One Night Bride

Chapter 188

After suffering from impotence, he was tortured by this unspeakable privacy day by day; After seeing Yue Pengju and Hua melt into marriage, the husband and wife get married like fish in water, and there was a layer of jealousy hidden in their hearts; Hearing this thunderbolt, I couldn't speak for a long time

After all, there is still some friendship for Hua Rong. Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel real pity for her, as if she were in the same boat After a long silence, he said, "even so, he was summoned, and Yue Peng refused to resign; but he was given a year's leave to take his wife to seek medical treatment and Preventive Medicine..."

The so-called seeking medical advice is naturally a word of comfort; But Xu Caizhi and others couldn't bear to see such talents as Yue Pengju wither. Hearing the emperor's arrangement, they were really overjoyed and immediately ordered to pass on the emperor's new decree

Jin border

Riding a fast horse, he galloped against the scorching afternoon sun

The man on the horse was wearing a tattered straw hat and a pair of leopard like eyes, showing a terrible blood red He arrived in one day after the original three-day journey My chest was so stuffy that I didn't know where the pain was. I just knew to run down in one breath, as if my chest would crack as soon as I stopped

In the past three days, he only robbed a small official of the Golden State who came out to hunt and killed two or three of his bodyguards, but he was not rich in oil and water. With more than ten liang of silver on his body, he was barely enough to eat and drink

But he lost interest in eating and drinking at this time

Along the way, there are marks left by Ma Su, Liu Wu and others The two men estimated that he must not have returned to the sea. As soon as he saw it, he understood that the two men had gone back to Yanjing

This trip, he is to find two people to go to Beijing together

The fast horse ran for a few hours, and by evening, it had arrived in Yanjing

He searched for signs all the way and stopped in front of a noisy shop The small shop was full of noise and miasma, with a concentration of desperate business travelers from south to north, drunken gamblers, and even some bandits

He whistled softly, and saw two men dressed as Khitans, one left and one right, inadvertently emerge from a crowd of gamblers. It was ma Su and Liu Wu

After waiting for a long time, they almost searched every corner around Yanjing, and there was no sign of King Qin. They were depressed and were discussing whether to leave, but they saw King Qin coming back and the three met. There was no need to say more about their joy

Sitting down in a small pavilion on the second floor, King Qin saw a Jurchen man beside him and stared. Ma Su hurriedly said, "this is Zha he, and he is also looking for the whereabouts of his wife..."

King Qin heard this "madam", it was really all kinds of taste in his heart, and he couldn't say it. He just shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to shake something off, and just stared at Zha, "what are you looking for her for?"

"The villain is worried about the safety of his brother."

King Qin sighed. According to his usual temper, he had already thrown the "golden dog" down from the second floor. However, at this time, he felt a little "the same as the end of the earth". He just stared at him and suddenly said, "tie it, will you shave your head and braid it?"


He looked at the tied head, which was the typical braid of a Jurchen man, half bald

"Shave my hair and braid, and make me look like you..."

Zha he muttered, "King Qin, are you going to join our golden kingdom?"

At this time, King Qin only understood a few words of Nvzhen language and could only talk briefly. He couldn't understand what zahe said at once Looking at Ma Su in the twinkling of an eye, Ma Su also looked surprised and translated the meaning of Zha to him

King Qin heard it and spat at him, "fuck you... Who will join you, golden dog..."

