One Night Bride

Chapter 172

Sure enough, the waiter came out, greeted the people warmly, and said a few words, and the people put down their baskets together. The baskets were really full of Ganoderma lucidum spores

This group of mountain ginseng customers are ordinary people on the border of song and Jin Dynasties. They don't pick superior ginseng, and they are only used for border trade, because especially the rich people in the song state, the local rich people, paid great attention to health preservation and nourishment before the war in their early years. Now the war is chaotic, and they are worried about the poor sales, but they hear the batch here, saying that they want to give it to a VIP

King Qin stared at the ginseng one by one and took it out. He knew the goods, his eyes lit up, folded it back with flowers in his arms, and said loudly in Chinese, "these things are sold to Lao Tzu."

"Get the money!"

King Qin had been blackmailed out of his silver. According to his nature, he had to punch it earlier, and even ten bartenders had been reimbursed. But he remembered that Hua Rong couldn't stand the turbulence now, so he resisted his anger, opened Hua Rong's baggage, and handed over several pieces of gold leaves

There are cooking utensils in the shop. King Qin personally fried a Ganoderma lucidum and lifted the flowers to dissolve it Outside the door, the waiter and others watched curiously. The madman bought Ganoderma lucidum at a high price to feed the "dead"

King Qin didn't care to catch them, so he put his palm on Hua Rong's vest and forced her to pour a few spoons. She reluctantly swallowed a little and suddenly opened her eyes Slowly, she seemed to recognize this was king Qin and called him low, "Qin Shangcheng..."

King Qin was overjoyed, but immediately understood that this was her last gasp. For fear of a flashback, he didn't dare to promise her at all, let alone let her speak, for fear that if he opened his mouth again, the breath he was holding would dissipate

Hua Rong looked at him confused again. Seeing that his spoon was fed to his mouth again, his eyes opened in chaos, and he could no longer swallow the soup. His eyes closed tightly again

"Dead..." the waiter outside the door couldn't help reminding him, "my guest, your wife is really dead now!"


King Qin was also afraid. The doctor who had been standing for a long time came over again, took a pulse, and said with great certainty, "dead! It was just a reflection, and now it is definitely dead!"

King Qin opened his hand and said, "go away, what do you know?"

The doctor shook his head, "this man is out of his mind. He must take some medicine to make up for it..."

King Qin was furious: "get out of here and get all the ginseng, or you will kill all the chickens and dogs in your shop today..."

The waiter thought he was crazy and ignored him. Anyway, the madman had money. If he stayed a few more days, he might be able to blackmail all his money. But he didn't know that King Qin didn't dare to let go at this time with Hua Rong in his arms. Otherwise, according to his usual temperament, all ten shop assistants would also be killed After walking around the gate of death, he didn't know he was afraid, and he still nagged others about this "madman", but due to the gold given by King Qin, he had to honestly suffer Ganoderma lucidum, but it was a pity to spoil it

King Qin stayed in this shop for a day, but seeing people coming and going along the way from time to time, he was afraid of insecurity, so he hugged Hua Rong and returned to the north At this time, he had recognized that Hua Rong could only be saved by Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng in the north. He was a brave artist and was not in a hurry to leave the border. He only wandered in the forests in this area. Sometimes he stayed in a shop when he met a shop, and robbed impolitely when he had no money to buy ginseng Where are those who run north alone? Seeing that he had no money, he simply robbed a gold nobleman on the border. For a time, people were turned upside down at the border, thinking that there was a sneak attack or riot

Besides, Yue Pengju and others rushed to the border of the Song Dynasty, but where was half a figure on the way? They didn't know that King Qin had been walking all the way, and his feet were slow. He had already fallen behind them. Moreover, the land was vast, and King Qin had the intention to hide. They couldn't find it. On this day, he even crossed the border and set foot on the land of song

Yue Peng ran all the way, but his wife didn't have the slightest whereabouts, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead The wound on his back quickly deteriorated because of the untimely treatment and the hot weather

He dismounted, looked left and right, and felt very wrong. He braced himself up and looked around, trying to judge the direction of King Qin Ma Su and others expressed their gratitude for his help. Seeing that his eyes were red and his spirit was about to collapse, they stepped forward, put their hands on their forehead and saluted before saying, "Mr. Yue, will my king hurry back?"

Yue Peng raised his heart and was shocked. Ma Su's "go back" was to go back to the island and the nest of King Qin

"This time, the king once told us that as long as we found the lady, we would take it back to the island immediately..."

Hua Rong is dying. How can she withstand a long-distance attack? However, according to the temperament of King Qin, even if he died, he would take it back and bury it on his island

At the thought of the word "death", he was even more frightened. Could it be that his wife had already died?

Pus and blood seeped out of the wound on his back. His eyes were black and he almost fell to the ground

Zhang Xian reached out to help him, and he waved, "no, we'll find it again..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground with a flower in front of him Zhang Xian and others hurriedly lifted him up, only to find that his forehead was hot and he was delirious. Looking at the scar on his back, as soon as the pus and blood were pushed away, they could vaguely see the bones inside... They didn't dare to stay any longer, and they had to rush on, for fear that Yue Peng's life would also be buried here

Wang GUI hurriedly asked, "what should I do now? Will I continue to look for my wife?"

