One Night Bride

Chapter 184

"No, little injury, don't worry about me."

"How can it be a minor injury? Is it serious?"

Her voice was very anxious, but when he held her in his arms, she couldn't see where he was hurt

King Qin stood stunned to one side and watched his husband and wife hug and cry. The whole world seemed to have nothing to do with themselves He could see clearly that Yue Peng's back was hit by the golden Wu Shu just to save himself. Although it was not fatal, it could not recover in a short period of time

Almost all of the couple died because of themselves

He thought that if he met Yue Pengju again, it must be a sword meeting. However, after Yue Pengju only stared, his mind was all on his wife, completely forgetting everything else, and holding his wife, as if there were only his husband and wife left in the world

Strong remorse, strong grief, and even strong anger

If Yue Peng cut himself with a knife, he would be fine. In this way, King Qin felt that a certain part of his heart was going to fall completely, and his bones were trembling with anger

The couple never paid attention to King Qin, but Zhang Xian always quietly paid attention to him, even with vigilance Zhang Xian was rescued by him and almost died in his hands, which caused Hua Rong's situation today. It's really difficult to determine whether he is an enemy or a friend During the naval battle, Zhang Xian witnessed the entanglement between the three people, spanning thousands of miles from the sea to the kingdom of Jin. After such a long separation, things became more and more uncontrollable He had never experienced such a complicated thing. He just looked at King Qin with vigilance and didn't know how to speak

Zhang Xian helped Yue Pengju: "Pengju, you and your wife get on the bus. Your wife's body can only lie flat, not bumpy."

Yue Peng saw that his wife was so badly injured that he couldn't walk at all. He didn't refuse, and immediately took the flowers and got into the carriage Hua Rong snuggled in his arms, and it didn't take any effort at all. His whole body seemed to be less painful and full of joy

"Peng Ju, I'm afraid I'll never see your last side again..."

Yue Peng held her hand tightly and said softly, "don't be afraid. I've been with you all the time. In the future, I really won't be separated."

At this moment, Hua Rong completely forgot that she had wanted to leave him and never wanted to see his sadness again. Her face was instantly full of light, and Yingying smiled, "well, stay with me in the future, and never leave again."

Yue Peng raised his eyes and frowned, but his smile remained the same. No one understood better than him that his wife had actually reached a desperate situation It won't last long

If I hadn't left her again and again! If I hadn't promised her to go to the kingdom of Jin!

After so many years of reunion and separation, she never fulfilled her responsibility to protect her. In troubled times, she came to today's impasse

A good man should protect his country, but what about his wife? Have you ever fulfilled your responsibilities as a husband? How many times I said I wouldn't separate from her, but every time because of one excuse or another, as a result, every time I was separated - even, I was about to die He couldn't help it. His tears finally fell down again. He just hugged her tightly and couldn't say a word

"Peng Ju..." she whispered softly, saying a lot to him, brushing the corners of his eyes. Such a strong man cried like this Is this still the majestic Yue Pengju in the past?

"Hehe, Peng Ju, people will laugh at you..."

As soon as he said this, he couldn't help crying

Zhang Xian and his subordinates, for the first time, saw him so impolite, but no one dared to comfort him. Each hung his head and felt sad in his heart

King Qin stood alone, listening to Yue Peng's howling, clenched his fist, and looked up at the blazing sun in the sky, as if hoping that the sun would blind his eyes

Yue Peng cried bitterly for a while, raised his head, grabbed the gentle hand that touched his cheek, closed the cry, and his two faces stuck to his face. The long lost tenderness spread all over his body, and Hua Ronghe smiled: "Peng Ju, I'm going back..."

"Well, what would you like to eat?"

"Let me see, I want to eat roast rabbit..."

"When we get back, I'll hunt rabbits and bake them for you..."


The couple chatted intimately, completely unaware that the carriage was slowly on the road again

The carriage walked very slowly. Zhang Xian drove the horse himself, and the other nine cavalry followed

Beside King Qin was an empty horse of Zhang Xian. Zhang Xian put it beside him. Although he didn't speak, he intended to give it to him But he didn't need a horse at all

The couple was completely immersed in the reunion after separation, completely as if there were no one else No one noticed King Qin at all Even Zhang Xian didn't know what to do. Yue Peng didn't speak, so he got King Qin

They walked forward step by step, and King Qin followed step by step

The couple didn't realize his existence at all, and Zhang Xian and others stopped interfering After walking a long way, they found that King Qin was lagging behind Zhang Xian waited and looked around for a while, ignoring him. He thought he had left, and his heart was relieved. In this chaotic moment, it is also good to be able to walk alone

The carriage walked slowly, almost like a stroll. After about an hour, Zhang Xian inadvertently turned around and saw King Qin following him again, holding a large mass of things wrapped in leaves. He didn't know what it was

In the setting sun, blood sank little by little from the sky

The carriage finally stopped at the garrison camp in elong town

Hua Rong smiled: "is this it?"

