One Night Bride

Chapter 179

Her voice was blocked He closed his mouth and couldn't say a word anymore

Maybe it's because of such a thunderstorm night, maybe it's because of the desperate edge of life. King Qin can't help but forget everything for a moment. For a long time, he only knows to kiss her desperately and deeply, as if kissing for a long time, she will get better and be as lively as before

After a long time, he raised his head and was suddenly surprised to find that, girl, she didn't bite herself!

The first time when she was awake, she didn't bite herself Not only did he not bite himself, he could even feel her kiss so obviously - she kissed herself!

Take the initiative to kiss yourself!

I was on the island, pleading hard, but I didn't expect that in such a desperate situation, on a stormy night in a foreign country, she actually kissed herself

Years of dreams, once they come true

In her mouth, there was still the bitter taste of the soup in her mouth, but it was as sweet and fragrant as Yang Zhi manna This exotic hotel seems to have become a luxurious palace or paradise, and the whole person is soaring

It seems to be a spiritual rise

He cried with joy, incoherent: "girl, girl..."

Just because of this kiss, how can I die?

However, her soft hand slipped from his chest, and the whole person sat a little away from his arms Subconsciously, he immediately reached out to hold her

"Qin Shangcheng, will you be my sworn brother?"


"Is it good?"

His eyes, in the dark, emitted a desperate light, which was the ultimate emotional understanding and pain - he understood at once that she was saying goodbye and making a complete and permanent farewell to herself in this way - from then on, cut off all the emotional entanglements

A kiss will set the country

From then on, she and I ended all our private affairs in this way!

Her soft voice is still pleading, and her hand is quietly holding his hand. But this time, it has nothing to do with the wind and moon, but the instinct of desperate places

"Will you be my adoptive brother?"

He should not, just hold her tightly, tears in the dark, drop by drop on her hair, burning her scalp, a burst of pain

Yue Pengju's travel plan was delayed because of a high fever

After the first World War of Jin Wushu, the wound on his body was full of pus, and the high fever did not subside The military doctor kept watch all day, but once he woke up, he would get out of bed. Finally, Zhang Xian insisted and gave him a lethargic medicine to keep him from getting up

If Yue Pengju loses his life first, what's the meaning of everything?

Zhang Xian was also worried. Liu Qi and others were looking for visits outside, but there was no news. The two followers of King Qin had no news In fact, he had already determined in his heart that nine times out of ten Hua Rong had been unlucky, and he was so anxious that he was restless all day. He didn't know that Yue Pengju would wake up and ask how he should face it

Not only that, Hua Rong died because he was slapped for him

After another half day, I finally couldn't sit still and sent another team out to look for it Otherwise, Yue Pengju woke up, and he couldn't make a job

But after saying goodbye to Zhang Xian, Ma Su and Liu Wu walked for several miles, and Ma Su suddenly turned around

Liu Wu asked, "why did you turn around?"

Ma Su smiled wryly, "the king's temperament will definitely not return to the sea."

"What did you say?"

"Madam was seriously injured. She couldn't stand the jolt. She couldn't go far. The king must still be at the border between song and Jin. We might as well look back."

Liu Wu asked suspiciously, "do you want to tell Zhang Xian them?"

"No, you don't need to. You think the king will come thousands of miles away, just don't want to be destroyed by them. Then, just tell the king their situation and what to do. The king will make his own decision."

The two discussed and returned to the border The two followed King Qin for a long time, and naturally found a better way than Liu Qi and others, but they also did not have any information for three consecutive days

By the fourth day, the two had reached the Yanjing border Walking around the city in a confused disguise, I saw that there were discussions about the execution of several crown princes of the state of Jin everywhere in the city

The two sat down in front of a milk tea stall and listened to the people's comments on the mutiny for a while. Naturally, they were all hearsay, only saying how the fourth prince was wise and powerful

Just as the foam was flying, a drunken man stood up and patted the table: "shit, what's the big deal with the fourth prince?"

Jin people's respect and inferiority are not as strict as that of the state of song, but many people scolded him after listening to his rude words to the fourth Prince: "the fourth Prince searched the mountains and seas to catch the ninth Prince of the state of song, which is naturally great..."

"The wolf Lord eradicated several ambitious princes this time, and the fourth prince took the greatest credit..."

The man sneered, "no matter how great the fourth Prince is, he must drink my foot washing water..."

"Cut, what atmosphere do you blow..."

"I'm not blowing air. His wife used to play at home..."

Everyone laughed and naturally thought he was bragging

Nearby, a young man suddenly couldn't help looking at him more This man is Liu Qi He led a team to look for Hua Rong, but he couldn't find Hua Rong, so he had to return to Yanjing to try his luck He made a disguise, and when he looked away from the drunk, he suddenly saw masu and others Naturally, he recognized them and immediately coughed heavily

Hearing this cough, Ma Su and others followed the prestige and saw that it was Liu Qi who was slightly disguised

All three of them were overjoyed, winked at each other, and inadvertently walked out one after another

As soon as they left, another Jurchen man hurried in and heard the drunk boasting

"The wife of the fourth Prince used to play at home". At this time, Yelv Guanyin's face suddenly appeared. When he went to the fourth Prince's house, he felt that a woman looked familiar. At this time, thinking of this, he immediately recognized the man he saw with Hua Rong that day, who had sex with a woman in that small shop It was the adulterer of the fourth Prince's wives and concubines!