Zhang Xian pondered for a moment and said flatly, "go back to elong town first, and at least save Peng Ju's life! He can't afford any mistakes. Liu Qi, you are familiar with the situation, take a team of people, and continue to look for his wife's whereabouts at the border..."


Ma Su and others also thought of some help and immediately said, "we also have brothers scattered on the road to listen to orders. As soon as I get the news of the king, I'll tell you immediately."

He said his contact information, and Zhang Xian felt his warm help. After getting along these days, he had a deep friendship with the two pirates, shook hands with them respectively, and then left

Back in elong Town, the military doctor came immediately after hearing the news. After a diagnosis and treatment, Yue Pengju finally woke up

He looked around and saw himself lying in bed. He was furious: "why did you come back? Where's madam? I have to look for madam..."

He struggled to get up, and Zhang Xian immediately pressed him: "Peng Ju, madam is missing now, so you need to take care of yourself first. I have sent Liu Qi and others to continue searching in the state of Jin, and another team to search in the state of song. King Qin with a seriously injured person must not go far..."

He didn't dare to say that Hua Rong was actually dead, but said "seriously injured". Yue Pengju calmed down a little. Zhang Xian immediately said, "we inquired. The fourth Prince's mansion did indeed have a mutiny that day, and several princes of the state of Jin, Zong Jun, Zongxian and others were entrapped..."

These people are all great enemies of the Song Dynasty. Yue Peng was overjoyed when he heard the words. The death of these people is a great good for Jin Wushu, but is it not a great good thing for the Song Dynasty? I'm afraid that the state of Jin will no longer be able to fully launch the war against the state of song

He immediately sat up and shouted, "Yu Peng..."

Yu Peng came in: "report to the prime minister that the envoy of Prime Minister Wu has arrived."

He was overjoyed: "order immediately."

The messenger of Wu Jie came in and brought the news that Wu Jie had deployed. Yue Pengju ordered Zhang Xian to write a letter to the messenger according to his own knowledge: "please pass it on to Wu Xianggong."


This time, Jin Wushu won the mutiny. To be exact, the new wolf owner won the mutiny Zong Han tangled with Zong Jun, Zong Xian and others against the new wolf owner. The new wolf owner won over the Wu Shu brothers. As soon as Zong Wang died, he mediated the imbalance of personnel. Zong Han preempted the fight, but the wolf owner deployed strange soldiers in advance. Unexpectedly, there was another honey pill incident of Yue Pengju in the middle. Jin Wu Shu took the lead and killed Zong Jun and others

At this time, the wolf Lord seized the handle and righteously caught Zong Jun, Zongxian, Gu Shen and others. In order to avoid accidents, he killed them all three days later Wei Zonghan was cunning. He didn't know whether he got the news in advance on the day of the incident, but he didn't appear

The wolf Lord did not rule by law his great sin, but with the crime of "plotting not to report", he stripped him of his military power

In just a few days, people can go from hell to heaven, or from heaven to hell

Jin Wushu sat on his mansion and watched thousands of servants and soldiers work together to tidy up the trampled mansion, with a smug smile on his face

Since then, most of the political enemies in the kingdom of Jin have gone, and Zonghan, for the time being, is already a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and a tiger who has entered the old age. What's the fear?

All the concubines congratulated the fourth prince on his victory and return. Even Princess Tianwei hugged little Lu Wenlong and came to kneel down

Jin Wushu held his son in a good mood, touched his lovely little face, and asked loudly, "son, are you obedient today?"

"Listen to my aunt teach me to read..."

These days, Tian Wei personally taught him to read, but it was just a simple thousand character Scripture of the Southern Dynasty, a hundred family names and so on He shook his head and read "Zhao Qian, Sun Li, Zhou Wu, Zheng Wang", which made Jin Wushu laugh

Yelv Guanyin, who served on one side, accompanied the smiling face, but involuntarily pressed his hand on his stomach, secretly worried about the fate of his child In this mansion, no one knows Lu Wenlong's identity except Tianwei and nanny Yelv Guanyin naturally didn't know, and thought that the child was born to Jin Wushu by Tian Wei in the state of song Now that the fourth Prince's mansion has such a beloved eldest son, what will the fate of other sons be? Besides, what's in my stomach is not the seed of the fourth prince

She just wondered why her son was favored, but Princess Tianwei was not treated by Jin Wushu. She was always cautious, and even was pressed by Wang Junhua?

When she was absent-minded, she saw Jin Wushu's eyes floating over, and was startled, and her hand immediately moved away In the past, she never thought that Jin Wushu was great. She escaped from the defeat of the state of song and was suppressed by Zonghan everywhere in the state of Jin. This time, seeing that his brother actually joined hands to execute Zong Jun, Zongxian and others, and Zonghan also lost his military power, she realized that this handsome, childlike fourth prince had a deep intention

It's hard for him to pretend to be so frustrated and pitiful in the fourth Prince's mansion. These, to be called honest and rude Zonghan, can't pretend anyway

Jin Wushu didn't find her unusual, but seeing her standing aside, Tianwei and others were uncomfortable. He also had no intention of meddling in the affairs of his wives and concubines. As long as he didn't fight in front of him, he wouldn't listen to it

The wine and vegetables were put on the table, Jin Wushu took a sip, and the concubines raised their glasses together. Yelv Guanyin took the lead: "congratulations to the fourth prince, please drink this cup..."

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