One Night Bride

Chapter 217

Yue Pengju had not gone far, but Zhang Xian came quickly with two bodyguards

They were a little surprised. Why did Zhang Xian come here early in the morning?

Zhang Xian dismounted, his face was very ugly, and hurriedly asked, "Peng Ju, are you going out again?"

Yue Peng did not answer the question: "Zhang Xian, what happened?"

Zhang Xian was very angry: "we were ordered to send troops to Xiangyang."

Yue Pengju was surprised, "why?"

"It is said that the imperial court negotiated peace with the prisoners, and the state of Jin proposed to return the land of Lianghe..."

Return the land of Lianghe? When the old general Zongze died, he shouted "cross the river, cross the river". The capital of the song state used to be Bianjing. Now the Jin people still hold two abandoned emperors and don't return them. They also have the intention of establishing puppets to enter Bianjing at any time. How can they easily return the land of Lianghe? Even if it is returned, what price does the state of song need to pay?

Yue Pengju only asked, "how many soldiers and horses are left here?"

"Only a thousand are left."

What can a thousand guard get?

Isn't such a withdrawal open the door again?

Hua Rong suddenly asked, "who is the minister presiding over the peace talks in the DPRK?"

"It's said that it's Qin Hui. After returning to Song Dynasty, this guy put forward many suggestions to his majesty. He presided over the peace talks this time..."

Sure enough, the chess pieces laid by Jin Wushu are playing its role step by step Hua Rong suddenly remembered the letter he had exposed Qin Hui. His vest was a little cold

Zhang Xian said, "Peng Ju, what are your plans now?"

Originally, the couple planned to go to Xiangyang as soon as the situation was slightly stable. Now, they don't want to go at all Yue Peng looked at his wife and said, "let's live here now."

Zhang Xian hesitated and said slowly, "Peng Ju, you might as well take your wife and sister-in-law on the road together. In Xiangyang, there are always more doctors, and someone will have a way."

"There is no forest there, and it is not convenient for hunting animals. Zhang Xian, go back first."

Zhang Xian couldn't persuade him any more and left unhappily

Because of this incident, the couple's original good mood was destroyed Yue Peng raised his gun and forced a smile to comfort his wife: "the weather is good today. I will fight a tiger back and make tiger skin boots for my son."

Hua Rong smiled: "OK, take the tiger skin, and I'll make a pair of tiger skin sandals for you and your son."

It was a sunny day

On continuous sunny days, the snow on the surrounding trees has already melted, and the gentle spring breeze is like a pair of magic hands. Almost a few nights later, countless greens appear on the bare land And those trees, which have experienced a spring snow, have put on a layer of goose yellow new clothes, swaying out a vigorous vitality

The sun was fine, and the bodyguard took a rough broad birch stool and put it on the grass outside, on which was covered a thick tiger skin

Hua Rong sat on the stool and looked up at the sky. The spring sunshine was extremely soft, and there was no dazzling feeling at all In the afternoon, it was the warmest time of the day. She was still dressed thickly. The wind blew past her neck and still felt a little cool

Lu Wenlong ran around. He was lively and active. His thick tiger skin jacket had been replaced by a spotted leopard skin jacket Sometimes he pulled at the grass and sometimes watched the birds flying around the trees There is a kind of emerald bird, with two long colored feathers trailing on its tail, flying around the forest glitteringly. He looked funny and wondered how to catch one

However, no matter how he waved his short fat arms and ran around, sweating heavily, he still didn't get the point. The birds still stopped in the treetops, chirping and singing. He was helpless, forked his hands, raised his head, stared for a long time, and ran over a few steps: "mom, mom... I want a bird... The kind of singing..."

Hua Rong is sewing several thin rabbit skins with a needle and thread in her hand to make a jacket for her son Spring is coming, and summer is also coming. You can't always wear tiger skin and leopard skin

She sewed stitch by stitch and said softly, "how beautiful the birds sing. If you catch them, you can't sing..."

"No, I want it to sing on the ground."

"Birds fly in the sky. When they get to the ground, they will cry."

"I'll be nice to it. How can it cry?"

"Because it can't see its father and mother..."


Hua Rong listened to him as if he were a model. The little adult sighed and burst into laughter He made a serious matter, "if dad is here, I can catch him. Mom, when will dad come back?"

"Dad will come back before dark if he goes hunting tigers."

The child looked up at the sun and said, "it's been a long time before it gets dark?"

"A few more hours."

He was very disappointed and said to himself, "that vicious uncle will catch birds... Alas, if only he were here..."

