One Night Bride

Chapter 180

Zha he shouted loudly, "fourth prince, you can hit the villain, but the little brother's whereabouts..."

At this time, the stick had fallen, and zahe was beaten to the ground Seeing that he dared to ask, Jin Wushu was already furious with the stubborn stupid boy: "fight, fight a hundred army sticks..."

Suddenly, the sound of sticks and screams came and went

Jin Wushu was still angry: "Zhaha, you dare to come to the door again. Next time, you must die."

He turned and walked back. He walked too fast, affecting the wound on his back. A burst of heart wrenching pain, and his hatred for Hua Rong and Yue Pengju flooded his heart. He said to himself, "what do these two people have to do with the crown prince when they die?"

Yelv Guanyin helped him in, secretly proud These days, she has found out the temper of Jin Wushu, can't be stimulated, and has a good face Losing to Yue Peng is his weakness. As long as we grasp this point, all attacks will almost hit 100 times Seeing that the goal was achieved, he stopped talking and only served the fourth prince to have a rest

After coming out, Yelv Guanyin was still a little worried, for fear that Hua Rong was still in the kingdom of gold. If the fourth Prince figured it out one day and went to her again, he would be in big trouble She has witnessed Hua Rong's relationship with the fourth prince with her own eyes. This woman is not as soft or hard as Tianwei. The fourth Prince is a little sheep in front of her. If she enters the fourth Prince's house, even if she has every means, how can she be her opponent?

She was quite scheming. Seeing the fourth Prince sleeping and quietly going out, she saw that after being beaten, Zhaha was thrown at the fork in front and lay half dead

She quietly stepped forward and kicked him: "hello..."

Zahe opened his eyes and groaned. He was startled to see Yelv Guanyin

"Hey, who told you that the flower is still in the Golden State?"

Although Zha he was simple, he was not stupid. Seeing that the woman had just fanned the flames and encouraged the fourth prince to scold herself, and now she asked the whereabouts of Hua Rong, she refused to say, and lay down with her eyes closed, just moaning

Yelv Guanyin suddenly took out a ingot of silver and threw it in front of him, "you said, it's yours."

Zha he received the silver, still humming: "it was in my dream. Last night, I dreamed that my little brother was in the fourth Prince's mansion..."

Yelv Guanyin looked at this stupid boy with disbelief. He didn't seem to be faking. He breathed a sigh of relief. Miss Yelv Guanyin was born in Qidan, and it was difficult to survive. In addition, after the forgetting of the Liao state, she developed a vicious and fierce habit. Thinking of asking this nonsense, she used a ingot of silver, couldn't help but stretch her foot and kicked him: "bitch, get out of here, dare to come again, and the next time is your death..."

She ignored Zha he and immediately turned back to the fourth Prince's house

Tianwei, who was playing with little Lu Wenlong at the door, heard the scream of being beaten outside the door. She was so scared that she hurried to dodge in the garden with her nurse and her child

Afraid of being angry, the three of them stayed in the garden for a long time Seeing that it was getting late and was about to go back, I heard Yelv Guanyin's voice: "what are you doing here? Why do you stay outside for a long time to be lazy?"

She looked back and saw only Yelv Guanyin. The fourth Prince didn't know where he had gone first. He was even more afraid and timidly saluted, "how are Mrs. Yelv..."

Yelv Guanyin sneered, and saw that Tianwei still had a faint scar on her forehead. It was the time she was hit by Jin Wu Shu with sundries, and she had not recovered Looking at her hand again, she still held little Lu Wenlong firmly, as if little Lu Wenlong was a straw

Little Lu Wenlong saw that the woman's eyes were ferocious. He was young and didn't know how to look at them. He just pulled Hua Rong and the nurse's hand: "Mom, go, go..."

Yelv Guanyin came from the door. The first person who didn't like him was little Lu Wenlong, who was even more unpleasant than Tianwei Especially after the fourth prince became powerful that day, she originally wanted to send Tian Wei to be a factotum, but the fourth Prince casually said that she didn't have to do anything else to raise little Lu Wenlong Moreover, he didn't scold Tianwei as she expected. Not only that, but later, he suddenly had a whim and asked the maid to send a bottle of potion to Tianwei

Yelv Guanyin naturally knew that the fourth Prince valued not Tianwei, but Lu Wenlong, her child As long as this boy is here, he will become his son's nemesis in the future

Tianwei and nanny saw that her eyes were ferocious, so they quickly knelt down and told little Lu Wenlong, "please salute your mother..." according to the customs of the state of song, they asked their children to also honor the first wife of the fourth prince as their mother

But little Lu Wenlong refused: "don't cry, don't cry, she's so fierce..."

It's strange to say that since Yelv Guanyin came in, the child was never willing to get along with her. She sometimes teased the fourth prince in front of him in order to please him. The child didn't say anything but laugh, let alone call her Even the fourth Prince coaxed him to call Yelv Guanyin "mother", but he refused to do so Jin Wushu doted on him and was more compassionate than his own son. Naturally, he was reluctant to punish him. He always said that the child was still young and not sensible. When he was older, he would be better naturally Yelv Guanyin understood that this child was his real first thorn in the crown prince's side

"Mom, she's so fierce, she stares at me... She's a bad person, tell her to go away..."

Yelv Guanyin was angry and didn't fight anywhere. He stretched out his hand. Finally, Sheng Sheng resisted and didn't dare to pat Lu Wenlong. He just stared at Tianwei and nanny: "your adopted son doesn't teach, and you two are derelict!"

