One Night Bride

Chapter 216

After the discussion, the crowd dispersed. The wolf Lord called Zhujin Wushu. Seeing that he was haggard, he looked like a different person these days Naturally, he knew Jin Wushu's frustration in family matters. However, after the incident, he strictly ordered everyone to say that it was Nanman's revenge to sow discord in order to maintain the reputation of the fourth prince Anyway, the Khitan soldier is dead without proof, and the immortal doesn't care too much about such things

The wolf owner had to comfort him: "Nanman is cunning, and the fourth Prince doesn't have to be fooled by them."

Jin Wushu said faintly, "I care about it."

"This southern expedition is difficult for Wu Peng to deal with. Moreover, it will take a long time to fight. Don't be in a hurry for a while."

"If you take care of it, starting early is just to prepare for the war and build a fortress first, and you don't dare to win overnight."

"The fourth Prince is thoughtful, so good."

He rode back to the fourth Prince's mansion. At this time, just in the afternoon, after the heavy snow, the weather cleared up, and the sun shone on the snow on the roadside at a glance, emitting some colorful light

Jin Wushu looked at his lonely door and didn't know what it was like After a period of drunken dream, he is no longer willing to stay here. The only way out is to go to the battlefield, immediately go to the battlefield, kill all his defeated opponents, and kill King Qin! Only victory, big victory, can let oneself such a bad mood be slightly relieved

Several concubines, all dressed up, waited at the door Today, they finally saw the fourth Prince cheer up and go to court. Although they were neither fish nor fowl, they were also happy. Only when the fourth Prince cheer up, they will have the chance to sleep and get pregnant. When a Yelv Guanyin falls down, naturally other Zhang Wang and Li Guanyin stand up

As soon as Jin Wushu dismounted, two concubines immediately came to help him: "fourth prince, you are back..."

"I prepared your favorite pork plate tonight..."

He suddenly remembered something and asked, "where's Tianwei?"

Everyone was stunned

On the night of the incident, Tian Wei took advantage of the chaos and ran away, not knowing whether she was dead or alive Jin Wushu was drunk for half a month, and he didn't know that there was a person missing in the mansion

The housekeeper came up and carefully said, "fourth prince, Tianwei ran away and her whereabouts are unknown... The old slave once reported to you..."

In fact, the old housekeeper told him about it twice, but every time he was half asleep and didn't know it at all Afraid of his anger, he shook his head and said faintly, "run away."

For Tian Wei, he never had any feelings from beginning to end. He was just a concubine. Even the princess of Song Kingdom ran away, and there was no sadness or sadness at all

He only said to the housekeeper, "dress up immediately and lead the team out in three days."

The housekeeper immediately took orders

Three days later, Jin Wushu set out on time

When the army reached the border, it was in front of elong town at the junction of song and Jin Dynasties His army did not pass here, but took a detour He stopped suddenly

At this time, I clearly remembered Hua Rong and the exotic woman who was likely to die here because of taking fake Ganoderma lucidum

It was the first time in a long time that he thought of her

In those confused days that just passed, he didn't think of anything and didn't read anything. He only dreamed of living and dying, and felt that life was like an absurd irony

I didn't know what it was like in my heart, so I stopped my horse and turned to Wu Qimai: "go quickly and find me all the witch doctors around here. Then, inquire about the whereabouts of dragon boy..."

"Fourth prince, what do you want a witch doctor to do? You also have a witch doctor in your army..."

"Don't ask, just ask."


Wu Qimai took orders and left. One day later, three witch doctors with a radius of 200 miles gathered in the only Inn in the town on the way

Jin Wushu had changed his casual clothes at this time, and the three witch doctors knelt down and saluted: "I have seen the fourth prince."

Jin Wushu only said, "you don't have to be polite. I invited you here to ask you, who treated a strange female patient six months ago?"

He roughly described the dissolution of flowers to the witch doctor when King Qin asked for Ganoderma lucidum The two witch doctors immediately said, "I have never encountered such a patient in my family."

He looked at the third witch doctor, but seeing that the witch doctor's eyes were strange, he waved his hand and asked Wu Qimai to politely invite the two witch doctors out, leaving only a third person

He stared at the witch doctor: "did you cure it?"

The witch doctor asked, "who is that girl?"

Seeing this, Jin Wushu affirmed that it was he who diagnosed and treated Hua Rong and immediately asked, "how is she injured?"

"I hope this girl is not someone of the fourth prince. She was seriously injured and her internal organs were broken. The reason for her hard support was only to rely on Ganoderma lucidum to survive. Even if she could delay for a year and a half, she would also become disabled and barren..."

Jin Wushu was surprised: "is this really true?"

"How dare you cheat the fourth prince?"

i see.

It turned out that what Yue Pengju said was false. Hua Rong, she has embarked on a dead end in life?

