu's clothes were half taken off. Seeing Qin Hui still standing there respectfully, he suddenly felt very boring and amused. He threw a dress in front of him and laughed: "the crown prince is not interested today, Wang Shi, you can serve your husband well..."

At this time, Wang Junhua was already burning with lust. He wanted to commit adultery on the spot. Where could he resist it? He pulled him in a charming voice: "the fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu pushed her into Qin Hui's arms with a force: "let Qin No. 1 scholar Lele..."

Hahaha smiled and turned away without looking at them While walking, I thought that the southerners were so shameless. No wonder they would perish, but I felt happy again. I really found the right person to play this step chess

The stadium after the shooting willow Festival has experienced a batting match, which has been deserted, and visitors from all over the country have gradually dispersed

The party came down from the court in tight red embroidered clothes. It was Zonghan, zongwang, zongjun, Zongxian, Jin Wushu, Gu Shen and other royal men of the golden kingdom

Zonghan shouted, "today is just the day to have fun. You can feast to your heart's content."

Then, everyone followed into a huge tent, which belonged to Zonghan. He didn't like the stone house of Yuan Yanjing. He always liked to live in his tent and shoot at any time

At this time, eight tables were displayed in the tent, hosted by Zonghan, to entertain the commander of the southern expedition, which was also the largest high-level military conference this year

After the death of the old wolf Lord, the forces of the Golden State were divided into two factions, one led by Zonghan and the valley God Although Zonghan is the first Prince of Nuzhen, he is not the son of the old wolf Lord, but the son of the old wolf Lord's cousin In that year, his father and the old wolf Lord set up troops together, unified the various departments of Nvzhen, and gave up the throne to the old wolf Lord in order to expand

After the old wolf Lord succeeded to the throne, he attached great importance to Zonghan and others He originally thought that after the death of the old wolf Lord, he had a chance to succeed to the throne, but he didn't expect that the old wolf Lord passed the throne to his brother instead of his cousin

The other faction is the son of the old wolf Lord led by Zong Wang However, the fiercest struggle inside is Jin Wushu. Zong Wang is relatively calm and always plays a mediating role. Therefore, Zong Han will also look at his face

Zonghan's banquet was entirely in accordance with Nuzhen's customs. Various Nuzhen delicacies were displayed on the table, among which there was a large plate of pork on each table Nuzhen aristocrats have always been addicted to eating this kind of fat pork, wrapped in Scallion rolls, and everyone ate and drank for a while. Zonghancai put down the wine bottle and shouted, "this banquet is to discuss the attitude towards song and the fate of song captives. What's your opinion?"

Zongwangxian said, "now that Zhao Deji has ascended the throne, the fate of song captives is not so important, and it is not a way to stay in the state of Jin. It is better to put some back in batches..."

Zongwang doted on Princess Maude, and was crying and begging by her pillow night by night, so he promised her to find a chance to let her father and brother go south

"That's not busy. Zhao Deji has now gained a firm foothold. If we attack again, we will pay a great price. We might as well negotiate in advance and let the song state accept silk and Sui coins by taking the two rivers as the boundary. In this way, we can ensure the prosperity of our gold..."

Hearing this, the valley God shook his head vigorously: "no, you can't let go of the faint Duke. The war against the Song Dynasty must also be carried out..."

Zong Wang was very unhappy and said, "since the two sides can't argue, it's better to ask the wolf Lord for a ruling..."

Zonghan disapproved and said loudly, "no! My family can decide. When I first set up the army, my father gave the throne to the wolf Lord. He has fought for more than ten years and won the rivers and mountains of Liao and Song Dynasties, and his family also has more than half of the credit. I can stand for the peace and war of Song Dynasty without the wolf Lord's decision."

At this time, it was still at the beginning of the founding of the Jin Dynasty, and he was busy with war for more than ten years. The domestic etiquette culture was still blank and in the primitive stage. The distinction between the Nuzhen aristocracy and the royal family was not so strict. Zong Han regarded himself as the leader of another sect, and mentioned the past when his father gave the throne to the old wolf Lord, which was a faint confrontation with the current wolf Lord

Zong Wang and others were angry when they saw that he despised the wolf Lord so much, but they didn't speak a set of general principles about monarchs and ministers as the Han people did, so they had to give up

Seeing Zong Wang's slight anger, Jin Wushu laughed and stood up: "I have something to say. I have always been in favor of destroying the Song Dynasty, and the war against the Song Dynasty must not stop..."

Although Zonghan has always hated his literary and sour appearance, the view that Jin Wushu has always been the main battle is deeply in his heart, and he is still patient: "Wushu, what's your opinion?"

"To attack Song Dynasty, we'd better pay attention to strategy and how to seek the maximum benefits for Da Jin. We should play a game of chess, arrange a game, and look far ahead. The second brother is right. Now that Zhao Deji has ascended the throne, it's not very useful to keep song captives. You might as well put some captives back..."

"What to put back?"

"Duke Hun de and all the women who have not been betrothed to the golden man can go back. Just leave the heavy Hun Hou. According to the etiquette of the southerners, come by yourself, and don't argue with your brother. If Zhao Deji dares not to obey, we can support the heavy Hun Hou as a puppet to ascend the throne at any time to fight him in the North..."

Zonghan nodded, "it makes sense."

