One Night Bride

Chapter 214

The Khitan soldiers retreated step by step, and Yelv Guanyin also desperately stood up, "the fourth Prince... Spare my life... The slave is innocent... Don't listen to the rumors... Harm me, that Nanman bitch harm me... Yes, yes, it's the flower dissolving harm me. She hated that she didn't get Ganoderma lucidum, so she called the adulterer King Qin to harm me..."

The word "adulterer" was introduced into the eardrum of Jin Wushu, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day

The Khitan soldier knew something bad, and he retreated step by step, straight to the wall. There was no way out. He was frightened and said, "yes, yes, it was Nanman who framed me. Nanman caught me... Caught me..."

Jin Wushu saw his down and out face, his lips opened and closed, and every word made it worse, stabbing the humiliation in his bones

"Fourth prince, you should be calm. This is designed by others... It's a trick of Nanman. Can't you see... Fourth prince, it's Hua Rong, it's Hua Rong. King Qin is completely revenge for her. He's revenge on you. Fourth Prince... For the sake of Nu's past service to you... Fourth Prince..."

The Khitan soldier was almost paralyzed with fear: "the fourth Prince..."

His broadsword was almost like the wind, and he cut it down with one blow


With a scream, the newly painted white wall was dyed red by a large splash of blood, and the Khitan soldier's head softened. Then, he flew to the ground, opened his angry eyes, and only the body was still leaning against the wall, with blood gurgling out of his neck

Yelv Guanyin almost fainted, and only hissed: "bitch... It's Hua Rong who hurt me... Fourth prince, please spare your life... Fourth Prince..."

She knelt on the ground, disheveled, tears streaming down her face

Jin Wushu glared at her fiercely, as if looking at a devil

Suddenly, there was a cry of a child, which was made by the poor "Ganoderma prodigy" kinsery He was strong, with long arms and legs, crying loudly, as if he was worried about his fate The nurse's hands trembled and she could hardly hold them

Jin Wushu took a step forward and looked at the child mercilessly. Since he was born, he has been holding, loving and teasing the child every day, his "blood and blood", and even the painstaking efforts he has made on him have more joy than those from Lu Wenlong


What a ridiculous irony and mockery

Yelv Guanyin saw Jin Wushu's eyes looking at his son, blood red, and suddenly trembled all over

She knelt and crawled forward, and hugged Jin Wushu's leg: "fourth prince, slave thousands of mistakes, belly bones and flesh are always yours... Please calm down... Fourth prince, slave please..."

That's absolutely true. Jin Wushu knows this no matter how careless he is. These days, Yelv Guanyin is with him night and night

He stared at Yelv Guanyin's miserable face. Not long ago, Fang was so dignified and elegant, and her appearance was Wanfang. At this moment, how could she be so ugly, like a witch?

He burst into laughter

Yelv Guanyin was scared out of his wits by his horrible laughter

Her hand could not help but loosen, and the bright knife shook in front of her eyes. She glanced at her son, and fainted when her eyes were dark

The nursing mother had already been paralyzed by fear. As soon as she knelt down, the child almost fell to the ground, but stopped crying. She opened her special deep black eyes of Qidan blood, looked at "father" curiously, stretched out her small hand and waved it for a few times, and made an unknown sound of "hum hum hum" in her mouth

The two maidservants who were scared out of their wits also knelt down together, sobbing: "the fourth prince, spare your life..."

Jin Wushu looked at a pool of black blood flowing from under Yelv Guanyin, threw down the knife in his hand, and with a "Dang" sound, almost hit a hole on the ground

He turned around and went out. The maids quickly picked up Yelv Guanyin and shouted miserably, "madam, madam..."

It was an extremely cold day, with heavy snow all day long. Even the golden man, it was difficult to see such a large snowflake, which almost completely covered the whole world

Because it was too cold, everyone could not leave the house, and even the "green hat" incident of the fourth prince could only be circulated in a small range

Yelv Guanyin was pulled away by carriage that afternoon After miscarriage, she was weak. After lying down for a while, she got on the carriage and went to the fourth Prince's mansion in Yanjing

Before leaving, she had been awake for a few minutes. The nurse held her son and said, "go to the carriage and wait."

The nursing mother was ordered to step down. She was supported by maids a Zhu and a Hua and walked slowly to the fourth Prince's bedroom She was served by a plain Khitan woman. Her face was pale and haggard. Compared with her former grace, she showed a delicate and pitiful appearance that had never been seen before

Jin Wushu lay drunk on the bed, with empty wine jars thrown around. The filth in the room was almost smothering to death. Several maids stood with their hands down, and no one dared to speak

Yelv Guanyin knelt down and said in a sad voice, "the sinner's wife has borne the love of the fourth prince. This time, she goes to Yanjing, fasts and chants Buddhism all her life, and prays for peace for the fourth prince. The sinner's wife only wants to live in the next life, make grass and armature rings, be a slave and a maid, and then repay the friendship of the fourth Prince..."

