One Night Bride

Chapter 164

The living room was burning the huge butter candles of Nvzhen, emitting a strong smell of smoke Jin Wushu held a pot of wine and drank a few gulps

Hua Rong said faintly, "you haven't recovered from your injury. Don't drink."

Jin Wushu breathed again, and his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water: "Hua Rong, you can go! I have no use for you now. You see, I can't even mobilize the army now..."

Hua Rong didn't make a sound

He threw the wine pot aside, leaned back on the chair, and slowly said, "as soon as my second brother died, Zonghan got into trouble immediately. Maybe we all underestimated him, but we didn't expect him to act so quickly. I have always been a thorn in his side, and he must have cut me first..."

She couldn't help but say, "the wolf Lord listens to him?"

"The wolf Lord hates him to the bone! But he controls half of the troops of the Jin State and wants to Jiao Zhao to start first..."

"You just sit and wait?"

"Hua Rong, up to now, I don't hide it from you. In the kingdom of Jin, Zonghan's faction is very powerful. Zongxian and zongjun have private friends with him, and the valley God controls the internal affairs of the DPRK and China, cooperating inside and outside, and the power is far greater than us. Do you know what the token Zonghan just took out? It's the token of the old wolf owner, not the new wolf owner. His move is to show that he is the real wolf owner. My second brother and I planned to fight with him and defeat him completely, but, God The second brother died in a hurry, disrupting our overall deployment The wolf Lord had no other way but to let Zonghan do whatever he wanted... "

i see.

"Zonghan hates me. Other song captives may not have anything, but your two bodyguards, he will kill Liwei first..."

Hua Rong was so frightened that she almost stood up and spent a lot of time together. Her feelings for Zhang Xian and others were not just bodyguards, but brothers. No, she must not let their souls scatter in the kingdom of gold

"You don't have to stay. I know the situation of Empress Dowager Wei like the back of my hand. She won't return to the state of song like this. You don't have to make unnecessary sacrifices. Tomorrow morning, I'll send someone to send you to the border. Maybe you can save your life..."

She was stunned and did not speak

Jin Wushu seemed to see through her mind: "Hua Rong, don't be whimsical. You can't save the dry song prisoner by yourself. If you act rashly and fall into Zonghan's hands, it will be worse than death..."

She closed her eyes miserably

Jin Wushu said faintly, "Hua Rong, go and have a rest as soon as possible, and I will send someone to see you off tomorrow."

She sat motionless, but he stood up and went out without saying a word

The night is getting deeper and deeper

Hua Rong was still sitting alone in the living room of Nuo Da, looking at the thick smoke emitted by butter

A figure flashed in like a ghost, his body was very thin, and his voice was panic: "girl..."

Hua Rong woke up and immediately recognized Princess Tianwei During the day, she wanted to talk to her, but she couldn't find a chance

"Met the princess..."

Tianwei knelt down first: "girl, you come from Song country, can you have news of my ninth brother?"

She was living a closed life in the prince's residence, and she didn't even know that the ninth brother had already ascended the throne

Hua Rong lifted her up, and her eyes were very sour: "the official family has already ascended the throne..."

Her face showed joy, and her voice was a little louder: "brother nine, will he lead the army to save us?"

Because of this simple sentence, Hua Rong was stunned It occurred to me that the song captives I met, from Princess Maud to Tianwei to the dead queen Xing, all the women, the first to speak, were their husbands and their brothers, whether they led troops to attack and avenge them!

By no means peace talks!

No one mentioned the peace talks

Only the captives understood the situation of the captives. They did not pray for peace talks. Why did the officials, and why did many literary ministers and military generals of the song state place their hopes on peace talks?

Even those two fatuous kings

Is there a big difference between men's thinking and women's thinking?

She asked Tianwei slowly, "princess, this time the government sent me to negotiate..."

"Make peace? Why should brother nine make peace? How can prisoners like jackals make peace?"

Tianwei's eyes burned with anger, completely different from the deep hatred of her age. Suddenly, she lifted her thin off shoulder Nvzhen clothes, and saw the dense scars on them, all of which were flogging or acupuncture: "if we can talk, how can we be locked up here?"

Hua Rong looked at the shocking scars on her body and asked in a low voice, "is it Jin Wu Shu that tortures you?"

She shook her head miserably and said in tears, "it was Wang Junhua and other concubines in the fourth Prince's mansion... Other concubines bullied slaves from the Song Dynasty. Wang Junhua was a female bully and dared not torture the prisoner woman, but only to take out his anger with slaves... Although the fourth Prince didn't do it himself, it was all thanks to him..."

Although it was not the fourth prince, it was all thanks to him!

"Girl, if you can still return to the state of song, please advise my ninth brother not to negotiate peace. He can only work hard. Negotiation can't save us. It takes a strong army to save us..."


