One Night Bride

Chapter 186

Hua Rong slowly said, "Peng Ju..."


"Peng Ju, I really can't afford you..." Peng Ju was just in his prime. He just got married soon. People say that a little farewell is better than a new marriage. However, wouldn't he feel bad like this?

Yue Pengju naturally understood her meaning, hehe laughed, his voice was so low, and stuck it to her ear: "the future is long, believe me, we have plenty of time..."

Her voice was a little sad: "but..."

"Sister, let me tell you something... A few days ago, Mr. Wu sent me a beautiful woman to be a concubine..."


Seeing that her attention was immediately diverted, Yue Peng chuckled in his heart, but he was still serious: "many people advised me to take it, saying that Wu Xianggong was kind, not to mention, I have always wanted to tie Wu Xianggong..."

Without thinking, "who persuaded you?"

"Guess what?"

"Yu Peng? Wang GUI? Or bodyguard? Who is there?! be honest... Hum, let me know, I must pull their skin..."

Yue Pengju was terrified: "they really abetted me. I didn't participate in this matter at all..."

Hua Rong was half convinced and suddenly grabbed his ear: "you are the culprit, and you blame others..."

Her hand gently twisted his ear, as if it were a gentle touch The itchy feeling was very comfortable. Yue Pengju laughed, and Hua Rong also laughed: "hehe, Pengju, how did you deal with it?"

Yue Pengju talked about his "intimidation" of Yongxu once, and then was very proud: "how did you say I did?"


With his wife's consent, Yue Pengju was really elated: "haha, the ancients said that cultivating morality and governing the country together, and governing the country only after completing the family first. I found myself really capable of governing the family and fighting, hahaha..."

Hua Rong was so happy to hear him boast and snuggle up in his arms

A burst of tiredness hit, and before going to bed, his face was still smiling, thinking, it's really good to be alive


It's just that there is no sun, but the sky is not low, nor depressed. The cool wind is blowing, which is Huarong's favorite weather

Around elong Town, there are verdant trees and towering ancient trees, some of which can cover an acre of land

The two wandered for a while, and Yue Pengju suddenly remembered something: "today is the market day in elong town. Let's go and have a look."

It is a rare opportunity for elong town to rush to the fair only once every half month Hua Rong immediately promised with interest Yue Peng hugged her and left

She whispered in his arms, "Peng Ju, isn't that good?"

"Why not? It's so close that you don't need to take a carriage. It's just right for me to hold you."

At that time, although the folk customs were open, it was still a bit shocking to walk with a person in such a way Hua Rong was a woman after all, blushing, but Yue Pengju didn't care: "what's the matter with me holding my wife?"

He said it's okay, then it's okay

Hua Rong smiled and gently hugged his neck, "then, let's go."

Because the trauma of the war is far from being healed, eLong Town, although it has a fair, does not seem much lively In a short narrow street, there are only a few small shops selling mountain products, vegetables and fruits, as well as some clothes and jewelry

The passers-by looked at Yue Pengju in surprise, but he was as if there were no one else. In the war years, people didn't feel surprised at anything, and it didn't matter whether they died. Therefore, after looking at it for a few times, they stopped looking. They just thought, maybe, what injury did this man's wife suffer, and she won't live long

Yue Pengju seldom goes shopping. No matter what he sees, he is very curious and interested. He looks at it one by one. Finally, he stops in front of a small jewelry stall

On the shelves, there are colorful cheap jewelry, glass beads, silver, wood, everything

He took down a red hairpin and said, "what do you think of this hairpin?"

"Hehe, I already have one. I've always kept it."

"Then change this bracelet? Look, how beautiful this red bracelet is..."

The peddler politely took a small wooden stool: "brother, sit and slowly choose for the lady..."

"Thank you."

Yue Pengju took five or six bracelets in a row and compared them one by one

"This color is not good..."

"There are only a few flaws..."

"This one doesn't work, it looks so gloomy..."


After almost trying all the bracelets on the stall, he chose a green one and put it on her hand happily

The impatient vendor was still polite: "thank you for your patronage, fifty dollars."

Yue Pengju took out fifty iron coins and immediately turned his head to appreciate the bracelet, but saw that her white arm and green bracelet formed a sharp contrast, glittering and jade

"Haha, I'm really good-looking... Sister, I'll choose your clothes for you in the future..."

"Hehe, good."


The two of them strolled the street door to door and ate badly cooked noodles in a small shop Yue Peng was even more happy when he saw that Hua Rong actually ate half a bowl of white flour. As long as he could eat, there would always be a way

The two strolled towards dusk before walking slowly towards the barracks

At the gate, I saw two people wandering outside from a distance

Yue Pengju stopped

Hua Rong lifted his head from his arms and looked ahead. It turned out that it was Xu Caizhi and Duke Kang

At this time, the two also found them, and rushed over quickly, especially Xu Caizhi, who was simply incoherent: "Mrs. Yue, you... I heard that you were seriously injured..."

Kang Gonggong also came forward: "the officials miss their wife very much, and sent their own family to comfort..."

"Thank you for your kindness. Mr. Xu, Mr. Kang... Thank you for coming to see me..."

