One Night Bride

Chapter 171

The stars are fading all over the sky, which is the darkest time before dawn

King Qin tightly hugged the woman in his arms, = desperately put his palm on her vest, hit the horse and ran forward For a long time, he forgot to order the direction of the horse, and only knew to run forward I don't know whether it was intuition or other reasons. He obviously felt that the person in his arms was getting colder and colder

He knew the strength of his palm better than anyone else, and his brain was blank. He just hugged her and couldn't even say a word

After running for a while, he finally made a trembling sound, but he couldn't say a sentence: "girl... Girl... Are you still alive..."

She kept silent and obediently leaned completely into his arms, but, unreliable, her head drooped vigorously

He gently pinched her hand and felt that it was gradually cooling down. His whole brain was not very clear, and he didn't know what he had done, let alone where he was going

He reined in the night before dawn and dared not run again, for fear that if he ran again, her soul would be scattered He didn't even dare to dismount. He just stayed on the horse and hugged her tightly. He didn't know what to do at all This time, it is different from any time. Even if she commits suicide, even if she is ill, she can control and measure her actions; But this time, I did it myself!

Only he knows best!

That exhausted palm, although it was to kill Zhang Xian, but the moment she blocked it, he saw it - because he saw it, he hated it more! Hate her for running away three or four times; Hate her becoming someone else's wife, hate her that "wedding night"; Hate her for not paying attention to herself

When he tore up niangeng's wedding stickers, his heart was already cold, thinking that it would never get hot again. Hatred had almost overwhelmed love

A slap down, the result of her! I'll never have trouble again

So he really slapped it down

However, when she died, did she really have no trouble?

Is this really what you want?

He stood in the boundless night, shed tears, and suddenly shouted frantically, "girl... You don't die! Don't die! Girl, you live, OK?"

However, her hand simply slipped completely from his hand, hung softly, and her nose seemed to have no breath

King Qin's legs softened, and he almost fell to his knees, sobbing. The man in his arms was as thin as a fragile feather. As long as his hands were loose, he would mix into the sky or soil and become the smallest dust. From then on, the fragrance disappeared

A bright red sun rises from the East and shines on this northern land. There are dense forests everywhere, white snow in the distance, and only a winding path. After another day through this path, it is the border of Song Dynasty

King Qin's legs were numb. When he was about to stand up, his hands shook, and he still held Hua Rong tightly. At this time, he could see clearly, but he saw that her eyes were closed, and there was a dry blood stain on the corners of her mouth. Her face was like gold paper, and there was no breath on her nose

He did not leave the ground for a moment, and put his palm against her vest. There were tall trees around him. A squirrel jumped over. A drop of dew in the morning fell from the tall pine tree next to him, and it just fell on Hua Rong's face. A slight "click" could be heard The drops of water fell on her face and fell to the corners of her mouth, diluting the purple blood, and her eyelids suddenly moved

King Qin was overjoyed and exclaimed, "girl..."

However, it was quiet all around, and Hua Rong was also quiet. There was no movement at all. He suspected that he was dazzled. He still put his hand on her vest and judged that she had the last breath If this breath dissipates, he will die immediately

He suddenly remembered what people often call Ganoderma lucidum life extension. When people are seriously injured or dying, if they take a good ginseng decoction, they can continue to live for a while. He himself once seized a millennium ginseng and put it on the island But the road is far away, and it will take a month or two to arrive no matter how fast. Hua Rong is now sober, let alone a month or two, even a day or two is hanging

He braced himself and was about to hold her on the horse, but he remembered her injury. He couldn't bump any more, so he held her firmly, and simply walked on foot, only letting kinsys scream and follow him

The more you go to the border of the song state, the more desolate it is. After years of war, the border has long been empty. There are only some historical relics left in the former tea horse market. The two countries have become sworn enemies, and all trade and friendly exchanges have been completely interrupted

At this time, King Qin had calmed down for a few minutes, remembering that people often say that there are three treasures here, and ginseng is one of them, so he slowed down and stared at the slight forests and snow capped mountains on both sides

However, to get ginseng, unless it is an experienced old participant, ordinary people can't find it at all Besides, he couldn't take a chance to search in the vast forest with a person in his arms

After walking for half an afternoon like this, he saw that it was late and he couldn't find a place to stay, so he had to stop and make a fire Although it is already may weather, there is also some chill at night in the north. From time to time, the roar of tigers and wolves can be heard in the jungle He was delighted that if a big worm came out, he might as well kill a tiger to eat

He held Hua Rong in his arms and held his breath. After a while, he heard a roar and a little tiger slowly approached He quietly put the flowers in a pile of dry leaves and lay down. He tiptoed out with a dead branch. Far away, he met the tiger, and the dead branch was thrown out and inserted on the tiger's head The tiger rolled a few times. King Qin grabbed it, punched it to death, lifted it, quickly cut the skin and flesh with the knife in his arms, found a few large leaves, filled it with water, and boiled the tiger meat

When it was done, he picked up the flowers again, made a spoon out of leaves and fed her a few mouthfuls. However, her mouth could not be opened, and there was nothing left except the breath of life extension

He ate a big meal himself, refreshed a little, put his palm on her vest, untied his skirt, and wrapped her gently

Her face pressed against his hot chest, and his hands gradually warmed. He was happy and repeatedly called her, "girl, girl..."

