One Night Bride

Chapter 239

Kang Gonggong and Wang Jixian returned to the palace and immediately reported to zhaodeji

Zhao Deji asked, "what is the real situation of Huarong?"

Wang Jixian played, "it's strange that Mrs. Yue should recover from her illness, only because she used Ganoderma lucidum and tiger bones."

He pondered, "was Hua Rong not so seriously injured at that time?"

Hua Rong's injury was diagnosed by Wang Jixian himself. Isn't it self defeating to talk back now? Although he was also surprised and suspicious, he said flatly, "this was my personal diagnosis and treatment. At that time, she was almost cured."

Zhao Deji relied entirely on Wang Jixian's medicine to treat impotence. He couldn't change the medicine of any other medical officer. He trusted him more than any concubines. Seeing him like this, he stopped asking, and just said, "what kind of elixir did she take?"

Wang Jixian naturally refused to admit that there were better doctors in the world than himself, so he said, "since I practiced medicine, I have seen thousands of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Like Mrs. Yue, there is no magic medicine. It is estimated that she took a large amount of superior Ganoderma lucidum and absorbed its essence, and there is a possibility of recovery."

Kang Gonggong interposed: "although Mrs. Yue is cured, she is also a useless person, poor..."

Seeing the emperor's wink, Wang Jixian hurriedly told Zhao Deji what he most wanted to know, "Mrs. Yue's pulse is disordered, and there is no possibility of childbirth in her life."

"The servant saw that she was extremely desperate, and he was afraid that Lord Yue would take a concubine. He cried bitterly. The woman was so pathetic."

Zhao Deji also didn't know whether he was happy or sorry. He sighed a faint sigh of relief in his heart and said, "it's really pathetic for rong'er to be so. However, Yue Pengju has publicly admitted in the temple that he was monogamous in this life. How can I let him fail rong'er?"

They immediately understood that the emperor's move was to stop Yue Peng's idea of "taking concubines and continuing incense" In this dynasty, the imperial court prevented the military generals from dying. Just like eunuchs, the reason why they were trusted by the emperor was that they had no children. Usually, they believed that eunuchs would not have ambition to rebel The best way to trust a general is that he has no descendants and no heirs

Zhao Deji ordered, "send orders and give some more miraculous drugs to ronger."


On the eve of Princess Tianwei's wedding, Hua Rong was invited to visit

Besides Tian Wei and Wan Wan, the Empress Dowager is present The Empress Dowager was the Empress Dowager of zhe Zong. When Jingkang was in great trouble, she escaped because she practiced outside the palace. Later, she personally wrote an imperial edict to order Zhao Deji to ascend the throne It was not until Lin'an, the capital, was taken back to the palace, but in order to avoid disputes, she lived alone in the Qingxiu outside the palace

The Empress Dowager has no children and no daughters. Zhao Deji, the nephew, has been filial to her since he became king. However, seeing his nephew act, he knows that he wants to revive the Song Dynasty, which is inevitable After Tian Wei returned home, she didn't want to stay in the palace for a long time to deal with Princess pan Xian and Wu jinnu, so she took over her aunt knee, accompanied her day and night, and treated her like her mother

Hua Rong saw the Empress Dowager for the first time and hurried to salute The Empress Dowager looked at her carefully. Although she was thin, she had goose egg cheeks and slender eyebrows. The ancients paid attention to her face, which was exactly the auspicious appearance in the photo book She immediately said, "no need to be polite." Tian Wei personally picked up the flower, and the Empress Dowager smiled: "Ai Jia heard that Tian Wei and Wan Wan have mentioned Mrs. Yue many times. Today, I can see that Fang Mingming is not false."

Hua Rong took a fancy to the old empress dowager. Wan Wan grabbed her and chirped, "sister Hua, do you know? The evil woman Wang Junhua didn't show up..."


"Qin Hui had a big sore on his back and went to recuperate outside the capital. It was Wang Jixian who diagnosed and treated him."

Hua Rong was secretly surprised. At this time, what big sore did Qin Hui have?

Tian Wei frowned: "Wang Junhua, a wicked woman, disturbed the palace, but it was pure without seeing her. I hope brother nine will never contact her again..."

