One Night Bride

Chapter 222

Wang Junhua said with a smile, "this is sturgeon. A few days ago, a servant sent dozens of this fish. His husband and wife haven't eaten it yet, and they just brought it to honor your wives and princesses..."

Wu jinnu laughed and said, "Madam Qin, this kind of fish is extremely precious. How can you have dozens of them? Did you admit your mistake?"

"Don't worry, madam Wu. The slave will send someone to the Palace tomorrow."

Princess pan Xian was overjoyed: "it's so good. It's a pity that this palace will never eat such a good thing again."

After Qin Hui took office, some people sent a lot of things to woo him Tian Wei and Wan Wan looked at each other and sneered at the bottom of their hearts This arrogant Wang Junhua, it seems that Qin Hui is favored by brother nine. It's really extraordinary

After three rounds of drinking, I only heard the eunuch announce: "the official's house is here..."

Everyone hurried to get up and greet each other. Zhao Deji sat down with a smile: "you don't have to be polite. You must have fun and return to Tianwei today..."

Tianwei thanked her. Everyone complimented Tianwei again in unison, and then toasted Tianwei and the officials in turn

Tian Wei inadvertently saw that Wang Junhua poured wine for brother nine except for several women - at this time, several women were talking and laughing, and she didn't notice, but she clearly saw that brother nine squeezed Wang Junhua's hand heavily, and Wang Junhua also took advantage of the drunken look, quietly put his hand on his leg, and then let go

Tianwei is also a woman. Naturally, she knows the ambiguous eyes of brother nine when looking at Wang Junhua. At this time, seeing this obscene side, she swallowed a fly in her heart

Is brother nine also having an affair with this * *?

Her heart was cold, and she was very clear about Wang Junhua's means. If not, how could Wang Junhua have such a position in front of these women?

This feast, like a fish bone in the throat, is really tasteless

After the feast, she and Wan Wan returned to the princess mansion

The two sisters separated for several years and met again. That night, they lay in a bed and lit candles all night to talk

Wan Wan went to close the doors and windows in person, held back all the palace maids and let Li Shi sleep outside. Then she went to bed with Tian Wei. Just holding her cousin, tears fell again

Although Wan Wan was in exile for a short time, she didn't suffer much. Instead, Tian Wei, who had experienced disaster, was very calm. She only touched her hair and said softly, "Wan Wan, I've heard brother nine say that she married a county horse for you. Why are you still sad?"

After Zhao Deji settled down, he married Wan Wan with a censor's son, Zhou Rong, as a county horse. The couple also got together

"Princess, you don't know, I'm not for myself, but for brother nine..." with euphemism, "Qin Hui came back, and brother nine said he was Su Wu, who was a shepherd. I think he was a spy against our song country. That Wang family, now entering the palace every day, I don't know what kind of seductive means he used. He had an affair with brother nine and used a lot of property to buy all the ladies..."

Tian Wei couldn't help but stretch out her hand and cover Wan Wan's mouth. She knew that this cousin was hot tempered and had not changed at all

Wan Wan quietly said, "do you know the details of this dog man and woman in the kingdom of Jin?"

Tian Wei sighed low, pulled down the quilt and covered herself with Wan Wan

From liujiasi Jinying to Yanjing and then to the fourth Prince's mansion in Shangjing, she unreservedly told her cousin about her humiliation Several times, Wan Wan heard Wang Junhua's shamelessness, especially the torture of Tian Wei, and couldn't help but almost tear the quilt

"Shameless, such a shameless pair of dog men and women, why does brother nine believe them so?"

Tianwei was speechless

Wan Wan was so angry that she almost bit her lips: "no, we must expose the faces of this dog man and woman, and we must..."

Tian Wei was not as excited as she was, and only said slowly, "she now has the trust of brother nine and all the ladies. We can't beat her and Qin Hui with just a few words..."

Wan Wan suddenly remembered, and was even more depressed: "I heard that sister Hua also wrote a letter to the government to expose the dog man and woman, but the government didn't believe it..."

Tianwei was stunned: "your name is Mrs. Yue's sister?"

Wan Wan blushed and spoke without reservation about how he was married by the ninth brother, Yue Pengju, and how he was refused marriage. Later, he recognized the two as brothers and sisters

This is the first time Tian Wei heard about the relationship between Hua Rong and brother nine. She was silent for a long time before she said, "Mrs. Yue has been fighting for brother nine many times, and brother nine still doesn't listen to her words, not to mention us..."

Wan Wan also hated: "if it weren't for sister Hua, brother nine would have been destroyed by the fourth prince at sea, but he didn't even believe sister Hua..."

Tian Wei didn't answer, and the two sisters were silent

Once upon a time, both of them were carefree girls, who did not know the hardships of farming, the hardships of the world, nor did they talk about anything political At this time, for the first time, I fell into a complex vortex and understood that the environment I was in was really a "prison with rich clothes and food"

At this time, it was almost dawn, and neither of them was sleepy, only feeling extremely depressed

Wan Wan suddenly said, "didn't wang Junhua say that she had many sturgeons at the banquet today?"

