One Night Bride

Chapter 206

After dealing with everything, he returned to the house and went to bed. Somehow, Jin Wushu couldn't sleep soundly this night

In the middle of the night, she suddenly came to the chaotic battlefield. People fell on their backs, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. Hua Rong rode on the horse with a bow and arrow in his arm, and cut at her with one knife Hearing the sound, she fell down, covered with scars, and she didn't know whether it was blood or tears on her face. She hissed, "I hate you, a villain like you... I won't let you go when I die..." then, she fell down, and it was really dead!

"Flower dissolves, flower dissolves..."

He hugged her tightly, but he felt that she was cold and had long stopped breathing

"Hua Rong..."

He turned over and sat up in the scream. At this time, the wind and snow were blowing heavily in the night. Even if the window was closed, he could hear the sound of wind and snow

He was lying on the hot Kang, but now he found his hands cold and his arms empty

He stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and a great foreboding surged in his heart. Is Hua Rong really going to die? Or dead?

If you die, is it because you took fake Ganoderma lucidum? In this way, didn't you indirectly kill her?

Although he had some resentment against Hua Rong, in fact, he didn't want her to die

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he was. Sitting on the Kang, he suddenly remembered many of her benefits, her mercy on the battlefield twice, the kind and gentle look when she decocted the medicine for himself, and the beauty of her valiant and valiant on the willow shooting Festival

Is such a woman really dying? Why did you hurt so badly?

For a long time, he didn't want to inquire about her whereabouts any more. At this time, he was worried and couldn't help but rush out to ask immediately

But who can I ask here in Beijing?

Ask zahe?

However, Zha has long disappeared

He said to himself, "Hua Rong, you are asking for it! If you follow me and stay in Dajin, how can you die?" My heart is very melancholy. What should I do if such a woman really dies?

At this time, it was already twilight, and he could no longer sleep. He got out of bed and sat down in the study A servant entered the Laisheng stove, and the cold room slowly warmed up. Jin Wushu looked at the rows of books brought back by the Southern Dynasties on the table

His eyes slowly fell on the anthologies of Wang Anshi and Su Dongpo in the corner of the table. As soon as he picked them up, he found that these two books had been covered with a thin layer of ash - he had not looked through them for a long time

"The fourth Prince..."

The old housekeeper was holding a cup of hot tea, and Jin Wushu found that it was the old housekeeper who made the fire himself The old housekeeper has served his mother and son since he was born. Later, his mother died of illness. He fought far and wide, and everything in the family was taken care of by the old housekeeper

He took the hot tea and sighed, "you still know me."

The old housekeeper respectfully said, "the fourth Prince loves tea, and the old slave always knows."

But Yelv Guanyin didn't know that in order to please Jin Wushu, she always sent someone to bring ginseng soup and so on Jin Wushu actually never liked to drink this kind of thing. At this moment, holding tea, he couldn't help thinking of the demeanor of Hua Rong when he "boiled tea to break the meaning", as if it were a kind of disillusionment, and even the joy brought by "son" was weakened

The old housekeeper wanted to quit, but he wanted to talk and stopped

Seeing that he had something to say, Jin Wushu stopped him: "is there anything?"

The old housekeeper said cautiously, "in this matter, Mrs. Yelv would not allow the old slave to talk much, but the old slave still had to report to the fourth prince."

"What is it?"

"Because the slaves chewed their tongues behind their backs and questioned the little master's' premature birth ', Mrs. Yelv was furious and ordered the staff to blame several culprits. Four little women couldn't stand it and died the same day. Mrs. Yelv originally ordered these little women to be thrown out and burned casually. But the old slave still wanted to ask the fourth prince, because the other three were women who had died in the Liao Dynasty and had no relatives and no one to investigate. It's OK, but the other little woman was a commander in the army My sister, in the future, if the military master asks about her whereabouts, it must be hard to answer... "

Jin Wushu was surprised. This time, he supported Yelv Guanyin, admonished the servant, and let her completely become the queen of the fourth Prince's mansion. But he didn't know that Yelv Guanyin had killed four people for this!

He was secretly angry: "four people were killed? Why didn't you tell me such a big thing earlier? Mrs. Yelv, she was so fierce?"

The housekeeper said cautiously, "the servant also felt that Mrs. Yelv was a little too much this time. Just admonish her, but she also thought of her reputation..."

Reputation, reputation can kill four people at once? Although Jin Wushu is fierce, he has never been so cruel to his domestic servants

"No, how can she?"

"Now, Mrs. Yelv has just given birth to a little master. She has worked hard and made great achievements, and it is not appropriate to blame her too much..."

At that time, the state of Jin was still a slave system, and the servants and concubines in the family were the private property of the master, and no one would care if they were killed Jin Wushu was about to get angry, but he tried to hold back and said, "you arrange to bury these four people, and then give a large gift to the little lady's brother..."


