One Night Bride

Chapter 240

"The country is beautiful..."

Far away, in the crowd, three people were squeezed in, and then squeezed in. Finally, the princess's sedan chair was carried over in red Masu looked at her in the crowd, feeling everything in her heart

It's no longer a miserable and weak appearance on the way to escape. She has a phoenix crown and a beautiful face, but it's a time of great scenery His heart was slightly sour, and he couldn't help but take another step forward, vaguely expecting that at this moment, it would be good to see her really

Tian Wei gently lifted the car curtain and looked out, vaguely feeling that there was a familiar face in the crowd Her heart jumped wildly, thinking that she was dazzled and could not care about anything else, she opened the thin gauze curtain further and raised the heavy crown high. However, thousands of people were bustling, such as flowing paintings, where was the shadow of that person?

She was suspicious and looked carefully all the way, but she never had that familiar face after all I thought, how can he appear in the capital?

He is a pirate, a pirate and a princess. They are two completely different worlds

She gently lowered the veil and hung her head, fearing no more random thoughts I am a princess, a golden branch and jade leaf of the Song Dynasty. In the future, I will have my son-in-law and my husband. Will I be happy in this life?

On the bridal sedan chair, her eyes almost leached with tears. After a while, she raised her head and smiled on her face. She looked at the noisy crowd outside again, looking at the people of the Song Dynasty who lived and worked in peace and contentment for the time being

This is my responsibility as a princess, so I must do it to the end

The son-in-law in front of him suddenly turned sideways, and she was facing his eyes on the gauze curtain

Their eyes met, and he blushed before her, making him more nervous

Tian Wei put down the veil and didn't lift it again along the way

Seeing that the bridal sedan chair is about to pass through this street, and then the bridegroom's mansion, the wedding procession is about to return

Hua Rong suddenly felt a little strange, raised his head and looked around

In the vast sea of people, I saw such a tall figure with smiling eyes and a ferocious face, which made the people around him dare not get too close

She was stunned, and her eyes also looked at herself, so eager that she even saw his lips, "girl, girl..."

She burst into laughter

King Qin had already seen her in the crowd Seeing her wearing a festive red dress like all the women's dependents, such a gorgeous red made her white face a little more charming, like a flower in full bloom

Girl is well, girl is really cured!

He was overjoyed

Suddenly, she looked at herself, and suddenly smiled like that, with the tip of her eyebrows slightly bent, the corners of her mouth slightly cocked up, her lips so red, faintly visible, so white and neat shell teeth, such a smile, it was like a spring breeze, which he had never seen in his life

She suddenly stretched out her hand, which seemed to brush her face inadvertently, but she waved to her slightly, raised her head, and her fingers were slender, like the greenest spring onions

He was very excited. In the vast sea of people, she saw herself so clearly!

He almost jumped up, and the dried fruit thrown by the astronomer almost hit his face He couldn't help but look a little embarrassed. He glanced again, but he saw that the girl had come to the front. This time, the smile on her face was deeper, thinking that she was laughing at her embarrassment He couldn't help laughing, as if he saw the flowers that had saved all spring bloom suddenly in winter

At the gate of the son-in-law's mansion, the sending off team completed its mission

Tianwei turns back and looks at Wan Wan and Hua Rong. They wave to her, smile and bless her with their mouths, and then leave slowly

On the roadside, the carriage that greeted stopped, which was sent by the princess's house Wan Wan was a little sad about Princess Tianwei's marriage: "sister Hua, I'll send you back first."

Hua Rong smiled and shook her head, "naturally someone will pick me up."


Just as her voice fell, at the fork of the road, she saw an unobtrusive carriage stop. The old servant drove the carriage. It was Yue Pengju who came down

She whispered with a smile, "sister Hua, brother Yue is really great."

Hua Rong also replied with a low smile, "yes."

The two of them said goodbye immediately, and the flower melted away. Yue Peng raised his hand and pulled her onto the horse's back. In a soft voice, he asked, "are you tired today?"

She shook her head, her cheeks crimson, her eyes bright: "Peng Ju, I think the son-in-law is not bad. The princess must have a spouse this time. But guess, who did I see today?"

"See who?"

"See Qin Shangcheng. Seen from a distance in the crowd, he was with Ma Su and others."

Yue Pengju was very surprised. King Qin came to the capital again from a long distance. What's the matter?

He thought for a moment, "I saw that his medicine came strangely. Is there anything strange?"

"Yes, I've been strange, too. I really want to see him and ask."

Yue Peng shook his head and said in a low voice, "this is the capital. King Qin is coarse and fine. If he wants to come to us, he will naturally come. If he doesn't show up, he doesn't want to expose his identity, so we must not take the initiative to find him."

Hua Rong immediately understood that her husband's intention was to protect King Qin. He had to be careful about every move under the feet of the emperor. Recently, the situation is very delicate, so why bother dragging King Qin into the water? What's more, I vaguely know that in this world, in addition to Peng Ju, the only one I can really trust is king Qin

She nodded immediately, "I don't ask him."

Yue Peng raised his smile and patted his wife's hand. "Since he has become your adoptive brother, he will come to see you sooner or later. It's not too late to ask him then."

"Well, that's just right."