"Mrs. Yelv, forgive me. I must teach you well."

Yelv Guanyin, with frost on his face, drank, "bring willows."

The maid with her immediately broke a willow branch and handed it to Tianwei: "you two are derelict and beat each other ten times..."

Tian Wei trembled with fear. In the past, when Wang Junhua was arrogant, he usually punished her for doing all kinds of rough work, but he never dared to do it openly, but only pulled it in private Now, Yelv Guanyin is very powerful as a hostess. She doesn't dare to dodge, and the nurse is under the shelter of others, and she doesn't dare to offend the hostess of the prince's house. But she somehow relies on the fourth prince to pet Lu Wenlong, and trembles and says, "please forgive me, Mrs. Yelv..."

Seeing her disobedience, Yelv Guanyin was furious: "don't you start yet? Are you going to drive you out of the prince's mansion?"

The result of driving out is reduced to the laundry After all, the two were the daughters of the subjugation. They dared not disobey orders, so they had to beat each other with willows Moreover, because of the supervision of Yelv Guanyin, he did not dare to start too lightly for fear of greater punishment

Yelv Guanyin looked interesting, but he saw little Lu Wenlong staring at the two "mothers" beating each other. He was young and didn't know why, but when he saw the two people in tears, he suddenly pointed to Yelv Guanyin: "why don't you hit her?"

Yelv Guanyin was furious and slapped him in the face: "bastard, you dare to talk nonsense..."

Lu Wenlong cried loudly: "Dad, someone bullied me... I want to tell Dad..."

Tianwei and nanny, it doesn't matter if they are beaten. Seeing their children being beaten, they can't help it anymore This child is the only sustenance in their suffering. She really sympathizes with him more than her own life. The nurse quickly threw the wicker, hugged the child, and comforted him with tears: "young master, don't cry..."

Yelv Guanyin saw the child crying badly, and was afraid that he would really tell Jin Wushu. He only made a vicious threat, and then left with the maid Shi Shi ran

As soon as she left, Tianwei cried, "she dares to beat the child, so she has to tell the fourth Prince..."

The nurse sighed and shook her head, "she is pregnant now and she is the mistress. Even if she told the fourth prince that the fourth Prince sympathizes with her son, she would not say anything, but bring us disaster and revenge..."

Tian Wei didn't dare to insist any more. It was even more sad that the tigress entered the door. In the future, don't think about a safe life She looked at the southern sky and burst into tears: "I really don't know when I will die in this foreign land, and my soul can't return to the Song Dynasty. I wish I would never be born in the imperial family again!"

The continuous heavy rain for several days finally stopped, and the weather cleared up completely The sky is as blue as a huge crystal

Hua Rong turned over slightly and wanted to sit up. Hearing the movement, King Qin immediately came over from the window and brought up the ginseng soup that had been properly dried on the table: "girl, it's time to drink medicine."

She drank, her stomach churned, and a trace of blood gushed from the corners of her mouth She bowed her head and wiped it off with her sleeve while King Qin had not seen it

"Girl, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Girl, are you better these days?"

She forced herself to cheer up and nodded. Seeing him take the bowl, she sighed: "qinshangcheng, just take some herbs for me in the future. There is no need to eat these ginseng Ganoderma lucidum all the time..."

When she wakes up, she can't eat anything except soup and medicine, and she will vomit as soon as she eats it However, if you always eat Ganoderma lucidum, even the rich family can't afford it Since she was a child, she was very upset because of her rough clothes and simple food. She also knew that King Qin had no silver on him for a long time. To maintain her high "drug bill", she had to rob

After walking for a long time, she will inevitably encounter ghosts. She doesn't want King Qin to take any risks for herself in a foreign country

King Qin didn't take it seriously: "girl, Lao Tzu robbed all the nobles of the Jin and Liao kingdoms. Their money was completely robbed from my great song dynasty. Now what's Lao Tzu taking back for use?"

Hua Rong was dumbfounded. King Qin's words were not easy to refute

King Qin said triumphantly, "I can rob more, just to vent my anger for big song, don't rob, and you have to eat ginseng Ganoderma lucidum for at least a year..."

He suddenly stopped talking, but Hua Rong's face changed, and he knew better that he could not recover from his injury She knew that she was about to return to Yue Pengju. She and Yue Pengju had no money left at home. The silver she took when she was an envoy to the state of Jin was all tied up, except for bribes If you eat like this for a year and a half, you will definitely not be able to afford it

She shook her head, more determined, and would never stay. She needed these expensive things to protect her life. If she couldn't live, even eating a few cars of Ganoderma lucidum wouldn't help

She got up slowly, and her spirit was better than ever: "qinshangcheng, should we start?"

King Qin quietly took the medicine bowl and put it aside. These days, she has urged countless times. If it weren't for the heavy rain, I'm afraid she would have left alone Knowing her mind, he was even more uncomfortable, and slowly comforted her: "girl, your body is not suitable for running around, just rest for a few days..."

Her eyes were very sincere: "but I want to go back early. Let's go right away, OK?" She remembers Yue Pengju and worries that he must struggle to find himself At this time, anyway, it won't be long to live. You must go back. If you can have a few comfortable days, it will take a few days Since I'm already procrastinating, why waste my time with Yue Pengju?

King Qin had no choice but to nod his head, "well, just go."

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