One Night Bride

Chapter 223

The ladies were very happy, thinking that no matter how capable Wang Junhua was, he was inferior to others and mistakenly regarded bass as sturgeon Princess pan Xian laughed, "I said, there are only three in the imperial palace. How can you have dozens? It turned out to be a mistake, hahaha..."

In the laughter of his concubines, Wang Junhua quickly laughed at himself and secretly admired his husband's plot Because of this, the women not only didn't disagree with her, but also thought the woman was funny because of the "joke" she made

On this day, as soon as Zhao Deji came out of his study, he heard a notice from the little eunuch: "the official family, the eldest princess, wants to see you."

Zhao Deji looked out at the bright sun in early summer and was very affectionate to his returning sister, so he said, "lay tea in the imperial garden, and I want to have tea with the long princess."


A jade table is placed under a huge ancient pagoda tree It's the season when Sophora japonica flowers are fragrant, and it's cool and fragrant under the tree There are eight colored refreshments on the table, which are very exquisite

Zhao Deji looked at his sister, who had disappeared this year, and sighed, "Tianwei, these are your favorite snacks before. When my mother comes to see your mother and daughter, she always makes some cakes by herself. Eat more."

Tianwei's eyes were full of tears: "thank you, brother nine, for remembering the past..." she picked up a piece of walnut cake casually, "this was my favorite in the past, and I thought I would never eat it again in this life..."

Zhao Deji saw that she was as usual. Every time he saw dim sum, he was always the first to reach for the walnut cake. His heart was very sour

Tian Wei ate a piece of cake, and then slowly said, "when the slave fled back to the border, he saw Mrs. Yue..."

Zhao Deji asked, "what is the current situation of Huarong?"

She shook her head. "Very bad."

Zhao Deji looked a little gloomy: "Alas, rong'er, I don't know if she can escape this disaster..."

Tian Wei looked at him carefully, and saw that his concern didn't seem to be hypocritical, so she slowly said, "when Mrs. Yue was sent to the state of Jin, she showed her skills at the 'shooting willow Festival' of the prisoners, and then went to the fourth Prince's house for a banquet. I don't know if she mentioned this paragraph to the ninth brother? At that banquet, the guests were Qin Hui and his wife..."

Zhao Deji smiled: "Oh? Rong'er wrote a letter saying that Qin Hui and his wife are the work of the fourth prince, and they want to disturb my country. Rong'er is over worried..."

Tianwei couldn't help it any longer and hurriedly said, "brother nine doesn't know something. Mrs. Yue is loyal and not too worried."

"I also know that rong'er is all for the sake of the country. Alas, I really hope his illness will get better soon, and I also need his husband and wife to work for the imperial court. Especially Yue Pengju..."

Tianwei heard that the ninth brother still believed Yue Pengju and wanted to use him again. She had a little hope in her heart: "when I was a slave and a maid in the fourth Prince's mansion, I saw Qin Hui and his wife go in and out of the fourth Prince's mansion with my own eyes. The Wang family and the fourth prince had an affair. Qin Hui was his staff military. The ninth brother, you must be on guard against these two people, their wolf ambition..."

"Tian Wei, you've just returned. You're tired. Why worry about national affairs? How can a mere Qin Hui escape from my palm?"

"Brother nine, Qin Hui is not as honest as he is fishing for fame. He is also corrupt and accepting bribes. Take the banquet last night for example, there were only three sturgeons in the court, and Wang Junhua unexpectedly said that there were dozens in her family. This is not a local official bribe. What is it?"

Zhao Deji laughed: "do you mean this? Lady Wu told me a joke before when she sent me ginseng soup. She said that Qin Hui's wife was vulgar and ignorant, and mistakenly took the cheap bass as sturgeon. This is Li Gui when Li Kui, but it's not Qin Hui's corruption. I think Wang showed off and made a joke... Hahaha..."

Tianwei is silent

She didn't understand why the ninth brother laughed so happily As soon as the vest cooled, I only vaguely realized that today's ninth brother was really not the former ninth brother

Qin Hui and his wife's methods are increasingly refined

She said nothing more, and even the walnut cake on the table lost its original delicacy She only watched the locust flowers fall by the wind, covering the walnuts one by one

She returned to the princess mansion, and Wan Wan was still waiting

Because Wan Wan has a short temper, she often says that she doesn't want to see Wang Junhua in front of the ninth brother, so she gradually becomes unpopular with the ninth brother and hasn't summoned her for a long time

Wan Wan saw Tianwei coming back and hurriedly asked, "how's the situation? Does brother nine believe it?"

Tian Wei shook her head silently After drinking a cup of tea, she told Wan Wan the situation today

Wan Wan was so angry that she almost jumped up: "that dog man and woman really don't know what kind of demon they are. I'm so angry."

Tian Wei slowly put down the tea cup, and after a while, she whispered, "Mrs. Yue is still blessed. I just hope they never come back, never come back!"

Twilight fell

The spring evening has a fragrance of flowers

This is a secluded cottage, which is full of all kinds of strange flowers and plants Most of the flowers and plants are red and yellow, but the surrounding flowers are mostly green, blue and even black Rao Shi, King Qin, was always bold and dared not get too close. Ma Su quietly said, "in addition to flowers and plants, there are many strange insects in every witch doctor's house. If you don't like it, you will die..."

