One Night Bride

Chapter 210

At the banquet, Yelv Guanyin, the hostess, stood up first, smiled, held up the wine glass, and said gracefully, "all distinguished guests, the fourth Prince and slaves are very welcome. Please drink this cup..."

She was dressed in gold and jade, noble and elegant. Many of the women who had already been amazed were not so good. Many noble men tutted: "what a beautiful Yelv lady..."

"Guo deserves to be the first beauty of the grassland..."

"Blessed is the fourth Prince..."

The female immortal's concept of etiquette is not strong. Many men didn't praise their wives. Jin Wushu not only didn't get angry, but was happy. Only then did he know how much glory and shock a beautiful wife can bring to men

A charming wife and a young son are the ultimate enjoyment of life

After three rounds of drinking, the housekeeper suddenly came up in a hurry and stuck it to Jin Wushu's ear: "fourth prince, someone sent a gift and asked you to collect it in person..."

"Ah? Who is it? What gift?"

"This..." the housekeeper looked puzzled. At this time, Jin Wushu had been drunk a little. "Do you hesitate? Say quickly... Who is it, please come in?"

The housekeeper's face became more and more ugly. Looking at the guests in the room, he couldn't tell clearly

"Who is it?"

"It's the father of Mrs. Yelv..."

Jin Wushu waved, "Oh, please come in, don't spoil the fun... Anyone who gives gifts is invited in, go and invite in..."

The housekeeper had to leave

This night, the whole fourth Prince's residence was immersed in great joy, and even the guards at the door were also given the wedding wine, one by one drunk

When the cold air exudes the fragrance of rice wine and cheese, a group of people are quietly approaching the door

The head of the old man dressed in Khitan noble clothes, looked flustered, and the bodyguard drunk him: "who is bold to break into the fourth Prince's residence?"

Before the old man opened his mouth, the attendant beside him shouted, "bold slave, don't even recognize the father of Mrs. Yelv?"

The bodyguard hurriedly said, "it was Lord Yelv..."

"Lord Yelv came to see his grandson and sent a large number of gifts. Get out of the way quickly..."

The bodyguard looked, and saw Lord Yelv's entourage carrying a heavy box. One of the entourage opened a jewelry box with an arrogant attitude: "have you ever seen such a gem?"

The guard's eyes flashed, only to see a big gem Naturally, he didn't know whether a gem was good or bad. He just thought that every gem was invaluable He dared not neglect any more, and hurriedly saluted: "Lord Yelv, please hurry..."

Other bodyguards also saluted Lord Yelv drunk

Lord Yelv didn't speak, and the attendant beside him said, "there are too many gifts, please ask the fourth prince to come out and collect..."

"The fourth Prince is having a banquet with guests, so he is not free..."

"There are so many gifts that the fourth Prince has to collect them himself."

The bodyguard looked embarrassed and hurriedly informed the housekeeper The housekeeper heard that Lord Yelv had sent a large number of gifts, and hurried out. Under the light, naturally, he couldn't see the expression on Lord Yelv's face clearly, only to see the real big ruby in the box opened by the attendant The housekeeper is naturally a person who knows the goods. Seeing that his in laws are so generous and that there is something good in that big box, he dares to neglect it and politely invite everyone in immediately Lord Yelv's entourage repeated, "call the fourth Prince out. His lord Taishan is coming. How can he not meet him in person?"

"The villain will report to his wife immediately..."

"No, madam, the fourth prince must come out in person."

Seeing such a heavy box, the housekeeper naturally thought it was all pearl babies. Seeing that Lord Yelv had been silent, he thought he was being slighted and arrogant, so he had to go in and invite Jin Wushu

But at this time, Jin Wushu had almost drunk. Even if Taishan came, he had to let himself in

There are dozens of kinds of wine tonight, some of which are Nuzhen's famous wine Jinyu wine, accompanied by Nuzhen's most popular fat pork plate and honey fried tea, which are the favorites of Jin Wushu, Zonghan and others; One part is the wine of Khitan people with camel chyle and other game; The other part is the most famous Jinbo wine from the Song Dynasty, Puzhong wine from Shanxi Province, precious Styrax wine made from Styrax pills, deer head wine, rose dew wine and Liuxiang wine... These wines are all famous palace wines of the Song Dynasty, and they are also one of the original booties. Cheng Che was brought back from the Song Dynasty

In addition, there is Dongyang wine in the Ming Dynasty. Mutton is added to the ingredients, and the lamb wine tastes very sweet and smooth. Ruilu wine, which is praised by the poets of the Song Dynasty as "making the best of the wine and vibrating the lake", red koji wine with bright red color and lovely color, litchi wine... And the dishes with wine are even more colorful: Dongpo elbow, Dongshan sheep, west lake vinegar fish, and "very green wine in the pavilion and golden chicken on the plate" praised by Li Bai

All the guests were amazed at the great power of Yelv Guanyin. Although there were many captives in Shangjing Song state, and each family had a large number of servants, advocates and even chefs, they thought they could not cook so many special dishes Even Zhao Rou and other Han women were very surprised and had to admit Yelv Guanyin's ability and ability to run a family

A group of Nuzhen noble generals who returned from the Song Dynasty naturally enjoyed these delicacies many times in the song state, but it was the first time to see such a large-scale banquet of the Southern Dynasty in Dajin Although human civilization is different, human taste buds often have something in common, so some delicious food can be popular all over the world These immortal women have to admit that these delicious dishes of the Southern Dynasty are far better than the traditional diet of Nvzhen

Yelv Guanyin was praised and naturally looked happy, but he said, "most of them are the instructions of the fourth prince. Where do you know so much..."