"Ferocious uncle" is naturally King Qin. On the way back, King Qin caught all kinds of birds to coax him Therefore, after such a long time, he still remembers the "ferocious uncle"

Hua Rong saw that his eyebrows were tangled and wrinkled into strange Sichuan characters. He was very young and mature. He laughed and said, "son, go and practice martial arts quickly. When you are older and better, you can go up the tree and catch birds by yourself..."

He went to get his long gun and ran over. There were two, both made by Yue Pengju for him. Because he was a child, he made two of them as he chose, but he liked both and often picked them up and danced together

According to his father's instructions, he practiced one trick after another for a while. Hua Rong saw him sweating and said softly, "boy, have a rest."

He ran over, Hua Rong took out a handkerchief and put down the gun. He just saw a green bird parked on the grass in front of him, so he tiptoed over and said in a small voice, "Mom, the bird doesn't know, I quietly went to catch it..."

Hua Rong laughed, but he stopped and looked at his mother nervously. Hua Rong immediately understood that he wanted to keep quiet She hurried to cooperate and stopped laughing. He turned around and walked towards the bird with very light steps

He approached lightly, stretched out his hand, and the bird naturally flew He was very disappointed. Suddenly, he saw the little red flowers blooming in spring on the grass in front of him, so he was happy again and ran over to pick the little red flowers in high spirits

Hua Rong watched him run farther and farther, and without calling him, slowly put the needle and thread in his hand on his lap The warm sun is tiring. Maybe it's spring sleepiness. These days, she always feels sleepy. She leans against the back of the chair behind her, closes her eyes, and sleeps for a while

Lu Wenlong picked a handful of small red flowers and kept shouting, "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong closed her eyes and let him run around with a smile on her face

Slowly, a man poked his head out from behind a tree surrounded by three people This is his third day here. Two days ago, because Yue Pengju was there, he didn't appear Today, he has also stood here for a long time, watching this ordinary scene - he never knew that such an ordinary scene would make his heart surge, as if a strange emotion woke up, as if a familiar emotion precipitated

He looked at the bouncing child greedily. In just a few months, he had been half tall He was dressed in a leopard skin jacket full of spots, and on his head was a small leopard skin hat. At this time, the hat had been taken off, and his hair was combed into two horns. His lips were red and white, and his face was ruddy. On his feet was a pair of small boots with the same leopard pattern. He ran around and jumped vigorously, and alive Tuo was a fire child

He stood on the edge of the chair behind the woman with a large bunch of flowers, leaned, wrapped his soft arms around her neck, inserted the flowers in his hands one by one on her sideburns, and gave her a full head of small red flowers

"Mom, mom... You look good..."

The child looked at his mother's flowers, very proud, giggling

The woman closed her eyes and didn't move, and let the child's soft hands tease her. The gentle and sweet smile on her face has been hanging all the time, together with the half sewn clothes hanging from her knees, forming a kind of incomparably loving female charm

Ren is a rude person, also moved by such a scene He stood there for a long time, listening to the child's carefree laughter and teasing

Love, because you feel love, will it be so?!

Even if the child is with Tianwei and nanny, he has never been so vigorous and lively and has a relaxed nature

In half a year, she has cultivated such a close relationship with her children. What else can she do except love?

And she!

Her hands hanging on her knees were pale and thin. Under the sunlight, the back of her hands showed a faint cyan, as transparent as a glass And her face is also the same jade like transparent, because of that kind of injury, it is more slender, and the whole person shows an indescribable romantic attitude

He suddenly felt a little soft and his heart almost jumped out with excitement

The child wrapped his mother's neck, hugged her head, and shouted, "Mom, mom, look, there are more beautiful birds... I want birds, grab them for me..."

"Hehe, wait for your mother to be better, teach you to shoot arrows, shoot down... HMM..." she seemed to be strangled, the child loosened his hand, ran to the front, climbed onto her, very intimately, I don't know whether to hold her, or let her hold her, fell in her arms, and kept playing coquettish: "Mom, mom... When will you get better..."

In the bright sunshine, he heard her faint laughter, his breath was a little short, and his face slowly began to turn purple, which was obviously too much for the child But where does the child know this? Still lying in her arms, he put his hand around her neck, "Mom, you say..."

He crept over slowly

A thing hit the child on the back. He let go, "Yo", and a familiar gadget fell on the ground. He quickly let go of his mother and ran to pick it up. Then, he clapped his hands and laughed, and threw himself into the arms of the comer: "Dad, Dad..."

"Dad, Dad, I miss you..."

Hua Rong turned her back to her father and son, but she felt her eyes were too sleepy to open, but the smile on her face became deeper and deeper My son is always in awe of Yue Pengju, but how can this "Daddy" be so kind today? She said softly, "Peng Ju, are you back so early today? Catch a bird for your son. He has been pestering me..."

"OK, Dad, catch a bird for me... Look, it's on the treetop..."

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