King Qin was carrying a knife and carefully pushed away the flowers blocking the road, for fear of getting a little stained

This witch doctor is not very famous, which was overheard by Ma su The witch doctor has been in seclusion for a long time, and people have inquired back and forth for a long time before they get the opportunity to meet

Finally, through the layers of "flower barriers", King Qin stood in front of the black gate, holding a knife, standing for a long time I didn't know what it was like in my heart. In an instant, it was two early summers, from the sea to the kingdom of gold. I didn't expect that one day I would stand in front of the witch doctor's door

Ma Su whispered, "Your Majesty, after we get the things, we can go back."

He was silent Holding only the back of the knife, he knocked three times on the black gate

When the door opened, masu couldn't help but step back I saw an old man as thin as a bird's claw, with a face like a skinned skeleton

King Qin didn't care, but bowed: "please give me medicine."

The witch doctor's eyes turned a few times: "you've been here eighteen times."

Each time they came, they didn't see anyone, but listening to him was not bad, which was even more startled and suspicious

He stared at King Qin, who couldn't help feeling chilly

"It's not difficult to ask for medicine, but you have to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"Don't ask any more, I'll tell you then."

Ma Su felt that it was too weird here and was about to remind King Qin to be careful, but king Qin laughed: "well, I promise you everything. No matter how powerful it is, it's just my head."

The witch doctor nodded and took something out of his arms. King Qin took it, looked at it, held it in his arms, bowed, turned and left

The wind blows from the woods. Although it is midsummer, it doesn't feel much hot Twoorthree kilometers in front of the wooden house, there is a stream full of mountain flowers, in which wild ducks roam from time to time

At this time, Yue Pengju came out with his wife for the first time, and she couldn't come by herself This is great news for him

There was a huge bear skin on the grass, with flowers sitting on it, surrounded by some picked wild fresh fruits, and Yue Pengju killed two wild ducks with arrows, and set up a fire on it to roast. At this time, the wild ducks were already half cooked, emitting a fragrance, and the rolling fat oil dripping on the fire, and even the fire became fragrant

In front of him, a large area of wild flowers and weeds are blooming, green and luxuriant. Little Lu Wenlong has changed his sweater and ran around chasing butterflies in tiger skin sandals He held a net bag in his hand, which Yue Peng knitted for him with bark He netted a lot of butterflies and ran back, giggling to show his mother, and then as soon as he opened his net, the butterflies flew all at once; He laughed and ran to pick wild flowers

At this time, Hua Rong's head was full of colorful wild flowers. He fell behind her, giggled and hugged her neck, and shouted, "Mom, don't move, there are many flowers..."

Hua Rong sat, motionless, letting his little hands mess up his hair Hua Rong was wearing a moon white shirt, which Yue Pengju sold dozens of tiger skins and leopard skins in exchange for After eating Ganoderma lucidum for almost a whole year, all the money in the family is spent on Ganoderma lucidum, while the rest of the expenses are basically based on Yue Pengju's hunting

Hua Rong looked at her simple clothes and looked at the jingchai hairpin on her head near the stream. She was very satisfied with such a life Thinking carefully, although injured, this year is the best and cleanest day in my life. I am carefree every day and rely on my husband. It is really "marrying a man, dressing and eating."

Yue Peng raised the duck and turned it over a few times. Lu Wenlong could not help it. The greedy insects squeaked and rushed over, ignoring the flowers on his mother's head, and kissed him on his face: "Daddy, can you eat?"


These days, Yue Pengju likes to make many gadgets for him, catching flowers, birds, insects and fish. Because of this, he is increasingly close to Yue Pengju, and even makes love with him, faintly surpassing his mother

When the child kissed, it was saliva on his face. Yue Pengju didn't care. He took down a nourishing and oily roast duck, wrapped it with the big lotus leaves collected next to it, tore off a big duck leg, took out the prepared wooden stick and sign, put it on and handed it to his son Lu Wenlong giggled, but ran over first: "Mom, here you are..."

Hua Rong took the duck leg. Yue Pengju came over and handed the other duck leg to his son. He sat down next to his wife and ate the rest of the shelf first

The three ate with relish. Yue Pengju looked at his wife's increasingly ruddy face and was very happy. Hua Rong saw her husband staring at him, reaching out to wipe an oil smoke on his face, and smiled: "Peng Ju, I think I'm much better."

After a long illness, he accompanied his wife for a long time and became almost half a doctor. He took her by the hand, looked at her complexion, nodded, "he will recover."

In the distance, it was the bodyguard's voice: "Yue Xianggong..."

Yue Pengju stood up, and the bodyguard took Feng Yi, another close eunuch of the emperor Feng Yi and the two of them also recognized each other, and they laughed from a distance: "Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, Mrs. Yue, how is your condition?"

"It's hard for Lao Feng to rush around."

The three simply talked, and Yue Peng raised his decree. It was originally some Ganoderma lucidum and an autograph sent by the emperor

Yue Peng looked at it once and gave it to his wife again

Hua Rong looked at it. It was Zhao Deji's autograph. In addition to the usual greetings about her injury, it said that now the puppet regime of the state of Jin, the puppet army of Qi Liu Yu, has won several prefectures and counties in succession, and there is a trend of large-scale attacks across the Huaihe river Although the letter did not mention that Yue Pengju hurried back to reply to his life, the implication was revealed After reading it, Hua Rong was very unhappy. He glanced at Yue Pengju again, and the couple looked at each other. Yue Pengju said to Feng Yi, "thank you for your kindness. My wife's body is not healed, and she can't serve the grace of the court for the time being. It's against your Majesty's grace."

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