One Night Bride

Chapter 182

Zhang Xian stepped back and dared not stop him again He knew the injury of Hua Rong best. In fact, he had already determined that Hua Rong was dead Because, after such an injury, it is basically impossible to live Moreover, Liu Qi and others went out for so long, but there was still no favorable news

Madam, it's impossible to be alive

But he didn't dare to say this to Yue Peng, who was seriously injured, so he hoped to delay it for a while Now the war is chaotic, and there are life and death everywhere. No amount of grief can defeat time. He believes that as long as time passes, the scars in Yue Pengju's heart will naturally fade However, I didn't expect Yue Peng to wake up and still think about it

"Peng Ju..."

"I'll go out at once."

Zhang Xian did not dare to dissuade any more. He was a dedicated subordinate. Once he was ready to take action, he immediately gave constructive suggestions: "madam was injured in Yanjing. If King Qin wanted to cure her, he would not go far. We had to look for her near the border. Just after the song and Jin war, we might as well turn it into a business trip to hide people's eyes and ears, so as to make it easy to inquire."

"OK, that's it."

Immediately, Zhang Xian went out to prepare horses, selected ten elite soldiers, disguised as businessmen, and set out with Yue Pengju

The horse walked slowly forward like a walk

It is nearly dusk, there is no wind, and the air around is dry and hot King Qin reined in his horse, sweating like raindrops He dismounted, parked the carriage, and returned to the carriage. Hua Rong, with her eyes closed, was still lying motionless, not even a drop of sweat could be seen on her forehead

She was in such a hot environment, lying on such a carpet, but she couldn't feel the heat If it weren't for the cold heart, how could it be so?

He stood stunned for a while, then stretched out his sweaty hand to hold her, and said softly, "girl, come down and take a cool ride before you go, okay?"

She lay still motionless, and she never said a word along the way


King Qin was shocked. She was still unconscious, as if she had completely lost the consciousness of survival Besides the treatment of Ganoderma lucidum, she also missed Yue Pengju and hoped to see him alive This strong desire has always supported her will to survive, so she has always been "alive", and her desire to survive is extremely tenacious However, once he learned that he was already an incomplete woman and that the time was running out, this will to support immediately faded

King Qin, no matter how rude he was, also found her intention. He was so surprised that he immediately picked her up and shouted, "girl, girl..." if she didn't want to live, her will was depressed. I can't imagine that she could delay for a few days

He couldn't help but say, and took her down from the carriage Maybe it was because the sun was shining on her, maybe it was because of his sweaty hug, and a thin layer of sweat slowly appeared on her forehead King Qin walked to the edge of the forest and picked a large leaf. Then he sat under a big tree with her in his arms. He took a broad leaf and fanned her desperately. He also took a little water and slowly fed her to drink

After a while, she woke up, opened her eyes, and was very confused: "where is this?"

"Girl, there are thirty miles to elong town. Let's take a night off and leave tomorrow, girl, tomorrow you will see Yue Pengju..."

I'm going back! I'm about to see Yue Pengju

No matter how sad my heart is, I can't help but burst into a smile on my face

However, the smile on his face soon disappeared. It was clearly a matter of extreme desire, but at the moment, his heart was in a panic She originally thought that her heart and body were numb with pain, but she didn't expect to be so panic and uneasy, and only looked at the sunset in the West for a long time So brilliant summer sunset, immediately sank, and then, tomorrow will rise It is always new and unpredictable

But what about people? What about human life?

Life has gone, how can it be renewed?


She closed her eyes, opened them again, and slowly opened her mouth to what major decision she had made: "change a place..."

King Qin was stunned and didn't understand her for a moment

"Girl, is it hot here? Let's change a place, and the trees in front of us will be more lush..."

"In another place, I won't go back to elong town."


"No why."

Girl, what's the matter? He wanted to go back, and now he was almost at the door of his home - although King Qin thought that the bitter and cold place of the military camp was really nothing, he knew that Hua Rong had always believed that it was her "home"! When Yue Pengju was there, she always thought her home was there

He carefully: "girl, tomorrow is coming. Don't worry, I will send you back..."

She directly interrupted his words: "I don't want to go back. King Qin, I beg you one thing, don't stop the carriage and pull me anywhere. No matter where. Until I die, you can bury me anywhere on the way..."

King Qin trembled in his heart. This was exactly what he expected. No matter life or death, in the end, he was by her side, not others, not the hateful Yue Pengju Is all this really God's mercy? Let yourself get what you want?

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Where do you want to go? I'll take you wherever you go. There are many interesting places in the world, and I'll take you everywhere, OK?"

She just shook her head, "I... Really don't go back..."

