One Night Bride

Chapter 187

Xu Caizhi and father-in-law Kang were on the side, and there was nothing to say, but Wang Jixian, with a "compassionate" mentality, thought that his persuasion of Hua Rong was very effective. He returned to his seat and sat down, drank a mouthful of coarse tea, which was so tasteless that he frowned quietly again

The room was silent. After all, father-in-law Kang was good at flattery, and immediately smiled and said, "I have some good news to tell you this time, and I almost forgot. You see, I'm really confused..."

He shouted, and two bodyguards came in outside the door, holding two boxes, opened them, and there were some valuable medicinal materials in one box; In the other box, there are hundred liang of gold

"This is a reward from the official family. The official family knows that Lord Yue has clean hands and no surplus money. It is for Mrs. Yue to treat her illness..."

Yue Pengju thanked him immediately

Hua Rong's eyes were slightly wet, and a faint resentment against Zhao Deji in her heart was completely dispersed by this time He once saved his life and worried about him. If so, it's not worth meeting

She glanced at Yue Pengju, who nodded. Entering the room, he took out two letters and handed them to Kang Gonggong: "please give this to your majesty, senior official Kang. Thank you for your great kindness. Peng Ju has great trust..."

When Kang Gonggong looked, the letters were written by Yue Pengju and Hua Rong respectively Hua Rong's letter was a detailed report to the emperor on his mission to the kingdom of Jin, including the recent situation of the Empress Dowager and the tragic death of Queen Xing Yue Peng's letter was his resignation

Kang Gonggong saw the word resignation, and his face changed: "Lord Yue, what do you mean?"

Xu Caizhi and Wang Jixian were also very surprised Yue Pengju is young. How difficult it is to be promoted to such a position. It can be said that he got it from a hail of bullets. Many generals can't reach this position even if they dream of it all their lives. Why do they give up easily?

Xu Caizhi also hurriedly persuaded, "Peng Ju, why are you doing this?"

He had a deep relationship with the two men. In a hurry, his true feelings showed, so he didn't follow the official customs, but called them names Yue Pengju glanced at him gratefully and calmly said, "thank you for your kindness. Peng Ju is not acting in a hurry, but has been thinking for a long time. The reason for his resignation is also clearly written in the letter. Your majesty will understand..."

"Peng Ju, the country is the time to employ people..."

"Peng Ju dares not to serve the country? It's really his wife who is seriously ill. Peng Ju has to be selfish."


"To be honest, Peng Ju has been tired of his military career these years, but he wants to find a clean land with his wife and live a comfortable life for a few years..."

They immediately understood that he knew that his wife was running out of time and wanted to spend the rest of her life with her

The three of them looked at Hua Rong together, but saw that she was still sitting in the chair, only quietly listening to Yue Pengju speak, staring at him intently, her long eyelashes motionless, even with that kind of soft and quiet smile

Because of this, the three felt more uncomfortable, as if they saw a flower wither slowly

Xu Caizhi couldn't help but sob in his voice: "since that's the case, I'll beg for your favor in front of the officials. The officials must be gracious..."

"Thank you for your help."

Wang Jixian was very dismissive. Although he sympathized with Hua Rong, it was difficult to disobey heaven's destiny. The matter of the son of heaven was a great event. Those who achieved great events were not limited to small matters. A good man had ambitions in all directions. He even gave up his great future for a mere woman. He shook his head and sighed secretly. No wonder Yue Peng was so cold. He turned out to be a pedantic and heroic vulgar man

How can such a man achieve great things?


Because the camp was poor and shabby, Wang Jixian, who was well fed, didn't want to stay much longer, so he returned with the people the next day

Yue Pengju and his wife took the three to the door. Xu Caizhi said, "please stay here, you two. If Mrs. Yue is unwell, you don't have to send them away."

Wang Jixian looked at Hua Rong and shook his head. After all, it was the intention of the doctor. He was a little compassionate to her, and said, "my family must report it to your majesty truthfully."

"Thank you for your help."

Kang Gonggong had always wanted to ask the whereabouts of King Qin, because after King Qin and he said goodbye in the brothel, there was no news anymore However, he was shrewd and sophisticated. He knew that King Qin had chased him into the army to kill Yue Pengju. Now that Hua was injured like this, he was sure whether it was king Qin's hand. Moreover, in front of the couple, it was not the time to ask the whereabouts of King Qin. Although his heart was itchy, he dared not speak after all

Although Hua Rong didn't know his intentions, he knew that he was very fond of King Qin. At this time, seeing that he kept looking, he casually found a euphemistic excuse, invited him aside, laughed, and whispered, "senior official Kang, King Qin has returned to the sea."

Duke Kang was overjoyed to see her take the initiative to mention King Qin, and asked urgently, "when did he go back?"

"I've been back long ago. Because I'm in a hurry to leave, I can't say goodbye to you in person. He said that senior official Kang treated him warmly and asked me to say hello if I could see senior official Kang in the future."

In fact, King Qin never mentioned father-in-law Kang at all, but hearing this, father-in-law Kang was almost happy and hurried to say, "your king is also very enthusiastic about his family."

After the greetings, they set out on the road

When the carriage disappeared, Yue Pengju and Hua Rong went back to the house together. Hua Rong sighed, "thank you for your kindness. You can send someone from afar to treat me."

