One Night Bride

Chapter 183

Along the way, King Qin brought a small pot for frying Ganoderma lucidum. He took the pot and put it on the fire. He slowly boiled Ganoderma lucidum and a handful of wild ginseng. Seeing the red light, he reddened the flower dissolved face and gently held her hand: "girl, don't worry, you will get better."

Coldly, she threw a small dead branch into the fire At this time, the hatred for King Qin had almost reached its peak, and a strange idea suddenly occurred in my heart:

His whole life, from the girlhood, was destroyed in his hands For nearly ten years, I can't escape In that case, don't hide at all!

Rather than let Peng Ju destroy his sons and grandchildren, it's better to let King Qin destroy his sons and grandchildren!

She suddenly remembered what he said when he caught her on the island for secretly contraception: "do you also have a son? You can only have no children..."


This is his retribution, but also his own retribution!

King Qin saw her meditating. Since she refused to return to elong Town, he always couldn't guess her intentions. He said nervously, "girl, is it painful again?"

they hurt? What kind of pain can be comparable to your current heartache?

Her eyes, completely unable to hide the deep resentment, laughed: "King Qin, you are really going to end your children and grandchildren!"

He was stunned. This time, he immediately reacted, laughed, hugged her in his arms, gently stroked her hair, and said softly, "girl, don't think so much. In fact, I don't like children at all. I used to hope you had children for me, but I just hope you don't leave me. Since you can stay with me for a long time, what's the matter of having children or not?"

She snuggled up to his chest and said nothing

He hugged her. At this time, how gentle the girl was For a moment, he also had a very strange feeling in his heart. He hugged not only a woman, but one of his children, his little daughter - for the first time, he floated this strange idea, just thinking, what a poor girl, he has her, and whether there is a little girl or a little rabbit really doesn't matter at all The hazy joy in my heart is expanding. Even if the ends of the earth or the time is short, I will always make her happy - I will make her happy as much as possible

"Girl, in this life, I have you enough. I don't need to renew incense for anyone. It's troublesome to have children..."

"That's right! If you really want to have a son, you can naturally go to concubine..."

It turned out that she remembered what the old doctor said

He gently fingered her hand, separated her fingers one by one, crossed them with himself, and said with a smile, "girl, I have sworn that if there is any violation, heaven and earth will be destroyed, why don't you believe it?"

Not disbelief, but resentment! A deep resentment accumulated in the chest, followed by broken viscera, unable to find an outlet

My heart was broken. For the first time, I hated it so strongly that I wanted to destroy it with him

Overhead, the sky was full of stars, and in the woods, summer insects chirped

After King Qin fed her a bowl of ginseng soup, he casually ate some dry food and drank boiled water. His spirit was unprecedented relaxed

"Girl, look at the stars tonight..."

If a rude man like King Qin had said such words in the past, Hua Rong would have laughed, but now he couldn't laugh at all. He leaned against his chest and didn't know what he was thinking

King Qin wrapped his arms around her shoulders, gently hugged her and whispered in her ear, "girl, every day in the future, I will treat you well and listen to you. Don't worry, it will get better..."

She remained silent

"Girl, do you want me to read you Su Dongpo's words?"


"Girl, are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, let's go to have a rest."

Seeing that she didn't answer, King Qin hugged her and walked into the tent. They lay down side by side. He leaned over, hugged her in his arms, and listened to her faint breath. For the first time in his life, he really felt like a couple

Is it true that this is the case between husband and wife of normal people? Eat and sleep together every day and get along day and night It's a good thing to have a wife

He was so happy that he even forgot her injury. He just wanted to fight to rob all the Ganoderma lucidum in Liao and Jin countries, and he had to save his wife!

After many days of tossing, he almost fell asleep as soon as he lay down that night However, just in the middle of the night, he woke up again and looked at the woman in his arms with open eyes in the dark

Wife, my wife!

His eyes are so dry, and she follows herself like this. Isn't there any resentment in her heart?

What should I do in my life to really make her better and happy?

Aware that the body in her arms kept moving slightly, she realized that she had never fallen asleep at all

At this moment, what is she thinking?


She shouldn't Pretend to be asleep

From the initial confusion, confusion, anger, hatred, to the current panic, hesitation, what are you doing? For revenge, follow King Qin to the end of the world?

What can I get back at him?

In addition to leaving permanent pain and regret, what can I get back at him?

After so much tossing and turning, the day finally dawned

King Qin opened his eyes and saw that she finally fell asleep with a heavy snort, and did not disturb her It was not until the sun rose that she opened her tired eyelids

What a novel feeling it is to watch the people at the bedside open their eyes - sleep together and wake up together?

King Qin did not hide his joy at all, and slowly hugged her into the carriage: "girl, when I pack up, we can go on the road..."

