One Night Bride

Chapter 205

That night, Tianwei poured out all her bitterness to her cousin. The sisters hugged each other and stayed awake all night When it was light, Zhao Rou and others had to say goodbye to Yelv Guanyin. Before leaving, they only politely begged Yelv Guanyin to be kind to her sister

Yelv Guanyin didn't pay attention to her words. Even men can't do housework, let alone other people's wives She secretly laughed at the meanness of the dry song woman in her heart, and the more proud she was, she only ordered the housekeeper. Since then, Tianwei must wear such a coarse cloth shirt and do the heaviest rough work in the kitchen

Time passed, and towards the end of the year, the due date of Yelv Guanyin finally arrived

Naturally, the immortal also knew that the woman was pregnant in October, and it was normal in August and September. Jin Wushu thought his son was expected to be born after the year, so he naturally didn't hurry to prepare

But Yelv Guanyin was extremely anxious. She knew she was in a hurry to give birth, and hurried to prepare all kinds of things for the child Everyone in the mansion knew that she was nervous, and she prepared in advance, but she didn't care

Finally, on a snowy night, the son of Yelv Guanyin came

Jin Wushu was still drinking outside. Hearing the news, he hurried home. He didn't expect his son to be born so soon

When he returned, he saw Yelv Guanyin lying in bed with a wrapped fat boy sleeping beside him When he saw his wife's face full of sweat and fatigue, he was distressed and happy: "my wife has worked hard..."

Yelv Guanyin had just experienced the pain of childbirth, and she was out of energy. She only gently took her son's hand and laughed and said, "my family has just been in pain, only happy, and the fourth prince finally has a successor..."

"It's just that why did the child come so fast? My family thought it would take years to meet him..."

Yelv Guanyin was cold in her heart. She had already wondered how many times to deal with this "Oolong" problem, and said, "the slave was premature, and the slave was careless, so she was premature..."

Jin Wushu didn't know what "premature birth" was. Anyway, seeing that she was reasonable, she didn't ask

The waitresses were busy complimenting: "look, how much the little master looks like the fourth Prince..."

"Right, right, right, the eyes, nose, mouth... Tut Tut, tut Tut, are exactly the same as the fourth Prince..."

"Son, you have to be as heroic as your father when you grow up..."


Jin Wushu happily hugged his son. The newly born baby was more like a mouse and wrinkled. He couldn't see whether it was beautiful at all. Looking east and West, Jin Wushu couldn't see how the child looked like him, but when he heard others say it, he was very happy. For his eldest son, he immediately filled with a kind of parent-child feelings of the father after tomorrow, and only hugged him: "son, I'll give you all the good things of my father in the future..."

He teased his son, but did not neglect his wife. He lovingly stroked her face: "madam, you are good to maintain. The crown prince must have a lot of rewards..."

The maids brought out all kinds of supplements and jewelry. Yelv Guanyin closed her eyes wearily, as if she had won a great battle

Although Yelv Guanyin is eloquent, so many women in the fourth Prince's residence, especially some slightly older women, are simply beyond their means Yelv Guanyin entered the door less than seven months. Although this child is premature, it is reasonable, but premature children are generally congenitally deficient and weak, but Yelv Guanyin gave birth to a fat boy of seven or eight Jin, who is fat and strong. It is the result of pregnancy in October. Where is the premature baby?

Many people have mixed mouths, and even if they are afraid of Yelv Guanyin, they can't help but have some gossip

On this day, Yelv Guanyin was teasing his son, and saw his maid ah Hua come in Yelv Guanyin casually asked, "what's going on outside?"

Ah Hua hesitated: "Madam..."

Yelv Guanyin saw her hesitating and said, "what's the matter? Speak quickly..."

Ah Hua whispered, "some slaves who don't know how to live or die talk about the little master, saying that the little master is less than a month..."

Yelv Guanyin flew into a rage. He didn't expect such a brave servant in the mansion. It's OK to go on like this Her face was frosty. "Who is it?"

This time, the incident involves a wide range

A dozen servants participated in the discussion Yelv Guanyin made an example of others, selected more than a dozen people he had always hated, including concubines and maids, and ordered each of them to hit 50 sticks again

After this beating, the fourth Prince's mansion immediately screamed for heaven and earth, especially those concubines who used to be well-dressed and well fed. Where did they suffer such torture, crying and crying, and crying for mercy

Yelv Guanyin sat in the right position and scolded loudly, "cheap slaves, dare to chew their tongues behind their backs and slander their own family. If you have any nonsense, you will surely kill your nine clans."

Two concubines were weak and could not be beaten. As soon as the stick fell to the ground, they had swallowed their breath, and Yelv Guanyin urgently ordered them to be carried down and thrown away After such tossing and turning, Jin Wushu came back from outside

Jin Wushu is very happy these days. He receives congratulations and gifts from those who have a better relationship with the Nuzhen aristocracy. The first thing he does is to see his son You must talk to your son for a while before you go to have a rest Even, he knew that Yelv Guanyin didn't like Tianwei and didn't even call him Tianwei. He didn't want to disobey the great hero who gave birth to his son

He entered the door, but saw Yelv Guanyin holding his son with tears on his face. He was surprised and said, "why is the mother so?"

Yelv Guanyin still held his son, fell on his swaddling clothes, and kept crying

Jin Wushu was so anxious that he sat down beside her, held her and her son together, and said anxiously, "what injustice has the lady suffered?"

Yelv Guanyin did not answer, and Jin Wushu shouted angrily, "come..."

