One Night Bride

Chapter 158

Liangjing river

The first thing I saw was hundreds of tents, large and small, on the ground At this time, the sun was shining, and Huarong had to be attracted by the strange and charming grassland scenery outside the Great Wall

Liangjing river is in the northwest of Yanjing, with a clear river in the north and a grassland with golden lotus blossoms in the south At this time, it is the season of Golden Lotus in full bloom. This kind of flower is a famous flower in the kingdom of gold. There are several flowers on one stem, each with seven colored petals. The flowers are huge, and a large area of continuous bloom, almost covering the whole land

At this time, there are many men and women on the grassland, all wearing bright clothes, laughing and playing in this brilliant sea of flowers

Hua Rong sat on horseback and looked around. I didn't expect that there was such a good place in the bitter cold north of the Great Wall. It was two different styles from the south

She breathed the rich fragrance of the grassland and thought of the poem "the wind blows the grass, and the cows and sheep are seen low", which made her feel very sad Every nation has its own way of life and fun. Nomadism outside the great wall and farming in the Central Plains. Why should the nationalities outside the Great Wall always covetously invade the colorful world in the Central Plains?

By the river, flocks of wild ducks and wild geese, as well as some unknown beautiful birds, flashing colorful feathers, chirped in the sun

She was watching intently, and only heard a "whoosh". Jin Wushu shot an arrow, and suddenly there was a burst of cheers. A bodyguard ran up and picked up two wild geese. Jin Wushu shouted, "Hua Rong, let you taste my da Jin's game today."

She didn't care. From a distance, she saw Zonghan and several Nvzhen nobles coming out of the huge tent. Behind them, they were still followed by yuwenxuzhong

Just no Zhang Xian and others

She was happy and afraid to see Yuwen Xuzhong. Did Yuwen Xuzhong renege?

However, when he was close, he saw Yu Wenxu's face haggard, never like the capitulator

Yu Wenxu was also surprised to see her, and was happy. The two simply greeted. Zonghan had interrupted them and looked at Jin Wushu coldly: "Wushu, why are you late for today's meeting?"

"Late? I think it's just right. Besides, wouldn't it be better to hold this meeting in the second brother's tent?"

Zonghan blinked at Hua Rong, glared at her fiercely, looked at the scar on Jin Wushu's face, and sneered, "stop talking nonsense, start right away."

Jin Wushu winked, Wu Qi stepped over and whispered, "girl, please go to the fourth Prince's tent."

He received a sign of Jin Wu Shu, never called "Mrs. Yue", and always called it "girl"

Jin Wushu saw that she left with Wu Qimai, and then entered Zonghan tent A fierce quarrel occurred at the alliance meeting two days ago, and the wolf owner has personally sent people from Shangjing to Yanjing Zong Wang mediated in the middle and suggested going to the Liangjing River to shoot and play, while discussing matters in an attempt to ease relations According to the meaning of wolf Lord and Jin Wushu, it is to discuss in zongwang tent, but Zonghan knows that changing the location marks the loss of authority and will never give in His tent is also the largest and most luxurious among the princes, surrounded by his 5000 elite soldiers

Jin Wushu saw the banners waving around, and the soldiers were all dressed in black and white. They were the elite troops of Nvzhen He sneered that Zonghan was showing off his force

Zonghan said coldly, "Wu Shu, I heard you have a tigress at home?"

Jin Wushu angrily said, "what did you say?"

Zong Han laughed wildly, "you useless thing. You were beaten like this by a woman, and you thought everyone didn't know? Wu Shu, you really humiliated my golden man and offered up a female tiger as a fairy. Were you poisoned by song pig?"

This "Song pig" heard in his ears, and Jin Wushu added fuel to the fire. He rushed forward and grabbed Zonghan: "it was you who really made trouble in my mansion and insulted me..."

"Wu Shu, don't fight..."

"You still don't admit..."

At this time, several other princes have come in one after another. Zong Wang pulled Jin Wushu and Gu Shen pulled Zonghan to separate them The valley God shouted, "Wu Shu, are you going to reverse?"

Jin Wushu sneered, "you're going to turn around."

Zong Han suddenly changed his complexion and stopped arguing. Zong Wang hurriedly said, "brothers, stop making trouble."

Everyone sat down, his face uncertain

Seeing Jin Wushu sneer, Zonghan was even more angry and shouted, "Wushu, why do you often oppose me?"

"When did I go against you?"

"How dare you obstruct me from capturing the prisoners of the state of song."

Jin Wushu pretended to be surprised: "isn't Yuwen Xuzhong in your hand?"

Zong Wang hurriedly stopped and patted the two men: "it's a happy thing to shoot today. Don't hurt your peace."

Zonghan is in the middle, and the messenger of the wolf Lord is on the left The princes are on both sides Everyone knows that today, the peace talks between song and Jin are secondary, and the main thing is that the internal power struggle has reached the peak

In the big tent, there was a quarrel, but outside, there was another scene

Most of the attendants were the family members of the Nuzhen aristocrats, and almost everyone had one or several song women serving as concubines. There was a lot of Chinese on the grassland

Hua Rong stood by the tent of Jin Wushu, and was supposed to meet Yu wenxuzhong alone. However, Yu wenxuzhong was watched by two Jin men, and he entered another tent and was no longer allowed to come out

At this moment, Hua Rong listens to the Chinese around her. Instead of feeling cordial, she is very distressed. These are living displays of Jingkang shame

She looked at those song women, many of whom had long accepted their fate, especially the concubines who were outstanding in appearance and loved by Nuzhen men. They talked and laughed happily. Looking at the beautiful grassland scenery, they mixed with Khitan, Nuzhen and other women, and were happy to the point of madness They ran to pick the Golden Lotus everywhere, put them on each other's heads, and laughed. They went to the Bank of a quiet water to take photos together. Seeing the flowers all over their heads bring new exotic customs to their homes, they were all giggling in surprise

Yelv Guanyin is also listed. She is counted as a family member of Jin Wushu, but she is still in her sister's camp Originally, I wanted to come over when I saw Jin Wushu, but when I saw the flowers dissolving in the door, I stopped

Her sister whispered to her, "the fourth Prince is going to marry the song woman?"

