One Night Bride

Chapter 215

When they were in love, they heard the child outside shouting loudly, "Mom, mom... Mom..."

Yue Pengju thought he was calling Hua Rong, and he laughed, "little guy misses you..."

When he went out to open the door, he found two uninvited guests standing on the snow A woman who had just jumped off the horse rushed forward and hugged Lu Wenlong, crying with joy. The nurse beside her also wept with her

Hua Rong also came out of the Kang. Seeing Ma Su and Tian Wei, she was surprised and happy: "Why are you here?"

Tian Wei's face was pale: "Mrs. Yue, I escaped... I'm going back to the capital..."

"That's great."

Tianwei was able to escape. Did king Qin help? But where is king Qin waiting? She looked around and saw that there was no one but masu

Her eyes turned to Ma Su, who only handed over a box: "Mrs. Yue, this is Ganoderma lucidum collected by her family all the way." Then, looking at the flower, she dissolved her doubts and said, "Mrs. Yue, the villain passed by temporarily and happened to meet princess Tianwei."

How can there be such a coincidence?

Hua Rong naturally didn't believe it, but Ma Su didn't say it. He must have been ordered by King Qin Hua Rong couldn't force him. Then he realized that King Qin must be nearby and didn't go far

King Qin did not go far After escaping with Tian Wei and others, he promised to send Tian Wei to meet Lu Wenlong, and handed her over to the local magistrate, who escorted her back to Beijing

To find local officials, it is natural for Yue Peng to raise her, so let Ma Su bring her

Hua Rong greeted the people to sit on the hot Kang, and the nurse had already brought hot tea for Tianwei, took out game, and let the people eat a lot Tianwei fled for a long time. Now she is finally in a safe and warm environment. It's like a dream Although she and Hua Rong had no deep friendship, she was kind when she met her at the moment. She just looked at her, speechless and choking, as if she were an old friend

She ate something and hugged the child. She couldn't help crying again The child kept wiping her tears with his little hands: "Mom, don't cry, mom, don't cry..."

Hua Rong and others were also moved

The only princess of the Song Dynasty escaped and returned. Naturally, everyone regarded it as a top priority. Yue Pengju immediately called the bodyguard to elong town to invite Zhang Xian and Yu Peng

In the evening of the same day, the two men rushed to the palace. After the ceremony, Yu Peng said, "I'm going to be an official of Yu Peng, and I'm willing to lead a hundred horses to escort the princess back to Beijing."

"Well, thank you." Tianwei was excited: "I'm going to see brother nine..."

Hua Rong saw that she had experienced hardships and said softly, "the officials will be very surprised..."

Everyone was sad again, and Tianwei left early the next morning and went on his way She got on the horse, looked back at the child reluctantly, and then hit the horse and left

Walking to the fork of the road in front, masulet bowed, "princess, I'm leaving..."

Tianwei was rescued by King Qin and Ma Su, and King Qin also gave up. He didn't say a word to her along the way, but Ma Su was extremely concerned about her, especially her waist injury. Ma Su found it, took good care of it, put medicine on it, and served tea and water If it weren't for Ma Su, even if she could escape, she would die halfway Along the way, she had deep gratitude and feelings for the pirates who met each other In particular, Ma Su not only served her injury, but also told her about the domestic situation of the state of song. He came from a scholarly family, spoke politely and had a wide range of knowledge. If there was not a fierce and rough King Qin, it would be difficult for Tianwei to associate him with "pirates"

Now the separation is imminent, but a girl can't say something At this time, a thick cloth belt was wrapped around her waist, which was wrapped by Ma Su himself. For this reason, he even saw her "jade body" Seeing that Ma Su was about to leave, she was sad and melancholy, and only said in a low voice, "will you go to the capital in the future?"

Ma Su is also the first time in her life to serve a woman like this, and she is the golden branches and jade leaves of the Song Dynasty. Although she met at the time of poverty and decline, she also felt that this woman was gentle and kind, and did not have the conceited pride and superiority of the princess

Seeing Tianwei's eyes, he was a little flustered, but after all, he was a pirate, and he didn't dare to dream of climbing the princess. He just bowed flustered again: "take care of the princess. The villain will go to the capital if he has a chance."

Tian Wei sighed. If such a person is in peace and prosperity, he may also be the number one scholar. Now? When his family ran for their lives and came back, others did not dare to expect anything. They had to say goodbye to Ma Su with tears in their eyes, and under the escort of everyone, they went to the capital

After her back completely disappeared, Ma Su woke up and slowly beat his horse. Walking in the ice and snow, he felt a little melancholy in his heart

Hua Rong and others watched Tian Wei and Ma Su leave and looked around. There was no trace of King Qin in the snow covered world

Ma Su didn't say, but king Qin must be here, and it's near here

However, he did not show up

Why does he stay here so long? Why not go back to his island?

Naturally, she didn't know there were other reasons. She just thought, what's the fun of this crazy man hiding in this border all the time?

She stood for a moment, listening to the north wind blowing in her ears, and then her husband's gentle voice: "go in, it's too cold..."

"Mom..." Lu Wenlong cocked his head, "that mom... Oh, no, it's aunt... Will she still come to see me?"

The child had to be instructed by Hua Rong not to call Tianwei "mother" anymore because she didn't want to expose the news that she had served as a concubine for the fourth prince in front of others Tianwei's return to the Song Dynasty is the most humiliating experience. Moreover, she will naturally marry and have children in the future. Why make this public?

