One Night Bride

Chapter 211

His heart was full of love, and he saw the nursing mother holding her son to tease some women The son looked tired, closed his small eyes and fell asleep He took pity on his son. Although he didn't want to disappoint other women's families, he immediately asked someone to order the nurse, and in a moment, he took his son to rest, so as not to tire his son

After finishing his command, he looked at the fire in the middle and saw that Yelv Guanyin was like a peacock in the open screen, gorgeous and colorful, and teased many noble men of Nvzhen With bright eyes, beautiful hair and a plump body, she shuttles in front of a group of slightly emaciated women, showing a particularly outstanding sexy charm

Jin Wushu looked around and saw those restrained beauties of the Song Dynasty. Although they had their own characteristics in appearance, they were too restrained and lacked a charm He was quite proud. When he got the song women, he had only princess Tianwei alone. Usually, these noble men were always proud of having more beautiful women in the song country. They often took them out to dinner, but also followed the beautiful women in the song country to add luster to their faces Jin Wushu found today that her wife's charm and posture are really not inferior to any beauty of the Song Dynasty, because her kind of slightly wild shrewdness and charm makes her outstanding, and she is vaguely worthy of the flower chief and queen tonight

Ganoderma prodigy, the wife of the first beauty - Jin Wushu only felt that he had the best things in the world Just when he was satisfied, Yelv Guanyin returned to his seat and smiled: "fourth prince, why don't you go dancing?"

Jin Wushu saw that there was a slight sweat on her forehead, gently wiped it for her, and sincerely said, "madam, you are very beautiful tonight..." she smiled at Bo Nu: "I am beautiful tonight, and I didn't look good in the past?"

"Haha, my lady is really worthy of the first beauty of the grassland..."

The husband and wife are harmonious, Yan'er teases, and their love is abnormal. Even the other beloved women in the seat can't help admiring. Although their husbands are spoiled, most martial people are vulgar and don't understand anything gentle and considerate; Only the fourth Prince is well-educated and talented, and he is so happy with his wife

At this time, the suckling pig dish, which had begun to be the last one, and the dancing people were also tired. They gradually returned to their positions and began to look forward to this meal

At this time, Jin Wushu said, "madam, my son is also tired. Let him have a rest first..."

Yelv Guanyin also loved his son and whispered, "today, many people come to see their son. How can they hold him and hide him without being teased?"

Before Jin Wushu opened his mouth, he saw the door, and the housekeeper led a group of people in

This gift was brought by Lord Yelv. Naturally, the housekeeper dared not disobey it. Moreover, when he saw such a big gem, he thought that Lord Yelv was giving such a generous gift to his grandson to show his hand in front of everyone

"Fourth prince, Lord Yelv is here..."

Jin Wushu seldom looked at Taishan directly. As a fallen Khitan general, Lord Yelv was no longer ranked No. 1 after the death of the wolf Lord, ending his political career in the kingdom of Jin and counting on his daughter to bring his Dongshan rise Yelv Guanyin was eager to plan for her father, but now the situation in the kingdom of Jin is unclear. Jin Wushu asked her to wait, so she can only let her father wait Therefore, Lord Yelv had been idle for a long time, and did not go to his son-in-law's house much

Jin Wushu returned, but Yelv Guanyin was surprised. How could his father come to the door quietly? She knows the rules of the family. Even if her father wants to come, he will ask someone to inform him?

She shouted "Dad" in surprise. At this time, Ma Su, the "follower" behind Lord Yelv, had looked around when he entered the door. He was proficient in the etiquette and clothing of Nuzhen. At a glance, he looked at the first table guest on the left beside Jin Wushu, and quickly whispered, "that person is buluhu..."

In front of the crowd, a tall Jurchen man was seen. He was really like the wind. He was more sensitive than a leopard and fiercer than a tiger. He rushed to the Prussian tiger in a hurry. Before the Prussian tiger could react, he had been choked

Bulu Hu was tall and strong, and he was also a warrior. However, he was firmly held by the man's throat, and he couldn't move at all As soon as the man stretched out his hand and slashed his neck fiercely, he immediately fell paralyzed, and the bean sized sweat on his face gushed out, so painful that he bared his teeth but couldn't speak

The people were stunned by the accident. Jin Wushu had woken up most of the time and shouted at the man with braided hair and left lapel, "King Qin, is it you?"

King Qin laughed and looked at a group of bodyguards who had rushed up: "get back, all get back to me, otherwise, I will kill this Pu Luhu..."

Everyone's face changed greatly. This is the eldest son of the current wolf owner, and it is likely to be the future wolf owner. Who dares to fight?

Jin Wushu saw that King Qin's eyes were red with blood, and his eyes showed a fierce light. He drank again: "take it..."

King Qin laughed, and with a hard hand, Pru roared like a pig

It was still the voice of King Qin: "fourth prince, do you dare to commit murder regardless of the death or life of the wolf Lord's son?"

