One Night Bride

Chapter 238

On this day, Wang Junhua went to the palace to thank him for getting a reward at the chrysanthemum feast

The little eunuchs knew how to arrange, and Zhao Deji was bored, so he arranged for her to have sex in the warm Pavilion

After having sex, Wang Junhua naturally pretended to be happy and fell in Zhao Deji's arms, panting in all ways Zhao Deji was very satisfied with her response, a little bit of the joy of being strong, which could not be felt in other wives and concubines, even if they were as good as Zhang Yingying

He said, "if only women were as gentle as you?"

Wang Junhua observed his words and expressions, knew that the time had come for pillow wind, and casually said, "last time I saw Mrs. Yue, she was valiant and valiant, but she didn't look like someone who had been seriously injured..."

Zhao De is basically suspicious of this At first, he got a report that Hua Rong was seriously injured and died, but he never saw it personally. This time, Hua Rong was a saint, but Hua Rong was more relaxed, better than before, and didn't seem to be injured at all As soon as the suspicion of being alone came up, it became suspicious. Was it not that the flower dissolved and sent the Jin Kingdom, perfunctory, ran back, afraid of being blamed by herself, and her husband and wife lied that they were seriously injured?

However, the matter was personally examined by the medical officer Wang Jixian. How could it be wrong?

Wang Junhua said softly again, "Mrs. Yue is really good. Yu Wenxu was detained, and she was able to escape back..."

Zhao Deji also knew a little about this. Hua Rong sheltered in the Jin Wu Shu mansion A man's jealousy is just Yue Pengju, but what is Jin Wushu? If a woman wants to rely on the generals of the enemy country, how can she know that there is no secret payment?

She took it and behaved in front of her. Was it like Wang Junhua around Jin Wushu? All the women I know in my life, there is no one who is not completely conquered by men, and she can be an exception?

Seeing this, Wang Junhua added fuel to the fire: "Mrs. Yue is so stubborn that she can't even appreciate the rewards of the officials..."

Zhao Deji snorted coldly. Wang Junhua immediately shut up, initiated flattery, and served him again. The two had sex again

At the end of the day, Wang Junhua suddenly sighed, and Zhao Deji asked why. She said, "that old devil of my family has been ill recently, and his back has acne... It's really annoying..."

"Qin Hui is ill? You can send Wang Jixian for treatment."

"Thank you for your grace."

Wang Junhua got up and put on his clothes. His face was crimson and he walked out of the warm Pavilion. As he walked, he couldn't help taking a robe and gently covering his mouth, smiling proudly, "Hua Rong, I want to see who exposed who!"

The capital is Lin'an

This is the first time that Yue Pengju and his wife have gone out to play since they came to Beijing

Lin'an is one of the prosperous places in the southeast. Earlier, Su Shi, a great talent, was sent here as a local official. After several renovations, the business here is prosperous, there are many shops, and there are the best book engraving in the world, the best silk, tea and beautiful scenery After Zhao Deji's sea shock, he felt that the "Palace" had changed again and again. Like a frightened bird, he mobilized the army to defend the river and made Lin'an the capital. From then on, he really began his career as an emperor

Thirty miles from the same building, I don't know where to find the lonely mountain

The couple, without any servants, took advantage of a relatively sunny weather and went out for the first time to enjoy the different customs of the capital

Although it is winter and everything is killing, the pines and cypresses here are still evergreen. This winter has never snowed so far. It is a warm winter. In this way, the boundary between autumn and winter is not very clear Compared with the heavy snow and mountain closure in elong town last winter, they both felt another novelty The mountain scenery in the distance is dark green, and a path of frost stained red leaves After all, it's winter. Soon after noon, the sun slowly fades away, and the water flower boats come and go, which is a bit of an atmosphere of fishing boats singing late

People come and go on the willow bank, and the evening wind blows on my face, which is cool Hua Rong is still looking at the boat on the west lake opposite, knowing that this ten mile wind and moon field has really ushered in its fragrant night. The sound of the pipa is breathtaking. The talented poets of the Song Dynasty have entered this enchanting hometown to drink and have fun

Yue Peng held his wife's hand and said softly, "is it cold? Let's go back."

Hua Rong stood up and smiled: "the scenery here is very good, but it's a pity that he didn't bring Wenlong boy."

"Next time you have a chance, you must take your child. Our family will travel to the West Lake together."

As they talked, they walked forward, only to hear the melodious flute sound under the willow bank in front and beside the boat The two of them couldn't help but stop and look. They saw the open boat, 35 women singing and dancing with water sleeves, and a person in the middle with light flute, white clothes and crazy shape. It was Zhai ruwen

He also saw the two people. The boat met for only more than a Zhang. He made people touch the shore and walked around. But he was shocked to see the couple strolling hand in hand How can a man come out with his wife like this and openly stroll hand in hand in Hualiu gentle Township? Generally, people come to have fun with young singers

He laughed and said, "can you have a drink together?"

Yue Peng shook his head. "Don't disturb Lord Zhai's Yaxing."

Hua Rong shook her head, smiled as a greeting, and went hand in hand with her husband After walking a few feet away, he shook his husband's hand low: "don't you envy Lord Zhai? Yingge and Yanwu..."

"Haha, he is dissolute, and he used to have no good wife. Didn't you see the envious eyes of Lord Zhai? He envies me. How can I envy him?"

Hua Rong pinched him gently, blushing, but his heart was extremely sweet

Along the way, there are hawkers selling jujube cakes and sweet scented osmanthus sweets. Yue Pengju took out dozens of Wen and bought two big bags. They ate while walking. At this time, it was already dark, and they were about to get home after another alley

Yue Pengju suddenly felt a chill, a soldier's unique intuition, pulled his wife and shouted, "be careful..."