Zong Wang was also deeply convinced that he could not stand Princess Maud's intercession every night. Now, her father can return to the south. It doesn't matter whether her brother can go back or not, and he has an explanation for her

He turned to Wu Shu: "fourth brother, you said next game of chess, how to play this chess?"

"We have to send a trustworthy Han official to coordinate with both sides and act according to the will of the kingdom of Jin."

"But where to find such a reliable person?"

"I have one ready-made."


"Qin Hui, the former number one scholar of the Song Dynasty."

In front of the shop

Zahe walked nervously around with a heavy bag of silver in his arms

After a while, he saw a short man coming to the door. He recognized those eyes - no matter how disguised, they were the same

He greeted with joy: "little brother..."

Hua Rong hurriedly said, "how? Can you redeem queen Xing?"

"Yes. They told me to go right away. I came to ask you what to do after redemption?"

Naturally, Hua Rong didn't really want queen Xing to marry him. He just wanted a chance to get away. When he asked, he immediately said, "after you redeem her, take her to a room in the north of the city, where I'll wait for you."

She said the address, and zahe happily promised, "wait, I'll bring her to see you in the evening."

the sun sinks in the west.

This is a secluded hut in the north of Yanjing City, which Zhang Xian and others have long found According to Hua Rong's plan, empress Xing will live here for the time being, commensurate with Zha he and his wife, and then look for an opportunity to escape

Afraid of the embarrassment of empress Xing, she sent Zhang Xian away early and waited alone

When the evening wind blew, she heard a whistle, which was the kind of gaudy melody that the men in the military camp liked She poked her head out, and sure enough, she saw zahe coming this way with a woman

Near, it was queen Xing. At this time, she was dressed in a Nuzhen woman's coarse linen clothes. She was so thin that she was only skin and bones. Her eyes showed no expression. She looked at the binding, looked at the room, and then looked at the woman in front of her, and then showed a slightly surprised look

Zha saw that Hua Rong had recovered her women's clothes. She was very happy and rubbed her hands: "brother, I brought you back..."

"Thank you, zahe. Go out first and I'll have a word with queen Xing."

"OK. I'll go and find something to eat. What do you want, brother?"

"Anything will do."

Zha Heyi left, and Hua Rong pulled queen Xing into the door, closed the doors and windows, and saluted: "Hua Rong has seen the queen..."

Empress Xing had seen Hua Rong before. At this time, she recognized her and felt as if she were separated from the world, but there was no surprise in her eyes and she was very numb: "girl, please don't call me that..."

Queen Xing has been humiliated in the laundry. Although she guessed that her husband had ascended the throne, she did not know that he had listed herself as "Queen"

Hua Rong saw her haggard appearance, like a walking corpse, which was much more serious than empress dowager Wei's situation. She was very sad, and slowly said, "Hua Rong came to rescue her mother according to the will of the official family. The official family never forgets her mother every day. After she became king, she was canonized as Queen..."

In fact, Zhao Deji's trip was mainly about saving his mother. He didn't mention queen Xing at all. Hua Rong said this deliberately to comfort her and mention her will to survive

Sure enough, empress Xing's gloomy eyes lit up a trace of brilliance, opened her mouth, and her voice was dry: "really? Is it true that the officials have been thinking of their concubines?"

"It's true! He misses his mother and would rather let the empress hang in the air than confer titles on other women..."

Queen Xing "Oh" said, "then you?"

Hua Rong smiled: "madam, Hua Rong has already married Yue Pengju, the Xuanfu envoy of the Song Dynasty, as his wife. Fortunately, he was trusted by the official family, so he went to the state of Jin to serve the official family, but he hoped to save her from returning to the South..."

Empress Xing's dark face, at this time, really showed a deep smile. With such a smile, her skinny face, deep set eyes, skin wrinkled together, the former grace completely turned into a terrible skeleton

This smile was more painful than crying. Hua Rong couldn't look down, and felt her eyes dry. She just held her: "Mom, I'll get you something to eat and drink..."

Hua melts a cup of round tea. Although it is crude, it is the best thing she can find

Empress Xing took a sip of steaming tea and finally tasted the taste of her hometown. She was no longer golden man's coquettish mare's milk. Tears rolled down her dry eyes and said in a daze: "just, I don't know my mother-in-law, the Empress Dowager..."

Hua Rong reluctantly said, "the Empress Dowager is still well, and my mother doesn't have to worry."

"Where is the queen mother?"

Hua Rong had to tell the truth: "the Empress Dowager married a man from the kingdom of gold, and now she is pregnant..."

Empress Xing didn't seem surprised at all, but another drop of tears rolled in the tea cup, slowly took down a hairpin from her head and handed it to Hua Rong: "Madam Yue, you helped me twice. I just hate that I didn't listen to your advice in Kaifeng and didn't leave in time. Now, it's useless to regret..."

She stopped talking, and Hua Rong said, "Mom, please relax..."

She smiled miserably: "the slave was humiliated in the laundry, and was sick. With a broken body, how dare he receive the honor of the queen? The official family has a deep love for the husband and wife, but the slave is not blessed and thin. Madam Yue, you can transfer this hairpin to the official family someday. The only wish of the slave is that he works hard to revive the great Song Dynasty, and one day, he can lead the army of the great Song Dynasty, destroy the prisoners, and avenge me..."

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