One Night Bride

Chapter 160

Ma Su and Liu Wu knew what he was thinking. Ma Su immediately said, "king, what should we do now? According to the meaning revealed by father-in-law Kang, Yue Pengju has been at the border of Chen Bing, and now there are nobles of the kingdom of Jin who have died..."

King Qin didn't seem to answer, as if he were talking to himself: "Lao Tzu hopes that Zonghan or Jin Wushu will die. If one of these two people dies, he can start a war..."

Masu was startled

"Hurry to find out who died, so that we can change our plan."


Ma Su and Liu Wu both know Jurchen language, especially Ma Su, whose identity is a little special He was the son of han'er in the former Eastern Liaoning Province. His father was an important Han General counselor of the old wolf Lord at that time. Therefore, he received the superior cultural education of Nuzhen since childhood and was proficient in the internal situation of Nuzhen Unexpectedly, a few years ago, his father failed to send him off, and the whole family was chased and killed. He finally escaped. After many twists and turns, he found another "han'er" Liu Wu who was also desperate. Because they were in the caravan, they went to King Qin together

Liu Wu used to be a peddler. He was familiar with Yanjing and Shangjing, and Ma Su was proficient in various situations of Nvzhen. The two cooperated, and King Qin carried a lot of gold and silver treasures and some light gifts It is the same in any country. Money can make the devil push the mill. Ma Su ran around and heard a lot about it

Because of the first battle on the sea, Jin Wushu escaped. He was always angry, and he hated Yue Pengju. He thought it would be easier to kill these two people at one stroke However, it is not easy to kill such two people? What's more, the most important thing now is that the girl may still fall into the hands of others

How can a girl fall into the hands of other men except herself?

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still. He hated and said, "Yue Pengju, you took Lao Tzu's wife and it's hard to protect it. This time, don't expect Lao Tzu to be merciful to you again."

Also because of the success of playing tricks on Jin Wushu, King Qin suddenly changed his mind. It must be difficult to assassinate Jin Wushu openly. You might as well do it secretly. Since he has a big contradiction with Zonghan, there is always a time to break through

Everything went according to the plan, but at this time, Zong Wang was dead

King Qin and others were right. The fire on the opposite side was indeed a funeral, a funeral of zongwang

According to the customs of Nuzhen, they were used to cremation. Later, under the influence of the Han people, the upper class of the Jin State also accepted earth burial. Only the coffin was slightly different from the Han people, and the body was still like the upper class nobles of the Han people, who had to wear linen and silk Due to the hot weather, Jin Wushu ordered zongwang's body to be pickled with alum and salt, wrapped in layers of superior silk and satin, and then sealed, ready to be sent to the Northeast imperial stronghold for burial Almost all the noble Nuzhen were buried there

However, cremation is still preserved, mainly burning livestock and slaves

On the side of the tent where zongwang's body was parked, a pile of firewood was raised with a large amount of firewood. The people and horses who were buried with him had been selected, and the horses were the two best horses he liked most in his life One of them once fought with him, especially in the Song Dynasty The martyrs included two male slaves who served him personally during his lifetime and two concubines

As for the choice of concubines, it took a little trouble. Zongwang had more than a hundred women. Usually, there were seven or eight people who often slept with concubines, and the wife was Tang According to the wishes of other women, the second prince doted on the song Princess Maude, who should be buried

Maud was scared out of her wits when she heard such a discussion. Although she was favored by zongwang and could not be said to have no friendship for a long time, she was far from being buried for him I only begged Tang to make a decision

Hua Rong also realized that the death of Zong Wang might lead to great changes, especially the death of such a moderate, which was really uncomfortable. She thought, why didn't Zong Han die?

She thought of Princess Maud and wanted to see it, but Jin Wushu grabbed her and said in a deep voice, "don't go..."

She was even more flustered, and broke away from Jin Wushu's hand and ran into zongwang's tent

At this time, Princess Maud was kneeling in front of Tang Shi, with her hair dishevelled and tears in her voice: "madam, please forgive me..."

"The second prince dotes on you so much, madam Zhao Wu, that you don't want to be buried for him?"

According to the custom of Nuzhen, the hostess in charge of the family can handle the housework with full power, even the male owner doesn't interfere much. If Tang decides to let Maud be buried, no one can stop it

Princess maode is outstanding in beauty. Although she is most favored by zongwang, she is always respectful to Tang Shi and never dares to arrogate. However, Tang Shi is old and naturally no longer competes for favor. Therefore, she is not as good as other concubines. She has always been unhappy with maode and is eager to execute her. She hesitates to see her pleading

Hua Rong was stunned. Princess Maud looked up and saw her rushing in, as if she saw the Savior. She immediately ran over and grabbed her: "Mrs. Yue, please beg the fourth Prince for me, I'm afraid of being burned..."

A man with thousands of pets and love is really not as good as a wife Barbarians keep saying that it doesn't matter who the wife is, only depends on who the husband dotes on, but what if the husband dies?

Men love too much, men don't love, then what should we do?

In any place and country, the right of being a wife goes beyond serving a concubine

However, Hua Ronggen didn't want to think about this, knowing that it was useless to ask Tang, but seeing that Tang's eyes were not malicious and seemed to be hesitating, she hurried out, life was at stake, and a moment later, Maude might become a pile of ashes When she saw Jin Wushu coming in a hurry, she immediately grabbed his hand: "fourth prince, please help and ask your second sister-in-law to change her mind. Princess Maud, she doesn't want to die..."

Because in a hurry, he lost his temper for a moment, but Jin Wushu was happy. He held her hand with his back hand and saw her face full of panic and begging for permission I've known her for so long. It's the first time I've seen her like this

"OK, I'll go and have a look."