Immediately, several long knives came, and several masked men rushed out of the woods, killing them all

Hua Rong hurriedly said, "Peng Ju, don't care about me."

Yue Pengju took out his knife at his waist and tried his best to protect his wife. Since he was injured, Hua Rong's body has been greatly damaged. Even with a small arrow, he can't shoot long-range and can't protect himself After several fights, he was stabbed in the arm and killed two assassins. The other two saw no enemy and retreated immediately

Yue Pengju did not catch up. He lit a torch and took off the face of the man in black. Just about to see it, he heard a "poof", and the bodies of the two men in black suddenly began to melt, soon becoming two pools of blood

Hua Rong is very frightened. Step back. Who feeds the dead so much? Is it ordinary people who can raise such a dead man?

Yue Pengju did not stop and hurried home to protect his wife

After closing the door, he poured a cup of tea for his wife himself, and then said, "I have never had a personal grudge between the two of us, but who wants to do this?"

Hua Rong didn't think about it: "it's Qin Hui, it must be Qin Hui. He and Wang Junhua are afraid that we will expose his old background." She said angrily, "in fact, your majesty will not listen to you, but still put Qin Hui in high position. How can I expose him!"

Yue Pengju thought for a moment: "the capital is not a place to stay for a long time. When the princess gets married, we will set off for Xiangyang immediately."

Hua Rong was even more disappointed, and suddenly had a terrible idea in her heart. If it wasn't Qin Hui, it was Zhao Deji who sent someone to kill his husband and wife If it's Zhao Deji!

She didn't dare to think any more. Looking at the high military general robe that the emperor rewarded her husband on one side of the table, she suddenly remembered King Qin's words, "if you work for Zhao Deji again, you and Yue Pengju will be dead!"

Is it true that one word will become prophecy?

The next day, the couple just got up and suddenly reported that the emperor had sent someone to visit

The visitors are Kang Gonggong and Wang Jixian, a medical officer

Both of them were surprised. What did the medical officer do?

At this time, Wang Jixian's demeanor was many times greater than when he visited elong town. Although he was at the home of Xuanfu envoy, his expression was still very arrogant

Kang Gonggong smiled: "after the chrysanthemum appreciation meeting, the officials were worried about Mrs. Yue's body, and Lord Wang was specially sent for a follow-up visit."

Hua Rong is a little confused. What does the emperor mean?

Wang Jixian said, "Madam Yue, I'll show you when I'm at home."

Across the curtain of treating the women's family members, Wang Ji first felt his pulse, then looked around, rubbed his beard, and looked very strange: "what medicine did Mrs. Yue take later?"

Hua Rong thought of the strange medicine sent by King Qin, and was about to answer, but Yue Pengju spoke first and calmly: "madam, for more than a year, she took the Ganoderma lucidum given by her majesty every day, supplemented by tiger bones to boil soup, without interruption, relying on her Majesty's blessing, she finally stood up..."

Hua Rong's heart was cold. She didn't say King Qin anymore, but just nodded Wang Jixian was very surprised and said slowly, "Mrs. Yue's injury has healed."

When he saw the flower dissolving and stopped talking, Yue Peng asked on behalf of his wife, "Lord Wang, do you still have hope for offspring?"

Wang Jixian shook his head. "Mrs. Yue's recovery from her injury is a great joy. Don't expect too much for anything else."

Yue Peng looked miserable and sighed, "poor family, the incense is cut off."

Seeing that her husband was like this, Hua Rong matched his expression, sobbed and bowed his head

Wang Jixian saw that Hua Rong's face was as white as a piece of paper, and smiled and comforted them: "how can things in the world be satisfactory? Besides, it's easy for Lord Yue to have children, as long as his wife is tolerant, takes concubines, and wants to have ten men and eight women..."

Hua Rong's face was even worse. She turned her head and made no sound

Kang Gonggong observed his words and expressions, smiled and answered: "Mrs. Yue, don't be upset. Things in the world, take a step by step, and there will be a way to the front of the mountain..." he said as he opened the box, "this is the Ganoderma lucidum awarded by your majesty, and your majesty has been thinking about your body. Another pair of tiger headed jade kylin is awarded to little prince Wen long. Your majesty wants to see Lord Lu's orphan, and personally praise the loyalty."

Hua rongdan saw the strange smile of the two people, and suddenly understood that Zhao Deji was sending someone to inquire about his fertility This was originally the pain in her heart. Now, before she was exposed again, she felt Zhao Deji's hypocrisy at the sight of this Ganoderma lucidum. She also heard that Zhao Deji wanted to see his son and immediately declined. Yue Pengju still calmly thanked him first: "thank you for your grace. Your majesty wants to commend Lord Lu's loyal orphan, and I thank you for my son first. Besides, the scenery in Hangzhou is good, so my husband and wife can't help staying longer. I immediately sent someone back to Xiangyang to pick up my son and go to Beijing to meet the saint."

Wang Jixian and Kang Gonggong left now

As soon as they left, Hua Rong was very angry. Looking at the box, she sneered, "I'm already well. What do you want this thing to do?"

Yue Peng sat down beside her and hugged her shoulder: "if you have a disease, you can cure it, but if you haven't, why should seventeen sister be angry?" Seeing his wife unhappy, he laughed and lowered his voice, "since ancient times, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. If he is afraid of being eaten by a tiger, it is better to leave the tiger."

Hua Rong closed her eyes and leaned against her husband's arms: "Peng Ju, I really hope I'm still in elong Town, how happy."

Yue Peng held his wife in his arms, and his heart was very heavy. He needed to know that elong town was also under the feet of the son of heaven

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