One Night Bride

Chapter 224

Feng Yi looked at Hua Rong, as if she was shocked by her "terminal illness". The woman looked like she was dying of a terminal illness? He said with a smile, "it's my old friend. I'm very worried about Mrs. Yue's injury in the palace. I also sent boys to find Ganoderma lucidum and bring it to Mrs. Yue together..."

Hua Rong said, "thank you for your trouble."

Feng Yi said, "General Yue is powerful all over the world. Now the country is in a troubled time. I only hope that Mrs. Yue can recover as soon as possible. The official family has deep hopes for you two..."

The flower couldn't hold her breath anymore, so she asked, "now, what official position has Qin Hui been promoted?"

Feng Yi smiled very vaguely and pointed his voice: "Lord Qin, if you have a capable wife, you will naturally get promoted and get rich..."

Hua Rong was surprised. She knew father-in-law Kang well and knew that eunuchs loved to spread gossip. Feng Yi's eyes at this time clearly showed that there were ghosts. Was Wang Junhua really so powerful that he made waves in the palace again? Wang Junhua has seen how to flatter Jin Wushu with her own eyes There is a kind of woman who, in order to achieve her goal and curry favor, does not hesitate to turn herself into a pug that can wag her tail at any time, even the cheapest curry favor can be done If Wang Junhua applies this to other men, it can be imagined that how many men in the world can refuse?

She said bluntly, "the officials trust Qin Hui?"

Feng Yi lowered his voice a little: "the officials trust Mrs Qin more..."

Who knows the emperor's private life better than the eunuch who gets along day and night?

Hua Rong's heart suddenly cooled, and Yue Peng looked at each other

"My emperor seems to be the emperor. Haha, you two, when you have fun, you are happy. Of course, the country is important, and your own enjoyment is the most important..." Feng Yi laughed, "your family is leaving."

"Senior official Feng is easy to leave."

Feng Yi is a famous Raider in the eunuch. In the past, Huang Qianshan, Wang Boyan and others asked him to speak from it in order to get close to the emperor. I don't know how much benefit they gave him. He collected almost all the silver in the civil and military dynasties of the Manchu Dynasty, but Yue Pengju's husband and wife's famous cold, he knew at a glance that he couldn't get anything out of the raider, and hurried to leave

As soon as Feng Yi left, both of them were in no mood, and their good mood was destroyed

My emperor is like the emperor!

In fact, I understand it, I have understood it for a long time, but I still feel uncomfortable hearing it so naked

Hua Rong slowly said, "the puppet Qi army came out at this time, and the court negotiated peace at this time. It seems that the state of Jin is playing with two handed policies again."

The puppet Qi attack was launched by Liu Yu himself and was not nominally "directed" by the state of Jin. Therefore, the imperial court cannot blame the state of Jin, and the peace talks are still unfolding In the letter, Zhao Deji mentioned a very important feeling to the effect that he was very worried about the safety of his mother. Only by building a country with a gentleman and based on benevolence and filial piety can he set an example to the world Hua Rong thought, is this a gesture he expressed towards the Jin peace talks?

However, will Liu Yu's attack completely tear down the fig leaf of his "benevolence and filial piety"?

After all, she couldn't hold her breath and said angrily, "at present, Qin Hui is leading the court and Liu Yuwei is forcing it outside. What hope is there in this world?"

Yue Peng held her shoulder and said faintly, "it's not up to us to decide, sister seventeen, take care of yourself first."

Hua Rong looked at his steady eyes and smiled, "yes, Peng Ju, I can't hold my breath."

Yue Pengju also smiled: "when you get better, no matter what decision you want to make, I'll follow you. Now, don't think about anything."

She nodded and chewed on the duck leg, but she felt no taste at all

When the three of the family came home in the twilight, they saw an unexpected guest who had been waiting for a long time

King Qin saw the three people far away. He was excited. Seeing Hua Rong approaching, his voice trembled slightly: "girl..."

Hua Rong was very surprised. These days, she actually knew that King Qin must be around here, but she didn't know what he was doing She stood still. King Qin groped and suddenly took something out of his arms: "girl, this is the wound medicine I found. You take it in three days..."


Hua Rong looked at this bag of strange things and had never seen such a strange "medicine" in her life

Is it true that King Qin stayed here for such a long time to look for such things? She took the medicine: "qinshangcheng, thank you very much. I'm much better."

He looked at her and gradually took a ruddy face: "girl, this is better than Ganoderma lucidum, you must take it as soon as possible."

"OK. Thank you very much."

The two answered each other blandly, as if they were two ordinary friends

Yue Pengju held his son in his arms and took the medicine in his wife's hand. King Qin kept his face from beginning to end, and did not greet him as if he had never seen him He saluted, "thank you, King Qin!"

King Qin snorted coldly, "I have nothing to do with you. You don't need to thank me."

Yue Peng Ju also smiled, "well, in that case, the gratitude and resentment are cleared."

He snorted coldly, "that's it. It was Lao Tzu who hurt him. Lao Tzu will naturally be responsible to the end. Therefore, you don't need to talk."

Yue Pengju didn't care. Lu Wenlong couldn't help chirping when he saw that the people ignored him: "bad guy, I learned to catch birds. My father taught me..."