Ma Su naturally wouldn't translate this sentence to Zha he, who was equally confused. He just looked at Liu Wu and was even more surprised

Ma Su and Liu Wu were surprised for a reason Although the two of them were born in Han Dynasty, they came from a noble family. They were not only proficient in the Jin Dynasty, but also familiar with the history books of the Southern Dynasty Know the importance of etiquette and integrity When his father was alive, he sometimes talked to himself when he was drunk, saying that he had lost the "integrity" of the song people

That is, after many song people were captured, Jin Bing often asked them to "refit" The so-called refitting, in addition to changing into golden man service, focuses on "hair" Han people have full hair, and Jin people always shave half their hair and bald half according to custom Although women are not bald, men also have long pigtails In order to maintain integrity, some Han people were unwilling to "shave their hair and braid", so they were killed Therefore, there is a saying "leave your hair without your head; leave your head without your hair" Hua Rong was caught by Jin Wushu in the Jinying of Liujia temple and asked her to "dress up" for this reason

Later, the ancestor of the Jin people, the Manchu and Qing cavalry, sent troops into the pass, which pushed this cruel slavery policy of "hair" and "head" to the extreme Naturally, this is the latter part, which has nothing to do with this article, so I won't mention it any more

This is not only a matter of hair, but also a matter of Nuzhen's complete spiritual destruction and domination over the Han people Ma Su and others understood this meaning, and now they saw that King Qin actually wanted to take the initiative to "shave his hair" for no reason. Their surprise was really imaginable

"Your Majesty?"

Ma Su was about to persuade, King Qin waved his hand and said impatiently, "after shaving, you can grow up again. Lao Tzu ignored the rules of you Confucians. Integrity is in your heart, and it's all about hair. Besides, Lao Tzu can shave if he wants to shave, and grow up if he wants to grow later... We're going to Beijing, so we must not expose our whereabouts..."

He lowered his voice and said it in Chinese dialect. Zhaha naturally couldn't understand it. Ma Su had to think carefully before he could understand it. Only then did he know that he was completely pretending to be a "golden man" in order to cover up his whereabouts In that case, the two of them had to shave their hair

Ma Su was surprised, "Your Majesty, why did you go to Beijing?"

"Steal the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum of the old wolf owner."

Ma Su and Liu Wu looked at each other. How heavily guarded is the wolf Lord palace? How can you go whenever you want and come whenever you want?

While hesitating, I suddenly heard the sound of crying next door. It was still a woman Everyone was in a bad mood. They were surprised to hear the cry

They were speechless for a moment. After a while, they saw a woman hurried out, followed by a down-to-earth drunkard, reaching out and holding her

The woman's face was full of anger, and she stuffed a bag of things that looked like silver into him: "don't come to me again, for the sake of our children, otherwise, if the fourth Prince knows, we are all finished..."

The man's voice was also very anxious: "ling'er, come with me, I don't want money... We find a place, and no one recognizes us..."

The woman was even more angry. She lifted him up and held her hand. "Can I go? My father is still counting on me and our children to make him poor all his life?"


The man could not argue, and the woman turned and left The man was dejected and did not dare to catch up. Looking at the silver in his hand, he ran down the stairs and immediately joined the chaotic gambling crowd in front of him

The woman was dressed in civilian clothes and wore a large headscarf. Although she disguised herself very skillfully, she could recognize it at a glance. It was Yelv Guanyin "Ling'er" is probably her nickname

Ma Su and Liu Wu had long heard that the Qidan man surnamed Pang boasted about "a woman who played with the fourth Prince" after getting drunk. Everyone was not surprised. Seeing that King Qin didn't care at all, Ma Su said, "this is the wife of the fourth prince, stealing outside."

King Qin stared: "the fourth Prince stole, why doesn't his wife steal?"

He hated Jin Wu Shu very much because of its entanglement with Hua Rong. He never killed Jin Wu Shu on the sea. When he came to the kingdom of Jin, he almost died and was injured under Jin Wu Shu. It can be said that he hated Jin Wu Shu to the bone

But it's none of his family's business to see his wife steal. Even if Jin Wushu gets a hundred "cheap" sons, it's also his family's business

Ma Su laughed: "the fourth Prince is so hateful that his family is empty. You might as well make a green hat for him. The golden dog is afraid of the heat, and let him cover the sun..."

