One Night Bride

Chapter 207

Therefore, little Lu Wenlong typically lives in a combination of strict father and loving mother. Because of this, he began to fear his father and love his mother from the first day he came to his new home

Although he was a child, he gradually learned that his "father" was a famous general of the Song Dynasty. In particular, when he danced his spear, he was really a man in charge of the pass Lu Wenlong is naturally gifted and very interested. The more he studies, the more obsessed he becomes. Little boy, he practices like a model

After practicing for an hour, I was already sweating Yue Peng saw that he was almost ready, so he told him to play

The child lost his imprisonment and immediately entered the happy hour of the day, running towards Hua Rong with a gun He wore a leopard skin jacket, which was sewn by Hua Rong himself. At his feet, he wore small tiger head boots, which were made by a wet nurse. The whole person looked like a face child like a powder ball, with a red face: "Mom, am I good at practicing?"

"Good good! Great."

Hua Rong took his gun, held him in his arms and kissed his little face This gun was made by Yue Peng himself. It's medium in length and not heavy when picked up. It's just right for him Lu Wenlong pounced on her arms and was extremely intimate: "Mom, I'm hungry..."

"Darling, the nurse is ready to bake Sweet Potatoes... We will make a snowman and have a snowball fight after eating..."


He grabbed his mother's hand and ran into the house

Due to the increase of people and the arrival of winter, Yue Pengju and several bodyguards expanded two rooms before the snow, one for bodyguards and one for nursing mothers and Lu Wenlong Yue Pengju and his wife lived on the original earthen Kang

An empty room is piled with thick firewood. This winter is enough. Every day, the Kang is hot; However, all kinds of tigers, leopards and bears that were hunted in winter were treated by bodyguards and made into preserved meat, which was stacked in half a room The fly in the ointment is the lack of vegetables, only a cart of old radishes and sun dried cabbage sent by Zhang Xian

When the snow didn't stop, Yue Pengju didn't go out all day. He sat on the Kang with his wife and children, roasted bacon, occasionally called rabbits, and took sweet potatoes ready for the winter, and buried them in the brazier. Soon, the house was full of fragrance, and Lu Wenlong jumped to call the nurse, and the guards ate together, laughing happily

Such a life soon made the relationship between the three close and really like a family

Lu Wenlong went to the brazier to look for sweet potatoes as usual. He was impatient. He grabbed it and scalded it again. He changed his left hand to his right hand. As soon as he scalded it, he fell to the ground and flattened his mouth

Hua Rong was happy to see him like this: "boy, you have to wrap something so that it won't burn..."

She took a dry leaf next to her and wrapped the sweet potato before handing it to her son: "this will be the case in the future, so it won't be hot."

The child happily held the sweet potato, and it was really not hot Hurriedly said, "we should make a snowman..."

Hua Rong saw that he was obsessed with making a snowman, so she followed him

Yue Peng held aside to do some carpentry work, which was also done for his son. The house of his son and nursing mother was not warm enough, so he tried to add something

When he saw the mother and son go out hand in hand, Hua Rong looked back and smiled, "won't you go?"

"I'll come in a moment."

The child bounced around and quickly pushed up a fat doll according to Hua Rong's instructions But when installing eyes, I don't know what to do

Hua Rong smiled and took out two small black stones to him: "boy, you install it."

The child still installed it, but when he saw the big fat doll as vivid as a real person, he was so happy that he clapped his hands and laughed: "it's good, it's good..."

Yue Pengju came out of the door, saw his son jumping around in front of his wife, and then looked at Hua Rong with a smile on his face He recently found that his wife's spirit is getting better day by day, and she won't be tired even if she can walk outside for a long time

He was happy, and he didn't know whether it was the effect of many Ganoderma lucidum or the effect of tiger bone bear's paw. He just thought that if this continued, maybe his wife would really recover

He strode over and Hua Rong smiled and held his hand. "Look, how nice the children are?"

"Very good."

Lu Wenlong and his father held his mother's hand, cocked his head and said, "Mom, will you have a little brother?"

Hua Rong is very strange. How could this child ask so?

Lu Wenlong still tilted his head and was very serious: "in the past, a mother who wanted to have a little brother didn't like me and wanted to hit me..."

Hua Rong realized that he was talking about Yelv Guanyin She heard from the nurse about the child's later life. It was Yelv Guanyin's ruthlessness that prevented her from taking drugs when she was ill, and she almost died

When she saw her son's young age, she even asked such a question. She felt sad and pitied, and gently hugged him: "son, even if mom can have many children in the future, you are also mom's darling..."

Yue Peng smiled, took his son from his wife's arms, and held it up on his head: "boy, you still think far, ha ha, dad is like mom, even if there are many children in the future, he will treat you as a sweetheart..."

For the first time, Lu Wenlong was so intimate by his father that he threw it in the air and caught it again, as if he were flying in the clouds He didn't know that Dad had this side. He just felt that dad was kind and loving, so he shouted to him: "Dad, Dad..."

The couple were teasing their children, only to hear the sound of horses' hoofs Yue Pengju put down his son and glanced at Hua Rong: who is this?

They live in seclusion here, deserted, and there is no one except Zhang Xian and others who visit regularly The sound of horses' hoofs was close, but two bodyguards came to protect grandpa Kang One man is holding a big box

Kang Gonggong jumped off his horse and said, "my family was ordered by your majesty to bring Ganoderma lucidum and medicinal materials for Mrs. Yue."

