One Night Bride

Chapter 159

When Princess Maud saw her answer, she was very happy, and affectionately took her hand: "every day in the prison life, we are happy and happy. The grassland scenery is very different. We can go out and have a look."

Hua Rong followed her out, but at this time, the river was no longer the scene just now

It turned out that Nvzhen soldiers had led a large number of horses, donkeys, camels and other mounts to the river bank to drink water and herd. The river voice and the various Moos of animals were intertwined, and a large amount of horse dung and cow dung were scattered on the long way

At this time, it was noon, and the sun was burning overhead The animals only drank water, while the female soldiers were afraid of the heat. One by one, they took off their clothes and took a bath naked

The women of Nuzhen and Khitan obviously didn't care, and they were still laughing by the river. Even many women took off their clothes and went down to the river to take a bath together

Yelv Guanyin was also listed. At this time, she had taken off her clothes. She was slender, very plump, and looked handsome and sexy. The men in the river laughed with her and were very attentive to her Even some song women took off their clothes and played with men in the water

Hua Rong was very surprised. She only heard Princess Maud say, "I went to spend the summer with the second prince last June, and I learned that the rites and customs of Da Jin were very different from those of the Central Plains. Men and women were bathing in the river together, without scruples. It was the case among the people, the court, and even the favorite concubine of the wolf Lord. Everyone didn't think so."

i see.

At this time, looking around, I saw that the river was full of white human bodies, men and women, playing and bustling with each other

Several Jurchen women and song women who were friends with Maud were shouting for her to take a bath together. Maud asked, "do you want to go?"

Hua Rong shook her head Although Hua Rong didn't make a fuss, he was from the Central Plains after all, so he had to turn around and return to the tent to sit down

The meeting didn't break up until half an afternoon to have lunch

All the princes came out, flushed and angry

Jin Wushu returned to his tent and saw Hua Rong sitting inside and looking at a scroll of Nvzhen paintings on the tent. The female immortal was not good at painting. I don't know who painted the buffalo casually, but it was also lively

He held a golden lotus in his hand. Seeing her expression of concentration, he quietly walked to her door, stretched out his hand and inserted the lotus into her bun

Hua Rong was surprised, subconsciously took down the golden lotus from her head, and angrily said, "what are you doing?"

"The topic of today's discussion is whether to let go of dizziness..."

"Ah? What's the decision?"

"The wolf Lord's messenger and my second brother both advocate release."

"What about you?"

"I didn't speak. I don't want to talk today."

Hua Rong thought about the sincerity and hypocrisy in his words, but he pulled Hua Rong: "I'll take you to see the grassland scenery. It's hot to be stuck here."

Hua Rong patted his hand open and said, "Jin Wushu, whether men or women give or receive, please respect yourself."

Jin Wushu angrily said, "get out of your bullshit etiquette. This is da Jin, not da song!"

Having said that, it's still not good to pull her again and take the lead Take a few steps, see her follow yourself, happy again

A temporary stadium has already been built on a large open space outside the tent Zongwang liked to hit the ball and led a crowd of his soldiers to the court Jin Wushu, however, was not very interested in hitting the ball. He aimed at all kinds of wild animals by the river and said excitedly, "Hua Rong, let me barbecue wild ducks for you in the evening."

Hua Rong was noncommittal, looking for the figure in Yuwen Xu everywhere

Seeing her like this, Jin Wushu laughed and said, "Hua Rong, you find Yu wenxuzhong? He's in the big prince's tent, and you can't see it. However, I can tell you that he hasn't reneged yet, and is lobbying the big prince to put him back. However, I tell you a secret: the new wolf Lord once read Yu wenxuzhong's poems, and he appreciates him very much. Maybe he will be left to read..."

Hua Rong was surprised. When will the competition between these two forces end?

Seeing her in a daze, Jin Wushu no longer stimulated her. He took his prey and picked several flowers: "Golden Lotus roast wild duck, make sure you like it..."

Hua Rong was speechless. She walked to the front and looked at a strange wild flower in the river

Zong Wang led people to play the ball for more than an hour. He was so tired that he sweated heavily. He ran over excitedly and said loudly, "fourth brother, it's so hot..."

Jin Wushu looked at the sun overhead and said with a smile, "the sun is big today, it's too hot..."

Zong Wang saw Hua Rong sitting on the grass opposite, looking into the distance, and looked back at Jin Wushu's injured face. Seeing his smiling face, he whispered, "fourth brother, this bitter meat trick has come out, can you fix it?"

Jin Wushu smiled mysteriously and did not answer

"Fourth brother, if you still want to lose people this time, you won't be a man..." he quietly blinked, "in fact, you don't need to spend so much time on women, just like Princess Maude, hugging her to bed, even coaxing and cheating, and women will naturally be at ease. Moreover, women can pet but not throw away, otherwise they become a tigress, and you won't want to have a good life in your life..."

"Haha, the second brother is right."

Zong Wang took off his clothes as he said, and two soldiers came over. According to his habit, they drew two buckets of cold water from the river and poured water on him from head to foot

He laughed loudly, "hahaha, so comfortable, fourth brother, do you want to try it?"