However, she did not respond at all

He moved in his heart and untied her clothes, but he saw that there were arrow wounds on her left shoulder and back. Although she had been bandaged, she was also in danger of festering because of running He quickly took out the medicine in his arms, carefully smeared it on her, wrapped it up again, and then carefully dressed her in a shirt, and then laid her flat in his arms again

When I was putting on my shirt, I felt some things in her arms, piecemeal, packed in a small package When King Qin untied it, it turned out to be the Geng tie when she got married. It was written in scarlet letters with Yue Pengju, Hua Rong, their names and birthdays

He remembered the yellow paper he tore up, and then compared it with the red paper, which was still bright in color, he realized that this was the real wedding sticker

When Hua Rong was traveling, she also expected more or less bad luck. For fear of accidents, even Yue Pengju didn't know. She secretly took their wedding stickers and made them like amulets

King Qin picked up the wedding sticker and looked at it for a long time. Another burst of anger surged in his heart. He was about to burn it in the fire. However, in a flash, he saw her eyes closed and her face was blank. He knew that her hope of living was slim. If he asked for the wedding sticker when he looked back, where would he find her?

With hatred, he folded the wedding stickers again, put them back into her arms, and slowly put them on her shirt. He felt a burst of pain in his heart. Well, maybe it would be comforting for her to have a look at the wedding stickers when she died

In this way, when it was dawn, I had another trip and saw a small shop in front of me

This is an extremely rare shop owner on the border of song and Jin Dynasties. The shop owner is a mixture of Han and Nvzhen, proficient in both languages, and has contacts with border generals on both sides, so it can be preserved Song, in particular, sent people to negotiate repeatedly, and there was a real need for small shops along the way Therefore, the shopkeeper saw the business in this troubled time, and the charge was extremely expensive

It was still early, and there were not many guests. King Qin hugged Hua Rong and rushed in The waiter shouted, "check in?"

"Come on, take your best medicine and food..."

Naturally, there is food in this small shop. There are often many injuries and medicines at the border. But seeing King Qin's evil spirit, he just said, "the rules of the small shop are that you need to pay silver in advance..."

King Qin patted a ingot of silver: "get the soup quickly."

The waiter took the money and quickly brought a bowl of noodle soup

King Qin sat aside, picked up the flower solution, took a spoon and fed her a few spoons Finally, she took her chin and fed it down a little. Her head tilted, and she vomited out, and purple black blood gushed from the corners of her mouth

King Qin did not dare to feed again. Seeing the waiter looking at him furtively, he had no good way: "is there a doctor near here?"

"Doctor, there are two in my shop..."

King Qin was overjoyed: "please come out quickly."

"However, they pay a high fee."

King Qin fumbled again and fought desperately in the kingdom of Jin. He lost a lot of things, and the salute was mainly at Ma Su and Liu Wu. He touched a ingot of gold and threw it out, only to find that he was penniless

The waiter collected the gold and walked slowly in. After a while, two old men with goatee under their chin and burnt yellow skin came out. Their clothes were half gold and half Han

King Qin asked for help. For the first time in his life, he politely said, "please look at it, two old gentlemen. Does my wife still have treatment?"

An old man touched Hua Rong's pulse, stunned, and handed it to another old man. They smiled and shook their heads

King Qin could no longer help but say, "what happened?"

"My guest, your wife has already died. Why are you holding her? Now the weather is hot, and the body will be broken if it is not handled as soon as possible."

The girl is already a "corpse"?

The other doctor shook his head, with sympathy and disdain in his tone: "this person is sick. He is jumping around holding a dead man. My guest, it is you who should make up..."

King Qin was furious, grabbed his collar, and threw the old man out: "quack, what do you know?"

Another old man slipped quickly and dodged a section. The waiter saw that he was vicious and was about to be rushed. King Qin stood up with Hua Rong in his arms and walked out angrily

Walking to the door, I suddenly saw a group of female immortals in fresh clothes walking to the shop with baskets on their backs. As they walked, they chattered and didn't know what they were talking about He didn't want to say more, but he saw one of them with an excited face, carrying a basket, opening it, as if calling the waiter from a distance

King Qin's eyes were sharp, but when he saw the Ganoderma lucidum shape in the basket he opened, he immediately understood that this group of people were all mountain ginseng guests from the north. These things were sent here, either for trading or for offering to an important person

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