Naturally, the Empress Dowager had already learned about Wang Junhua's behavior through Tianwei and others. She saw that her two nieces were filled with righteous indignation, and Hua Rong only listened silently and nodded secretly before slowly saying, "listen, Tianwei, wanwan, you two. This dynasty is not more open than the customs of the Tang Dynasty, and the female relatives are strictly forbidden to interfere in politics. Fortunately, the ninth brother is still considerate to the three of us, and you two don't need to comfort the ninth brother to avoid causing trouble. Just keep silent, so as to ensure long-term prosperity."

As she spoke, she took another meaningful look at Huarong

Hua Rong was silent. Seeing her eyes, the Empress Dowager smiled and said, "I'm tired. I'll go and have a rest first."

Qin Fu

This is an imperial mansion less than 100 miles away from the capital. It is the place where the Emperor gave Qin Hui to recuperate

At night, the light in the study was on early. Wang Junhua couldn't stand loneliness. He hated to enter the study and grabbed Qin Hui's wisps of yellow whiskers. He angrily said, "old man, you don't enjoy the prosperity and wealth of the capital. What disease are you hiding here? I'm also suffering with you in this ghost place..."

Qin Hui hurriedly said, "madam, don't worry. After such a day, you can soon become the hostess of the feast, and the first hostess of absolute scenery..."

"True or false?"

As soon as Qin Hui received Gao Yigong's order, he immediately pretended to be ill and asked for leave. Wang Junhua was a woman. She couldn't see through the mystery and didn't think so: "the fourth Prince didn't make you resign."

"Although I can't guess all the plans of the fourth prince, it must be beneficial to take leave at this time. Madam, don't worry. Maybe after this level, you will be rich and noble one day waiting for us."

Wang Junhua was even happier and grabbed Qin Hui's beard again: "old devil, what's the mystery? Tell me quickly..."

Qin Hui was pulled so that his chin was about to break, and his mouth was tilted in pain: "the old man told me immediately, tell me immediately..."

When it was hot, I heard the old housekeeper's voice knocking gently three times outside the door: "master..."

Wang Junhua hurried to open the door. Seeing Gao Yigong with an emissary, he hurried and respectfully asked, "what is the order of the fourth prince?"

Gao Yigong took out a small box. Wang Junhua was overjoyed to see that the fourth Prince actually remembered to bring a gift for himself. When he saw that it was a set of jewelry, he immediately saluted: "thank you, the fourth prince. If the fourth Prince has orders, his family will follow them through fire and water."

Gao Yigong said with a smile, "why do you need to go through fire and water? Just enjoy honor."

"We don't have to do anything?"

"It's a great achievement that Mr. Qin successfully took leave."

Qin Hui asked him to take out 100 yuan: "thank you, Lord Gao."

Gao Yigong accepted happily and was about to leave Wang Junhua stopped him, looked at the gift given to him by the fourth prince, and smiled, "does the fourth Prince have any other orders?"

Gao Yigong shook his head

Wang Junhua was a little disappointed, unwilling to ask again, "what about the disposal of Hua Rong's bitch?"

"The fourth prince said, but it's up to the wife."

This "expediency" really surprised and delighted Wang Junhua, but Gao Yigong said: "Hua Rong colluded with King Qin to humiliate the fourth prince. The fourth Prince hates him to the bone, and will personally execute this culprit, so don't bother Mrs. Qin..."

King Qin teased Jin Wu Shu after Qin Hui returned to Song Dynasty. Wang Junhua did not know this past Gao Yigong didn't hide it, and told the story roughly. Wang Junhua clapped his hands and was filled with righteous indignation: "this bitch, who dared to collude with the adulterer to tease the fourth prince in this way, really deserved to die. And Yelv Guanyin, this bitch, also died well. Her bastard should be thrown to feed wild dogs. Alas, it's all the kindness of the fourth Prince's house, and he should forgive such shameless * *"

In her mind, the fourth Prince has always been the noblest God slander and the noblest master, especially after returning to the Song Dynasty, Qin Hui was weak, and Zhao Deji was an unattractive silver like Pewter gun head. She felt that all men in the world were not as good as a fourth prince. Hearing that he was humiliated, she was really "feeling the same", not only hated Yelv Guanyin, but also secretly determined that Hua Rong dared to insult the fourth prince like this. She must try to solve her and breathe out for the fourth prince

Seeing her resentment, Gao Yigong said, "the fourth prince should enjoy the pleasure of personally cutting the enemy. Madam doesn't have to intervene."