Jin Wushu laughed and hugged his wife proudly, "these are all women's virtue..."

Everyone knew that he liked the scenery of the Southern Dynasty, and they praised the fourth Prince for being knowledgeable

The fine wine and delicacies of the state of song pushed tonight's banquet to a climax. One jar of wine was presented by a brightly dressed girl. She lowered her head and put the wine in front of Zhao Rou, looking very numb Zhao Rou naturally immediately recognized that this was Princess Tianwei

Since the last dinner, she said goodbye in a hurry. Although she asked, Yelv Guanyin not only didn't restrain a little, but today, Tianwei is serving dishes completely as a maid Not even a concubine

Seeing that she was haggard and less charming than the last time they met, they knew how bad her situation was

However, many princesses of the Song Dynasty were still reduced to the "laundry house", and even the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager were trampled by others and could not resist Those who can attend the banquet here are already considered to be the best in the situation and the favorite, but no one dares to covet the status of the wife. There are more than oneortwo sons born. Even if the sons are at home, they are always inferior because of their Han nationality Who dares to really stand up and say a few words? The most typical is Princess Maud. After zongwang died, she fell into the hands of the valley God. Now she has been tortured by his eldest wife, and her fate has long been unknown and her whereabouts are unknown If the first beautiful princess is still like this, what can others do?

Nuzhen imperial power is open-minded. Even if Zhao Rou, who is favored by the wolf Lord, does not dare to intervene rashly to persuade Yelv Guanyin. She can only watch Tianwei retreat, and there is nothing she can do, let alone think she dares to intervene in Yelv Guanyin's housework

Tian Wei didn't say hello to her sisters, just served tea and poured water again and again, and retreated. She didn't feel too sad. When people reach a certain situation, their emotions become very numb, their self-esteem becomes very numb, and even their tears can't flow out. Just like all servants, she doesn't think she is more special than them

This time, the wine jar was placed on the table. When a bunch of princesses of the Song Dynasty saw a few poems engraved on the wine jar, it seemed as if a catalytic thing exploded, and the depressed humiliation in their hearts, no matter how numb, could not help but reveal These poems are the famous wine market ballads of the Song Dynasty, describing the flourishing wine market transactions of the song Empire at that time:

With a smile, I gave you gold and silk,

This year's wine Pearl Buck red

The painted building suddenly faces the official road,

Embroider flags everywhere and boast of good wine

Wuling is young and luxurious,

Who will go back to school after a dozen thousand

Wandering under the golden ridge,

Have you ever seen such a prostitute

I regret that there are 300000 people in Wuyan,

Drunken twelve elements of gold hairpin in vain

The people sat in their seats, but they felt that the delicious food on the table had turned into poison. A princess was about to shed tears. For fear that the husband around him would see angry, he immediately took a fake drink from the glass, bowed his head, and brushed away his tears with his sleeve Look at Yelv Guanyin's gold and jade clothes, which adds to the sorrow of the subjugation of the country and the destruction of the family. They just sit numbly in place, recalling that the rouge and gouache in the imperial palace were as prosperous as a dream in the past Everything is in the past! Everything has been lost! Only father, brother, mother and son are still in a distant foreign country in the cold. There is no news of life or death, and there is no hope of returning to the south And my family can only sit here, laughing and singing with me. I'm so proud of my former glory that I dare not think about it any more

Good wine and delicious food, the male guests were drunk one by one, and the women of Nuzhen and Qidan were good at drinking, and they were all a little drunk Some guests couldn't hold back and went to the thatched cottage one after another. At this time, Zonghan, the leader, ran to the fire and pulled a woman to dance and play at will

Nuzhen Khitan customs are strong and open, and it is common for men and women to joke like this When other men saw Yelv Guanyin's beauty, they naturally teased and played with her Jin Wushu was very complacent when he saw his wife joking with everyone. The more men courted his wife, the more it proved her charm and beauty

Yelv Guanyin was ready. At the command, women from the Three Kingdoms group came up to play with various musical instruments, and well-dressed dancers began to dance and sing. Everyone was in tune and happy together

Jin Wushu sat on the seat, holding a glass of wine, watching the happy ocean in his living room His cup is different from others. It is a real "luminous cup" This is not the spoils of the song state, but from the Royal Palace of the Liao state The origin of the luminous cup is unknown, but its color is exquisite. In the dark, although it is under the light, you can also see that kind of faint pattern, like a dragon swimming in the water

wine is glowing in the luminous jade cups!

Only when you are not on the battlefield can you know that good wine is better

In front of him was a large plate of fat pork and Dongpo's elbows, both of which were his favorites. Previously, he had eaten a whole plate of fat pork, and the other plate of Dongpo's elbows could not cope for the time being, so he was ready to drink again and eat again At the moment, he is chewing a piece of green onions, proudly rotating his glass, and enjoying the most beautiful and enjoyable day of his life


This feeling of happiness is all because of my son!

At this moment, he has forgotten everything, the urgent war, the lofty ideal, the unreachable flower solution, and all the bullets he has experienced. Only his son is drunk

Son Fang is the most important person in the world

This is the truth that all fathers understand

Your own blood is far more important than women

A man often cares for his children all his life, but he can't care for a woman all his life It is easier to be affectionate than infatuated, easier to fall in love for a while than for a lifetime

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