He was surprised, only to know that this Pang surnamed Qidan soldier came here recently to get drunk. He drank inferior local wine every day and dreamed of death

Ma Su and other three people arrived at a secluded place and immediately met With the same intention, the three hid in a quiet place for a long time, and finally saw the drunken man passing by Naturally, they knew that the entanglement between Jin Wushu and King Qin and Hua Rong had also been led by King Qin to tricked Jin Wushu. At this time, the dead horse became a live horse doctor, so they wanted to go to the fourth Prince's mansion to find out more information

The drunk went to a quiet place and leaned against an abandoned wall to relieve his hands. After hissing, he was covered in his mouth

He kicked: "what do you want to do? I have no money..."

Ma Su let go of his hand and still firmly twisted his arms. He was about to ask questions, but he saw a tall female man running over on the left

Ma Su and others were afraid of revealing their whereabouts. They immediately let go of the drunk and ran away Not far away, I only heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from behind. The real soldier shouted, "Hey, have you seen my brother..."

Liu Qi heard this "little brother", immediately stopped, hesitated to look back, and asked happily, "Zhaha, is it you?"

Zahe ran over quickly and was very excited: "are you still here? Where's my brother? Is she with you?" He had seen Zhang Xian and Liu Qi follow Hua Rong step by step before, thinking that they must be there when they were in Hua Rong. He looked back and forth, left and right. He saw only three men, and showed a disappointed look

Liu Qi knew that he was honest and didn't hide him. He whispered, "my little brother was seriously injured. Now his life and death are unknown and his whereabouts are unknown. We are looking for her everywhere. Zahe, if you have any news about her, you must tell us..."

Little brother's life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown?

Zha he hurriedly said, "no, I went to the fourth Prince's mansion to inquire a few days ago. He said that the little brother had returned to the state of song and set up a bureau to hurt the fourth Prince..."

"Ah? Who said that?"

"The servant of the fourth Prince's residence told me. It was said by the fourth prince himself."

Liu Qi shook his head and patted him on the shoulder: "my little brother really didn't return to the state of song! She was seriously injured. You are a golden man. It's easier to inquire about the news. If you find her whereabouts, you must tell us quietly. By the way, she may be with such a man..."

He described King Qin's appearance, Zha he seemed to understand but did not understand, and he was at a loss He suddenly felt a small bag of gold leaves from his arms: "this is what my brother gave me. I only used a few pieces, just to go to the fourth Prince's house to inquire about her whereabouts, and gave them to the servants. If you see her, tell her that these days, I have no gambling money... I, I want to find her..."

"Zahe, you must not reveal our identity to anyone."

"I know, never."

Seeing his simplicity, the crowd sighed, but where to find someone in this vast crowd?

Masu and others had left, and zahe took the gold leaf and slowly put it back into his arms Didn't the fourth Prince say that the younger brother has returned to the state of song? How did you get lost?

The more he thought, the less he felt. He immediately accelerated his pace and rushed to the fourth Prince's mansion, thinking, why did the fourth Prince cheat himself?

At this time, the fourth Prince's mansion has long been different from the past In a short time, the mansion was renovated. Outside the gate, there were two very powerful guards in black and red armor

After exterminating several princes and seizing the military power of Zonghan, Jin Wushu was immediately appointed the first marshal for his "great achievements". Even if he fought with Wu Xuan and Yue Pengju, it was a small-scale defeat, which did not cause the wolf Lord to punish him. In order to win over him, he was immediately granted the title of "Zuo Xiang" in order to win him over. Because he had not recovered from the war injury, he was granted permission to go to Beijing to report his work after a month

Zha he was about to enter when a bodyguard stopped him: "no trespassing into the fourth Prince's mansion..."

"I have something important to report."

"What can I do for you, little boy?"

Zahe was about to get angry, but he heard a shout at the door: "zahe, why did you come to the prince's house again?"

Zha he immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "the villain came to ask the fourth prince, why did you lie and say that she went back, because the little brother obviously didn't return to the state of song?"

Jin Wushu was furious: "you unkind thing, why do you repeatedly ask the whereabouts of Hua Rong?"

"The little brother didn't return to Song Dynasty. She was seriously injured and her whereabouts are unknown. The situation is very dangerous. If the fourth Prince has any news, please tell the villain..."

Yelv Guanyin, who was holding Jin Wushu, snorted coldly, "Oh, no wonder Yue Peng won every battle. It turned out that his wife used a beauty trick to confuse our Nuzhen great men..."

Jin Wushu angrily kicked at the simple man who didn't know how to change: "get away, and don't mention her name in front of the crown prince again..."

"The fourth Prince..."

"Dare to be stubborn, pull down and hit the fifty army staff again, and drive out the door!"

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