She was ambiguous, and she was very angry: "I don't know what the fourth prince liked about the tigress..."

"I heard that the fourth Prince's face was hurt by her?"

"Not her. Who else?"

"Ah? Is it really her? Dare to be so ferocious before you pass the door? Is it enough to pass the door? Is the fourth Prince 'afraid of the inside'?"


Hua Rong returned to the tent and sat down. Suddenly, the door curtain was lifted and a woman came in The woman is dressed in a golden woman's service, with a red dress on her upper body, a long golden skirt under her, and a golden hair crown like the golden woman on her full hair braid. Although her style is very different, her face is radiant

Hua Rong was a little surprised, and immediately recognized that it was Princess maode. Among the women's dependents, maode's appearance was indeed worthy of the first place, even better than Yelv Guanyin, the first beauty in the grassland

The two looked at each other, and Princess Maud first said, "the scenery outside is very good. Why don't Mrs. Yue go out and enjoy it?"

"I've seen the princess. I've seen it briefly. The grassland scenery is different from that of the Southern Dynasty after all."

When the two sat down, Princess Maud whispered, "after seeing Mrs. Yue on the shooting willow Festival, my father, mother and princess have always been eager to see her again, but unfortunately they have never had a chance."

Hua Rong sighed: "no one is free to go to the Jin Kingdom, and I really can't see each other. Princess, are you still well?"

Maode nodded gloomily, "fortunately, the second crown prince was merciful and did not suffer. However, my father, mother and concubine, alas, they had coarse clothes and poor food. As well as the ninth sister-in-law and Lady Wei, they all suffered in the laundry..."

Hua Rong said faintly, "Queen Xing has committed suicide."

"Where is lady Wei?"

Hua Rong knew that she could not keep secrets among the song captives, and there was no need to hide it. She just said, "Empress Dowager Wei married a Nuzhen man and is now pregnant."

Maud was stunned, silent for a long time, and was not very surprised. He just said, "Mrs. Wei, how can she be like this?! brother nine, alas, she is the mother of brother nine!"

The flowers are silent. Is it up to empress dowager Wei?

"Poor sister-in-law Wu Fu. Mrs. Yue, what is my brother-in-law's plan for your coming this time?"

She was eager to know whether the ninth brother worked hard and whether his father and brother could return to the south. The reason why he made concessions to zongwang was also to get his father and brother to return to the south Hua Rong couldn't tell the truth. In fact, the only thing Zhao Deji wanted to save was empress dowager Wei. He said, "the official family is eager for you to go back every day."

Even if it was a lie, Maud got a little comfort and his eyes lit up: "to tell you the truth, the slave has been serving the second prince in every way these days, begging him every day, and he finally agreed to let my father and brother go south when the wolf Lord ordered..."

Hua Rong saw Zonghan's posture, and her heart clicked, but she didn't dare to be as optimistic as Maude

Maode said, "these days, the eldest prince and the fourth Prince have had a fierce dispute, and nu is afraid of changing his mind again. Mrs. Yue, can you intercede with the fourth Prince and ask him to say more good words..."

Jin Wu's art of searching mountains and seas to catch Zhao Deji is a fanatical advocate of war. It's just like asking for mercy with a tiger

"I heard the second prince say that the fourth Prince dotes on you very much and even wants to marry you as his wife. If you ask him, he will certainly agree..."

"Ha ha, the princess is so bad. Since you call me 'Mrs. Yue', you should know. How can I marry Jin Wushu?"

Maode sighed low: "how can I know that I don't know! I was also the wife of CAI Zhonglang (the son of Cai Jing), but I had to commit myself to the second crown prince. The country collapsed and my family fell, and I was just a woman. What can I do? I had to give up my love for my husband and wife and devote myself to serving the enemy, not for my broken body, but for the safety of my father and brother..."

When song Huizong and others first arrived in the state of Jin, the Jin people did not even provide food and clothing. They only gave each person five bushels of barnyard grass and some cotton and hemp to make them self-sufficient. These people could neither spin nor cultivate, and most of them starved to death Later, maode was allowed by zongwang to secretly take property to help his father and brother for many times, and they barely survived For more than a year, the state of song has successively arrived at threeorfour groups of diplomatic missions, but all of them have no return. Seeing that Yu wenxuzhong was detained, she concluded that Hua Rong naturally had no chance to get away and could only rely on Jin Wushu

Hua Rong really can't blame her idea, and she also feels at a loss in her heart. Everyone knows that Jin Wushu is now a wolf herding sheep. How long can he survive?

She whispered, "I've heard the second prince talk about the gratitude and resentment between you and the fourth prince. The fourth Prince really likes you, far from being comparable to the captives like me. I also heard that Yelv Guanyin is his second wife. The second prince guessed that he is reserving the position of his wife for you. The fourth Prince treats you like that, far from being comparable to the second prince. If you ask him, he will certainly agree..."

Everyone believes that "Mrs. Yue" is going to become "Mrs. Jin"?

Hua Rong shook her head calmly. Whether the "two saints" could return to the South was by no means a few concubines who begged the nobles of the Jin state to achieve their goal And Princess Maude always wants to catch the straw that can save her life

She only said, "since Hua Rong came here according to the order, she will do her best, not only the 'two saints', but also the Empress Dowager. Please rest assured, princess."

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