Jin Wushu took her hand and walked in. Maode was kowtowing to the Tang family. Jin Wushu saluted: "second sister-in-law, look at your thin face, change a martyr..."

Jin Wushu and zongwang had a deep brotherhood, and the Tang family naturally knew that when they saw him plead, they no longer insisted, but said, "just as the fourth prince said."

If Maud was pardoned, he stood up and quickly thanked Jin Wushu: "thank you, the fourth prince."

"You'd better thank Mrs. Xie and miss Hua Rong."

"Madam Xie, Miss Xie Huarong."

Hua Rong saw that her face was full of tears. If she had walked around in hell, she was miserable. She only stretched out her hand to hold her, and could not be persuaded at all

The burial candidates finally found two Khitan concubines The two delicate women were pushed out and scared out of their wits Hua Rong stood there stunned - who will save these two poor women if he can save Maude?

Maud doesn't deserve to die. Do they deserve to die?

She listened dully to their tragic cries, trembling in her heart, and quietly withdrew step by step

However, Maud escaped the bad luck of being buried, but he could not escape a disfigured disaster

This disaster is commonly known as "sending blood and tears", which means that the wife and concubine of the deceased should scratch their forehead with a knife and hand in blood and tears to show that they will never forget their husband's kindness

Under the leadership of Tang clan, more than 100 women in zongwang took a knife and mutilated themselves Maud thought that zongwang's death would seriously affect his father and brother's return to the south, and that he had nothing to rely on in the future, so he cried very sad However, according to her original intention, especially her pride in appearance, if everyone leaves a scar on his forehead like a widow, how can he see others? But she was afraid of Tang's harsh eyes and knew that she would not do it by herself. If Tang did it, the consequences would be even worse. She had to do as the Romans do, took the knife, slid it gently on her forehead, and shed a few drops of blood

Hua Rong has been looking at her, looking at the princess of song, Caijing's daughter-in-law, who was forced to "send a funeral" to a foreign man!

When these martyrs were pushed in front of the fire, Jurchen soldiers were surrounded in all directions Everyone seemed to be used to this scene and didn't think much of it. Only the four martyrs lay on the grass, their hands tied, and howled numbly

A large group of Nvzhen soldiers began to fight together. First, they tied the two famous horses tightly with their hooves and threw them into the fire. Immediately, they made an extremely tragic cry, as if they were going to destroy the huge fire However, soon, the fire was burning more brightly, and the horse's fat crackled in the flame, which increased the prosperity of the fire

The four martyrs had cried hoarse, and were caught by the Nvzhen soldiers and easily thrown into the fire. At this time, they screamed more frightening than horses

Princess Maud, who had just escaped a disaster, did not dare to look at this inhuman scene. She hid far away in the shadow of the tent, but the screams of horses and people couldn't stop drilling into her ears, with a kind of heart rending pain

Hua Rong also stood in the crowd to witness this scene, almost scared out of his wits

At that time, there was almost no system for people in the Central Plains to be buried alive. Especially since the Tang and Song Dynasties, even if the emperor died, he did not bury his concubines as concubines. Only the empress and concubines other than children were allowed to become nuns or sent to Taoist temples Even the ancient Buddha with green lanterns can survive, rather than such a brutal murder and burial

Jin Wushu held her hand tightly and noticed that her palm was cold. He was surprised and said, "Hua Rong, are you afraid?"

He asked twice, and Hua Rong woke up. He quickly broke away from his hand and took two steps back

Jin Wushu didn't think so: "even if you marry me, you are still your wife. Don't worry, you will never be buried."

She said angrily, "who married you barbarian?"

In the past, if she said so, Jin Wushu would be angry, but at this time, in the sky of the fire, she looked panicked, looked miserable, and her thin body was shaky, and suddenly felt pity in her heart He was familiar with the culture of the Southern Dynasty and knew that this custom was different from that of the Southern Dynasty. She was afraid that it was normal, so she comforted her and said, "this custom is not good, so it is suggested to change it in the future..."

Hua rongben also thought he would be angry, but listening to him like this, it's hard to be sarcastic for a moment, just staring at the towering flames

Jin Wushu was about to get angry, but he saw Zonghan and the valley God also coming. The valley God was smiling, but Zonghan's face was very gloomy. He took the lead in throwing a large number of raw and cooked food displayed next to the body into the fire, commonly known as "cooking"

When the "cooking" gave off a sticky smell and the horses turned into ashes, the funeral was completely over

At this time, it was already the next morning, the bright red sun peeped out from the East and shone on the still weak beating residual red, with incomparable heat, as if it had watered the Golden Lotus on this large grassland with a layer of blood

Everyone stayed up all night, and their eyes were bloodshot. However, Hua Rong immediately found that the female immortals around, from Zonghan Valley God to Jin Wushu, Tang Shi, and so on, all looked as usual, especially the valley God and other cronies of zongwang, who talked and laughed, without sadness

It turned out that the Nuzhen custom was like this. After the funeral, everything was the same, without the cumbersome funeral rules of the Han people

She suddenly thought of a question. The Nuzhen custom is that after a brother dies, other brothers can inherit his wives and concubines, without asking whether those widows are willing or not Zong Wang, who should inherit the more than 100 women? Jin Wushu is closest to him, is it him?

She looked at Jin Wushu, who was sitting on a stone outside, half closed his eyes, and did not know whether he was asleep or thinking

She was about to walk over, but she heard a cry of surprise. Valley God came in with great strides and put his hand around Princess Maud She immediately understood that it was the valley God who would inherit zongwang's wife and concubine

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