Zuixiang restaurant, the largest restaurant in Beijing

The luxurious elegant rooms on the third floor were beautifully decorated. The women serving the dishes were gorgeous round by round. Then, a group of more beautiful people began to play and sing

However, soon, the shopkeeper came and told them to retreat, because today's guests didn't like this

The crowd quickly exited, leaving only a room full of delicious food and wine. Then, the two people slowly came in and sat down Father Kang beamed, held up the jade cup, drank it all in one gulp, and sighed, "my family is in the palace, and I rarely have the opportunity to come out so happy. Thank you, King Qin."

King Qin laughed and waved his hand. Ma Su took out a big dish and covered it with red silk. Father Kang smiled, "what's the good dish today?"

He opened it and couldn't close his mouth with laughter. There were two superior ginseng trees on the plate

"Senior officials can choose time to supplement and prolong life."

Although Kang Gonggong was in the palace, it was extremely difficult for his family to get such ginseng This made him happier than gold. Without the pleasure of women, the eunuch's love for property was particularly doubled He put away the ginseng: "your kindness is welcome at home. Thank you very much."

After drinking a cup, King Qin casually said, "who is the most powerful in the capital at this time?"

"The king asked the right person. In the capital, Qin Hui was originally the most powerful. He competed with LV Yihao for the position of the Privy Council and Zhai ruwen for the position of the Privy Council, which almost dominated the world. In fact, he was the prime minister..." father Kang's small eyes beamed, "how can those two compete with him? Qin Hui has a good wife to help him..." then, he told him the scandal between Wang Junhua and Zhao Deji. Finally, he said, "I think that although Hua Rong never married the official family, he has lived and died for the official family several times, and his family also sees it in their eyes. Accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger. The two of them have made great contributions to the rescue. Now, Hua Rong doesn't know how to advance or retreat, just afraid of the official family..."

"Haha, these two people are famous for their ignorance. Senior official Kang, come on, let's drink three cups first."

Kang Gonggong drank three cups in a row. At this time, he had drunk a total of more than ten cups, with a bit of alcohol. He couldn't help but be happy, and his natural gossip factor occurred: "today, my family tells you a great secret. After the official family escaped from the sea, he became impotent, and the so-called Yuxing is just a show..."

King Qin was surprised. This was the first time he had heard the news of such an explosion Although this matter is not absolutely confidential among eunuchs and concubines, the outside world knows nothing about it

What a chaotic situation is it for impotent officials to have an affair with the wives of current ministers?

King Qin deliberately asked in surprise, "how did Hua Rong offend the emperor?"

Kang Gonggong lowered his voice: "To be honest, the official family has changed greatly since they got this impotence disease, and their suspicion has become more and more serious. He suspects that the dissolution of flowers is detrimental to the state of Jin, and the injury is deceptive, so he united with Yue Pengju to deceive the king. In addition, these two people somehow offended Qin Hui, and Wang Junhua repeatedly blew pillows in front of the official family. They have followed the official family for many years, and they have countless friends. Yue Pengju and his wife are ignorant of good and evil, and they have no money to bribe. What good end can there be? King, although the dissolution of flowers is beautiful, Wang Jixian has already died After re diagnosis, it only blooms but does not seed. Fortunately, the king never married her... "


King Qin laughed and drank three cups in a row before saying, "Yue Peng is damned, and Hua Rong is even more stupid. Now, these two people are going to have no children and grandchildren. Will Lao Tzu take them to heart again?"

Kang Gonggong laughed and said, "if your majesty wants to deal with Yue Pengju, his family just helps, and it's also a gift for you..."

"Well, well, thank you for your kindness, senior official Kang. However, he and Hua Rong have no children, and Hua Rong is a useless person. I'm too lazy to do it."

Kang Gonggong smiled politely and said, "yes, yes, your majesty, there are a lot of people. You don't bother to do it. Qin Hui will do it naturally. Qin Hui doesn't know why, he has a sore on his back and has gone to recuperate..."

"Oh?" This is another important message. King Qin was very interested, but pretended not to care, saying only, "I'm not interested in Qin Hui."

Kang Gonggong then said, "Qin Hui and LV Yihao compete for phase, and Zhai ruwen compete for control of the throne. Now that he is sick, he just lets that crazy student decide..."

The eunuchs were bribed by Qin Hui, and their impression of him was much better than Zhai ruwen's madness

Seeing that King Qin was not interested, Duke Kang poured him a glass of wine, and then asked, "your king is so heroic, how can you not choose another beauty to marry and have children?"

"I'm no longer interested in women."

Hearing this, Grandpa Kang was really overjoyed and more excited than receiving the box of Ganoderma lucidum This rich man is not interested in women. What is he interested in?

He narrowed his eyes with a smile: "yes, women are the same, there is no meaning..."

King Qin didn't know what he was thinking in this fashion, but seeing his eyes so strange, he felt that the dead eunuch was mysterious and hairy Kang Gonggong was even more attentive. He even grabbed his hand with the help of alcohol: "Your Majesty, how long will you stay in the capital this time?"

King Qin withdrew in disgust to drink, but remained calm and said with a smile, "now there is no business on the sea. I'll walk around and have a look."

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