One Night Bride

Chapter 181

Because of her daily urging, the carriage was already ready

The spacious carriage was covered with thick layers of mats and blankets. Hua Rong lay on these blankets and listened to the cars and horses outside

The groom drove happily, and occasionally a few mountain tunes of the Liao Kingdom floated out

King Qin sat in the carriage and looked at the large pile of Ganoderma lucidum ginseng he had collected These are all top-grade products, but they are only inferior to the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum owned by the wolf owner

He looked at Hua Rong's pale face and tried to say it several times, but he never spoke

Because of her injury, the carriage walked very slowly until five days later, it reached the border of song

The carriage stopped, and the coachman dared not go over again

King Qin took out large ingots of gold and bought the whole carriage. The coachman dismounted happily and walked back

King Qin waved his whip himself. Hua Rong was alone in the carriage, raised the curtain, and looked outside at the lush trees and scorching sky in summer. Only then did he understand that he really returned to the song state

Really set foot on the land of song!

Good or bad, in their own land, is always more reassuring

She closed her eyes and fell asleep for the first time these days

This is a very desolate town in the state of song. Because of the perennial war and chaos, only a very small number of daring villagers and some merchants who made a fortune by taking advantage of the chaos remain here

The two of them live in the only small shop in the town. They will leave tomorrow and travel dozens of miles to reach elong town

The business in the shop is very autumn. Only an old man in a plain cloth shirt eats lunch here

As soon as he settled down, King Qin brought flowers to eat Hua Rong is very happy to see the local food of song for the first time these days, especially the cooked soft rice she likes

King Qin was worried: "girl, do you want to eat?"


King Qin had to give her a small bowl. She just took a bite, coughed a few times, and vomited out with a mouthful of blood King Qin was shocked and hurriedly moved his rice bowl away, reaching out to hold her: "girl, I'd better go back and have a rest."

An old man nearby heard her coughing continuously and couldn't help looking at her Seeing that the old man kept looking at her, King Qin angrily said, "what are you looking at?"

The old man was not afraid of his ferocity, so he simply came over and looked at Hua Rong carefully: "this girl was seriously injured..."

King Qin listened to his tone as if he were an old doctor. Just listening to Hua Rong's cough, he knew what the problem was. He admired him very much and was very happy: "please, old man, look at my wife's injury, can it be saved?"

He was out and used to saying that Hua Rong was his wife. She didn't know when she was in a coma before. Now she woke up and heard it with her own ears. She couldn't help frowning slightly King Qin also ignored her and made another bow: "please show me, old gentleman..."

The old doctor didn't care when he saw him in front and then Gong. He picked up Hua Rong's hand, carefully numbered his pulse, and looked at the mouth of blood rice she vomited on the ground. The blood on it was still fresh, a kind of purple

This blood color is the reason why the internal organs are damaged

King Qin saw that his face became more and more ugly, and his heart became more and more uneasy. As soon as he put his hand in bloom, he immediately asked, "Sir, is she?"

The old doctor didn't pay attention to him, turned over his flowery eyelids, put one hand on her back, shook his head for a while, and looked very surprised: "who did it so hard? It's too vicious!"

Where can King Qin answer? He looked away and dared not look at him at all

"Your wife's internal organs have shifted, and she was already unlucky to manage, but she can still live so long... Who did you find for treatment?"

"He is a witch doctor in Liao."

The old doctor said, obviously surprised by the witch doctor's strange treatment, and repeatedly said, "it's a magic hand, magic hand, what drugs did he use?"

The snake and flowers used by the witch doctor are beyond King Qin's description. He has never seen or heard of them, so he can't explain them in detail

The old doctor listened carefully to his explanation and asked very carefully. He didn't let go of the slightest plot, so he listened and thought. However, King Qin was very impatient and hurriedly asked, "can this injury be cured?"

The doctor put down Hua Rong's hand and said, "Grandpa, you can't expect too much. It's good that your wife can survive for a year and a half. If she is properly conditioned, she may live longer."

"But how to recuperate? I hope the old man makes it clear."

The old doctor lowered his voice a little: "your wife's injury invades her internal organs. She can only rest without any excitement." He suddenly asked, "do you and your wife have children?"

King Qin shook his head, "No."

The old doctor frowned, "do you have a concubine?"

Hearing him suddenly ask these irrelevant things, King Qin angrily said, "what is this?"

The old doctor said slowly, "although you are still alive, you can't do any husband and wife's way... There are three ways to be unfaithful, and no offspring is great. If you want to have children, you might as well take a concubine in another room..."

The old doctor also meant well. At that time, the children in the concubine room were counted under the main wife. If the main wife could not bear children, she would always take more concubines for her husband to continue the incense

King Qin couldn't understand for a moment, and angrily said, "what are you talking about?"