Jin Wushu's face was blank. With a wave of his hand, the guards stepped back. He angrily shouted, "King Qin, what are you doing?"

King Qin laughed: "Jin Wushu, I'm kind enough to give you gifts. If you don't invite me to have a drink, is it so fierce? Is this your way of hospitality?"

Although he was laughing, it was hard to see the extreme look on his face Chu Chu's anger at learning that fake Ganoderma lucidum didn't dissipate at all He injured Hua Rong with his wrong hand, which made her seriously injured and miserable. He was counting on the Ganoderma lucidum to atone for her sins However, the hard work, but it is false, but was deceived by Jin Wu Shu Because it is Jin Wushu, the man who has repeatedly said that he likes flowers, he feels unforgivable, as if Jin Wushu is the culprit

In the world, where can there be a second millennium Ganoderma lucidum?

Even if there is, how can she find it in time just when she is alive?

The girl is dying! The girl will die after all!

He didn't know how many lives he had seen in his life, but he had never been so afraid day and night - if he never saw this person again in his life, what's the meaning of living himself?

It turns out that the most terrible thing about death is not to disappear, but not to see it - no matter how much you miss it, you will never see it again!

After learning the news of fake Ganoderma lucidum, he was tortured by this terrible idea almost every moment, almost crazy The girl who wants to die is killed by herself, by herself!

No matter what, I can't save her

As long as I think that the girl is short of time and disabled for life, my hatred for Jin Wushu will deepen. I wish I could strip him alive, and I can't eliminate my hatred

He didn't know how much effort and money he had spent before he sent Lord Yelv and these gifts. He didn't give Jin Wushu a good time. He was really sorry for this beautiful fourth Prince of gold

Both of them spoke in Chinese, and others couldn't understand it, but a group of song women understood it clearly. They looked at the "Nuzhen man" with braided hair and left Lapel in surprise, and immediately understood that this was an authentic Han

However, what kind of Han people can break into the fourth Prince's mansion, so arrogant? What is his identity?

On one side, Ma Su repeated King Qin's words with authentic female truth, for fear that everyone would not understand

When they heard that they came to give gifts, they were even more surprised. Who gave gifts in such a big battle? What gift is this?

As soon as king Qin waved his hand, Ma Su immediately said in female truth, "unpack..."

The two men who carried the box in immediately opened it The guests in front saw clearly that there were piles of green hats inside

Jin Wushu almost jumped up: "King Qin, what are you doing?"

King Qin laughed: "divide the gifts. This is what Lao Tzu gave to you on behalf of the fourth Prince..."

The two men immediately took the green hat and threw it everywhere. Everyone saw that there was a layer of green cloth under the big box, thick, and they didn't know what else was in it

Some guests picked it up curiously and saw that each hat was written in Chinese. Nuzhen and Khitan words were written in three lines, but the language was different and the meaning was exactly the same:

Wushu turtle, Yelv bitch

July is the wedding day, and October is the month of the birth

This is stealing life. Ganoderma lucidum monster was born prematurely

Funny Qidan species, civet cat becomes Prince

The crown prince is happy with his green hat covering his head


This "poem" is neither fish nor fowl, but it is easy to understand. As long as literate people, especially the female relatives of the Gan Song state, come from the great Song Dynasty and understand medical science, they have never believed Yelv Guanyin's nonsense of "giving birth to ganoderma lucidum child at six months". Although there are also children born at six or seven months premature, most of them are congenitally deficient, but Yelv Guanyin, this "Ganoderma lucidum child" is a tiger headed, completely full-term healthy baby, how can it be premature?

But because it's none of their business, they never ask and are more afraid of getting into trouble At this time, when I saw the poem, I immediately knew what the so-called "Ganoderma prodigy" meant The crowd exchanged glances secretly. Even Zhao Rou, who has always been steady and kind, couldn't help but exchange eyes with the sisters next to him and smiled secretly

As long as the literate Khitan people and some Jin people, they immediately saw that this was ridiculing Yelv Guanyin for stealing children

The fourth prince was wearing a big green hat!

Everyone present, Song people and Khitan all know what green hat means, and some Jurchen nobles also know it Especially the Khitan people, their queen Xiao Guanyin, was once suspected of wearing colored hats for the emperor and was executed Xiao Guanyin was both talented and beautiful. She was the queen of Yelv Hongji, the emperor of the Liao state. She was very popular, but later came to her thirties. Before she was old, she was not old. The emperor liked the new and hated the old. Under her loneliness, she sang intimately with Zhao Weiyi, the actor who was good at playing the pipa Later, someone falsely accused her of having an affair with Zhao Weiyi, thinking that Yelv Hongji, who was wearing a green hat, could not help saying that he would punish her for the crime of a red apricot coming out of the wall, and put her to death. Even her son, who had been made crown prince, could not escape this disaster, was put to death Afterwards, although it was proved that she was framed, her death and reputation were ruined. No matter how powerful Yelv Hongji was, it was useless

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