Her voice fell low: "Hu Ma is in the north wind, crossing the South Branch of the bird's nest. As a princess of the Song Dynasty, the slave can only be enslaved in a foreign land for a lifetime. Girl, if you can return to the song state, if you hear the news of the death of the slave in the future, you can burn several Mo money papers and pray for the ghost..."

Hua Rong listened to her desperate and sad voice, and her tears couldn't help falling. Tian Wei saluted, turned and quickly walked out. Her thin back soon disappeared in the shadow of butter candles

Hua Rong looked at her back and walked away. For a while, behind the screen, a person stood, pale, it was Jin Wushu

His voice was faint: "flowers melt. It's late at night. Don't you rest?"

Hua Rong's voice was also faint. She went to pour herself a cup of tea and drank it. The tea was already cold, emitting a strong milky smell. She whispered, "this tea is different from the South after all."

Jin Wushu did not make a sound

"Is there a plate of tea in the fourth Prince's residence? I want to drink a cup of tea I'm familiar with, OK?"


Jin Wushu was stunned for a moment and immediately shouted, "come here, take the tea set..."

The two servants immediately took a group of tea and a set of tea sets and hurried up and put them on a table Hua Rong can see clearly that this tea is the best dragon and Phoenix Group tea, and the tea set is the top grade produced by Jun kiln. Especially the tea cup is jade like rose red, reflecting the Golden Dragon at the bottom of the plate, and emits dazzling brilliance under the butter candle

Two servants came to fetch water and were about to operate. Hua Rong stood up and walked over: "step back, I'll come..."

The two retreated, Hua Rong sat down, and Jin Wushu stood aside, looking at her coldly

At this time, she was wearing a simple women's dress prepared by the prince's residence, with her hair pulled up high, and her body was a light yellow Southern Dynasty shirt. Only a pair of slender hands stretched out, revealing a snow-white arm, holding a wooden spoon, and flying in the tea

This is the first time that Jin Wushu witnessed how women in the Southern Dynasty fried tea

A row of exquisite cups were placed, and the water in the pot was bubbling. Under her agitation, he didn't know whether it was because his eyes were blurred or for other reasons. He just felt that when her slender hands flipped, colorful patterns formed in the water spray After looking for a long time, he found that it was not his eyes that were dazzled, but that there was a fish shaped pattern coming out, which seemed to jump like a dragon's gate in the steam I knew that the tea frying technique of the Southern Dynasty was excellent, but I didn't expect to reach such a level

He couldn't help but sit down opposite her, and the cold look on his face was removed. He couldn't help looking at her and the boiling water that gradually became transparent and green

My heart is unprecedented quiet. There is no longer any war, smoke of gunpowder, or factional struggle. I feel as if I am in the boundless vast grassland, watching the spring flowers bloom, listening to the birds singing and flowers fragrance, life is so quiet, life is so quiet

"Fourth prince, please drink tea..."

It was not until a pair of jade hands reached out and handed him a rose red tea cup that he suddenly woke up

Subconsciously, I took the cup, and the hot tea passed through the thin tire of the crystal cup, transferring all the heat to the palm of my hand. Soon, the palm of my hand turned red On the nose, there is a strong fragrance, which is completely different from the taste of Beiguo milk tea

Obviously, I've been longing for it for a long time. I really held this cup of tea, but it was like holding a huge stone. A wave of anger arose spontaneously. With a flip of my hand, the cup fell to the ground and turned into a pile of pink fragments

"Jin Wu Shu?"

He flew into a rage: "Hua Rong, are you sympathizing with the prince? Or despise the prince?"

Hua Rong looked at the pile of debris on the ground, took another cup, took a sip of it, and slowly stood up: "fourth prince, this time I was sent to the kingdom of Jin, thanks to your protection, I was temporarily saved. I didn't say thank you for my great kindness, and I didn't need to say anything more if I was grateful..."

She's leaving, this woman is leaving! Others are cutting robes and breaking righteousness. She's making tea without mercy!

A cup of tea to end their grudge?

She has no use for herself. Even Zhang Xian and Liu Qi can't save her

All the boasting has turned into ridiculous lies. The fourth prince, who once searched the mountains and seas, and the fourth prince who was able to carry it, is now a house arrest prisoner without power

Not even a woman can be protected

"Fourth prince, farewell!"

He didn't say anything and watched her stand up and stride towards the door

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the sky, the stars are sparse, and wild birds flutter by on the distant hillside Jin Wushu stared at her back and left, unable to help but shed tears

The sun burned its fiery flame, the rugged mountain roads were white and hard, the trees were green, the leaves were deep, and the whole earth was completely green The cool dew drops on the wheezing earth and the green mountain top. Slowly, half the moon climbs up, and the stars are intertwined in the sky. The sky turns into black and white, white clouds, black clouds, changing and running around

In the dense forest, there were nightingales' songs and the cries of various insects. A team of nocturnal people whipped up their horses, wrapped their horses in pieces and hooves, and silently bypassed the border of the kingdom of gold and headed straight for Yanjing

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