Seeing that he was stupid, the old doctor shook his head and turned out without asking him for any money

The flowers melted to one side, but they could hear clearly. In an instant, it seemed that all my body fell into the ice cellar The old doctor's words were euphemistic. In fact, he said that his emaciated body could not have any fish and water with his husband anymore, nor even fertility

At that time, people all followed the view that "there are three ways of being unfilial, and there is no future generations". Although Hua Rong and Yue Pengju have no parents and relatives who need "filial piety", but if a married woman lives, others tell you that she can't have children all her life and can't practice the ways of husband and wife, what kind of woman is this?

When King Qin saw her pale and gray, he suddenly realized that she was terrified and speechless for a moment

Hua Rong's hand also trembled slightly. In a panic, it seemed to want to hold something. Trembling, he stretched out to the table and picked up the rice bowl again. His hand slipped, and the rice bowl fell to the ground and broke into two pieces


King Qin saw that her face had completely turned into a dead gray, and her whole body was shaking up and down. Even the gentle and kind expression could not be seen at all. The whole person was like a walking corpse

She actually stood up slowly, as if her body had healed itself

He exclaimed, "girl?"

Hua Rong, as if she hadn't heard it, slowly stood up and walked out

"Girl, where are you going?"

"Go back!"

"Take a day off and leave tomorrow."

"No need!" She lightly interrupted his words, "I'll go alone!"

King Qin was startled by her sudden coldness and despair. He dared not disobey her and immediately went to take the carriage

When he reached out to take her into the carriage and was about to help her lie down, she waved fiercely and hit him on the back of his hand This time, it was actually very light, like touching However, the terrible look in her eyes was something King Qin had never seen before. He was stunned and timidly stepped back

At this time, he has slowly understood the old doctor's words, that is, girl, she will not live long, and she will not be able to have children

Even if you can live, you can't have children

He has no children and no family warmth for half his life Also did not realize how important children are Although after knowing Hua Rong, I once had the illusion of having children, but after all, she is the most important, and her children are just accessories, and I don't think it's a big thing

However, he was a man of that era after all. He knew people's views. Seeing Hua Rong's face as if he had suffered another fatal serious injury, he couldn't help getting flustered and said in a trembling voice, "girl, don't believe his nonsense... It will get better... We won't go back first, and then stay and think of a way..."

Her voice was cold: "if you don't want to see me off, stop."

He stood outside the carriage, neither walking nor stopping, suddenly stretched out his hand and held her hand tightly: "girl, don't be afraid, I will try to cure you."

Ideas? What can I do?

What else can we do now?

Her voice was faint: "qinshangcheng, it's okay, let's go."

"Girl, the witch doctor told me that the wolf Lord has a millennium Ganoderma lucidum, which can bring the dead back to life and eliminate all diseases..."

Her voice was as cold as ice: "if there was this elixir in the world, wouldn't the old wolf Lord take it himself and live a long life? But wouldn't the old wolf Lord have died long ago? Even if the new wolf Lord had this elixir, he would really not die himself? How many people in the world have you seen taking medicine can live forever?"

King Qin was tongue tied and could not answer

Ganoderma lucidum is only for life, not for fertility

He wanted to say something again, but he saw that she had buried her head in the thick soft blanket, and did not move, regardless of the hot wind and waves outside, as if the whole person had entered the cold winter of life

King Qin was infected by her sadness and despair, and his body was somehow cold

And she made all this by herself. She beat her like this



He shouted several times, but she didn't answer. She just buried her head deep in the blanket, as if she had died completely

King Qin stood silent for a long time, so he had to go ahead and catch the carriage In the sound of horses' hoofs, I always vaguely heard her crying, but when I reined in my horse and held my breath, I couldn't hear anything. Only a weak sound blew in my ear. For a while, the midsummer afternoon was also chilling


There was a flame burning in his mind, and then the burning pain extended to his whole body. Yue Peng turned upside down, sat up and jumped out of bed

The sound startled the bodyguard outside, and a man hurried in: "Mr. Yue, what's the matter with you?"

Yue Peng held his hand, his body shaky: "why did I fall asleep? Where's the madam? Has the madam come back?"

The bodyguard couldn't get out, so he just went to help him: "you haven't recovered yet. Go and have a rest."

Yue Peng raised a great sense of foreboding in his heart and sternly asked, "madam? Or is there no news?"

The bodyguard couldn't answer. At this time, Zhang Xian heard the sound and came in. His eyes were red. He hurried to say, "Peng Ju, don't worry. I've sent someone to find it... You're seriously injured, and I can't help it..."

"Send someone to look for it? What about the news? What about the result?"

Zhang Xian was tongue tied and could not answer

Yue Peng raised his eyes and said slowly, "I'm going to find my wife."

"No, your injury has not healed yet. Once you take action, it will recur..."

Had it not been for the first world war against Kim, his injury would have been better controlled

Yue Peng said word for word, "when my injury heals, I'm afraid my wife is dead!"

As a result of lying in bed, I may not even see my wife's body Anxious, but I don't believe she's dead! His wife will never die, and she will turn her luck into good

I am newly married to her, and the happy day has just begun. How can she die? How willing to die?

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