"Well, here we are."

Yue Peng held her gently and stepped out of the carriage. At the door, there was a heavily guarded bodyguard

He turned around, as if he hadn't found King Qin until then

Hua Rong also looked at King Qin and saw the large package of leaves in his hand

Yue Peng raised his mouth lightly and said, "King Qin, go back!"

King Qin avoided his eyes and stepped forward, as if to talk to Hua Rong. Yue Pengju stepped back, as if to spit out fire in his eyes: "King Qin, you leave immediately!!!"

King Qin was fearless all his life, and he never paid attention to the "little bunny" of that year. But at this moment, he couldn't help but step back and didn't dare to fight him back

"King Qin, you go!!!"

King Qin still stood motionless

Hua Rong slowly opened his mouth, and his voice was very soft: "King Qin, thank you for bringing me back. You go, don't come back to me, and don't remember me anymore..."

King Qin!

King Qin again!!

At this time, he remembered that since he met the old doctor, she had called her "King Qin" all the way, and she was no longer "Qin Shangcheng"

The difference between two words is far away

Reluctantly, his voice was very humble and laborious: "girl, can I... Be your sworn brother?"

Yue Peng was stunned, and Hua Rong was also stunned


"No!! King Qin, you decide not to come to me again!"

She knew that if she became a "sworn brother", she would give him an excuse to come to the door What else to do? What's the point of entanglement?

From then on, I really broke up Even if you want to be her adoptive brother, you can't

King Qin resisted the pain that surged up in his chest, and his voice was very calm. He slowly wrapped the leaves three or two times and tore them apart, immediately revealing a pungent aroma of barbecue

"Here you are, girl."

It's a rabbit!

Zhang Xian immediately understood that he was left behind for an hour, that is, he went to hunt a rabbit, roasted it, and then returned Although it is not difficult to catch a rabbit in the dense forest along the way, how much effort has it taken to rectify it so quickly?

He heard what she said in the carriage, such a small voice, but as soon as she opened her mouth, he could hear every word clearly

Looking at the rabbit, Yue Pengju was also stunned. He originally hated King Qin more than Hua Rong. He really wanted to kill him as soon as he saw him However, because of Hua Rong, he had been patient and endured the attitude of looking at her. He didn't know how to deal with King Qin at all

Hua Rong shook her head lightly, "no, I don't want to eat anything now."

Yue Pengju also said in a deep voice, "King Qin, please go."

King Qin slowly put the rabbit on the next ladder and said slowly, "take care, girl."

"Thank you, King Qin, take care!"

King Qin turned and left. He almost fell down because he was too hasty. He took a few steps and almost ran

Hua Rong was held by Yue Pengju. Looking over his shoulder, King Qin staggered Originally, I hated him to the extreme. I hated him for destroying myself and harming myself Hate him so that he and Peng Ju can no longer live happily

At this time, this hatred suddenly faded slowly Well, I haven't had a few days, so why hate him?

Why do you still hate this man who has saved himself many times regardless of life and death?

Jin Ying once, at sea once, and twice saved his life, which offset his revenge of killing himself

Life or death, this fate is doomed to die in his hands, there is no alternative

King Qin ran out for a distance, and suddenly heard her soft voice in his ear: "Qin Shangcheng, take care..."


It has become Qin Shangcheng again!

He stopped suddenly, but never looked back, and his chest heaved sharply

Girl, girl!

He suddenly pulled out his feet and ran wildly. Soon, his figure disappeared into the boundless night

Elong town military camp

Yue Pengju had never been so extravagant in his life. He took out his salary and ordered a bodyguard to buy a lot of things in town Of course, it's impossible to buy anything really good in this remote military town, but those things are enough to make Hua Rong smile:

A light yellow silk shirt and a pair of light brocade boots There is also a stack of good rice paper, as well as some fragmented gadgets and fresh fruits and vegetables

Yue Peng held her up and put her on the Kang in the north. At this time, the Kang had been replaced with a new cool cushion, and it was very comfortable to sit on it

He gently changed her clothes. They were new from the inside out Hua Rong looked at the clothes, feeling very happy and smiled: "Peng Ju, am I so good-looking?"

"Nice, nice."

He smiled and sat beside her, everything according to her meaning, but there was no sadness at all Because at this time, if she has any pain, it will be more difficult for her to sustain

Two military doctors came together and took turns to feel Hua Rong's pulse The two have been in the army for a long time. I don't know how many internal injuries they have seen, but it's unheard of that person who is still alive

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