One Night Bride

Chapter 218

He smiled, nodded, patted his son's face, put his son on the ground, pointed to the tree, silently told him that he would catch him immediately Lu Wenlong looked at his father as agile as a civet cat. He suddenly picked up a small stone and jumped up. He threw it quickly from the tree and was hitting the wings of the emerald feathered bird. The bird fell down. But because of his strength control, he was not seriously injured. His wings fluttered heavily, jumping on the ground, and he could not run far

The child happily grabbed it and held it in his palm, giggling constantly: "Daddy is good, daddy is best... Daddy, you don't think I have..."

He hugged his son again and held him tightly in his arms, his eyes moist

"Daddy, Daddy..."

"Peng Ju..."

Seeing that he shouldn't, Hua Rong was a little strange. He opened his eyes and slowly turned around. His eyes met. He was stunned. Looking at those hot eyes, he couldn't speak for a moment

"Mom, Dad came to see me, Dad came... Ha ha..."

After all, he was a father and son for several years. Lu Wenlong danced with joy, giggled in his father's arms, and kissed his father's face loudly: "Dad, I miss you so much..."

His face was covered with the saliva of the child, soft and whiny, with a long lost warmth and gentle feelings - such feelings, which he had never had for many years He just hugged his son tightly, as if he had been lost and found again

He stared at Hua Rong cautiously. After a while, he slowly said, "Hua Rong! Are you better?"

Hua Rong's smile: "thank you, the fourth prince. I'm much better. When I was in the kingdom of Jin, I had to be taken care of by you to get out of my body. After I was injured, I had to give you a thousand year Ganoderma lucidum to survive until now. Last time, I was in a hurry to leave. Now, alas, I really don't know how to thank you..." she thought, in this life, in fact, she couldn't really thank him for returning him, but this deep-seated "thank you" must be said again

Whether hostile or foreign, his kindness to himself cannot be denied

"Thank you, fourth prince!"

Jin Wushu hugged his son tightly, bowed his head, and dared not look at her gentle eyes. His chest became hotter and hotter, and he almost burst into tears

She doesn't know

She still doesn't know that Ganoderma lucidum is fake

Moreover, even if it was a fake Ganoderma lucidum, it was not a "gift" of its own, but snatched by King Qin

He asked himself again and again: if he learned about her condition, if King Qin didn't rob her, would he have sent her Ganoderma lucidum?

Did you?

Will it?


The long silence seemed to hear the sound of flowers blooming in spring under the sun

Jin Wushu raised his head and looked at the flowers

She was still sitting quietly on the chair, covered with messy little red flowers, many of which had green leaves on them The sun spread all over her body at a glance. It was such a mess that added another kind of sadness and deathly helplessness to her pale face

It is no longer as heroic and magnificent as the "shooting willow Festival"

Not anymore

Her hands are so soft and weak. How can she pick up the bow and arrow with such hands? For a moment, he was in a trance, and her figure was only fixed on the "shooting willow Festival", fixed on the horseback of kinsys, waving weeping willows to salute the people, smiling like flowers

He couldn't help blinking at the spring sky, the bright sun, and another "shooting willow Festival" was coming

However, things are different from people, and flowers are similar year by year. How can people be the same year by year?

"Fourth Prince... Those Ganoderma lucidum in the box were also sent by you? Thank you..."

Then she realized that it was him, it must be him That kind of behavior style, not king Qin, must be him

He hesitated: "will Ganoderma lucidum really be useful for your injury?"

She smiled without answering She doesn't know, who knows? Maybe it's just a psychological comfort If Ganoderma lucidum can really bring the dead back to life, isn't it true that many people in the world don't have to die?

"Thank you very much. You don't have to send it again in the future. In fact, it's useless."

Her explicit refusal irritated him It's always like this. From the liujiasi military camp to the prince's residence in Yanjing, she always flatters herself in every way, and she distanced coldly

He breathed quickly, and his voice was hurried: "in fact, what does your life or death have to do with me? I... I have nothing to do with you, I just come to see the children..."

The child was in his arms, holding the bird, and the emerald feathers swept around his face: "Dad, you will catch birds for me every day in the future..."

His eyes slowly became soft. He touched his son's red face and said, "HMM."

Father and son are too intimate, which is the accumulation of emotions for many years, and is unmatched by their husband and wife for a moment

Hua Rong's eyes darkened and she didn't make a sound

At this time, the child loosened his hand, and the bird fell to the ground, flapping its wings, as if to fly away. He quickly struggled to jump down from his father's arms, grabbed it, held it in his palm, ran to his mother, and happily asked his mother, "is it good-looking?"

