One Night Bride

Chapter 213

But money can make the devil push the mill. King Qin paid a high price. The boss didn't care how happy he was in his own house. He only tried his best to make a few green fireworks for him

At that time, the fireworks technology of the state of song was also very clever. They used the invented gunpowder to make artillery battles and so on. The fireworks took off, and the beautiful patterns were unprecedented to these foreigners

However, when they saw the beauty in front of them, it turned out to be a green turtle pattern It was so huge that it almost covered the night sky of the whole kingdom of gold, deafening

As the fireworks lifted off and the line of sight shifted, I saw a huge banner hanging on the door of the fourth Prince's mansion, with a green background. On it, written in huge bronzed black words, were the poems that people had seen on those green hats, with only five words:

Wushu tortoise

In such a chaotic scene, many people were also amused by the huge turtle painted in a mess on the green set. The turtle held his head high and was very vivid. I don't know who laughed first, and everyone couldn't help laughing anymore... Song, Jin, liao... All the guests laughed back and forth

Some soldiers couldn't help laughing. With this smile, the momentum was even greater. In the night sky, there was only earth shaking laughter

When they found something wrong, Fang saw that the back garden of the fourth Prince's mansion suddenly burned with flames, and only heard a burst of horse neighing, a scream of Pru tiger. Between the thunder, King Qin and others had rushed to the galloping horse, hit the horse and ran away

"Chase, chase..."

Jin Wushu shouted loudly: "kill! Shoot to kill, and no one will stay alive! The left army chases the East, the right army intercepts the west, the middle army extinguishes the fire, chases... No one will stay alive..."

Great anger brought great soberness, and Jin Wushu immediately ordered him to go down in an orderly manner, take the lead, and chase out. If you want to kill King Qin, you must kill him!

It seems that only by taking off his head immediately can we wash away today's humiliation

Only kill King Qin

The guards, who were also attracted by the fireworks, woke up like a dream, and then caught up with them, but it was useless to bow and shoot arrows, because there were too many guests gathered outside the door. Some witty guests didn't want to say goodbye to the host under this situation, so they quietly took the opportunity to leave. The guards were afraid of random arrows hurting people. These people, hurting any one, they couldn't afford to offend, so they didn't dare to shoot arrows at close range. When they chased out a distance, King Qin and others had run a long way

Jin Wushu chased ahead, and the arrow in his hand was launched out in chaos in the dark night. A flame in his chest had cracked a big hole, like a fireball, as if to burn the White Mountains and black waters

This is a heavy snow at the end of winter. After this snow, maybe spring will come

Because of this, the heavy snow is raging and blowing like goose feathers, which will cover people's heads and faces, their hearts and bodies, without any mercy

His hand holding the arrow was cold, but his vest was hot, so cold and hot, as if he was suffering from the greatest torture in the world. He was only bent on catching up, catching up, until he killed King Qin

However, how can King Qin be so easy to chase?

King Qin finally got angry He schemed and exhausted all means, just to give Jin Wushu a big blow, in retaliation for his abominable deception. Now as soon as he escaped, he knew that it was impossible to find Ganoderma lucidum on the border of Jin. At least not for now, Jin Wushu would not hesitate to send soldiers to chase him

Ma Su said, "Your Majesty, shall we follow the original route?"

"No, make a detour back to the border of song immediately."


The crowd jumped out of the woods and suddenly heard the sound of horses' hoofs in front of them. King Qin thought it was a pursuit, but the sound of horses' hoofs was messy and single. He shouted, "who is it?"

He said this in Chinese, and a frightened female voice came out of the woods: "it's a slave..."

King Qin and others heard a woman's voice, also speaking Chinese, and immediately understood that it was a woman who had escaped from the kingdom of Jin They caught up, and the woman had reined in her horse. Ma Su lit a torch and saw a woman in tight clothes riding on the horse in fear, her body shaky

"Girl, who are you?"

"The slave is Princess Tianwei of the Song Dynasty. Today, taking advantage of the chaos in the fourth Prince's residence, she absconded, hoping to return to the Song Dynasty..."

Ma Su glanced at King Qin. King Qin immediately nodded, "go..."

When Tianwei saw that King Qin promised to go with her, she was relieved. Ma Su opened the way. As soon as she hit a horse, she followed the people and went to the border of the Song Dynasty

Behind him, the pursuers were getting closer and closer. It was the long hiss of Wu Zhui's horse

King Qin frowned, "this big turtle is still chasing after him. It's really hateful."

He reined in his horse and accelerated. Behind him, arrows rained He waved a knife to sweep down the secret arrow, and Tianwei calmed down at this time She was humiliated in the fourth Prince's mansion. She had never thought of running away before. Later, when she saw Hua Rong leave and Lu Wenlong and his nurse leave, she finally had the idea of running away Tonight, she served with a group of servants. Seeing the beginning of the "green hat" incident, she immediately realized that the opportunity had come. She immediately went out quietly, took the only silver she had saved to buy a bodyguard, and said she would lead the fourth Prince's horse and take the opportunity to abscond

Now, the fourth prince came after him, knowing that there were many dangers and good luck, but seeing this group of strange song people desperately resisting, she immediately insisted and ran for her life

While running away, the wind sounded in her ears, and her back hurt. She stretched out her hand and touched it. Her hand was warm and wet, and she inserted a sharp arrow obliquely in her waist

Ma Su asked in the dark, "Princess Tianwei..."