The couple hurried to thank them. It was cold, so they invited them into the house and made a brazier

Hua Rong's biggest concern is not how many Ganoderma lucidum the emperor rewarded, but whether it is effective to expose Qin Hui's letter She was anxious, and minister Kang winked, and the two bodyguards retreated into a room outside

Hua Rong hurriedly asked, "senior official Kang, I heard that Qin Hui made the Minister of rites. I also wrote a letter to the official family, but what did the official family say?"

Kang Gonggong only said, "Madam Yue, don't worry. The official family has written it for you."

He took out a royal pen paper sign from his arms, on which there were only a few words:

Ronger, you need to take care of yourself and rest quietly; I take care of the affairs in the court. Don't worry. Your body is the most important thing

Hua Rong completely didn't know the meaning of the letter. Yue Pengju also glanced at it, sighed secretly in his heart, but didn't say anything. He just hugged his wife's shoulder and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this is to cherish your body and ask you to calm down and recuperate. The officials are wise, and naturally have opinions about Qin Hui..."

Kang Gonggong smiled indifferently, picked up the warm wine pot next to him and gulped He took this wine pot with him. Now, with some game brought by the bodyguard, he was very satisfied with it and soon had a bit of alcohol: "you are also worried about it. My emperor seems to be the emperor, and ZTE is hopeless..."

Both of them were surprised

My emperor is like the emperor!

People who don't know won't understand this meaning The so-called Shanghuang refers to the "Song Huizong" who was captured by the Jin people and named as the Duke of faint virtue. He is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but ignores the government. In his more than 20 years in power, he mass produced the list of China's largest traitors: Tong Guan, Cai Jing, Gao Qiu... He is the first culprit in Jingkang's great disaster

However, the ninth Lord has experienced hardships and succeeded to the throne. Although he is not a God, he has been working hard for the restoration of the country and the rejuvenation of the country for a long time. Now, Duke Kang even gave him an evaluation: "my emperor seems to be the emperor!"!

Who else can better understand the temperament of the Emperor than the eunuch who had been in front of the emperor for many years?

Hua Rong's heart sank and she couldn't speak

Yue Pengju was speechless, and father-in-law Kang said drunkenly, "you two are here, and you are happy when you are happy. If you dress and eat, you will be safe and rich all your life..."

Hua Rong was shocked and suddenly remembered the sentence of King Qin, "you two only need to dress and eat"!

In life, only by "dressing and eating" can we end up well?

When he was stunned, he just felt his husband gently pinch his hand She understood, but she heard her son's voice and shouted, "Mom, mom..."

Kang Gonggong heard the child's voice. He was surprised, "Peng Ju, is this child?"

Yue Peng raised a faint smile: "it's our adopted child, the orphan of Lord Lu landing..."

Kang Gonggong was surprised, "is Lu Deng still alive?"

He waved hurriedly, "kid, come in and let your family have a look."

The child saw that he was white and fat and spoke in a shrill voice. He thought it was fun and ran to him, "who are you?"

Father Kang was happy for a moment, and took out a big treasure from his arms: "my child, it's from my family."

Lu Wenlong took it and thought it was fun. He soon became familiar with father-in-law Kang

Kang Gonggong was impatient with the cold here after all, and he had to leave for Beijing after staying for one night The couple escorted him to the door. At this time, father-in-law Kang seemed to completely forget the sentence "my emperor seems to be the emperor" he said after he was half drunk. He just kept saying, "you two have a good life and recuperation. When Mrs. Yue is well, the officials are still looking forward to you serving the country."

If they were choked with a stone in their hearts, they should only say a few words and watch him return to Beijing to resume his life

Under the careful planning of Yelv Guanyin, the son's 100 day Daqing is finally coming

The whole fourth Prince's mansion was mobilized from top to bottom, and the mansion was straightened out to be magnificent. It was even more important to go out and prepare many delicious dishes, including many delicacies of the Jin, Liao and song countries, because the guests included not only almost all the top nobles of the Jin country, but also the generals of the Liao country and the women's families of the generals of the song country Yelv Guanyin wanted to be competitive and vain. After several banquets, she knew that to be the most popular hostess among ladies, she had to do enough work at banquets

Anyway, the fourth Prince's house was rich and had lots of servants, so she took the trouble to ask the chef in the house to prepare all kinds of delicious dishes. She really wanted to have a guest and host. Moreover, she also got the news that the wolf Lord would give his son a great reward that day, so she didn't want to have any negligence

At the same time, Nuzhen dignitaries have heard all over the world that the fourth Prince's wife gave birth to a fat boy ahead of time because she took Millennium Ganoderma lucidum

Although Ganoderma lucidum is not rare in the kingdom of Jin, the "Millennium Ganoderma lucidum" is a holy medicine. Therefore, people not only do not question the "premature birth", but believe that it is the real magic of Ganoderma lucidum Even buluhu, who sent Ganoderma lucidum, secretly regretted it. Knowing this, he gave Ganoderma lucidum to his wife

The storm in the mansion was like a cloud, and Tianwei naturally heard the news. The servants said that it was the song woman whom the fourth Prince loved who was injured. This Ganoderma lucidum was used to protect her life, but Yelv Guanyin took the life-saving Ganoderma lucidum given to the song woman, and the fourth prince was indifferent, which showed that Yelv Guanyin was favored by Cheng Du

Tianwei immediately guessed that it was Hua Rong who was injured. She didn't know how Hua Rong was injured. Although she didn't have deep feelings with Hua Rong, she also wanted to inquire about Lu Wenlong's whereabouts, so she looked for an opportunity to ask the fourth Prince alone But at this time, it is difficult for her to get along with the fourth Prince alone. After thinking about it, she is a woman after all. Without a teacher, she deliberately dressed up a little for several days in a row and occasionally appeared in front of the fourth prince

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