He neatly packed everything, put it on the side of the carriage, and smiled: "girl, let's go."

Her breathing suddenly quickened

King Qin noticed that there was something wrong in her eyes and hurriedly asked, "girl, what's the matter?"

"King Qin, I......"

Suddenly I don't want to go with him!

When you look up and see the rising sun and the road leading to elong Town, you can see Pengju today!

I'll see you soon

In that case, how can I leave?

Because he left in anger, he would die if he died. What about Peng Ju? What about Peng Ju?

The smile on King Qin's face disappeared, and he realized that, girl, she was hesitating She doesn't want to leave!

For example, the prisoner waiting for the verdict, his heart is about to roll out of his chest. How I hope that she chooses to leave with herself - leave with herself!

"Girl, let's go, OK?"

She remained silent

He asked again. She slowly closed her eyes, and her consciousness seemed to drift away

He laughed and said, "girl, I don't want to be a robber anymore. I'll take you to the ends of the earth. Don't worry, I'll cure you. There are many capable people in the world. Since I didn't die at first, I won't let you die in the future. Girl, you will always live and live with me until we don't want to live..."

Full of longing, he gently put her on the carriage, lay flat, touched a strand of hair scattered in front of her forehead, and said softly, "it's hot here. Let's change to a cooler place to spend the summer and rest for a period of time..."

The carriage has turned away from the direction of elong town

King Qin turned back, but heard her weak voice: "no, I still want to... Go back..."


The tiny joy in my heart, like a foam, was completely broken

King Qin sat in the position of the coachman in front of him and didn't say anything for a while

"I want to go back! I must go back! Peng Ju must be waiting for me! I want to see him soon!"

Her voice increased a little and she slowly sat up again

He got out of the carriage and stopped in front of the back carriage. His eyes were hot, but he tried to hold back: "girl, sit down..."

"I want to go back..."


He stood there for a long time, then smiled and said softly, "OK, girl, I'll take you back... Since you want to go back, then go back!"

He walked slowly to the front, got on the carriage, drove the horse, got the land, and the horse walked slowly like a walk

After walking for a mile or two, he desperately pulled his sleeve and wiped his eyes, with a smile in his voice. He opened the curtain and took a look at the people behind him: "girl, can I sing you a song?"

King Qin himself began to sing:

Mei Mei lowered her cheeks by the road

I can't resist the wind and sand

Silly brother, why don't you come forward

Blow the sand to the horizon for me


His voice was rough and powerful, as if he were roaring. It was not pleasant to talk about, but a primitive, heartfelt cry Just like the original people, because of labor, because they want to scare away wild animals, they dance and dance, and their voices come from instinct Song Ci is famous and developed. As long as there is a well, people can sing Liu Ci and Su CI However, King Qin sang neither words nor songs. I don't know where he picked up Shanye ditty

Hua Rong vaguely thought that King Qin could also sing songs, and it was really not an easy thing to sing so ugly

"Girl, can I sing another song for you?"

He sang again without waiting for Hua Rong to agree

Singing happily, I saw a burst of smoke and dust rolling up in front, followed by a burst of horse hoofs

Along the way, King Qin was afraid of encountering the Jin army, so he walked very carefully If he is alone, naturally he is not afraid, but with a flower solution, he has to worry about three points everywhere When he arrived in the state of song, he didn't dare to relax. The war was in chaos and bandits were rampant. He hurried the horse to one side and couldn't help pressing the broadsword around his waist

He was about to avoid it, but he couldn't avoid it. He saw the opposite side, rushed over on a fast horse, and the man on the horse almost ran directly in front of him. The horse raised its hooves and strangled

He lost his voice and said, "Yue Pengju..."

Yue Peng jumped off his horse, gave him a fierce stare, and rushed to the back of the carriage without greeting him


Hua Rong suddenly opened her eyes, as if in a dream: "Peng Ju... Peng Ju..."

Yue Peng lifted her gently and burst into tears. "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

She put her arms around his neck, and suddenly felt relaxed. Instead, she giggled and wiped away his tears: "Peng Ju..."

How happy it is to see Peng Ju again Fortunately, she thought, she never left If you leave, how can you be so happy?

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

He kept asking anxiously, because he couldn't see where her injury was, but her face was a kind of deathly pale and soft all over

"It hurts all over..." she frowned with a smile, and did not hide her pain in front of him at all Every time she was injured, she didn't hide it in front of him, as if it would be less painful to say it

"I will find someone to cure you, I will!"

Yue Peng was excited, walked a few steps, and staggered, but he still held her tightly, his hands did not loosen at all, clenched his teeth, and slowly stood firm to maintain his balance Zhang Xian and a bodyguard held him from left to right. Hua Rong was surprised and asked, "Peng Ju, are you injured?"

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