"I'll wash it later."

Hua Rong sat on one side. Turning back at this time, he saw Zong Wang watering his head like this. He felt strange, but it was not good to look at his "naked" again, and turned his head to look ahead

Jin Wushu just glanced at her and laughed secretly, holding the wild duck in his hand. "Brother, roast wild duck tonight, your favorite."


Zongwang had already bathed at this time, and felt very thirsty, so he took a big ladle of cold water and drank it again The water, which was cold and cool, was fetched by soldiers from the depths of the willow shade on the river bank

He drank happily and drank two scoops in a row Throw down the ladle: "fourth brother, I'll go back and have a rest first."

"OK, I'll ask you to eat roast duck in the evening."

As soon as Zong Wang left, Jin Wushu also felt hot. It made people draw two buckets of cold water from the shade of the willow, and was about to wash away, but Hua Rong came from the opposite side

"Hua Rong, I want to take a bath. Will you wash it?"

Hua Rong saw his blood dried face, looked at his sweat and the sun above his head, frowned and said, "if you take a bath like this, you will get sick?"

"Ah? We all do."

Running around day by day, after a lot of exercise, but pouring cold water down, won't you get sick? Are all women like this?

She looked at the wound of Jin Wushu and said, "you are injured. If you bathe in cold water, you will have a fever."

Jin Wushu said happily, "so you're afraid of me getting sick? Hahaha, if you ask me not to wash, I won't wash..."

Hua Rong ignored him, sat down beside him, took a golden lotus and looked at the scenery in the distance

But Zong Wang went back to his tent and lay down. Within half an hour, he felt something was wrong and started to burn

The immortal woman has no habit of healing. When she gets sick, she usually prays to the wizard, recites spells, kills pigs and dogs, or drags the patient to the mountains and forests to avoid evil spirits

However, this time it was not an expedition. There was no wizard in the team. Plus, he was hot for a while, and everyone didn't care Even Princess Maud didn't care, but also took a bath and played with his wife Tang by the river to pick flowers

In the evening, Jin Wushu roasted the wild duck and ordered Wu Qimai to invite the second prince. At this time, Hua Rong was already sitting on the stone opposite him, watching the duck stand on the fire, smeared with a layer of oil salt, and the oil dripped on the fire, making a crackling sound

"Huarong, this food is delicious, I'm sure you'll like it..."


Jin Wushu suddenly remembered that she didn't eat fat pork plates and said, "you're really hard to serve!"

"I didn't ask you to serve me."

Jin Wushu didn't answer, but Wu Qimai came in a hurry, looking frightened: "the fourth prince, the second prince is dead..."

Jin Wushu suddenly stood up and said, "what did you say?"

"The second prince is critically ill..."

Jin Wushu left the roast duck in his hand and ran to the tent opposite. Hua Rong stood aside. He knew there was a problem after watching Zong Wang's behavior of desperately watering and drinking cold water after playing ball, but he didn't expect it to be so serious

Jin Wushu ran into the tent and saw maode and others kneeling in front of zongwang's bed and crying loudly

"Second brother..."

He grabbed a step, touched zongwang's breath, and found that zongwang had died of anger

Inside and outside the tent, there was a cry Zongwang's more than 80 wives and concubines knelt in a dark place

Everyone was surprised, even Zonghan was very surprised. Tie Qing walked around the tent with a blue face and returned to his tent Although he was not close to zongwang, the factional struggle in the kingdom of Jin depended on zongwang to mediate. He was really an indispensable person. Now that he died, he immediately realized that he should make other plans

On the other side of the river, under the deepening night, the three people sat in the new grass and the stems of wild flowers more than one person tall, breathing the fragrance of early summer on the grassland

Of course, they didn't come here to enjoy the grassland scenery

In the distance, they saw a fire on the opposite side. Soon, a horse's neighing came from the fire

Ma Su immediately whispered, "Your Majesty, this is the kingdom of Jin. Someone has died. In the kingdom of Jin, if a superior nobleman dies, he will burn horses, sheep, etc. in the fire as a sacrifice. Hearing the scream of horses, the dead must be people at the prince level..."

"Is it Jin Wushu who died?"

King Qin stood up and looked at a large tent on the other side of the river It's very easy to find out about such a powerful hunting of Jin people Even when he first arrived, he vaguely saw a woman sitting alone, away from the carnival Subconsciously, this must be a girl!

Damn girl, what are you doing in the golden man's tent?

What will happen if you fall into the hands of Jin Ren?

"Your Majesty, we have found out about the peace talks and will soon release a batch of song prisoners. What should we do next?"

"It's better to follow the original plan. If the death is really golden Wu Shu."

He snapped a wild flower with hatred: "dead girl, let's live a free life. However, it's really deserved to die if you want to come here and fall into the clutches of Jin Wushu. I thought Zhao Deji trusted you, and Zhao Deji was hurting you. I'm afraid I won't kill you, and you and Yue Pengju, these fools, will die in the hands of Zhao Deji and Jin Wushu sooner or later..."

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