"Very nice."

Jin Wushu also stepped forward

There is only one child between them

Inadvertently, he pulled the child away a little, looked at her pale face, and asked in a low voice, "Hua Rong, how did you get hurt? Was it Zonghan's soldiers who hurt you?"

She shook her head

His eyes were a little angry. He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist. Then he put his hand on her chest, and his face changed greatly: "Hua Rong, who hurt you? How can ordinary soldiers get such a heavy hand?"

He moved so fast that she had no time to dodge, nor did she Dodge, but she didn't answer Jin Wu's martial arts are good. You can see from the injury. It's meaningless to deceive him

He sternly asked, "who was it that hurt you? When you left my prince's house, you were obviously good..."

She shook her head as if nothing had happened: "scuffle in the dark, can't see clearly."

This is the truth. At that time in Yanjing, many people really chased it, which is not a lie

Jin Wushu was surprised and suspicious. I can't believe that Da Jin Congress has such an expert Is there any outstanding person under Zonghan who doesn't know it?

Hua Rong gently took away his hand and hugged his son's small shoulder. At this time, she saw Jin Wushu's casual clothes He was completely dressed up as a Song Dynasty scholar, dressed in a white scholar suit, and his head was still the Dongpo scarf he liked, but he had never held a fan

She smiled, which was very rare. It was a strange thing that Jin Wushu didn't take a fan when she dressed up like this From the military camp to the sea, from the state of song to the state of Jin, the handsome fourth prince, a supporter of Southern Dynasty culture, won't he play cool?

The border of elong town is not so easy to come and go. Obviously, it took a lot of effort for him to come here

Only then did she find that Jin Wushu looked so haggard, his cheeks were deeply sunken, and he lost a big circle

She was startled. Was it the disappearance of her sad son, so sad?

Is it possible?

Her voice was very low and she took a chance: "what are you doing here?"

This child is his. He took it away from the Lu family and raised it. It must have taken a lot of effort Just looking at the intimacy that the child has maintained for him after so long separation, she knows that the child loves him even more than his husband and wife

Seeing that he didn't answer, she sighed, "if you want to take the child away..." suddenly remembered her son's sentence "a mother who wants to have a baby brother doesn't like me and wants to hit me", so she couldn't go on

The child didn't know that there were so many dark tides between adults. He took his mother in one hand and his father in the other. He looked at them happily: "Mom, Dad, I'm so happy today..."

Jin Wushu was shocked

Mom, Dad!

This is the warm family that I long for What if it's not my own son?

After such a great irony, the word "biological" has completely become unimportant He suddenly thought, if this is his wife, this is his son, even if she can't have children all her life, what's the matter? Even if I have only one wife and one son, why not?

My heart was so eager that I could feel the warmth of the pale hand in front of me through my son's hand In fact, he shook this hand more than once, and even hugged her injured body many times. At that time, he was still in the golden camp of Liujia temple, escaping, injured, committing suicide... When they were together, every time, she was in pain, either committing suicide or being killed

Women in troubled times, fate in troubled times

His breath sent out a low voice: "flowers dissolve..."


"Hua Rong!"

She looked at him in a hurry and raised her eyebrows in surprise. What was he going to say? Will you take your son soon? She is very upset But how can I stop him?

"The fourth prince, about the children..."


He wanted to say that at the moment, in fact, he was not because of children It's not just the children who come here However, he couldn't speak out and open his mouth, especially after going through many things

Seeing that Jin Wushu's face became more and more strange, she took her son's hand and slowly opened her mouth: "son, mom has something to ask you..."

"Mom, tell me."

"Are you willing to follow mom or dad?" If you can't make up your mind, you might as well leave it to the child to decide

As if she had asked a strange question, the child still held their hands tightly: "I am with my mother, I am with my father... Both together..."

She smiled, "Mom and Dad, you can only choose one..."

The child looked at her in surprise, and then at Jin Wushu, facing the first choice in his life

Jin Wushu's voice was hoarse: "why do you have to give up your children? Why can't you choose both?"

He is the father of the child, and she is his mother. Isn't this the best combination? What better ending than this?

Even, if it was her, what harm would it do if the mother and son followed in the army and fought north and south?

He was shocked by his strange idea and shook his head violently, which was extremely absurd

His words slipped vaguely in his throat, and only he could hear them clearly. Hua Rong and the child only saw his strange face, his mouth opening and closing, eager and anxious

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