"Haha, this idea is wonderful..." King Qin didn't care about the green hat or the black hat at all, but when he heard that he could play tricks on Jin Wushu, he naturally agreed, but soon frowned: "I don't have time to play tricks on him until I get Ganoderma lucidum."

"Well, if you have a chance in the future, you will naturally tease him to see if this bird will show off..."

King Qin didn't want to talk about the turtle's past of Jin Wushu, but stared at Zhaha: "Hey, Zhaha, how to shave?"

When he asked, people remembered the "shaving" problem interrupted by the Yelv Guanyin incident

Zahe said, "it's very simple. I can shave you right away."

Ma Su hesitated for a moment, and King Qin saw that he should not, and became angry: "shit, why are you pinching? Shaving your hair is not a big deal, is it not a big deal to shave your hair? You two shaved with me..."

Ma Su and Liu Wu knew his temperament and dared not disobey it any more. They thought that it was necessary to shave their hair if they wanted to go to Shangjing, because Shangjing had no more mixed races than Yanjing, and it was almost the world of female immortals. If they didn't disguise, their identity would be easily exposed when they walked daily

Ma Su told Zha Heyi what he meant and told him not to reveal it. Zha Heyi listened and asked, "what are you going to do?"

Ma Su knew that he was looking for Huarong every day, and even hoped to meet Huarong on the street. After guessing his psychology, he said, "my brother is seriously injured. We must go to Beijing to find medicinal materials. You should keep it secret..."

"Ah? What serious injury did the little brother suffer? Where is she?"

Masu perfunctorily said a few words, and Zhaha immediately said, "then I'll go to Beijing with you. I've been in Beijing for a year, and maybe I can help you."

Ma Su and Liu Wu exchanged glances. The two of them get along with Zha these days. They also feel that this female soldier is honest and loyal. With him, it may be more convenient to act Ma Su told King Qin what he meant, and King Qin stared at him noncommittally

Ma Su immediately told zahe that King Qin agreed, and zahe was very happy: "then I'll shave your hair."

Everyone came to Zha he's residence

The "home" is completely a "doghouse". According to the custom of the female immortal, the house is made of birch bark, wood and soil. A small window is open. If the window wants to be closed, it needs to be stuffed with a handful of dead grass

Once inside, it was a mess. There was no place to lay his feet. There was only a fox skin on the earth Kang, which was his "quilt"

King Qin kicked away the fox skin and sat cross legged on the Kang: "shave me first."

Zahe brought a knife and a tattered mirror

King Qin was completely calm when his sword rose and fell. He didn't study and didn't know what Confucian theory was. He felt that his hair was like nails and clothes. He shaved and cut it at will In order to steal Ganoderma lucidum from Shangjing, let alone pretend to be a real woman, he doesn't care if he shaves into heshangtou immediately

After a while, he shaved his hair and braided the rest of his hair Because of his left lapel, tall and tough, he looks like a real man as long as he doesn't speak

Zahe took the mirror and gave it to him: "King Qin, look..."

The mirror is made by a real woman. It is very crude and the image is blurred King Qin glanced casually, and was startled to see that he suddenly became a half bald head. He said to himself, "shit, these golden dogs dragging a pig tail are really ugly..."

Fortunately, Zha he didn't understand what he scolded at all, and he was so happy that he thought it was very novel that he actually shaved several Han people

King Qin threw the mirror, got off the Kang and sat on a civil stool outside. He didn't know what it was like to watch the foreign people coming and going in the distance

From the sea to Kaifeng, from Liujia temple to Jin State, from full of hope, expectation, joy to jealousy, revenge... Now, it has become a strange desolation For the first time, I really asked myself: how can I be good to girls?

Can you get Ganoderma lucidum after going thousands of miles here? Girl, can you support yourself back?

He looked at the southern sky and found that midsummer was half past. The fifth day of August was the girl's birthday My heart was filled with great enthusiasm and excitement. I just said to myself, "girl, I didn't treat you well. I must celebrate your birthday this time."

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