One Night Bride

Chapter 154

Hua Rong said anxiously, "madam, you must not be discouraged. You should hand over this hairpin to the officials yourself."

Empress Xing smiled and took the hairpin. Gradually, her eyes turned gray

Hua Rong saw that she was tired and lifted her up. "Mom, you can take a rest. Please relax. Everything will be fine."

"Mrs. Yue, thank you very much! You saved me from two crises, which was really unrequited..."

"Don't worry, mother, please relax."

Hua Rong helped her to bed and lay down. It was cold at night, and covered her with the kind of carpet of the kingdom of gold. However, as soon as the blanket was next to her, she immediately brushed it away: "prisoners, don't..."

Her tone of voice was too tragic, and Hua Rong was very uneasy. She stood aside and covered her with a blanket until she closed her eyes as if she were asleep, and slowly closed the door and went out

After an hour, Zha he took a big bag of things back from the outside, all cooked beef and mutton, and a big pot of hot horse milk tea

Seeing Hua Rong standing at the door, he said happily, "are you hungry, brother?"

Hua Rong shook her head

He quickly put down his things, arranged them one by one, and poured two bowls of scalding milk tea: "brother, I'm waiting for someone to cook milk tea, so I'm late..."

Seeing that he was happy, Hua Rong felt a little guilty and whispered, "Zhaha, I originally wanted to let queen Xing be your wife, but... Can you not touch her?"


She closed her eyes wide and didn't seem to understand her

Hua Rong thought about it for a while and then said, "I mean, this... Can you not be a real couple with her? That is to say, you can't enter her room..."

Zha finally understood. He was not interested in that skinny woman at all, and said happily, "it's okay. I married you originally. If you say you don't want to be a husband and wife, you won't be a husband and wife..."

Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief and took out a piece of silver to him: "Zhaha, thank you very much. Later, I will marry a good woman for you."

"Brother, no need..."

As they talked, Hua Rong suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart, and stood up and said, "I'll call her to eat. Wait for me."


Hua Rong got up and opened the door. The room was dark and dead silent

She came back with a faint lantern and shouted as she walked, "Mom, eat..."

No one answered. She was stunned and cried out miserably, "mother..."

I saw a figure hanging upside down in front of me shaking. It turned out that queen Xing actually tore the thin blanket on the bed and hanged herself on the beam

Her scream startled Zhaha. Zhaha ran in. They couldn't be afraid and untied empress Xing together. She saw that empress Xing was blue and blue, her eyes were wide open, and she had already stopped breathing and was cold all over

Hua Rong sat on the ground, tears rolling down

Slave life thin, ashamed of the love of the son of heaven! A gold hairpin, revenge for me!

Queen Xing, when the opportunity to return to the South came, ended her devastated body so decisively

Hua Rong couldn't help it any longer and fell on her and cried loudly

Zhaha, seeing this tragic situation for the first time, was also surprised to stay aside, and it took a long time to reach out to help her: "brother, brother..."

As soon as his hand touched Hua Rong's shoulder, Hua Rong suddenly raised his head and opened his hand crazily: "get away, beast, you demons, damn golden dogs, bandits, prisoners... You are more vicious than the devil..."

Zha he didn't dare to say a word more. He just withdrew his hand in a daze and never dared to touch her again

After a while, I saw her lying on queen Xing, crying like hell, and I couldn't help stretching out my hand to pull her: "brother, brother, you're sorry..."

Hua Rong dried her tears, stood up, covered queen Xing with a large quilt, and sat motionless in a chair Zha he saw that she was no longer angry or abusive, and somehow she was a little desolate in her heart. She cautiously said, "brother, I'll take care of it for you."

She didn't say anything, and Zhaha was about to stretch out her hand to uncover the cover, when she suddenly snapped, "stop!"

Zahe took a step back in fear

Before the death of Queen Xing, she didn't even want to cover the blanket of a real woman. How could she be willing to let a real man bury her?

Zha he saw that she was still full of tears, and the deep hatred in her eyes was something he had never seen before He has known Hua Rong for only a dozen days, but when she was a "man", she was generous and heroic. When she was a woman, she was gentle, kind, beautiful and generous. He never knew that she had such eyes

He was afraid in his heart, and knew that she was like this because of the death of Queen Xing. He vaguely understood that it was the war to destroy the Song Dynasty, which the immortal was so happy, that led to such a tragedy

War, unexpectedly makes such a beautiful woman as Hua Rong show such terrible eyes

Zha he didn't dare to look into her eyes, but he took another step back, but he didn't know what to say. He only said in a small voice, "brother... I, I haven't been to the state of song... I haven't been to the state of song to fight..."

Hua Rong ignored him, walked to the door and whistled hard

After a while, in the dark, Zhang Xian, Liu Qi and others came and hurriedly said, "has the queen arrived?"

The words didn't finish, but Hua Rong's face was full of tears. In a blink of an eye, Queen Xing's body was lying on the ground

Both of them were miserable, shaking their heads and unable to speak

The body of empress Xing was buried the next day. Although it was tied together, according to the custom of the Han people, he followed Hua Rong's orders, found a raw silk to wrap the body of empress Xing and buried it in the earth

After the funeral, it was dusk, and the women who helped had dispersed

Zhaha returned to the temporary cabin, saw Hua Rong was about to go out, and whispered, "brother..."