As early as Hua Rong and others were attacked in the state of Jin, the peace talks failed, and the members of the diplomatic corps were detained. Zhang Xian and others sent messages back to the state of song. There were special messenger soldiers who quickly reached the temporary palace and reported to Zhao Deji In particular, Hua Rong was injured and missing, and even flew to the court

When they meet their old friends in another country, they are also happy, at the same time, they are also slightly uneasy

As they greeted each other and walked inside, Xu Caizhi said, "by the way, this time, the official family sent the royal doctor Lord Wang in the palace, hoping to diagnose and treat the girl..."

The royal doctor, Lord Wang Jixian, is a very famous doctor among the people After Zhao Deji suffered from impotence, he secretly visited famous doctors, and someone recommended Wang Jixian Outsiders don't know whether Wang Jixian cured the officialdom, but it is well known that in a very short time, Wang Jixian won the high trust of the officialdom, and gave extremely rich rewards, and even increased his rank and rank, compared with the fourth grade

This is already the top level among medical officers Moreover, it seems that it is not difficult to predict that Wang Jixian will get a greater promotion Therefore, even father-in-law Kang flattered him

At this time, Wang Jixian was sitting on the plain white wooden stool in the barracks lobby, frowning. In front of him, there was a cup of very light tea, which was already the best reception provided by the bodyguard

Yue Peng held the flowers in his arms and dissolved them. He saw an official like a scholar, wearing a Dongpo towel on his head, a Confucian uniform on his body, a handsome face, and a wisp of beard on his jaw, which made him feel like a fairy

Kang Gonggong hurriedly introduced: "Lord Wang, Lord Yue is back... This is the medical officer Lord Wang..."

Yue Pengju put the flowers on the chair and hurriedly saluted respectfully, "Lord Wang came all the way here, and I'm very grateful to be an officer..."

Wang Jixian bowed back, looking very proud: "I've heard of the reputation of Lord Yue for a long time, and it's a great honor to be an officer."

Yue Pengju is higher than him. Although he is rude, he doesn't care. This dynasty has always valued literature over martial arts. Yue Pengju has always respected Confucian scholars and scholars. In addition, it is said that he has excellent medical skills, which is even more respectful Immediately order the bodyguard to change hot tea

As soon as the hot tea came up, Wang Jixian saw that it was still crude tea. Fang understood that it was not the guards' slight just now, but the military camp of elong town. Yue Pengju, the Xuanfu envoy of the Song Dynasty, was really cold

Wang Jixian lives a luxurious life and likes to enjoy it. Naturally, he doesn't drink this tea and slowly walks to Hua Rong

Although Hua Rong never saluted him, he saw that Hua Rong was smiling and his eyes were gentle, as if he greeted people silently. Moreover, because he had been secretly ordered by Zhao Deji to treat Hua Rong, he guessed that she had a deep relationship with the current official family, so he was particularly polite to Hua Rong: "my husband-in-law, my lower officer came to treat my wife at the order of your majesty..."

"Thank you, sir. It's really hard for you. Hua Rong is really grateful."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Wang Jixian frowned, and immediately recognized that her internal organs had suffered great losses. He hurried to say, "girl, please stretch out your hand..."

Hua Rong stretched out his hand

He felt the pulse of Hua Rong, and Xu Caizhi and Kang Gonggong looked at each other The two of them just saw Hua Rong and Yue Pengju at the door, but they were smiling and relaxed, as if they had returned from an outing. They thought Hua Rong's injury was not serious Suddenly, Wang Jixian's face became more and more ugly. The two people knew that Hua Rong was seriously injured. As expected, what he said was true

Wang Jixian still felt her pulse and looked surprised: "who slapped the girl?"

Yue Pengju answered for her, "it was hurt by Jin Jun in the scuffle..."

The eyelashes of Huarong slightly lifted and hung down, and couldn't help but show a smile

Wang Jixian was even more surprised to see her look like this. After a while, he let go of her hand and sighed, "Alas!"

Xu Caizhi and Duke Kang asked in unison, "Lord Wang, is this?"

"Mrs. Yue is so badly injured that even the immortal Luo can't be saved..."

The two looked at each other After a while, Xu Caizhi looked at Hua Rong, but saw that her expression did not change at all, even the smile between her eyebrows had not changed, and Yue Pengju's expression had not changed. Fang understood that her husband and wife must have known the truth long ago

He looked at Yue Pengju carefully and thought of the way he held Hua Rong. He was very uncomfortable and couldn't say any words of comfort. Father Kang reluctantly said, "you don't have to be too sad..."

Yue Peng shook his head. In fact, he was extremely disappointed. Even Wang Jixian thought it was hopeless. Does his wife really die?

Wang Jixian was very sincere: "you two don't have to be sad. Mrs. Yue can survive for some days, but can't have children anymore. If you like children..."

Yue Peng said faintly, "there were countless orphans in the war. If we like children, we will naturally adopt one."

Wang Jixian didn't think so: "why should Lord Yue be like this? The opposite sex is not as good as her own after all. Mrs. Yue is also a virtuous person. As long as you open your heart and let Lord Yue have more concubines, your first mother is always better than your foster mother..."

Yue Peng's face changed, and he was about to speak to Wang Jixian, but he heard Hua rongrou say, "thank you, Lord Wang."

Yue Peng raised his anger and couldn't open his mouth, but when he saw his wife's soft eyes looking at him, it was obviously a sign to him not to be impulsive. When he thought about it, he suddenly became calm. It was his own business to take a concubine or not. His wife could handle it calmly. Why should he have any leisure with outsiders?

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