The housekeeper was about to go out, when he suddenly remembered something and stopped him: "in the future, everything about Tianwei will be arranged by you, and there is no need for Mrs. Yelv to intervene..."


After the housekeeper went out, Jin Wushu sat down dejectedly, vaguely feeling that he had no knowledge of what had happened in his mansion

"Premature birth" - premature son!

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't tell where the uneasiness came from. He just felt that he dreamed of the death of Hua Rong last night and heard the death of four concubines in the morning. He faintly found that he seemed to have great uneasiness waiting for him

It had been a while since Zhao Deji received Hua Rong's letter

Because it was Hua Rong's autograph, the eunuchs didn't dare to neglect it, and father-in-law Kang personally sent it up Zhao Deji looked at it carefully and saw the two words "ronger" inscribed on it. He only asked xinbing, "is Hua Rongan OK?"

"I haven't recovered, but I can barely walk a few steps."

Zhao Deji stopped talking and said, "father Kang, what do you think of this?"

Although Kang Gonggong was bribed by Qin Hui, he was cunning and had long speculated that Qin Hui had ulterior motives. Otherwise, how could he be so generous? He bowed and said, "Qin Hui is indeed a little suspicious, but it is also human nature for him to deal with the prisoners in the north. His loyalty is evidenced by his willingness to return and not forgetting his own dynasty."

This remark hit Zhao Deji's heart. At that time, many officials, big or small, dropped the gold, but few came back. They said, "my country and country, forgive him for being a little Qin Hui, but he can't be bad. If he is really a spy of the gold man, I can also take the plan and see what the prisoners really want to do."

Hearing his words, Duke Kang knew that he must still trust Qin Hui, so he just stopped talking

Zhao Deji took the letter, read it again, and sighed, "it's not easy for the flower to dissolve so badly and still think about it. Alas, such a woman..."

Kang Gonggong naturally knew what was on his mind, and only said, "Hua Rong is also dying. Now she is seriously injured and in danger, and she has lost her fertility. It's really worse to live than to die. Alas... Fortunately, Yue Pengju doesn't dislike her..."

Although Zhao Deji didn't disclose half a word, he had been secretly jealous of Yue Pengju in his heart. Now that he understood Hua Rong's situation, he couldn't help sighing that he would never be jealous of Yue Pengju again and really died of his mind for Hua Rong An infertile woman, no matter how beautiful, is ultimately a major defect

Because of this, he read this Hua Rong's letter and completely relaxed in his heart. He felt that her friendship was always for the sake of the country Zhao Deji has experienced many escapes, and has long been extremely wary of all personnel. The only one who really trusts is just a melt in a flower

Therefore, although he felt that Hua Rong's letter didn't matter, he still told father-in-law Kang: "you go to the medical officer's office again to find the best Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, and take as much as you have... By the way, there are also a batch of ginseng sent by Korea, and you ask someone to send it to elong town as soon as possible... Alas, as long as rong'er can support it, try to let her support it as long as possible... She's really dying!"

"Yes, I'll do it now."

In winter, the mountains are closed by heavy snow The vast snow country is covered with snow

After a night of wind and snow, Hua Rong pushed the door open, blowing fresh air Little Lu Wenlong was alive and kicking: "Mom, let's go to a snowball fight..."

"OK. But son, you have to learn how to shoot today..."

She smiled, took her son's small hand and walked over. Yue Peng raised his spear and danced in the open space outside, "son, come here, teach you how to be powerful today..."

After these two months, Lu Wenlong had a very close attachment to Hua Rong In the child's intuition, he can best find out whether others treat him well or not. He has to take care of him meticulously, which is different from Tianwei and nanny's care of him. When he is around them, he is always subjected to that kind of cautious and timid atmosphere; But when they were mixed with flowers, Fang felt that the little child was carefree, free, brave, and really carefree, vigorously releasing the child's nature; Moreover, Hua Rong is knowledgeable. He can not only teach him to write, but also often tell him all kinds of interesting stories and all kinds of strange things from south to north

Almost soon, he fell in love with his new mother, but he spent a lot of time on Yue Pengju Yue Pengju was kind, but he always felt powerful without anger. He never dared to scold Yue Pengju like scolding King Qin, nor did he dare to "fight" with him blindly. From the beginning of meeting, he was respectful Later, Yue Pengju taught him how to shoot

Yue Pengju deliberately cultivated the child, so he didn't pamper him. He was a soldier and knew that good seedlings should be watered since childhood. He often told Lu Wenlong "practice three or nine times in winter and three times in summer". Even if he was a child, he never let him spoil it. He couldn't love to practice, but he had to persevere

In this way, Fang is an important way to cultivate personality and perseverance

No one understands the difficulty of surviving in troubled times better than Hua Rong. Both men and women had better have self-defense skills. At least, they must protect themselves before they can protect others Therefore, on this point, she is completely consistent with Yue Pengju's opinion. The child has been lonely and must practice his skills. Otherwise, things will change. Who knows how long he can live under his parents' wings?

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