The desperate sadness in her eyes immediately extinguished the flame of joy that ignited in King Qin's heart He understood what she meant, hugged her tightly and hissed, "girl, don't think nonsense."

"No, I don't want to see Peng Ju, I don't want to see anyone..."

She knows Peng Ju's temperament. When she goes back like this, she doesn't know how he will be sad Even though I can survive for a few days, how about dying? What if Peng Ju dies? Not dead? What if you don't die? Did you let Peng lift the queen? Perhaps, living is more painful than dying

Death is better than life

"Girl, he's looking for you. He must be looking for you..."

"If you can't find it, you won't find it."

"Why don't you look for it? I've been looking for you for 89 years. How can Yue Pengju not look for it? Isn't he treating you better than Lao Tzu? In that case, why do you marry him?"

Her heart shook, her hands hung softly, and she lifted them up again, trying to grasp anything, but she couldn't grasp anything

King Qin pulled down her hand and gently hugged her. The pain in his heart was unbearable. He hurt her! It's all her fault! The woman who wanted to let her go to heaven unexpectedly let her go to hell because of a moment of jealousy

He slowly got up: "girl, don't think about it, I'll take you back. Tonight, you will see Yue Peng lift... He... He will be very happy..."

She faintly tried to struggle: "King Qin, please, I don't want to... I don't want to go back..."

His voice suddenly calmed down, with a trace of Cruelty: "girl, do you think Yue Pengju doesn't like you enough, right? Do you think he will dislike you, right?"

Her eyes were angry: "of course not..."

"You don't want to make him sad!"

She didn't speak

"But if you've been missing, wouldn't he be more sad?"


"King Qin, no matter what I ask you to do, you won't! Even this little request won't promise me! You also said that you like me, fake, it's fake..." she angrily, trying to get rid of his arms, her pale face, with a hint of blood red, almost hissing and exhausted, "For the sake of my dying, can't you listen to me once? I don't want to go back, why do you force me to go back? You've forced me all your life, forced me, and refused to obey me once..."

She couldn't speak any more, panting heavily, her face and lips were slightly purple, and her whole body trembled badly

He touched her pale face with pity: "girl, you know, I don't mean that..."

She sneered: "that's not what you mean? What do you mean? Do you think I'm a burden? I knew I'm a waste now, so you're naturally afraid I'll follow you..."

He said angrily, "girl, what are you talking about?"

"King Qin, forget it if you don't want to. Just throw me anywhere. I don't need your escort."

His heart twisted for a while, and he couldn't speak at all

"Girl, don't be angry, tomorrow is coming..."

"Oh, yes, tomorrow, you're going to put my burden on Yue Peng. I'm like this, so you naturally don't want me to throw it away like garbage..."

"Girl!" His throat choked, but his eyes slowly began to shine: "girl, you really don't want to go back?"


"OK! Then I won't send you back!"

She did not know whether her heart was relaxed or tight, but looked numbly at the grass under her feet

King Qin stared at her gloomy face for a long time, and then eagerly said, "girl, no matter what you want, I'll follow you. If you really don't want to go back, I'll take you away..."

In fact, this is what he wants to do most In his heart, he was not as desperate as her, but also full of blood. Even if he went up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, he would save her He can't trust anyone, girl. Only with himself can he have another way to live Even if he couldn't get it, he thought, he also had a comfort There is also a thought of life and death Whether you live or die, you are always with her

"Girl, I'll take you away! You won't regret it!"

Hua Rong glared at him fiercely, and her lips gasped slightly

He suddenly laughed and smiled. Since her injury, his heart has been depressed sadness. At this moment, he was relieved and full of expectation. A joy was brewing in his chest, as if an unrealistic fantasy had become a reality

He picked her up with a smile and gently put her on the carriage: "girl, now you have a rest here. There is no town ahead, and I need to sleep out tonight. I'll set up a tent. We'll rest for one night first, and we'll start on the road tomorrow morning. I'll take you to a good place..."

She lay in the carriage, silent

King Qin had already prepared a lot of food along the way and put it in the carriage He was born a pirate and was familiar with setting up tents. Soon, he had set up a large tent in an open place Then he took out a thick carpet from the carriage and spread it

When he is busy, Hua Rong looks at him with his eyes open

After he finished his work, the sweat on his forehead couldn't care to wipe it. He ran quickly to pick her up and gently put her on the carpet. He was very happy: "girl, do you think it's good? I chose this big tree, which should be very cool..."

Hua Rong sat noncommittally and looked around. King Qin left a movable door. As soon as he lifted the curtain, he could see the huge ancient wood outside

The night had completely fallen. King Qin lit a fire outside, a little away from the tent, and then he held the flowers and dissolved them, sitting on the paved cushion: "girl, what do you want to eat?"

She shook her head

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