He looked proud and was deeply impressed by the "big villain"

King Qin glared at him, "little rabbit, you have a good memory, remember me..." when he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a gadget from his arms, which was a arhat who could fight. As soon as he pressed the mechanism, he would hit the eighteen style arhat boxing: "do you want it? It will teach you to fight."

Lu Wenlong was very happy when he saw it. "Bad guy, it's very kind of you. But how to use it..."

Hua Rong couldn't help but smile and scold him lightly: "boy, don't be rude, call uncle..."

Yue Peng was stunned, and King Qin was also stunned

Hua Rong's voice was soft. He stepped forward and suddenly bowed to King Qin: "thank you very much. If you don't dislike it, can I call you 'sworn brother'?"

These days, she thought about her entanglement with King Qin more than once. After ten years of entanglement, this "sworn brother" screamed so reluctantly, but there was no other way

King Qin stood there for a long time without saying a word This result was requested twice by myself, but one day, when it really came, it was like a blow to the head, a kind of despair, covering the head

It turned out that it was already the end, but he refused to admit it Just like a tiger, struggling with the last blow, it found that it had lost the last drop of blood

He straightened his neck: "girl, this medicine needs to be taken continuously for three days. Each time, it must be mixed with dew in the third watch, and taken all the time..."


Her voice was so soft and full of gratitude

Even if it's a nagging advice, it's over, there's nothing to say, and there's no way to go King Qin stared at her, like a beast in trouble

Still a child, unable to stand the undercurrent between adults, he jumped out of his father's arms and walked to King Qin with his head askew: "big villain..."

Seeing that King Qin should not, he took his hand, shook it vigorously, and tilted his head

King Qin just stared at him: "little rabbit, what are you doing?"

"I can't use this thing. Teach me..."

With dry eyes, he lowered his head, took the gadget in the child's hand and activated the mechanism

The sun had already set, the breeze was flowing around the wooden house, and the air was surprisingly quiet, only the children's laughter and the sound of arhat boxing

Four people formed a wonderful quadrangular relationship. Far away, masu and others stood aside and sighed secretly

"Dad, look, look, it can fight... Dad, it's so funny..."

The child ran to his father with arhat in his hand. Yue Peng smiled, nodded to his son, and suddenly said, "uncle gave you such a funny thing. Please invite uncle to eat..."

The child kowtowed respectfully and shouted happily, "uncle, Dad invites you to dinner..."

King Qin couldn't speak, so he held hands and dragged him into the room alive

This is the first time that King Qin entered this wooden house. The windows around it are bright and clean. A cool piece of wild cow hide is spread on the broad earth Kang, and a table is placed on it

Yue Peng raised his hand and shouted, "there are guests tonight. Please make more dishes."

The bodyguard promised to rectify immediately

Hua Rong followed him silently, and everyone sat around on the table on the Kang

After a while, a table of rich dishes has been put on the table: a dish of preserved tiger meat, dried bear paws, roasted wild duck, Smoked Wild lamb legs, and Wuwei wild vegetables

Two jars of wine were placed on the table and the clay sculpture was patted open

There were four big bowls on the table. Yue Pengju first took a kind of sugar water made of mountain wild honey, poured a big bowl for his wife and son respectively, and then poured two big bowls full in the other two big bowls

King Qin did not look at anyone, only carrying his bowl of wine For the first time in my life, I feel that wine is such a bad thing to drink

The wind blows in from the open wooden window. In the long summer weather, you can see the unpredictable burning clouds in the sky, which outline a layer of Phnom Penh. Then, there are large blue and cotton white clouds running slowly

He couldn't help but look at the woman sitting cross legged across the street. There were still small wild flowers on her hair worn by the child. His slender hands were holding chopsticks. His eyes were so bright and his expression was so soft

What a wonderful feeling

What a sour feeling

The child looked at the three adults curiously: "eat, why don't you eat?"

The three woke up like a dream. Yue Peng raised his wine bowl with a laugh: "King Qin, I've known you for many years. This is the first time to drink with you. If you're not drunk tonight, you won't return."

King Qin did not answer, but just raised his neck, gulped and drank it in one gulp He picked up the wine jar in front of him and poured three bowls in succession

Yue Pengju also drank three bowls in a row

Hua Rong sat quietly aside and said softly, "Peng Ju, brother, don't just drink, eat something first..."

Seeing the piece of tiger meat she put on her plate, King Qin almost burst into tears. He didn't use chopsticks. He picked it up and put it in his mouth, ate it and laughed: "girl, this is the first time I ate the food you held..."

She smiled and added a few pieces of meat to his plate: "these days, you are at the border of the kingdom of gold?"


"Where's the tie?"

"When he came out, he still didn't want to go to the sea. He said he was afraid of the heat of the sea and stayed in Yanjing."

"Do you have any strange news in the kingdom of Jin?"

King Qin was carrying a wine bowl. It was obviously dark night, but he could see her shadow in the dark night - the flickering wine waves, such as the sea at that time, the sparkling waves. He and she sat on the deck, talking about their early experiences, mountains and rivers

However, in the kingdom of Jin, for more than a year, what is there? Wandering in the White Mountains and black waters of the kingdom of gold every day, dealing with all kinds of plants, you almost become a medicine farmer. What strange experience do you have?

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