One Night Bride

Chapter 165

It is Yue Pengju who takes the lead His body was soaked with sweat. At this time, his heart was burning like a fire. A few days ago, he found out that there was a chaos in the kingdom of Jin, zongwang was dead, and all the members of the diplomatic corps were detained by the eldest prince Zonghan

Deep down in his heart, he originally disapproved of his wife's sending to the kingdom of Jin, but it was difficult to disobey your life. How could he know that this was not a wolf's nest? He has measured many times these days that although Jin Wushu was defeated at sea, the balance of power between song and Jin has not changed fundamentally, and the state of Jin still occupies an overwhelming advantage. In this way, even if the peace talks are held, how sincere will they be?

I'm afraid that a large number of gifts from the state of song and the lives of a number of envoys were buried in vain

He was strongly worried about his wife, and he was afraid of great changes in the border. He immediately informed Wu Peng, leaving Yu Peng, who was mature and prudent, to garrison and lead the army in person

In the north of Yanjing, everyone dismounted and walked in the dark The spy's map shows that Zonghan's mansion is in the north, and all the envoys of the song state are imprisoned in his palace in the north, which has not been transferred

The moonlight shone on the people. They were all plain clothes of gold army armor, which had been captured during the naval battle There was also a Khitan general, Chaz, with his entourage Chatz had been in the gold army for many years. In order to preserve its strength, the Khitans and other Han troops always acted as the vanguard before each war, and the loss was not painful Chatz was captured by Yue Pengju's army twice, and he spared his life. Later, he followed the song army with all his heart He was proficient in the truth and more familiar with the streets and alleys of Yanjing. Yue Pengju took him on the road in case of surprise

According to chatz's prompt, the crowd stopped Yue Peng raised his order and said, "wait a moment. Take the fireworks as a signal, and I will go to the prince's residence with chats to inquire..."

Wang GUI, his important subordinate, immediately said, "no, Xianggong Yue can't take such a big risk himself."

At this time, the worry about his wife has exceeded everything. What risks are we talking about? He waved his hand, "everyone listens to orders, just follow the plan."

"Yue Xianggong..."

As soon as he waved his hand, Wang GUI knew that he couldn't persuade him any more, so he had to lead his men to cover back

In the distance, Hua Rong could see the starry lantern under the dense tent At this time, the people around have not completely slept. In summer, there are the cries of cattle and sheep and the sounds of birds everywhere

She picked a leaf and put it on her mouth. It was the song "butterfly loves flowers"

No one came! Empress Dowager Wei did not come as promised

She continued to play for fear that empress dowager Wei would not hear her However, she still did not come

She was in a panic, waiting to come to the door, but she didn't dare. Empress dowager Wei must have been ambushed by Zonghan around. When she went there by herself, she just threw herself into the net

At midnight, she finally couldn't bear it and dared to approach the tent quietly However, halfway through, she had seen a figure flash in the dark. It was the Nvzhen army, closely monitoring empress dowager Wei These were sent by Zonghan. When he thought about it, this was the best and only way to catch the flower solution

Hua Rong didn't dare to get close any more, turned around and rushed back

Halfway there, I suddenly heard a thin voice: "little brother..." in the woods, a figure rushed out and grabbed her hand

She was surprised and whispered, "Zhaha, why are you here?"

He was happy and panicked: "I'm waiting for you. These days, I'm here and waiting for you secretly with the stone house. I'm afraid you won't talk to me anymore... Brother, where did I offend you..."

"No, you're fine." She thought that Jin Wushu said that he had been beaten, and asked softly, "Zhaha, you were beaten? How was your injury?"

This kind of soft concern of women was first appreciated by Zha he. He rubbed his hands and was very embarrassed, "it's okay, it's okay, it's okay two days after being beaten..."

Hua Rong saw that his leg was slightly lame. How could it be all right? Looking at his clothes, he is also dressed in a nondescript way

"Brother, I'm afraid someone will follow me, so I changed my clothes like you..."

Hua Rong smiled and felt relieved

Zha he saw that her voice was also smiling, under the moonlight, but he smelled the soft and fresh fragrance on her, and his heart was excited, "brother, are you going to find the Empress Dowager?"

"Yes, I want to take her away, but I don't know how to ask her out."

"Don't worry, I'll make an appointment for you."

She hesitated: "not tonight, someone is watching."

"Brother, don't worry, I'll find a way."

"Is it too dangerous to tie it together?"

"It's all right. Look at me."

In the moonlight, he saw the exotic woman beside him, looking at himself with worry on his face. His face was soft and like the golden lotus blooming in the night. Somehow, he felt excited and proud, and had an unspeakable taste, sweet and impulsive, as if he wanted to be a hero in front of her. Whatever she wanted, she was satisfied with her

Hua Rong couldn't stop him, so she had to follow him back

Walking to the dense forest in front of the tent, Zha said in a low voice, "just wait for me here."

"OK, be careful."

Zhaha took a few steps, but Hua Rong was still worried after all: "be careful."

"Boy, I will."

Hua Rong was afraid of chasing the army. After all, she didn't dare to stay on the ground and quietly jumped up a tree. Her vision was broader, and her heart pounded. She didn't know what the result would be. Empress dowager Wei, would she leave?