Hua Rong looked very cold and said faintly, "Zhaha, I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

She didn't answer

Zha he suddenly realized that this beautiful woman used to help her marry queen Xing. Now that queen Xing died, she would never talk to herself again

He was in a panic and whispered, "where are you going, brother?"

She didn't answer

Zahe couldn't help but follow her step by step, with a smaller voice: "brother, I'm sorry..."

Hua Rong stopped

"Brother, I won't hurt you. I really won't hurt you, brother..."

Hua Rong looked back and said faintly, "Zhaha, thank you for helping me these days. I'm leaving..."

He was flustered and suddenly realized that he would never see her again. He hurried, "where are you going? Are you going back to the Song Dynasty?"

"Not yet."

He breathed a sigh of relief: "can I see you again in the future?"

She said nothing faintly. In front, Zhang Xian and others were waiting for her. As soon as she came out, the three walked forward

Zha he stood at the door alone, looking at the distant sky. He had just experienced a funeral, and after these days and nights of friendship, Fang felt a kind of helplessness in life for the first time

However, he couldn't express this mood, and he didn't know what the reason was. He simply muttered to himself, "I haven't attacked the state of song, why blame me?"

The mansion of Jin Wushu

As soon as night fell, lights and decorations were put on, as if it were a happy event

Wang Junhua commanded the servants in the room to sweep and prepare delicious food. Everything was prepared according to the customs of the Southern Dynasty

She didn't know who the fourth prince would entertain tonight, but seeing the fourth Prince's solemn instructions, she didn't dare to neglect it at all She didn't know when she had been dead set on Jin Wu Shu. Even if he told her to kneel down and lick his toes, she would enjoy it without hesitation

What surprised her most was that the fourth Prince ordered to tidy up a courtyard, in which all the furnishings were song customs, purple screens, gray carpets, bright and clean windows, and a room full of ancient books

The wardrobe was full of boxes of silk embroidered clothes taken out of Kaifeng's booty These clothes are all from the palace and are the new clothes of the empress and concubine. Even Wang Junhua, the wife of the No. 1 scholar, has never seen such exquisite and luxurious clothes before

She picked up one and couldn't help but gesture on her chest for a while, but she remembered the scolding of the fourth prince when he saw himself wearing a Han suit that day. She dared not make a mistake and put it back But in my heart, I couldn't help being more and more jealous and resentful. Who wants to live in here?

Is it Yelv Guanyin?

But is Yelv Guanyin a Khitan?

Is it Huarong?

But Hua Rong hasn't seen each other since the shooting willow Festival. She even thought she was detained by Zonghan with Yu wenxuzhong

She secretly said, "I hope God bless you. You'd better be detained by the eldest prince and never come out again."

Packing everything up, she saw a long roll of red carpet spread out at the door, and saw Jin Wushu come out, which was even more startled, because the fourth prince was wearing a Han suit

She had never seen Jin Wushu like this. With a smile, she came forward to salute and said in a charming voice, "fourth prince, everything is ready..."

"Well, just wait for your guests to come. You should be careful and serve them. You can't be careless at all." He said, adding, "tonight, you and staff Qin will accompany."

She was so happy that she and Qin Hui could accompany her?

The fourth Prince is invited, and he is also a guest?

You know, there is a big difference between a guest of honor and a maid. Being loved again is also a maid, but once you attend, your status changes

She was surprised and delighted, and said repeatedly, "the noble guest of the fourth prince will never be slighted."

She promised repeatedly, and then went to see the kitchen preparation, for fear of a trace of dirt, so as not to make the fourth Prince angry

Jin Wushu has been pacing the room, looking around, very complacent Suddenly, I heard a notice at the door: "Mrs. Yue is here..."

He hurried out. At the door, Hua Rong stood, followed by Zhang Xian and Liu Qi

He hated the name "Mrs. Yue", and even more hated Zhang Xian and Liu Qi, because when he saw them, he always thought of Yue Pengju, as if Yue Pengju were standing beside him

He was about to open his mouth to drive them away, but he was stunned. Hua Rong's eyes were red and swollen, and an angry flame was burning in his eyes Why does Hua Rong cry? Why are you angry? In his intelligence, Zonghan only put yuwenxuzhong and others under house arrest, and there was no other bad news. Even after the agreement, zongwang's repeated mediation, song Huizong and others still had the hope of returning to the south. Shouldn't she be happy?

Hua Rong forced down the angry flame at the bottom of her heart and said faintly, "why did the fourth Prince entertain?"

He forced a smile, but he still couldn't continue to be polite and whispered, "Hua Rong, what's the matter?"

Hua Rong didn't answer and went straight in

As soon as I sat down, I saw a woman dressed in Luo Ru come in slowly, with a plump body and a beautiful face, shaped like Guanyin in a temple in the Liao Dynasty, which is called Yelv Guanyin, the first beauty

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