After saying these words, she saw that Jin Wushu was still with his eyes closed, drunk and didn't know everything, so she got up slowly and walked out

The ladies of the fourth Prince's residence kept whispering and pointing in the corridor, watching the first lady who had been famous for a while leave

The hostess's seat of the fourth Prince's residence is vacant again It's really a whirlwind. I'll come to our house next year

Yelv Guanyin's face was very calm, because he knew that these enemies were watching his jokes, so he didn't cry at all It's just a mink fur on the tight fitting

Outside the door, the carriage waited

This carriage is still an old thing that she came to Beijing when she was pregnant. It is exclusive to her and still maintains that comfortable and luxurious style The curtain of the carriage door was tightly closed, blocking the wind and snow outside. Beside it, there was a small stove for charcoal fire, which was as warm as spring

However, in retrospect, the scenery was infinite. Now when I left, I was so desolate and humiliated that I couldn't help crying. I didn't know whether I would have a chance to return to this mansion that once brought me infinite glory in my lifetime

The rumble of the carriage sounded, Shangjing was farther and farther away, and Yanjing was closer and closer Next to her, her son was asleep and close to her, but the "flesh and blood" of the fourth prince had already flowed away. She thought that the fourth prince would not be rare

Hate pervades the eyes and heart

Hate King Qin, hate flower dissolve

It's all this damn bitch. If it weren't for her revenge, how could she be today?

From high heaven to humiliating hell, all thanks to her

Just when Yelv Guanyin hated Hua Rong, Hua Rong was roasting peanuts with her son on the Kang at home This is a gift that Zhang Xian brought to the child. Lu Wenlong was very happy with this rare thing. He threw it into the fire with a shell, "Chi", which made a crisp sound in a moment, and then a strong aroma

He peeled it as his mother taught him, but instead of eating it first, he took one to his mother: "Mom, you eat."

Hua Rong happily patted his small face and fed the peanuts to his mouth: "son, mom, all the best things should be given to you first."

These days, she and Yue Pengju have been getting along with their children day and night. As time passes, they have unconsciously cultivated strong family feelings for months

Yue Peng held his gun to one side, listened to the laughter of his mother and son, raised his head, looked at his wife, and found that although she was smiling all day, her body had not completely improved, and her face would turn purple if she was a little tired

He said to himself, "there's no tiger bone, and there's almost no soup to make. I'll go out and have a look today..."

Hua Rong sideways looked at him, smiled and said, "it's snowy today, and the beast is hungry. It's more ferocious and difficult to deal with. Let's wait for the weather to get better..."

It's spring, and there is continuous heavy snow. It's estimated that after a while, spring will really come Since she lived here, Yue Pengju hunted and hoarded. She never broke tiger bones and bear paws to make soup. She suspected that the beasts in the nearby forest had already been wiped out by Yue Pengju. Therefore, every time, Yue Peng went out for longer and longer

Yue Peng shook his head, "no, if you don't go out again, you will run out of food..."

"Hehe, Pengju, and Ganoderma lucidum."

Her voice was gentle, her eyes were firm, and she stretched out her hand to hold his hand: "Peng Ju, what kind of snowy day, our family should be together. It's so dangerous for you to go out in the snow. I'm worried about you. Even if you don't feel at ease after drinking soup, where is the effect?"

Yue Peng Ju saw his wife's obstruction. He never wanted to disobey her, so he went to sort out some Ganoderma lucidum and came out. He found that there were three tiger bones that could cope with it for twoorthree days, so he promised to go out in another twoorthree days

He put down his long gun, walked over, sat on the Kang next to his wife and children, took out a piece of dried bacon and game and roasted it on the fire. The child couldn't bear it, and ran down: "I'm going out to play..." he had already become very familiar with the bodyguard, and was tired of playing with his parents, so he went to play with the bodyguard

There were only two people left in the room. Yue Pengju looked at his wife's soft cheeks and was reflected in a gorgeous blush by the fire Hua Rong saw him staring at himself and said angrily, "what are you looking at?"

He suddenly laughed, "we haven't been alone like this for a long time." He lowered his voice: "that little guy who is in the way depends on you every day. He is more favored than me. I can't stand it..."

Hua Rong spat him gently His heart surged as he grabbed his wife's shoulder He was vigorous, young and enthusiastic. Hua Rong listened to his heart beating, and his breathing became faster and faster. Looking at the closed door, he blushed and whispered, "I'm much better these days, and I should be able..."

Yue Peng smiled and kissed her deeply on her lips. "You will get better. The future is long. We still have many days in the future."

Hua Rong leaned against his chest, his eyes moist, a man, so for a long time to guard his disabled wife, without complaint or regret, how lucky is he?

She was almost talking nonsense: "Peng Ju, I will get better, I will get better, and I will have many children for you..."

He was full of joy, which exceeded his desires and desires for her. As long as she was refreshed, he would always have unlimited hope

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