At this time, Empress Dowager Wei was lying on an exotic cow felt, hard wood, surrounded by the smell of cow dung, there was no fully burning firewood, which made the house very uncomfortable with miasma

Beside her lay a Nvzhen veteran who smelled of alcohol and sheep. He was a retired Centurion who liked to drink. In addition, he had no other bad habits and had never beaten or scolded her

Countless such nights, I always think of the "golden prison" in the Song Dynasty - for many women, the palace is just a disguised prison, where they can only spend their youth slowly

Because of her poor appearance, she has never been liked by song Huizong. For the first time, she was favored because of the intercession of her good sister Qiao Guifei, who intoxicated the emperor and misunderstood him into bed Unexpectedly, it was this night that she got pregnant and gave birth to her son zhaodeji

Countless palace maids envy her good luck, but who would have thought that after this night, in more than 20 years, she has never been favored by the son of heaven again. Even the title of "virtuous Princess" was bestowed by the government when her son was sent to resist the golden man

Like other concubines, she didn't have any regrets or thoughts about song Huizong. She was also a very timid woman who didn't dare to fight. In the laundry, she was obedient and married a Nvzhen veteran, so she had to serve carefully However, who could have thought that one day, he would meet with the diplomatic corps of the Song Dynasty? What's more, I won't think that under such circumstances, I am pregnant with six armor - with the evil seed of the prisoners, how can I go back to face the emperor of the Song Dynasty, my son?

I dare not go back! But shameless to go back!

She listened to the call of Hua Rong, sat up again and again, and lay down again and again. The situation in the kingdom of Jin was so, even if she went out, could two women alone escape?

Around her, Nvzhen veterans snored with sweat like thunder. She trembled in her heart. As long as she went back to the Song Dynasty, she would be the Empress Dowager. From then on, the palace would no longer be a prison, and she would become the first noble woman

Go back?

Stay in the kingdom of Jin and continue to be a slave?

She stroked her high belly and couldn't help but beat it hard twice, as if she was going to beat the bastard out. However, in addition to a burst of cone-shaped pain, the little life was still firmly occupied in her stomach, and she refused to show weakness, letting her mother get rid of it

She turned over again in despair, only to hear a cry outside. The Nvzhen veterans around her were also awakened, jumped up, ran to the door barefoot, lifted the curtain, and shouted, "shit, the cattle of the family ran away... No, the horses ran away, and they were on fire..."

Startled, she also hobbled to the door and saw several tents in the distance, with flames in the sky and horses neighing and dogs barking Although the tents of Nuzhen are separated, there is also primitive collective cooperation, especially horses. Many families are concentrated together If the horse runs away, the prairie is in front of it. Once you enter and cross the river, it is very difficult to find it back

In the chaos, all the adult men went out to look for horses, and all the women got up to put out the fire

Nvzhen veterans also hurried out, looking back to see his wife full of panic, quickly said with Nvzhen words: "you are pregnant, don't go out, it's dangerous..." with that, they saw that Webster was still in place, pressing his stomach, as if it was very painful, and turned back, pulling her to bed: "lie down, don't go out."

She nodded hurriedly, but she really couldn't run out

As soon as the Nvzhen veteran went out, she was about to go to bed when a figure rushed in

She saw clearly that she was a real man and was stunned

Zha he whispered, "I'm looking for you. It's my brother who is looking for you... I won't hurt you. It's from the state of song... My brother is looking for you..."

Webster was surprised and afraid, and tied up to carry her. She hurried back: "don't go, I won't go..."

Zha he thought it was Hua Rong who saved her, and she would go. Unexpectedly, she refused to go at all. She couldn't help it. She was so anxious that she was sweating. Just reaching out to pull her, she ran outside the tent

At this time, there was chaos around, and people were tumbling everywhere. Webster stood at the door in panic. He was about to shout, but he saw a man running again and lowering his voice: "Empress Dowager Wei, it's me, I'll pick you up..."

She immediately recognized the woman she had met, and with mixed feelings, she stepped back

Hua Rong hurriedly said, "empress dowager, please leave with me quickly, and there will be no chance later..."

She took another step back: "girl, you go quickly. My broken body has no face to return to the state of song, let alone face the official family..."

"Empress dowager, the official family misses you every day..."

Her face was full of tears. She was hesitating. Hua Rong had already pulled her hand and turned around and left

After taking a few steps, it was difficult to move. Zahe squatted down and carried her on his back. She screamed loudly, with abdominal pain like wringing

At this moment, Hua Rong realized clearly that she was pregnant! Empress Dowager Wei is pregnant!

She said hurriedly, "Zhaha, put her down quickly."

Zha put her down, and Hua Rong held her, and Empress Dowager Wei burst into tears: "girl, my life is thin, I'm afraid I'll become a lonely ghost in a foreign land in a short time. You report it to the official family, and say that my body is dead, so he doesn't have to worry about it..."

At this time, several torches suddenly approached and shouted, "hurry, catch them..."

Webster struggled back into the room and shouted, "go, you go..."

Hua Rong couldn't do it any more, so she shouted and ran forward

Jin Jun immediately judged their direction and desperately pursued them

Zahe heard the sound of bows and arrows behind him, and hurried to hold Hua Rong's hand, but felt her palm cold, and hurried to say, "brother..."

Hua Rong was panting. Hearing that the pursuers behind him were getting more and more urgent, he hurriedly released Zhaha's hand: "Zhaha, you go quickly, don't care about me..."


"Separate to escape, separate to escape..."

Zha immediately let go of her hand. However, he ran a few steps. Although he was simple, he saw that she fell behind. He immediately found that she didn't want to implicate herself. He turned and ran back, holding her hand hard and ran away

The arrows came whirring in the dark and fell behind from time to time

Another arrow came, as if rubbing against the vest. The flower dissolved in cold. The body was pushed away, and only a suppressed scream was heard

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