Yue Pengju smiled In his heart, he and his wife actually have a slightly different view on this point. The official family sent someone to come this time, it must be more than "diagnosis and treatment", but to see whether Hua Rong was really injured; Whether I really quit

Seeing him smile like this, Hua Rong understood his intention for a moment, and his heart was cold. It doesn't matter that he is so now. Serving the king is like serving the tiger. If he doesn't care a little and offends the officials, Yue Peng will have a hard time

She immediately said, "Peng Ju, resign!"

Yue Pengju saw for the first time that she held such a warm supportive attitude towards her resignation. Obviously, she had understood her intention and nodded with a smile

Duke Kang and Wang Jixian took a carriage. As soon as they got on the carriage, he saw that Wang Jixian looked rather unhappy and smiled strangely: "Lord Wang, don't be too angry."

Wang Jixian snorted and said nothing

Eunuchs are best at guessing other people's minds. Not to mention, Duke Kang has witnessed Wang Jixian's behavior for several months in a row. His medical skills are excellent, and he has been favored by the emperor. Wherever he goes, people will strive to give him generous gifts Although he was ordered to treat Huarong this time, according to the usual "hidden rules", he thought he would also receive a generous gift, but Yue Pengju only gave some worthless local products

He smiled: "Yue Pengju is so poor that there is no oil or water..."

"He has been appointed as a missionary. Is it really so cold? This dynasty has a good salary. Is he fishing for fame or is he really pedantic?"

"What you don't know is that you have known his wife and husband for many years. Both of them are poor and single-minded. Yue Pengju needless to say, and all the rewards are given to her subordinates; Mrs. Yue, she doesn't want to be a noble concubine and doesn't enjoy prosperity and wealth, but desperately wants to marry Yue Pengju, who is poor..."

This is the first time that Wang Jixian heard this gossip. He was very interested and nodded hurriedly, "I see, this kind of person, alas..." so although he didn't get generous gifts, he was calm and said, "this kind of person is poor all his life, and there is nothing he can do."

Lin'an palace

As soon as Zhao Deji left the court, he heard the little eunuch report that Duke Kang was waiting to return

He immediately said, "send them to the imperial study."


All three of them were dusty after a long journey

When the three knelt down, Zhao Deji said, "thank you for your hard work."

The three stood up, and father Kang handed two letters first Both were sealed with military enamel, both thick He looked at the handwriting on the cover and opened the letter first As soon as I opened it, I saw a gold hairpin It was just before Xing committed suicide that she wanted to transfer the flower solution to the official family

Zhao Deji took the gold hairpin, shook his hand, and hurriedly opened the letter. In the long letter, he wrote in detail the whole story of the flower dissolving mission to the state of Jin, including the detention of Yu wenxuzhong and the living conditions of a group of song captives In particular, the situation of Empress Dowager Wei and empress Xing, Hua Rong did not write euphemistically, let alone the memorials of ordinary ministers after pretending, which should truthfully describe the tragic situation Zhao Deji only frowned slightly when he read the experience of his father, brothers and sisters, but when he saw his mother's life in the kingdom of Jin, after all, it was mother and son who connected their hearts. Although he was humiliated, he did not blame his mother; When reading about the suicide of empress Xing, Zhao Deji couldn't help it anymore. Tears streamed down his face and he fell down on the Dragon chair with a gold hairpin in his hand

The three had already guessed the contents of the letter, but they didn't know that the tragedy was so tragic. Seeing the officials burst into tears, they were too frightened to go out, and they couldn't come forward to persuade them at all

Zhao Deji cried for a while. Grandpa Kang came forward to hold him and wiped his tears. Seeing him holding a gold hairpin, he said to himself, "I'm incompetent, I'm incompetent!"

Three people dare not interface

Zhao Deji's mood had calmed down a little at this time, and he opened Yue Pengju's resignation This is not a single resignation. In fact, it is a military Memorial, which analyzes in detail the current balance of power between song and Jin Dynasties, as well as the civil strife in Jin and the death of those generals Advise the court how to deploy troops to fight the Jin people, recover the two rivers, and rescue the imperial clan At the end of the letter, he listed those generals who had been entrusted with the task after he left, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their respective generals. Please make a ruling on the specific situation

After reading the memorial, Zhao Deji had to admit that Yue Peng was magnanimous and worked hard without reservation when cultivating his subordinates. However, the experience of his mother and wife made him want to negotiate with Jin, which turned into a great anger, and he angrily said, "in the troubled autumn of the country, Yue Peng dared not to work for the country, but resigned for private affairs..."

Xu Caizhi carefully said, "it's not that Yue Pengju is ineffective, but that Hua Rong was seriously injured and died. His husband and wife are deeply in love..."

Zhao Deji turned to see Wang Jixian: "Lord Wang, how is Hua Rong injured?"

"When I went back to the official's house, the flowers dissolved and injured my internal organs. Although I wouldn't die immediately, I had become a disabled person and couldn't have children for life."

Zhao Deji was stunned As Yue Pengju expected, Zhao Deji received the news that he didn't believe that Hua Rong's injury was so serious, thinking that his husband and wife deliberately evaded because they failed to complete the mission for fear of being punished Because Xu Caizhi and others and Hua Rong are old after all, he sent Wang Jixian, his most trusted medical officer, to go Wang Jixian and the two had never known each other before, so his diagnosis was naturally true and would never exaggerate

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