"So what?"

Wan Wan suddenly became excited: "think about it, this sturgeon is a tribute, and there are only three in the official family, but there are dozens in her family. What nonsense does she say? It's someone who gave it to her. I think it's the thief Qin Hui who embezzled..."

Tianwei's eyes also lit up: "you mean, we take this to impeach Qin Hui?"

Wan Wan was also excited: "always try, don't let this dog man and woman go overbearing..."

"OK, we'll try it tomorrow."

The two girls hugged and slept wearily

Besides, when Wang Junhua returned home, as soon as he entered the door, he saw a maid come out of Qin Hui's room in a panic

She was furious and shouted, "stop."

The maid quickly knelt down: "Madam..."

Wang Junhua roared, "old thief, get out..."

Qin Hui hurried out. While his wife was no longer fooling around with the maid, he was scared out of a cold sweat and hurriedly said, "madam is back? How is the situation in the palace today?"

"You lecher, often fool around with these foxy sons while my mother is away..."

Qin Hui flattered with a smile: "how can the servant girls match their lady's demeanor?"

"Don't drink ecstasy. Come on, pull this fox down and hit 100 boards again."


"Madam, spare your life... Master, spare your life..."

Soon, the maid was pulled down. This was a farce often staged at home. Qin Hui didn't care. As soon as the door closed, he looked at his wife pleasantly, "what's new today?"

Wang Junhua sat like a empress dowager on the grand master's chair, and Qin Hui massaged and kneaded her She closed her eyes and enjoyed it, very proud: "it's the banquet that Tianwei's little bitch returned. She lived a life worse than a pig or a dog in the fourth Prince's mansion. I'm sure she didn't dare to do anything. Otherwise, her old background is not good-looking..."

Qin Hui pondered, "be careful. Princess Tianwei knows too much about us after all."

"What are you afraid of? What dare she say?"

Qin Hui was still worried: "we know about Dajin and Hua Rong, just for fear that she would return to Korea and cause trouble..."

Wang Junhua hated it because of the fourth Prince and the public humiliation of Hua Rong to herself at the banquet. For this reason, she was expelled by the fourth prince. She really regarded Hua Rong as a first-class confidant enemy from now on. Hearing her husband mention her, she was angry and said, "I have asked my adopted brother, who said that she was seriously injured and died, how can she make waves?"

Qin Hui hurriedly said, "it's not that I don't believe brother Wang's ability, but that this woman is not bi Tianwei. I've already inquired about it. It's said that the escape of the official family at sea depends on her and Yue Pengju's husband and wife..."

Wang Junhua panicked: "I've heard about it, too. The officials also sent people to give her the superior Ganoderma lucidum in the palace. It's really good, but it's troublesome..." Wang Junhua is a famous shrew, who is used to deceiving the upper and lower levels. However, he is always afraid of Hua Rong, for fear that she will come back alive and expose her old background

"Well, since brother Wang's diagnosis will never go wrong, madam, don't worry."

Wang Junhua smiled: "what are you afraid of? Princess pan Xian, Empress Wu, etc. have already been bought by me to be obedient. Don't worry, Tianwei, a little bitch, can't rise to the storm. Hua Rong bitch, is to die early and exceed life early. It's a pity that your sturgeon is old ghost. I'm going to take it to the Palace tomorrow to honor several ladies..."

"Why send sturgeon?"

"Haha, old thief, you don't know, those women have never seen the world. They are just three sturgeons, showing off as babies..."

Qin Hui let go of her shoulder, fell and said, "Alas, madam, you are confused..."

Wang Junhua angrily said, "what's wrong with me?"

"The sturgeon was bribed by local officials in private. Madam, think about it, women are jealous. Once they see you take out so many sturgeons, won't they hype it up? It's spread to the ears of the officials. If the censor plays a book, wouldn't it expose his bribery?"

As soon as Wang Junhua heard this, his face changed: "old thief, what should I do?"

Qin Hui frowned and pondered for a long time before saying, "tomorrow, you will send 100 bass to the palace."

"Why send bass?"

Perch is a very common fish, which can be bought around the capital. It's not uncommon at all. Especially, it's the early summer in the south of the Yangtze River. Grass grows and warblers fly, and flowers bloom in spring. Not to mention a hundred, as long as you go to the market, you can buy a thousand

"You can give bass, and it must be sturgeon. Say, the gift you receive is this sturgeon."

Wang Junhua was overjoyed and pulled Qin Hui's beard. "Old thief's clever plan."

The next day, Wang Junhua did enter the palace to send "bass"

Princess pan Xian, Wu jinnu and others were already slightly jealous that she had so many sturgeons. Seeing that she sent bass, they not only didn't get angry, but laughed: "Madam Qin, where are you sturgeons?"

Wang Junhua insisted, "this is bass. It's from the past."

Wu jinnu laughed: "there is a word difference between bass and sturgeon. Although they are similar in shape, they are very different. Mrs. Qin used bass as sturgeon and flounder as pearl..."

Wang Junhua pretended to be ashamed and blushed: "my family is ignorant and makes a big joke..."

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