Once upon a time, my enthusiasm for the woman who "boiled tea to break the righteousness" slowly cooled down. Because I couldn't get it, I simply gave up the idea of asking her whereabouts Unexpectedly, things were unpredictable. After all, I came to a place not far away from her

Because of the betrayal and humiliation, the complex emotion for her instantly revived - at least, she was frank and did not deceive

Suddenly, I was afraid. Was she really going to die? Dying soon?

After a while, he remembered to ask, "how can we cure it?"

The witch doctor stood up: "the fourth prince, please forgive me. If you want to heal the girl, you can't do it yourself. Her husband has begged me before..."

The "husband" he said was king Qin, but Jin Wushu thought it was Yue Pengju, pondered for a moment, and only asked, "is there no way?"

"If you can get Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, you can also recover. However, according to the current situation, her husband obviously did not get Millennium Ganoderma lucidum..."

"Millennium Ganoderma lucidum?"

"You must use Millennium Ganoderma lucidum."

Jin Wushu's heart cooled for a while, and then he completely understood why King Qin planned to murder himself like that King Qin obviously thought that he had deceived him and replaced Ganoderma lucidum, killing Hua Rong

"The fourth prince, please forgive your powerlessness and leave."

The witch doctor turned and left, and Jin Wushu still sat there, muttering to himself, "Hua Rong, in fact, I never meant to harm you, nor did I hope you die..."

There was a knock at the door, and a bodyguard hurried in: "fourth prince, the man who went out to inquire has returned."

"Come in."

A bodyguard came in and reported: "the villain found out that song General Yue Pengju had resigned. At present, the military camp in elong town is represented by Zhang Xian. His husband and wife are recuperating at the border. It is said that his wife was seriously injured and the time is running out..."

It's no secret that Yue Pengju and Hua Rong never set up a private enemy in their half lives and resigned after being injured

Jin Wushu was surprised that Yue Pengju resigned, which was the most unexpected

Wu Qimai carefully reminded him, "fourth prince, it's time for us to go."

"Let Han Chang lead the team first, and I'll come later."


"At present, it is only a defense project, and will not directly fight with song Jun. there is no major war for the time being. Please tell Han Chang to be careful."

Wu Qimai couldn't help but say, "fourth prince, what's the matter with you?"

"I'll go out for a walk."

Wu Qimai naturally knew what he wanted to do, and hurriedly said, "the fourth prince, never. Hua Rong is now Yue Pengju's wife, why do you take any more risks? Not to mention... King Qin..."

He dared not say any more, but Jin Wushu said faintly, "I'm just going to see the children."

"That child, after all, is of Southern descent, and he's afraid of raising tigers..." he saw the fourth Prince's face getting darker and darker, and he didn't dare to say any more The fourth Prince is now extremely sensitive to the word "bloodline". He doesn't even care about the whereabouts of Yelv Guanyin, nor does he care about it, or even inquire about it, completely as if this person didn't exist The villains in the mansion all talked about why the fourth Prince easily let the obscene woman leave, and at least he had to punish her However, only Wu Qimai understood that the fourth prince was really disheartened, and even punishing her felt superfluous

It was humiliating to punish her

Now, the only thing that can comfort him is Lu Wenlong

Wu Qimai understood his mind and stopped persuading him. He just thought, is the fourth Prince really just going to see the children?

The weather continued to clear up. This morning, Yue Peng raised his spear and was about to go hunting

When he opened the door, there was a big box at the door. He opened it and found that it was full of superior Ganoderma lucidum These days, he visited doctors around him, and he also found various medical books to study. He has a set of experience in distinguishing Ganoderma lucidum Although the box is not a thousand years old, it is at least twoorthree years old

Every time he went out hunting, Hua Rong would take him to the door. Today, I saw him standing at the door for a long time. Because he was facing his back, I couldn't see what he was holding for a moment. I just said softly, "Peng Ju, what's the matter?"

He turned around and came in with the box: "someone sent Ganoderma lucidum."

Hua Rong looked at the box and was a little surprised In addition to the emperor's two rewards, the only one who regularly sent Ganoderma lucidum was king Qin But he didn't send it this way, but asked Ma Su and others to send it

This means is not king Qin

Yue Pengju said, "who sent this? Is it King Qin again?"

She was also puzzled: "if it's not king Qin, who else can it be?"

Thinking about it, I have few relatives and friends with Yue Pengju, and a group of subordinates and friends will not have such financial resources, and there is no need to hide it; Besides King Qin, who else can there be? Is this guy turning around again?

"Whatever, put it aside first. It's probably King Qin again."

Yue Pengju put down the box and said softly to his wife, "go and rest first. I'll come back as soon as possible after hunting."

"Well, I'll wait for you for dinner."

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