Her voice was very hoarse: "run away, the slave can still hold on..."

At this time, people naturally had no time to take care of her. King Qin shouted, "Ma Su, you go, Lao Tzu's back..."


Ma Su and others fought and left. King Qin also took out his bow and arrow and fought desperately For a while, there was only black at night, and the ink was black all night. Then, the heavy snow soon drowned all the black arrows. All around, there was silence, and only the horse's mourning echoed far and far in the White Mountains and black waters

At this time, it is the darkest time before dawn After this period, it will be dawn soon, and the guests of the fourth Prince's mansion have already dispersed cleanly

Jin Wushu dismounted, stood at the door, and trampled on the banner of "Wushu turtle" pulled down by the guards on the snow with his feet. He breathed desperately in his mouth, like a beast in despair. His mouth opened and closed, and he couldn't shout, scold, or even cry

When he trampled for a long time, the tortoise still held his head up and looked at him with a face of challenge He suddenly bent down, pulled up the banner and tore vigorously, only to hear the sound of the broken cloth "Shua, Shua... Shua..."

Broken, broken!

Tear everything in the world to pieces!

I just want to destroy the world immediately!!

He is so happy these days that he is immersed in the joy of his beautiful wife and son. Did he ever think that he would be wearing a green hat? Have you ever thought of "son" -- it's someone else's son?

What premature birth, what Lingzhi prodigy, are all nonsense. It's ridiculous that one's hero was cheated by a woman. Today, such a huge humiliation broke out

The pride you think is the greatest humiliation in the world

Wu Qimai, Han Chang and others who rushed up didn't dare to step forward at all. They were usually his most trusted generals, but at this time, they couldn't comfort him at all

No man, after suffering such humiliation, expects comfort from a man

They dare not say anything to comfort him at such a time

So the crowd just stopped at a distance. Then, for a while, Han Chang came forward, grabbed a pile of broken steps at the foot of the fourth prince, and threw them all into the fire in front of him

Cloth and silk lit up a green flame in the fire, which immediately sent out a scorching smell, but soon turned into ashes in the raging fire

Even the green turtle, full of sarcasm, completely turned to ashes

At this time, Jin Wushu wailed and roared, slapped heavily, and almost knocked over the brazier: "King Qin, this prince will not kill you in this life, swear not to be human!"

From sea to land, I didn't expect to be defeated by any decent enemy general in my life, but by this unscrupulous pirate

Even if the two countries fight, even if they fight with Yue Pengju, Wu Peng and other famous generals, it is the confrontation between the two armies, rather than personal gratitude and resentment. It is a real knife and a gun, one by one. Winning is a hero, losing is also a hero

Only king Qin, the pirate of the evil spirit

As long as he is a man, he can't do this mean means, but he not only did it, but also did it happily and indifferent!

Just because of a Ganoderma lucidum!

Just because he didn't blackmail his Millennium Ganoderma lucidum

Not only was his son robbed, but he also completely deprived of his life's face, honor, and a man's dignity

Villain, the first-class villain in the world



Jin Wushu's eyes seemed to bleed, and his body was crumbling. Wu Qimai and others came forward to help him, but he waved his hand and howled hysterically, "get out, get out... You all get out... Whoever dares to take another step forward will kill you..."

The crowd stood where they were, and dared not take another step. They watched helplessly as the fourth Prince stumbled back to the hall

The room was so clean that only the huge brazier in the middle was burning lonely, shining brightly on the scattered green hats on the ground and the leftovers on the banquet tables that had not been removed

Yelv Guanyin lay on the ground, almost in a semi coma, greatly frightened, even though she was smart and strong, she was paralyzed on the ground

Her father, Lord Yelv, was still standing where he was, motionless He was given a dumb medicine by King Qin and asked him to go to a corner for an antidote three days later. He couldn't open it at all. Although he was anxious, he could only tell what to do, and he couldn't express it at all

Yelv Guanyin shouted "Dad, Dad..." finally found it useless, and hated him for bringing King Qin, prostrate on the ground, crying: "hurt me, Dad, why did you bring someone to hurt me?"

Lord Yelv was speechless, and the lives of the whole family were threatened by King Qin. What else could he do?

The Khitan soldier stood by her and kept calling anxiously, "ling'er... Ling'er..."

She reluctantly opened her eyes: "you go... Go... You hurt me..."

"No, linger, I don't know. I was also caught..."

"Go away, why don't you die... You're dying, you're going to kill me and your son..."

Her eyes suddenly widened, her face was frightened, and her lips trembled: "the fourth Prince... The fourth Prince..."

Khitan soldiers also hurriedly stood up and looked in horror at the staggering Jin Wushu and the bright knife in his hand

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