Seeing her son's earnest questioning, she just shook her head Since then, in the deep palace courtyard, Tianwei is a princess. How can she easily travel to the folk again?

Just, can her ninth brother, now the official family, treat her kindly?

Unable to answer her son, she pulled him and her husband back into the house

When the door was completely closed, King Qin quietly came out from under an ancient tree covered with snow, and slowly, his steps were very heavy He strictly ordered Ma Su and others not to tell Hua Rong about playing with Jin Wushu, let alone expose the fake Ganoderma lucidum After taking Ganoderma lucidum, the flower will definitely believe its efficacy People's will is often better than a panacea. If they know it is false, won't they immediately break this confidence?

King Qin wears a black fur fur, which is in stark contrast to the ice and snow world He stood there for a long time, letting the wind and snow fall all over his head, completely turning himself into a "white man"

I dare not go to see the girl

I dare not even see her once

It's not that she said "don't come to me in the future", but because her approaching death was brought to her by herself and brewed by herself

In those days, I threatened to kill her every day on the island. Now, it has finally come true

His chest was aching, and every step he took, his heart tugged, just thinking, how can she really survive and live a long life?

Days of heavy snow finally stopped, and the weather cleared up completely

The fourth Prince's residence has long been deserted in front of the door, and there are few cars and horses, and the grand occasion of gathering guests when Yelv Guanyin was there no longer Jin Wushu excuses illness, and is either sleepy or drunk all day at home. He rarely wakes up After Pu Luhu returned, the wolf owner already knew what had happened, and did not call him, but let him rest and calm down

Many concubines in the house had hoped to bring down Yelv Guanyin, and they had a chance. Unexpectedly, in this half month, the fourth Prince not only did not call any concubines, but also some who took the initiative to flatter and flatter were driven out

There were several concubines, all dressed up very enchanting, who went in the name of persuading wine, but came out disheartened. After repeating this several times, no one dared to ask for trouble anymore

Everyone secretly suspected that the fourth prince had experienced this major blow and had no intention of dealing with men and women anymore? However, it doesn't look like it How could he be so strong?

Everyone was angry, and even hated Yelv Guanyin. If it weren't for this woman, how could the fourth Prince be so? Aren't their families only able to live alone for a lifetime?

For half a month, Jin Wushu suddenly got up from the Kang and went to court wearing heavy armor

Seeing him like this, everyone was surprised, and the wolf owner was also surprised. He only asked, "Wu Shu, what are you doing?"

"The prince asked himself to lead the army to the state of song."

These days, there was no war in song and Jin Dynasties for the time being. Because the song army relied on the natural danger of the Yangtze River and the water war, the Jin army repeatedly retreated in vain, so it temporarily stopped its troops

Seeing that the people were embarrassed, Jin Wushu took his time: "now the most intense competition between song and Jin is the land of Lianghe. In my opinion, I might as well return the land of Lianghe..."

Zong Han laughed, "Wu Shu, you are confused. How many big jin'er Lang did you lose to get these lands? How can you return them to Nanman?"

Jin Wushu ignored him, Only say to the wolf owner: "Da Jin Qiang is fighting in the horse war, and the crutch horse battle charge of the Da Bing regiment is victorious. But once we go deep into the hinterland and fall into the rugged mountain road of the song state, we always get half the result with half the effort. It's worth considering that the two rivers are plains, and Nanman takes this place very important. If we return it, they will definitely send heavy troops to guard it. In this way, the crutch horse charge of the plains is most suitable for the battle array and tactics of Da Jin. We might as well concentrate our superior forces and annihilate the main force of the song Army..."

The wolf Lord nodded hurriedly and said yes. Even Zonghan couldn't help but secretly admire him for his rationality. It was really a decisive word, which solved the frustration problem that had plagued the generals for a long time

Jin Wushu continued: "now, the attack on song has been in a disadvantageous state, that is, Da Jin's troops have fallen into the tidal wetlands or rugged mountain forest areas in the south of the Song Dynasty. After long consideration, Zhao Deji has sent envoys for peace talks many times. We might as well take out the land of two rivers as bait. When trapping the army of Song Dynasty, we should prepare with both hands and change the attack route..."

After a pause, Zonghan hurriedly asked, "how to change?"

He took out a very rough map: "starting from Baoji, Shaanxi Province, the central Shaanxi plain has always been the hinterland of the Southern Dynasty, an important place for the accumulation and distribution of Royal Qi and the supply of food, grass, army and horses. As long as you take this place, it's nothing to destroy the Song Dynasty..."

At this time, even Zong Han admired Jin Wushu. He was always arrogant, but at this moment, he couldn't help shouting, "the fourth Prince is a good idea."

The wolf Lord asked, "to trap the song army in Lianghe and negotiate, our abduction horse of the great Jin State and some demobilized generals of the song state are competent. Who should be sent to capture Guanzhong?"

Zong Han said, "the Sichuan Shaanxi area is guarded by Wu Xuan, a famous general of the Song Dynasty. This person has always been famous. Moreover, the terrain there, where one man is in charge of the pass, ten thousand men cannot leave, I'm afraid it's not easy..."

The wolf owner looked around and saw that all the princes refused to go out. He looked at Jin Wushu and saw that Jin Wushu didn't care and said, "if so, go out on your own. Anyway, it's also your own suggestion."

Everyone was delighted to see that Jin Wushu voluntarily agreed to gnaw on this hard bone

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