"I have my own concerns. Don't worry, my Lord."

As soon as Gao Yigong and others left, Wang Junhua hated and said, "my biggest wish now is to quickly solve the thorns of Hua Rong and Yue Pengju."

Qin Hui said, "if things go as I expected, don't mention getting rid of Yue Pengju and Hua Rong, even if you want to get rid of Tianwei, it's easy."

When King Qin and others arrived in the capital, it was the wedding day of Princess Tianwei, the long Princess of the Song Dynasty

The son-in-law is a wealthy Gao family outside the city. His name is Gao Rong, and his mother is a miss of the Chai family, the first Haozu in the state of song

Zhao Deji's brother and sister are dozens of people. After the Jingkang disaster, all their relatives died, leaving only this sister who has experienced disaster. She also wants to take advantage of this happy event to cheer up the hearts of the people of the Song Dynasty, unite the people of the south, and never treat her poorly at the wedding

The Emperor gave his son-in-law a gift of jade belt, boots, dust Wat, saddle, 100 red Luos, 100 pairs of silverware, 100 clothes, 10000 liang of silver, and a luxury mansion on the outskirts of the city

And the things of the dowry are more unambiguous, including a piece of gorgeous clothes decorated with pearls, nine colorful golden pheasants, a crown of four Phoenix, a pair of pearl jade pendant embroidered with pheasants, a gold leather belt, a jade dragon crown, a ribbon jade ring, a North Pearl crown flower comb ring, a seven treasure crown flower comb ring, a pearl coat, a half sleeved jacket, a pearl emerald collar four hour clothes, beads inlaid gold ware, gold applicators, gold stickers, gold stickers when traveling, and other items, as well as brocade and gold curtains, decorations, Mats, mattresses, carpets, screens, etc

On this day, Princess Tianwei wore a nine Hui four Phoenix crown, a wedding dress embroidered with a long tailed pheasant and light red sleeves, and sat in a sedan chair without barriers Princess pan Xian led a group of concubines to the palace gate in person

In front of the bride's sedan chair is the astronomer, who should be equipped with dowry items and servants according to the identity of the princess, 20 pairs of candles and lanterns, corresponding envoys, eight children with hairpins, four square fans, four round fans, ten basins of guiding flowers, 20 lanterns, walking obstacles and sitting obstacles The princess is surrounded by two rings on both sides Behind the princess, there are relatives who send their relatives, he wanwan, Hua Rong and others

This is her request. She has suffered too much. Even if it is golden branches and jade leaves, there are few people around who can really be trusted. Therefore, she unconsciously gets close to Wan Wan and Hua Rong and sincerely asks them to send them off Naturally, the two would not refuse, and even Hua Rong, who had never participated in the fun, immediately agreed

At this time, Gao Rong, his son-in-law, had already been riding a tall horse at the Donghua gate. This was the first time Tian Wei saw him. He saw him riding a horse covered with a saddle bridle painted with gold litchi flowers and a mattress made of golden monkey fur, holding a whip made of silk thread, with a three brimmed umbrella on his head. The Royal band of 50 people played music in front of him to open the way. Although his face was nervous, he was also a talent He took wild geese, coins and silk as betrothal gifts (wild geese, considered by the ancients to be loyal birds.) His eyes touched Tianwei, and he was surprised at the beautiful face under the Phoenix crown. He was even more flustered and hurried to salute. Then, he guided the princess's sedan chair around the main streets of the capital for a week, so that the people could see the princess Tianyan

The streets of Lin'an are already crowded. On the middle Avenue, the astronomer who opened the road threw dried fruits at passers-by, and the crowd of onlookers were laughing and fighting on both sides

Tian Wei sat nervously in the sedan chair, under the crown of the Phoenix, her face blushing, and the crowds on both sides exclaimed from time to time, "the princess is so beautiful..."

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