Several maidens came in and crossed their hands in fear. Jin Wushu angrily asked, "how did you serve the lady? Who made her angry?"

Yelv Guanyin twitched: "the fourth prince, don't blame them, it's the slave's fault..."


Seeing that she was crying sadly, Jin Wushu hurriedly waved to drink the servant and comforted her softly, "madam, what happened?"

"The fourth Prince..."

"Madam, but it doesn't matter. What's the matter? I'll bear it for you at home. Now what's more important than my son? Madam must take good rest, so as to take good care of my son..."

Hearing this, Yelv Guanyin wiped his tears: "fourth prince, I've been hiding something from you..."

"What is it?"

She hesitated for a moment. Jin Wushu saw her pear blossom with rain, and was very pitiful. She wiped her tears painfully, and her voice was even softer: "the lady has something to say, but it doesn't matter. Even if it's a big thing, the crown prince will never blame you..."

"First of all, thank the fourth Prince for his generosity." Yelv Guanyin leaned in his arms and gently held his son's hand. "The fourth Prince didn't know something. At that time, his family loved his son and left the 'Millennium Ganoderma lucidum'..."


"For a moment, I was petty. I felt that such a good thing was given to the enemy. It was better to leave the blood of the fourth prince, so I changed Ganoderma lucidum, and put an ordinary Ganoderma lucidum in the box. I fried it myself... Because of this, Ganoderma lucidum nourishment, the child grew quickly in my stomach, and came to see his father in advance..." her hand touched Jin Wushu's chest, and her voice was wronged, "Because of this, the servants in the house chewed their tongues and said that their son was not premature..."

Jin Wushu simply didn't know what it was like. It turned out that the Ganoderma lucidum dissolved in flowers was not only broken, but also fake. It was just an ordinary Ganoderma lucidum. The real Ganoderma lucidum had already been taken by Yelv Guanyin, so it led to her "premature birth"!

Yelv Guanyin saw that he didn't speak, and his tears fell again: "the slave was also in a hurry. In the past, this Ganoderma lucidum, my family kept serving the fourth Prince wholeheartedly, but when I saw that the fourth Prince wanted to give to outsiders, so I became selfish and greedy for a moment, and gave my son nourishment..."

Jin Wushu held the fat arms of the two men. The boy was extremely strong when he was born. The nomads valued men more than women. Because his son was not only the head of the family, but also the main force in the battlefield of hunting and shooting, his strong son was often more popular with his parents

Yelv Guanyin watched his words and expressions, and only hugged his son: "the fourth prince, it's all my family's bad. I know my mistake. Even if the fourth Prince scolded me, I didn't complain at all..."

Jin Wushu sighed: "well, it's OK! The guy of King Qin broke his faith first and robbed Wenlong child. As for Ganoderma lucidum... Alas, you can take it..."

A Ganoderma lucidum is nothing. He never knows what injuries must be Ganoderma lucidum One is the wife of an enemy general who doesn't take himself seriously, and the other is the biological mother of her son. What else can she do if she takes Ganoderma lucidum? Do you punish her? Even if you punish, can you spit out what you have already eaten?

Yelv Guanyin saw his face from gloomy to dull, and her heart was secretly happy. Almost every step was in her own calculation. She was still sad and wronged: "fourth prince, I have never disobeyed you in anything, but in this matter, because of jealousy and stinginess, so... Fourth prince, I am guilty, I am wrong, please for the sake of children..."

Jin Wushu shook his head. "You don't have to say much. Don't mention the past."

At this time, ah Zhu, who quietly stood aside, immediately lost no time to add for the master: "fourth prince, you don't know something, and the wife also suffered a lot from it. The wife raised the little master fat and strong, thanks to this Ganoderma lucidum, but other servants who didn't know why, chewed the root of their tongue..."

Jin Wushu remembered the mess he saw when he first entered the house. Seeing Yelv Guanyin, his eyes were full of tears. He loved his son, loved his house and Wu, and shouted, "call those stupid slaves up..."

Concubines, servants, housekeepers, etc. knelt darkly

Jin Wushu said loudly, "my wife gave birth prematurely because she took the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum. The effect of Ganoderma lucidum made my son grow strong. In the future, everyone must try their best to serve the little master and my wife. If there is a slight difference, my family must forgive you..."

Yelv Guanyin was originally a bunch of nonsense, full of loopholes, but the female immortal has never been hospitalized, the level of civilization is very low, and one by one believe in the power of "Millennium Ganoderma lucidum", plus the four princes speak in person, who dares to say more? Only saluted one by one: "slaves, please... May the little master and his wife be healthy and live a long life..."

For the first time, Yelv Guanyin accepted the collective kneeling, including all concubines. She was as noble as a queen, with a smile on her face, and said magnanimously, "in the future, everyone must serve the little master faithfully."


After thinking for a while, Jin Wushu said, "starting tomorrow, start celebrating the 100th day of the little master." In the past, Jin people were just like birthdays. After the attack on Liao and Song Dynasties, they learned to count days and celebrate festivals. Some sons of Jurchen aristocrats were born and began to learn the habits of Song people to celebrate the "full moon" or "100 days"

As his first born son, Jin Wushu naturally attached great importance to it. He had always yearned for the customs of the Southern Dynasty, so he immediately took this opportunity to do big things for his son. He must tell the world that he was very happy

The whole fourth Prince's residence is busy, full of joy, busy preparing for the "100 day" Daqing of the little master The guests invited were selected by Yelv Guanyin himself, taking into account almost the entire upper nobility of Nuzhen

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